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Are You Looking to Get in on the Ground Floor of the Next Amway? Here Are 7 Things to Look For!
Just like a Penny stock market investor wants to Find the Next Microsoft, a Network Marketer wants to be in on the Ground floor of the next Amway. Joining an MLM Company in it's infancy to find that next Amway is just as risky and possibly more Rewarding then those Penny Stock Investors seeking the next Microsoft. Here are 7 things to look for when deciding which MLM or Network Marketing Company is right for You. These 7 Keys will reduce your risk and at the same time increase your chances of finding that next Amway 1 - Find a Company that Offers a Product or Service that appeals to the 20 something People in their 20s haven't been involved in Network Marketing. You would want a Company that offers products to this young up and coming demographic. Products like Video Games, Computer Software, Music and Games. If they offer products that also appeals to Seniors and Teenagers and everyone in between that is a super bonus. 2 - Find a Company that is between 2 and 5 years old with Low Membership. An MLM Company that has been around longer then 2 year has some stability. Low Membership is defined as 10,000 to 25,000 People.These companies are Ready to Bust out and when they do it is so much fun to go along and enjoy the Ride. 3 - Find a Company with a Global Presence. Why limit yourself to just the USA or North America. Find a Company that appeals to the world. 4 - Find a Company that has a Low Price point. Many MLM Company have a high startup costs and monthly recurring costs of $200 or more. If a Company has a start up cost of under $25 and a Monthly cost of under $25 it will be easier to build a team. Another benefit of a Low Price point is a Lower Risk. 5 - Find a Company that has an Internet presence. What is the good of a global company if you are hindered in your efforts to reach out past your local region. A Global Company with an Internet presence allows you to reach out across the globe 24/7. 6 - Find a Company with Automated Tools The More automated tools the better. How easy is it to tell a prospect
7 - Find a Company that offers good value and quality Products Not many people want to purchase a $20 Can of shaving cream when they can go to the store and buy one for $3. If you can offer people good quality products at competitive prices you are more likely to be around for the long haul. The Comp(Compensation)plan what about the Comp Plan. Comp Plans are as complex as any Graduate math course I ever took. You would want to find a comp plan that makes it easy to be profitable. Look for Comp plans that allow you to be profitable with 3 or 4 sales. About The Author:
Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe
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The Risks and Benefits of Free MLM Leads One of the main goals of a multi-level marketing (MLM) independent distributor (business owner) is to sell the product or service of the parent company. However, an equally important goal is to encourage the customer to also become an independent distributor within that business owner's network and sell the services or product. Prospects who may be interested in becoming distributors are known as MLM leads. Homebased Network Marketing Mlm Homebased Network Marketing Mlm has three qualities: control of time and money, continual salary, and steady growth which multiplies. By trying to control your time, you can reap from your downline's efforts. Finding The Right Business For You: Low Admin Is Essential Simply put, in network marketing as in many more traditional businesses, the only activities which will make you money are selling and recruiting. If you're not doing one or other of those then you're not making money and you're involved in administration. Network Marketing Does Not Only Build Serious Business, It Also Builds You Network Marketing is an easy way for an ordinary person to build a massive worldwide business. The business you build is just like any other business but with many of the hassles removed. The Case For A Network Marketing System Networking Marketing system Finding MLM Leads Thru Creativity Not too many years ago we found mlm leads the old fashioned way and we called it work. I'm not sure that's really changed except now the working process is a little different. We use our technology more today and bronze a lot less. Being creative in finding mlm leads however can be very productive. Network Marketing Success - The Success Power Boost for Your MLM Business There is something that I have been observing over thelast couple of years that seems to be a common problemwith many people in the Network Marketing industry. Systems Dont Fail But People Do, Does Your Company Has All Necessary Systems In Place? The secret of success is following a proven system. As much as many people know of this principle of success, it still amases me to see new distributor being left with little or no system to follow in network marketing business. The MLM System There are many ways to build an MLM business, and for those who WANT to use the internet as a tool to build a network marketing business, there are few distinct features which you should be looking for. We all have different comfort levels of how we do things. Building an MLM empire using an Online system are for those of us who like the idea of leveraging your time and your money all in the comfort of working from home. Choosing A Network Marketing Opportunity - 5 Red Flags Although network marketing offers the potential for long term residual profits on your original efforts, it is important to take the time initially to choose the opportunity that is best suited to your interests and marketing skills. The following five "red flags" will help you narrow down your choices and find the program that holds the most profit potential for you. 2 Steps to Spur Your Downline Into Action! It is often the case when you join a Network Marketing program, you start signing up people into your downline and they don't do anything. They join and then they don't take any further action, expecting to make money by doing nothing. How To Attract, Excite, and Convert Your Prospects The Power of Marketing Internet and Network Marketing Works Internet and network marketing are inseparably related today. The phenomenal growth of the Internet has been a great boost for those trying to establish a network marketing business of their own. Whether part time or full time, you can combine the worldwide exposure and instant response so typical of the Internet to build your business from your home or office computer, or for that matter, anywhere in the world. You are always connected. When MLMs Go Bad There is no such thing as a totally fair MLM. The person at the bottom of the line always misses out. That's not to say they don't have their place in the web marketing industry, people just need to understand what that place is. The POWER Behind Network Marketing Network Marketing is the most POWERFUL business model on the face of this planet! What's really interesting is that it is built primarily by "'Word of Mouth' Advertising." Is that AWESOME, or what!?! MLM Recruiting Training - The 10 Questions about Your Network Marketing Recruiting Presence MLM Presence. How to Avoid Losing Money to Affiliate URL Thieves! If you are promoting your affiliate URL on the web then you are in danger of losing sales to affiliate URL thieves. In fact over 40% of your affiliate commissions are in danger of being stolen. And the worst part of this is that is can be avoided with as little as 10 minutes of work and for free! All you need to do is cloak your affiliate URLs. By cloaking your affiliate URLs not only are you protecting your links and commissions you also increase your credibility and potential purchases. How To Pick a Reputable Company To Be Involved In There are three basic concrete points that should be followed when choosing a Network Marketing company to promote. They are: 7 Tips for Building a Successful Downline Team Have you ever joined a program that seems to be working for everyone else but you? Why Network Marketing Never Works for You Let me tell you this... if you always jump from one program to another just because you haven't earned adequate money, then you will never succeed in any program. Believe me. ![]() |
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