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Network Marketing - What To Do When Nothing Seems To Work
One of the things that many people allude to (and some come right out and say it) is that they have tried everything to get their business to grow, and nothing seems to work. They've tried online and offline systems, genealogy leads and biz opp leads, hotel meetings and home meetings, but things just aren't working. I want to take a few minutes and give you some advice and some thoughts that may be able to help you (or those you know going through this) have success in our the NWM industry. Let me begin by telling you my personal story. I joined my first company back in 1997. In fact, I am still with that company using their products every day. I tried for nearly six years to build that business, but I never had any level of success. In fact, I think my spending to earnings ratio is at least 100:1 (maybe 1000:1). Now, it wasn't that I wasn't passionate about the products. It wasn't that there wasn't a system that worked. It wasn't that I didn't have successful mentors. It wasn't because I didn't have prospects to talk to. After about six years, I began working with another company. By the end of my first year in business I had earned $60K after 18 months, I was on track to surpass $100K annually. What was the difference? Well, it wasn't because all of the sudden I had a good batch of leads. It wasn't because all of the sudden I now had a patented, proprietary, first-to- market, ground floor, doctor approved, miracle product. It wasn't because I now had an upline that could do killer 3-way calls with me. The difference was - it was the right fit for me. I believe (and you may not agree) that there are some companies and segments of the NWM industry that are harder to build than others, for some people. While one person may thrive and flourish with one company, another person may flounder and falter with the same company. It doesn't mean the second person is a moron. It may mean that there is another company out there somewhere that is a better fit. Now, before I go on, let me say that I am not advocating for people to quit their company and jump ship to another company. I believe in perseverance, overcoming, and breaking through those barriers that can help you become a greater person. I am advocating that a person needs to be realistic and not blame the leads, the system, the upline, etc. You see, in my first company, there were people who were making six figures a month. There are still people who are recruiting 20+ people a month. In fact, one guy recruited 110 people in one month this last year. It isn't as if the company isn't successful. In fact, they are currently experiencing record growth after 10+ years in business. Look at the corporate world. People change jobs all the time. I'm not talking about the person who can't hold down a job. I'm talking about the person who changes positions because as he matures he comes to discover what brings him the greatest fulfillment, joy, and satisfaction. While there isn't a job that can provide all that 100% of the time, there comes a time when a person knows what works and what doesn't work for them. For example, my favorite restaurant is a Mexican place called Abuelos. It doesn't mean I want to work there or even own the place. But, I'll recommend them all day long for someone who wants a great meal. Similarly, I still believe in the products of the first company I joined, but it doesn't mean that company is the best place for me to work and build a business. Another example - have you ever seen a shirt, dress, or pants that looked great on someone else? But, when you go to the mall and try it on, it makes you look like an overweight, disfigured Manatee that highlights every fault and imperfection on your body. You can either buy the shirt and live with the disillusion that the shirt looks great on you, or you can be realistic and say "the shirt looks great, but not on me." Here's the bottom line. I believe in our industry as a whole. I don't believe every company is for every person and that every company is an equal fit and opportunity for every person. I believe it is time to stop blaming the leads, the system, the products, the upline, the leadership, etc. for one's lack of success. While it may be in someone's best interest to persevere, break through, and achieve success with their current company, there also comes a point when it's time to admit, "the shirt looks great, but not on me." I tried on a different shirt, and it fits great. I love what I am doing and I wouldn't go back to the corporate world for anything. Maybe, just maybe, this resonates with you. This article was written for those who can "hear" what I am saying. There is a verse in the New Testament that says "To him who has ears, let him hear." You see, many people are bombarded with guilt because they are told that if they can't make it with "ABC" company, then what makes you think you'll make it elsewhere. Finally, let me say this. This article is not all about finding a new company. If that is what you've concluded, then you've missed the heart of what is being said. This article is a response to people who have been complaining and blaming, and for those who have been working hard and working smart, but making very little progress. It is about finding success within our industry. Rich Niccolls has been helping networkers with leads for over five years. To receive a free copy of his soon to be released ebook, "The Almost Comprehensive Guide to MLM Leads," sign up for his newsletter at: MLM Leads Newsletter.
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Five Steps That Will Help You Succeed in Niche Marketing Niche marketing is a manifestation of how much internet marketing has evolved in recent years. Niche marketing is based on a real world model, that is, it is a business strategy that is focused on real people with real needs and with real money to spend. Get Started Now: Why the Time is Right for Internet Business If you have long dreamed of getting your piece of the Internet business pie but have held off due to fear, lack of skills, shortage of money, or any other reason under the sun, now is the time to get going. There are four reasons why the time is right to get going on line: general acceptance of the Internet, maturity of on line resources, the abundance of resources on which to build a business and the fact that anyone can afford to start an Internet business now. Let's take a look at why this is so. Network Marketing Lets You Use Collaborative Approach - and Get Leveraged Earnings By helping others to grow their business you ensure growth of your own business. I have seen this theory work even while dealing with competitors. This confirms one of the golden rules - you get what you give to others. Network Marketing is Nothing but a Scheme! When you say network marketing immediately the main streampublic thinks negative things, but truly network marketing is aneutral entity. It's not good or bad it's just a business model. 25 Proven Strategies For Improving Your Telephone Results To Build Your MLM Dowline 1. Reap what you sow! What does that mean? It's vital you keep prospecting to keep the funnel full. The prospecting funnel is the life-blood of your network marketing business. It's the heartbeat of your business. MLM Success Training: Why Some People Become Wealthy in Network Marketing and Others Don?t Regardless of whether you watch the Oprah Winfrey show or not, the story of her success is fascinating. You can't say where she is today is the result of any special advantages she had growing up. The Problem With MLM For NetPreneurs Yes, there's a problem out there with MLM programs... not the good ones... the scams. How to Avoid the Top 5 Time Wasting Activities in Your Internet MLM Home Business Many people love to build their internet mlm business from home on a part time basis. Therefore because it is part time so you need to really be very focused before you can earn serious amounts of money. This article highlights 5 major time wasters in any internet mlm business and explains how you can avoid them somewhat. Work At Home Mlm Network Tool The workathome mlm network tool can be used to generate cash while working at home. MLM stands for multi-level marketing. A company uses MLM to have participants at home sell products at a discount. In exchange, the participants earn commissions and bonuses. The participants may have to pay a fee to join an MLM network. Understanding The Power Of Network Marketing Terms such as Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi Level Marketing all refer to the same type of business model. This industry has had more than it's share of scumbag crooks and con artists that have used and abused the concept. However, if you do your homework and get involved with a legitimate network marketing organization, this business model has exceptional income potential. MLM Training - MLM Recruiter? MLM Sponsor? MLM Babysitter? MLM Mentor? There are many Leadership factors involved in building an mlm downline, but none are more frustrating than the roles a Network Marketing Leader can play when recruiting and engaging a new person in this business. The Power of Viral Marketing Viral marketing is one of the most powerful forms of marketing on the Internet. Viral Marketing is giving something away for free and allowing people to pass it on to others. The concept of free has fueled the imagination and the success of the Internet itself. And, although the free business model has been greatly scaled back in the post-bust Internet days, it is difficult to argue with the viral marketing success achieved by the early pioneers of free email, free web sites, free autoresponders, etc. MLM Products - The MLM Success Formula for HOT Selling Network Marketing Products You must understand this next statement: Are You Looking to Get in on the Ground Floor of the Next Amway? Here Are 7 Things to Look For! Just like a Penny stock market investor wants to Find the Next Microsoft, a Network Marketer wants to be in on the Ground floor of the next Amway. Joining an MLM Company in it's infancy to find that next Amway is just as risky and possibly more Rewarding then those Penny Stock Investors seeking the next Microsoft. Profitable Network Marketing Systems and Products Profitable and effective network marketing systems and products MLM Success Training - The ONE Secret to Building a Massive Wealth Structure in MLM The Ultimate Business Building Goal in MLM. The Only Way To Succeed In MLM Let assume you found the perfect mlm business, you did your homework of course, you contacted the head office and the local support, if available, asked some innocent questions and checked how fast and professional they responded. Network Marketing Success - The ULTIMATE Success Understanding in MLM There is a question that determines probably 80% of your Ultimate MLM Success. And whether you understand it or not, may determine a lot of what happens to your business in the future as well as how your prospects respond to you. The Best MLM Network Marketing For You Requires Some Searching Looking for the best MLM network marketing opportunity for you? There are many business opportunities out there. Look over the field before selecting one particular offering. Most of these type programs have a low up-front investment. The products they distribute are often everyday household products that everyone uses. Start with your family and friends and then venture out to make your business the best MLM network marketing company around. Ideas On Promoting Your Home Business Opportunity Have you got yourself into a home business opportunity but don't know where to begin to generate yourself some leads? That happens among many of us that join a home business opportunity, you are not alone. Many will join and give up before really putting any effort into the business. Those who are determined will put forth effort and succeed with effort. ![]() |
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