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How Much Is Your Time Worth?
Does Your Present Internet Filing System Work? Do You Really Know for Sure How Much You Earned? We have all wasted precious working hours, sometimes frantically looking for an article or business letter saying "that's where it was last time....i think..." Sometimes i used to think i was getting alzhiemers before i was 40!! lets face it, time is money and we only have so much of both. Besides, the last thing you need to be worrying about is locating clipart or a tiny 6 line ad. The fact still remains, you needed it fast!! Remember when we first had Excel & Lotus 123?, They Were GREAT!! & were we ever organized!! BUT, as with any good thing, time takes it's toll & these programs simply can't keep up. We need a better system. >NO spreadsheet, They all have something missing you wish you had a space for. Or you end up creating another confusing mess and wasted time doing it .....hhhmmmmm Wasn't i trying to stop doing just that? You get the picture now right? I believe i have found relief with a new program that recently hit the internet BIGTIME, & i'm also quite certain will be around a very long time. The "Affiliate Assistant" HAS ARRIVED !! This handy little program was MADE just for this purpose and is being hailed as the next " Industry standard Tool for Affiliates to keep track of all their information" Here's a few things you can do using The "Affiliate Assistant" >Organize All of Your Affiliate Programs So, how much is your time worth? $50.00hr? $40.00? or $30.00? If you could it for less than one hour of your time would you seriously consider it? I think you would. About The Author A.L Haines is the editor for several leading Internet Marketing publications supporting free Internet marketing opportunities and resources. http://articlesarchives.netfirms.com
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Technology...The Culprit and the Tool Technology has given us the tools to reduce routine tasking, yet we are all too aware that technology is seen as the culprit as much as the solution. We only need to look around us to see the developments of the past 20 years. American Demographics magazine tells us we receive a staggering 189 messages a day. They come to us through mobile phones, cell phones, faxes, pagers, emails and voicemails. 'You've got mail' has taken on a whole new meaning. But 15-20 years ago the majority of these vehicles either didn't exist or were not being widely used. In our day-to-day lives, it is the conscious act of using technology that helps organize ourselves and see it as a useful tool. 10 Easy Maintenance Tips vs Piling on the Chaos Whether you are in your own business or an employee (or neither) -- if you have a family and a home you are in the business of having a life. I'm betting that none of you went into business to become hot at shuffling papers and reams of e-mail. 10 Simple Ways to Clear Clutter from Your Home and Office There is nothing worse then spending ten minutes looking for something to accomplish a three minute task. Clear the clutter and clear your mind. Simplify Your Life! No Really...Simplify Your Life! We hear it every day. Clutters Side Effects: How the State of Your Home Affects Your Life Each area of your home has a symbolic meaning with which you resonate on a subconscious level. Clutter and untidiness within each of these areas causes constriction and inertia in the corresponding aspects of your life. Clutter Crisis? Clutter costs you time, money, space, and peace of mind. Most of us complain about our cluttered desks, closets, bedrooms, kitchens, attics, basements, and even our cars, purses, and briefcases. Clutter is overwhelming, yet we continue to add to it. Why? And what can we do about it? Making Space - Letting Go of Clutter To make room for new things to come into you life, you have to create space for such things. If your environment or life is packed with things you no longer need or that no longer serve you, then you are holding yourself back. There's no room for new opportunities, new relationships or new ideas to enter. Yesterday I had a conversation with a client about this very topic. I congratulated the client on cleaning out items associated with her previous career from her home office to make room for all the new ventures she is exploring. I was reminded of what I went through when I decided to switch careers. When I first became a coach, I was hesitant to toss or give away all the business materials I had accumulated as a financial professional. I kept thinking, "What if I need these items again?" I finally realized that my indecisiveness, (about giving up the security that these materials provided - thinking I could always go back to my former career), was holding me back. After this realization I immediately tackled my office and cleared out 9 trash bags of old business files. Guess what happened? The next day I had a new client! Clutter Campaign - Commit Your Time Decide When And Where To Start Be More Productive - Books to Help You Be More and Do More! How many of us have enough time to do everything that needs to be done? Answer: NOBODY! The key is doing that which needs to be done RIGHT NOW and setting the right priorities. Life has changed, and we have more flexibility to do what we want, when we want, provided we set the RIGHT PRIORITIES. These books will help you increase your productivity by at least a factor of 10... maybe more! Sticking to Your New Years Resolutions: Ten Tips for a More Organized Life 1. A calendar is an essential organizing tool ? start the year with one that works for you! And whether you use a paper or electronic version, using Post-itŪ notes as reminders will help you "stick" to your resolutions. 5 Reasons to Organize Your Home Today Home organization isn't just for neat-nicks or those drawn toward organized living. Even if you don't fall into those two stereotypes, you should consider learning and implementing some home organizing techniques. Why bother? Here are five good reasons to organize your home: Taking Care of You: De-Clutter De-Cluttering our lives can be an extremely liberating exercise. There are many types of clutter than can hinder us having the quality of life we want and deserve. There is clutter that is in our minds as negative self-talk. There is the clutter that physically exists in our homes, cars, offices, such as old newspapers waiting to be recycled, stacks of magazines you will never read, old clothes that are destined for the good will because they no longer suit our style or size, etc. There is another form of clutter often referred to as "tolerations" that refers to all those nagging little things that drain our energy every time we encounter them. This type of clutter can encompass the other two types and also includes things such as the broken toaster that only toasts one side of the bread, the whistling kettle that no longer whistles, that phone call you've been meaning to make for two weeks. This type of clutter or tolerations, fill up time and space in our lives by their very existence. When we are able to reduce and then eliminate most clutter, we have so much more energy for what we really want in our lives. Organized Living-Secrets About Your Lifes Hidden Power Revealed An organized living lifestyle can cause you to weed out those prolonged situations of failure...poor health...frustration...hopelessness...and cure undesirables like anger, loneliness, depression and fear, which are blocking the effective communication between you and your hidden power within. Overwhelmed? Try the Red Zone Tactic Some people seem to be born organized. You probably remember them from school: the ones who always had well-organized pencil cases equipped with erasers, sharpeners, pens, scissors and glue-sticks (probably in duplicate). Their hair was always neatly done; their clothes ironed and bearing a full complement of buttons. 10 Minute Tricks to Help You Get Organized Whoever thought you'd be able to get organized in just 10 minutes?! Here are a few simple ideas. 9 Simple Strategies for Home Organization Home organization means being able to find your stuff when you need it, not after an hour or more of searching. But home organization doesn't necessarily mean you're neat or clean. It doesn't even mean you're not a pack rat. Home organization just means everything has a place and you know where that place is in your home. The Clutter Campaign - Design Your Vision I like a room you can dance in the middle of! Mariah Burton Nelson The Love It Or Lose It Principle: One Simple Key to Living Clutter-Free Forever It wasn't long ago that you spent an entire weekend "decluttering" ? and now you are expecting guests in two days, and the guestroom is full of "stuff" again! How Much Is Your Time Worth? Does Your Present Internet Filing System Work? Spring into Spring Hasn't time flown? Already we're into the last quarter of the year and isn't it perfect timing to clear out the cobwebs of winter and prepare yourself for the next few months of sun, sand, surf or is it work, work, work? ![]() |
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