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The Psychology of Being Organized
Individuals who are organized in their personal lives most generally constitute efficient and organized employees in their work environments, succeed in their personal endeavors and are, more often than not, financially secure. Once an organizational state of mind is established, your status of efficiency in all areas of your life will ultimately benefit. There is a profound psychological thread that binds all areas of your existence into one distinctive unit. A messy house trashed with useless clutter is an abstract representation of many lives ? also muddled with unnecessary debris that needs to be regrouped, set aside, hidden out of sight or, better yet, disposed of completely. Wasted thoughts, wasted energy and wasted time all add up to wasted money. In contrast, a well kept home and yard tend to indicate a well-ordered existence in every area of your life, whether it is financial, emotional or physical. Human nature prescribes that the way you handle your household affairs is generally the same method of productivity you bring to the work place and to society in general. Those who have little respect for their own possessions and authority at home, usually have even less regard for the possessions or authority of others. Finding yourself "off course" creates an emotional imbalance, resulting in a feeling of being overwhelmed. This "overwhelming feeling" triggers a significant panic reaction that generally results in prompting you to attempt to correct everything at once. So you rush back and forth from one chore to another, not completing anything, thereby temporarily losing focus on any one particular project. Consequently, nothing gets completed and a vicious circle begins. Living such an indiscriminate lifestyle denies you the feeling of exhilaration and pride in completing any project. Look realistically at what is happening and what you are doing to yourself. Look at the time and energy you are spending yet receiving nothing in return. At best, you end up with a sloppy, half-completed job and feelings of personal guilt and failure over it because you know you could have done better. When you decide you've had enough of that kind of life, maybe it's time to make a change. Organization is having a system for everything. By utilizing these systems, or routines, you manage to run a household, you manage to be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there, you manage to do everything that needs to be done and you manage to find the time to do the things you enjoy. The only way you can manage to do it all these days is if you are organized. And that means having a system. It's really the easy way out, but so few people seem to be able to grasp it. With a little planning and personal ingenuity you can turn your life into a methodical system of well-orchestrated routines, always ready to meet the next challenge life has to offer. It sounds so simple, doesn't it? That's because it is. Being organized is truly the easy way out. Organization must begin with an inward determination to break away from the standard state of confusion and disorder, to a simpler way of life. Since each individual, each situation and each circumstance is unique, so must your method of tackling each challenge take on its own distinctive flair. Your own creative genius will ultimately discover effectual shortcuts in handling these situations, each requiring a slightly different organizational procedure. Self-discipline is the only required equipment you will need to make any necessary change in your life. As easy as that may sound, there is one minor challenge: Self-discipline is against man's nature. Self-discipline is taming the inward "savage beast" of discontentment. Telling yourself you are happy despite any difficult circumstances you may encounter in life, appreciating what you have rather than constantly demanding more, living within your means and sticking to your personal standards are conditions that lead to sincere personal happiness. Each of these attributes requires self-discipline. The more you develop self-discipline, the easier it becomes in all facets of every day life. Sheer determination and a continuous focus on the end result will become the ultimate factors in your acquisition of a life of near-perfection. Perfection is an inaccessible goal, but making the most of what you have in the easiest, most efficient manner, comes pretty close to it. There is always room for improvement and there is always a simpler, better, and more efficient way of getting things done if you look hard enough to find it. The closest thing to perfection any individual can hope for in this life is to be happy with yourself the way you are and to simply appreciate what you have. Terri Emmett has three FREE ONLINE COURSES: THE ORGANIZED HOUSEKEEPER'S HOUSEBOOK; THE ORGANIZED HOUSEKEEPER'S SIX-WEEK CHARM COURSE (http://www.charmcourse.com); 100 STEPS TO ETERNITY (http://www.prophecyguide.net), and has an armchair tourist site for those limited in their ability to travel but would like to see America's beauty and the world's cultural treasures (http://www.americansr.com). Please visit us soon!
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Everything Fits Together Perfectly! Here's a little lesson I experienced while packing boxes for my move to Victoria, BC. Digging out of Paper Clutter - part 2 We previously noted that papers must be sorted before they can be properly filed. Continuing from our last article, your sort has left you with two piles - 'to file' and 'to throw away/recycle.' You've tossed the garbage/recycling, so now you have a stack of papers to file. Let's finish the sort, and create a basic filing system. Keep in mind three things: How To Organize Your Paperwork Many people have a huge challenge coping with the incoming paperwork. (Whatever happened to the paperless office?). Organized Living in a Disorganized World We are bombarded with so many factors that perpetuate disorganization. Computers, fax machines, cellular phones, and on-line services enable us to do more - and require us to do more. The speed of the microchip doubles every 18 months, with no end in sight. There is also a greater sense of urgency due to rising expectations. If I can e-mail you a question in 20 seconds, why can't you return my e-mail just as quickly? Are You A Collector? Collections are the outward manifestation of a deeply-felt principle or emotion, and are quite different than ordinary garden-variety "clutter." One man has a love of photography and takes pictures of everything. Another woman buys more shoes than she could ever wear, to make up for having hand-me-downs as a child. Someone else might keep all of her mother's old clothes and papers after her death. Whether we love hats, unicorns, or butter tubs that we "might use someday," collecting makes us feel good -- it fulfills some NEED in our lives. What do you love to collect? Ten Signs That Your Life Is Cluttered How do you know if you need to clean out? Here's a sure-fire ten-step way to spot (and deal with!) clutter in your life. Escaping The Clutter Trap? - 5 Steps For Increasing Productivity And Decreasing Stress ? Do you feel overwhelmed by all the "stuff" in your life? Magazines and journals you've never finished reading, clothes you never wear, e-mail you haven't responded to, or photographs you intended to share with friends or colleagues? ? Are you embarrassed to invite people to your home or office because they will see the way you live or work? Do you rush around when someone's coming to hide the evidence? Calendars and Personality Type I recently conducted a survey to look at the relationship between an individual's personality type and his or her organizing and time management style, and noticed that the majority of participants said they have a calendar system that works for them. As there are so many time management systems available, both paper-based and electronic, I thought it would be interesting to find out which calendar systems are most popular with each personality type, and asked my ezine subscribers and visitors to my website to describe their time management system, what they like and dislike about it, and their personality type according to the Myers-Briggs Type IndicatorŪ (MBTIŪ). The MBTI measures your preferences in four areas: Organization and the Opposite Sex In many of the companies I have worked in, there is a very high proportion of male managers to females. This causes a major challenge in the work environment, (although many of them are unaware it is an important issue). 35 Santity Savers - Get More Productive Use these 35 sanity savers this year to help you become more productive and get more done in less time, so you can get on with life! What Clutter Clearing Can Do For You You can get a pretty good idea of the benefits of clutter clearing simply by imagining your life free of all the negative effects of clutter: lack of focus and clarity; feelings of being professionally, creatively, spiritually, and/or romantically stuck; insufficient time and attention for self and family; increased stress, irritability and depression. Wouldn't it be great to be free of all these? Overwhelmed? Try the Red Zone Tactic Some people seem to be born organized. You probably remember them from school: the ones who always had well-organized pencil cases equipped with erasers, sharpeners, pens, scissors and glue-sticks (probably in duplicate). Their hair was always neatly done; their clothes ironed and bearing a full complement of buttons. Too Many Unfinished Projects? 7 Time Management Strategies to Move Stalled Projects to Finish Line Q. I have several projects going at once -- but I never seem to finish them! I'm pulled in so many different directions -- and I end up with nothing to show for my efforts! Organize Your Children & Save Your Sanity It may be difficult to relate saving money with organization but the two terms really go hand in hand. If you are able to organize right down to the smallest detail, then not only will you save yourself countless panic headaches, but you will have more time on your hands allowing yourself to be more productive and get more accomplished. What Momma Never Told Me About Housekeeping A lot of us grew up with Mom taking care of most everything. Now, we do things pretty much the way she did. What if there is a better way? If you are buried under the daily clutter of life, always wondering where you put "that damn thing", read on. There is hope. All you need is a little direction and you can take control of your house. Creating The Perfect Closet Your closet is often the first thing you see in the morning, and its condition can determine your mood for the day. There is something about an orderly closet that makes a person feel stylish and in-control. But digging through a cluttered closet, trying to find a matching outfit can dampen even the brightest of spirits. Not a very good way to start the day! Without a Plan, You?re Doomed to Failure "My job is an endless series of deadlines, I am constantly putting out fires" You've probably heard talk like that a time or two. You may sound like that yourself on occasion. Success at Work : Techniques : A Cluttered Desk I followed my boss to a co-worker's cubicle where my boss requested a certain document from the co-worker. The actual surface of the co-workers desk was not visible because it was covered with a cluttered pile of papers, catalogs, booklets, and other paraphernalia. I was prepared to see my co-worker embarass himself by not being able to locate the requested document in that messy pile. Organization Tips - How To Get Things Done What stops you from 'getting things done?' The Clutter Campaign - Design Your Vision I like a room you can dance in the middle of! Mariah Burton Nelson ![]() |
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