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Network Marketing Decisions: Ask Mr. Kipling
I kept six honest serving men, These well know lines by Rudyard Kipling offer sound advice for many situations in life. They can be usefully applied if you're thinking of geting involved in network marketing or any other type of work at home business. WHAT can I do to make a profit? You don't have to make the product yourself. You don't even have to own it. You can simply sell it on someone else's behalf and then take a percentage of the profit. If possible, try to market a product or service that is provided on a monthly subscription basis. That way you will get your percentage every month - residual income. Do not get involved with any business that doesn't have a genuine product and which pays you for recruiting others into the business. This type of arrangement is characteristic of a pyramid scheme. WHY choose network marketing? The internet can be used for both selling and recruiting and many of the tasks associated with these activities can be automated using websites, autoresponders, email etc. You also have the ability to reach a world wide market - the possibilities are endless. Unlike many traditional small businesses, you can work your network marketing opportunity part-time to begin with. You don't need to give up your day job until you're good and ready, so the risk is very low for you. WHEN is the best time to start? However, even if you already have some business experience, you should expect to be on a learning curve to begin with. So do your research, pick a company with good training and support, find a good mentor and get going. The sooner you learn the tricks of the trade, the sooner you can start to build your business and make a profit. One thing's for sure - you won't make any money "thinking about it". HOW do I identify the right opportunity for me? Make sure that you're completely happy with each of these areas and you'll avoid any nasty surprises. WHERE should I set up shop? WHO should I be working with? Pick a good company to work with. Ideally one that's been around for a while and which provides good training and support. Selecting the right company to partner with will significantly increase your chances of success and minimise the probability of being scammed. Most scammers and con artists tend not to stick around too long. They make their money and then move on before they get caught - so choosing to work with an established company is always a good idea if you want to reduce risk. Another key player is the person who recruited you or introduced you to the opportunity. They may be referred to as your "upline", "team leader", "sponsor", "mentor" etc. depending upon the company that you're working with. This person doesn't need to be at the very top of the business. If they were then they might find it difficult to find time to help you. However, they should be experienced and willing to help. Exchange emails with them, talk on the phone and see how responsive they are. If they're not right for you then you can always get involved in the same opportunity but with a different mentor. Finally, you will build your own team or "downline". Try to be a good sponsor to your team members and help them out as much as you can. Remember - just because you introduced them to the business you're not their boss. Offer them advice and encouragement but don't forget that they came into your opportunity to have their own business - just as you did. Hamish Hayward
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Bill Gates one of the wealthiest men in the world dropped out of college to form Microsoft. Many of the New Age Internet Billionaires either dropped out of college or made their Billions in spite of college. Hey Dummy, Youre Asking The Wrong MLM Questions! ($$$$) Talk about total dumbness. I wasted over $3,200 and maybe like four (4) years asking ALL THE WRONG questions. Tips For Finding A Work At Home MLM Business Opportunity If you wish to start a work at home MLM business opportunity, you might consider starting out on a part time basis. The jump into self-employment can be tricky, especially if you have been working at the same job for a number of years. Make sure your new venture can provide adequate income to meet your household needs. Also, by keeping your current ties in the business world, you can attract them as customers to your new endeavor. 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Get involved with the wrong outfit and you will be doomed to failure from the off. Listening Your Way to Greatness What you listen for in your conversations with others determines what you will get out of them. All too often, we listen to others in a casual or unfocused way. As a result, we come away with little from the conversation. In fact, we typically find ourselves listening to our own thoughts and internal chatter instead of to the other person. Network Marketing Strategy Network marketing strategy is all about achieving success in the network marketing business that you create for yourself. And that means working in your time and space and ways that you feel comfortable in. More often than not, people don't like their 9 to 5 jobs at all. But they do want to earn substantially well. This does sound like a contradiction in terms, but is entirely possible provided you have a well thought out network marketing strategy in place. Ten Steps to MLM Success First, here's my tip of the day: There are proverbs etched on the bellies of those statues on Easter Island. And one of 'em is: He who laughs at your stupid jokes is up to no good. (Remember that next time you go on a date.) Who Will Passive Income Work Best For? Who Will Passive Income Work Best For? 50 Ways To Generate More Money In Network Marketing (Practicing The Obvious) If the art of Network Marketing is your "pin-point" passion, you may certainly want to take note and put into play these 50 "best practice" marketing techniques. The Risks and Benefits of Free MLM Leads One of the main goals of a multi-level marketing (MLM) independent distributor (business owner) is to sell the product or service of the parent company. However, an equally important goal is to encourage the customer to also become an independent distributor within that business owner's network and sell the services or product. Prospects who may be interested in becoming distributors are known as MLM leads. MLM Success Training - The Secrets to Deciding Who You Will Become in MLM There are many factors that impact Success in life. And that is true for MLM and Network marketing as well. There are also factors with any good training program, and these ultimately will determine the success of your teaching. Networking: 5 Fantastic Ways To Network Effectively It seems as if everybody is into networking these days but only a handful of people know how to network effectively. Don't miss out on golden opportunities to become acquainted with those who can help you personally and professionally. Follow my list and you'll be utilizing all those fantastic new contacts in no time! The Three Primary Strengths Of Network Marketing Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi Level Marketing are all terms that refer to the same type of business model. This industry has had more than it's share of scumbag crooks and con artists that have used and abused the concept. However, if you do your homework and get involved with a legitimate network marketing organization, this business model has exceptional income potential. I Could Have Quit $1,000,000 Ago Two Things (Maybe Three): ![]() |
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