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The Multi-level Marketing (MLM) Trap
In the search for the quickest way to get rich, many people fall prey with promise of easy money. One example is the idea of multi-level marketing (MLM). Multi-level marketing (MLM) is also known as network marketing and referral marketing. MLM is easy enough to understand. Imagine you have a product to sell. A common MLM product is a vitamin or mineral supplement. You could do what most businesses do: either sell it directly to consumers or find others who will buy your product from you and sell it to other people. MLM schemes require that you recruit people not only to buy and sell your product, but who will also recruit people who will not only buy and sell your product but also recruit people thus perpetuating a never-ending cycle. Only there is an end to the supposed self-sustaining business practice of MLM. If MLM sounds too good to be true, then maybe it is. Most traditional business people would never consider such a venture. Why would you recruit people to compete with you? Isn't that what you are doing when you recruit people to sell the same products you are selling? The MLM lure will convince you that it is reasonable to recruit competitors because they won't really be competitors since you will get a cut of their profits. This will take your mind off the fact that no matter how big your town or market, your possible recruits will never be exhausted. But the well will go dry soon enough. Multi-level marketing (MLM) is system of marketing which puts more emphasis upon the recruiting of distributors than on the selling of products. MLM is very attractive, however, because it sells hope and appears to be outside the mainstream of business as usual. It promises wealth and independence to all. Unfortunately, no matter what the product, MLM is doomed to produce more failures than successes. For every MLM distributor who makes a decent living or even a decent supplemental income, there are at least ten who do little more than buy products and promotional materials, costing them much more than they will ever earn as an MLM agent. There will always be some MLM distributors who will make money in an MLM scheme. The majority, however, will fail due to the nature of all pyramid schemes. A pyramid scheme is a fraudulent system of making money, which requires an endless stream of recruits for success. Recruits (a) give money to recruiters and (b) enlist fresh recruits to give them money. A pyramid scheme is called a pyramid scheme because of the shape of a pyramid: a three dimensional triangle. If a pyramid were started by a human being at the top with just 10 people beneath him, and 100 beneath them, and 1000 beneath them, etc., the pyramid would involve everyone on earth in just ten layers of people with one con man on top. The difference between a pyramid scheme and MLM marketing is that the latter is a legal business practice. A pyramid scheme does not sell any product and only requires a monetary investment from the down line for them to succeed. MLM only benefits the company because the more recruits they get, the more money they receive from their share of the down line's recruits. Aside from that, the costs that these recruits spend on are not covered by the MLM company. In the end, they lose more money than earn it. To avoid the MLM trap and find a real home business goto the top rated home business resource guide.
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MLM Training - The Network Marketing Success Secrets of Recruiting Small Business Owners Many Network Marketing distributors overlook for some reason the small business owner and professional. They don't attempt to talk to them about their products and business as many believe they simply would not be interested. That is not the case with many small business owners. Many are always looking for additional cash flow and ways to create a secondary revenue source. Network Marketing! Whats It All About? Every day millions of employees go to their place of employment for their employers to use their time and effort to build a business --- a financial future, without any "REAL" consideration for their employees future! MLM Network Marketing Put simply, MLM Network Marketing is just a way for businesses to distribute their products. If you have been looking for ways to earn a good residual income from home, then mlm network marketing may be the right choice for you. Right now, when you are reading this, there are vast opportunities building up in mlm network marketing programs. So this is just the right time for you to pitch in and start building your business. Understanding The Power Of Network Marketing Terms such as Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi Level Marketing all refer to the same type of business model. This industry has had more than it's share of scumbag crooks and con artists that have used and abused the concept. However, if you do your homework and get involved with a legitimate network marketing organization, this business model has exceptional income potential. How to Succeed With a Network Marketing Program Network Marketing Companies abound by the thousands. If you type in network marketing into any of the major search engines, you will get thousands upon thousands of results. A lot of people have joined network-marketing programs and made lots of money from their efforts. Anybody with ambition and energy can probably find a company that suits them and join it and eventually attain financial freedom. Why People Say There is No Money in Internet Marketing Just finished check my email. Nothing new, three payment notification emails from PayPal, two new ClickBank sales, one new prospect in membership site I'm promoting and one mail from a frustrated marketer"I've been doing Internet marketing for last 3 years, I've joined so many programs. I max out my credit card but haven't made a dime yet." How To Attract, Excite, and Convert Your Prospects The Power of Marketing The Benefits of MLM Leads Lists An MLM leads list is simply the list of prospective customers and recruits that an independent distributor, also known as the business owner, has acquired. In a multi-level marketing (MLM) venture, the goal is to sell the products or services of the parent company and identify potential distributors to add to the business owner's network. If it is comprised of viable prospects, the MLM leads list is the most valuable marketing tool that a business owner will own. Network Marketing Decisions: Ask Mr. Kipling I kept six honest serving men,They taught me all I knew. Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who. MLM Training - The MLM Success Declaration of Independence MLM Success Declaration of Personal Independence is a declaration of Success for all Network Marketers, and declares that that It Is Time for Success to become the Dominating Force and Focus in your life, and your future. Many people today simply do not understand that Success can be obtained in life, whether MLM or any other entrepreneurial enterprise. This is" drawing a line in the sand, " and saying "Enough is Enough!" Negative thinking will only produce a negative life, and that is NOT what you want for your future and life. Declare today that you WILL Succeed and nothing or no one will stop you. PERIOD. Contextual Ad Networks - The Baby Boom Is Upon Us No, this baby boom will certainly not swamp the Social Security system (sort of a bad joke for those that live in the UnitedStates, but many other countries...most notably Japan...have aneven more acute problem), but this baby boom is revolutionizingthe way that pay per click advertising is being spread across the Internet. MLM Training- The New MLM Distributors Getting Started Checklist A List for MLM Success. How To Get Free Publicity For Your Home Business Did you know you can get free newspaper and television advertising for your home business? How? Just pick up the telephone and call your local media and tell them all about your home business. If they think your home business is interesting enough, they'll come out and interview you, and just like that--free publicity! Network Marketing is Nothing but a Scheme! When you say network marketing immediately the main streampublic thinks negative things, but truly network marketing is aneutral entity. It's not good or bad it's just a business model. Genealogy Leads: Pros and Cons Working genealogy leads can be an effective method of building your network marketing business. One of the biggest hurdles that you face in recruiting has already been overcome for you - getting the prospect to buy into network marketing as a legitimate business model. MLM Prospecting- The 4 Steps to BLAZING Network Marketing Prospecting What is MLM Prospecting? Three Key Facets Of Successful Network Marketing Network marketing has many aspects, but promotion, persistence, and patience are three key elements which are critical to achieving successful results. What?s The Best Network Marketing Opportunity For You? Are you looking for a good network marketing opportunity? Want to tap into the secrets of Internet billionaires? Wish to be a top revenue maker? Then you should follow in the footsteps of successful marketers, and do what they do ? find a network marketing opportunity that feels tailor-made for you. 3 Simple Tips Of Getting Referrals Without Any Fuss! The first thing any business organization owes itself isself-perpetuation. This means survival. And true survival meanssuccess. To achieve this, every business finds and keepssatisfied customers. This is true whether on-line or off-line.This is the only path to survival. MLM Network Marketing Success Secret - Own The Product Did I hear you say that these are not your products? Theseare somebody else's? ![]() |
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