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The Most Innovative New Approach for ADHD, a Natural Remedy
What's new and effective in the treatment of Attention problems? A powerful intervention that is clinically tested with computerized testing, not merely parent reports, has been available to the public since 1997, but is little known. It is an over the counter product that contains specific Amino Acid combinations, Essential Fatty Acids, Phospholipid complexes, and Homeopathic Medicines. This product works. And the manufacturer is so certian that it will work for your family that they offer a One Year Money Back Guarantee. This is the finest Natural Solution to attention problems available! ATTEND helped 80% of the subjects in the clinical trails to be more focused, to get their work done, and to think more clearly, as reported by the parents. Computerized CPT tests (using the TOVA test) showed that 70% of children and teens using ATTEND had better attention spans and focus to a task, were less impulsive (had more self-control), were more consistent in performance, processed information faster, and actually had faster reaction times after just 30 days of using ATTEND. The detailed Attend ingredients list is available at the ADHD Information Library, as are the data from the study, and a comparison of ATTEND's effective to stimulant medications and to EEG Biofeedback training. Douglas Cowan, Psy.D., is a family therapist who has been working with ADHD children and their families since 1986. He is the clinical director of the ADHD Information Library's family of seven web sites, including http://www.newideas.net, helping over 350,000 parents and teachers learn more about ADHD each year. Dr. Cowan also serves on the Medical Advisory Board of VAXA International of Tampa, FL., is President of the Board of Directors for KAXL 88.3 FM in central California, and is President of NewIdeas.net Incorporated.
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A Child Can Make a Difference Sometimes dreams really can come true! May 8th - 11th, 2000, my daughter and I traveled to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, because of a dream my daughter, Amanda, has to make a difference in this world. Amanda (then a 6th grader) entered McDonald's Millennium Dreamer contest and told them about her contributions to the humane society and her dream of making the world a better place for animals. Amanda's dream is to help homeless pets find homes, and she makes this dream a reality by writing a newsletter and donating all her profits to the humane society. Her entry won her and a parent an all-expenses-paid trip to Disney World to meet with other Millennium Dreamers from all over the world. 2,000 kids were chosen in all--1,000 from the U.S., and 1,000 from 90 other countries. Parenting Your Teenager: Kids and Money Most teens go into the work world ill-prepared to manage the money they will be making. Even if their parents have attempted to teach them about money, they still haven't had the wonderfully frightening experience we have all had. You know the one: It's called ``getting to the end of the money before the end of the month.'' Parenting Your Teenager: 6 Tips for Dealing with Bad Report Cards One of the basic issues we need to understand is that parents and teens view school very differently. This is important because often we believe that our kids look at school the same way we do. What About ADHD Teens and Driving? This is one of the most common questions asked of me by parents of teenagers who have ADHD. Keep the Little Ones Safe, Follow Pool Safety Guidelines Pool safety should be on the minds of every parent out there. If you are lucky enough to own an above ground pool or inground pool, you know there are certain safety precautions you must take to protect your children and the children of your friends and neighbors. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, 300 children under age 5 die and 2000 more children under age 5 visit hospital emergency rooms for submersion injuries every year. That's staggering. Some of the Sun Belt states list drowning as the leading cause of accidental death in the home of children under 5. These accidents usually occur in pools that are owned by their own family. These accidents happen quickly and a child can drowned in the time it takes to answer the phone. Usually the child that is in trouble is silent as there is no splashing around alerting anyone that they are in trouble. Medical costs are staggering and if the severely injured sustain brain damage, the expenses are even higher. Because of the dangers of a pool in your backyard, most cities require specific guidelines be followed for safety. As a homeowner and pool owner there are things you can do to prevent these accidents. What is Incest? Incest is sexual activity, ranging from fondling to intercourse, between family members who aren't married to one another. State laws vary regarding the type of sexual activity and also on what constitutes the type of kinship that indicates incest rather than just sexual abuse. What You Should Know About Counseling for Attention Deficit Disorder At the ADHD Information Library we are big believers that you should not just be giving a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder medication without also providing some sort of counseling or therapy. There are good, long-term studies that show that medication by itself over the long term is not a whole lot better than no treatment at all (Satterfield, et.al.). Medication for Attention Deficit Disorder is far more effective when it is combined with counseling of one type or another. But not all forms of counseling are worth the investment of time or money. Read on to learn what works and what does not. Teacher Tips: Your Room Set-Up and ADHD Students Thank you to all of our professional educators who dedicate themselves to our children! We know how difficult it can be working with ADHD children, so here are your teacher tips for the week, brought to you by the ADHD Information Library and ADDinSchool.com. You can read over 500 classroom interventions at http://www.ADDinSchool.com. Is Your Child Learning Nothing? You send your child to school and the teachers teach them. If that is what you think, you could be way wrong !While most teachers are good at presenting information to a class, learning happens ONLY if kids actually want to learn. Teachers may have little time for individual work, and you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.And in many schoolrooms today a majority of the class see learning as not cool, with kids trying hard to not learn !You may think that the school will tell you if your child is not learning, but you will probably be way wrong there.School funding generally depends on the school saying how good they are at teaching children, so often they will say that all kids are doing fine even when many are learning nothing.You may think that school inspectors will ensure that kids are learning well, but NO their job is only to ensure that teachers are teaching well.So is your child learning nothing ? Well many parents today find out by setting their children their own school tests - as by using Math Sheets that come with the answers. It can be made an easy fun 5-minute daily game "let's play our 'my school test' game".Not only will you then know that your child is learning, but you should find that you showing a little regular interest in their learning will increase their learning motivation strongly.You can stick to maths sheets only, or can vary your mini-school-test to science or other subjects using questions from their schoolbooks. Just keep it brief so it does not become a chore for them.If you show a little regular interest in your child's learning then they will want to learn, and will not follow anti-learning classmates.Then when the school says that your child is doing fine, it will happen to actually be the truth! Birth of a Parent So you're pregnant. Congratulations! Your life is about to change in ways you might find unthinkable (and we're not even talking about the surrender of your once slim waistline to proportions most comparable to that of a Dr. Suess character). Pregnancy is the beginning of a new life for a baby, but also a new life for you as a parent. If this is your first baby, you may be filled with an endless list of questions and concerns. If you're a veteran of the labor and delivery room, you've got a better idea what to expect, yet every pregnancy, like every mother and child, is different. How To Be A Bad Mother As I sit here and reflect on the past two days and really the past two months, I am flooded with memories of the past and present. All of these thoughts run through my head and I feel so angry and resentful. Let me say I have been mad in the past few years but in complete honesty I haven't been quite this angry and at this point I don't know how to begin the healing process. I am back down that road of self- awareness and concern. See this is the thing, I become angry about my raw deal and the way I have been treated but then it doesn't end there, this is what people don't get about me. I get angry at those who hurt me but then I also turn around and become more angry with myself for not knowing better. I refuse to listen to that inner voice that usually carries me through every hardship in life, I push it to the side and then I think there is no way you can have all this anger and a relationship with God. That will usually get me through every thing I have to go through but this time I feel it penetrating to my soul. Vehicle Safety - Following Simple Vehicle Safety Tips Can Reduce Auto Accidents and Injuries Child Car Seat Safety: Promoting Your Childs Motor Development Assuming there are no serious motor problems present, what can you, as an involved parent, do to help promote your child's motor development? To help ensure she becomes a competent, confident mover who enjoys and therefore takes part in physical activity? The answer is: Plenty! Wholism and Materialism Perhaps I could make a lot of money by founding a Thinker's Anonymous organization. It surely is the rage to eschew thinking. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: What Do We Mean by Attention Anyway? When we talk about attention, we are talking about two different kinds of abilities: The ability to focus on a specific task put in front of us to do, such as school work, and the ability to pay attention in a more global sense to the world around us, to be able to pay attention to the buzz of the lights overhead, and the touch of the clothes on your skin, and the children playing outside of the classroom. These are two different kinds of attention. Plane Trip with Kids Though you can cover even very long distances by car if you have the guts to, as soon as it comes to crossing water, you'll have to stick to a plane. The equation is the same as usual: limited space + long time of inactivity = whiny, annoying children. Theres a Lollipop on Your Bottom (and Other Terms of Endearment) "I took care of Callie," my three-year-old announced. Dealing with Lying: The Dos and Donts Jason Roberts listened to his son's explanation of the missing cookies and then called him a liar. Brenda Taylor thought her three-year-old's lies were cute, so she ignored them. Yee Chen told her daughter that if she told the truth this time, she would let it go. More Water, Not Less, Will Help End Bedwetting Children are notoriously bad at drinking enough liquids. They are sobusy playing they sometimes 'forget' to drink. Sometimes, childrenseem like camels - able to go for ages without having a drink.Obviously, when they are thirsty they will rush indoors for a drink.But often they look for sugary, caffeine-laden drinks which are greatfor quenching thirst, but do little for the body's fluid levels. Public-School True Believers with a Mission One reason public schools get away with educational failure, year after year, is because they are run by school officials who passionately believe in what they are doing. As the great English writer C. S. Lewis wrote, "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. Those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience." ![]() |
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