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Traditional University or MLM University? You Choose
Time moves very fast and time is money, as they say. When people seek other types of knowledge in life, such as general knowledge acquired from traditional schools, colleges and universities, they are prepared to wait and spend 3-7 years before they can see result they seek such as grades and Degree. Unfortunately, people cannot wait such long years to learn life skills. Everyone wants success now! Think about it for a minute, the benefits you will derive from the time spent in traditional university where you spend 3 years cannot be compared to the enourmous benefits you'll gain from attending MLM university. Network Marketing business should be treated as if you are attending a university. In this university, you'll learn so many skills such as entrepreneural skills, financial skills, leaderships skills and so on. You'll also learn other life skills and personal development skills. Do all these success skills worth 3 years of your life? All the skills required to survive in MLM business cannot be learned in few months in the business, just like a university degree cannot be earned in less than a year. The slow and steady accumulation of wealth while learning all these skills that will help you build a successful worldwide business is worth 2-3 years of your life. Many successful MLMer set themselves long-term goals alongside short-term goals and are not in a rush to acquire a million dollars few months into the business. Don't get me wrong, it's possible to set high goals and achieve them but the impression of joining MLM to make fast bucks should be removed from a new distributor so that they can have a great start. It is in your best interest to prepare new distributors to be ready to commit at least 2 years with serious hard work and dtermination to succeed. And the good thing about MLM university is that you earn as you learn and the income continues to grow. The reward and difference between spending 3 years in MLM university and in traditional university can be seen on the pay-check after the 3 year period. Please bear in mind that general knowledge acquired in university is equally important but the point i am stressing here is that in order to avoid false expectation of income potential of the business, it's important to prepare new distributors of what to expect and the time it'll take to be a graduate in the business. Set short-term goals, mid-term goals and long-term goals, with hardwork and commitment you will never have to look for jobs after your graduation from MLM university. Aliyu Odumosu Free Network Marketing Tips Online Author of Beginner's Guide To Network Marketing
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MLM Tools To Generate Repeat Business The MLM tools to grow your MLM home business can be simple and affordable. The best way to generate repeat and follow-up business is to be friendly and offer good customer service the first time. It doesn't take a lot of expense to make a business prosper, but poor customer service can kill a business without spending any money at all. Often the best marketing is the marketing that is spread by word-of-mouth. Getting customers to talk about you and your services to others just takes a little extra effort on your part. Here are some MLM tools to help your develop a loyal clientele. New Style Network Marketing - Why Professionals are Rushing to Join! There is absolutely no doubt. Network marketing or multi level marketing (MLM) is now attracting a new type of person. The wave of new style network marketing is having an unprecedented appeal to professional business people. 7 Common Internet Home Business Mistakes Many Online Gurus often tell you what you should do online with your internet home business websites but many do not tell you what not to do which is as important. In this article we will highlight the seven most common internet home business mistakes that internet home business owners commonly make. Online MLM Business Is Booming! The time to start an online MLM business has never been better. With more and more people and businesses going online, a significant number of business owners are looking to the Internet as the source for the new business opportunities of tomorrow. Even after the Internet bust of the 90s, traffic on the Internet is at an all-time high. Starting an online MLM business from your home is an attractive and often lucrative option that deserves to be explored. The 5 Critical Elements of A Successful MLM System Take it or leave it but all big MLM earners follow a marketing system. They find a system that works and stick to it. Wanna See My Daily Plan Of Action? Here is my FORMULA for success coupled with (DPOA) DAILY PLAN OF ACTION! Create a Personal Development Structure to Support Your Network Marketing Success You're in consistent and persistent massive prospecting action. You are honoring your commitment to speak with a minimum number of prospects daily while following up with all interested parties on a timely basis. Let's look at some personal development structures you might put into place to gather feedback regarding how you can maximize your personal effectiveness with everyone you speak. Three Key Facets Of Successful Network Marketing Network marketing has many aspects, but promotion, persistence, and patience are three key elements which are critical to achieving successful results. 2 Steps to Spur Your Downline Into Action! It is often the case when you join a Network Marketing program, you start signing up people into your downline and they don't do anything. They join and then they don't take any further action, expecting to make money by doing nothing. MLM Recruiting- The Top 10 MLM Prospecting Tactics for Success You gotta have people to talk to in MLM Prospecting! How to Network Your Home Business Finding ways to get your home business noticed has always been at the forefront of a successful home business. How To Attract, Excite, and Convert Your Prospects The Power of Marketing Network Marketing Does Not Only Build Serious Business, It Also Builds You Network Marketing is an easy way for an ordinary person to build a massive worldwide business. The business you build is just like any other business but with many of the hassles removed. Make Your Home Party a Success! Home parties can be a lot of fun and a great way to earn extra money. Following a simple guideline can help you have a successful home party that runs smoothly and everyone enjoys. The following guideline will give you a basic idea of how to do this and can easily be adjusted to fit your own tastes. Multi-Level Marketing with Email Leads The multi-level marketing independent distributor continually faces the challenge of contacting new leads that may result in a customer for the company's product or service. An MLM email Lead is just like any other lead, except that the business owner (independent distributor) contacts this lead via email, rather than using standard offline methods of contact. Email leads should not be confused with a generic email list. What?s The Best Network Marketing Opportunity For You? Are you looking for a good network marketing opportunity? Want to tap into the secrets of Internet billionaires? Wish to be a top revenue maker? Then you should follow in the footsteps of successful marketers, and do what they do ? find a network marketing opportunity that feels tailor-made for you. MLM Leads- The Top 10 Realities of Working MLM Leads What is an MLM Lead? And why would you need an MLM lead to work? In Network Marketing, many times we run out of warm market, or we simply do not have many friends in an area. MLM leads help you to find people that are interested in a Network Marketing Home Business. They have called in either off of an ad, or maybe off of an internet site, and indicated they have an interest in a home based business. Four Secrets to Power Networking (The Networking Factor) Commandment 8 The Value Of Networking With Other Moms There are many moms that have made the decision to stay home with their families and start a home-based business. Making the choice to work from home is not an easy one, and many moms find that even though they have left the corporate world, they still have a creative urge that needs to be expressed. Working from home not only gives you extra income, but also will allow you to use your skills, creativity, and business knowledge to build your own small empire. The first decision you must make is which field you want to enter. Your own areas of expertise will assist you in making that decision, but there are numerous fields from which to choose in starting a home-based business. The Benefits of MLM Leads Lists An MLM leads list is simply the list of prospective customers and recruits that an independent distributor, also known as the business owner, has acquired. In a multi-level marketing (MLM) venture, the goal is to sell the products or services of the parent company and identify potential distributors to add to the business owner's network. If it is comprised of viable prospects, the MLM leads list is the most valuable marketing tool that a business owner will own. ![]() |
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