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Four Secrets to Power Networking (The Networking Factor)
Commandment 8 Kindness Just as courtesy is contagious, kindness often begets kindness. Anything good is worth repeating and most people will reciprocate. Those that consider your kindness suspicious usually find it hard to be kind to others without a hidden agenda. When they reflect on their experience of giving, they judge others by their own standards of giving. Don't be fooled or fall into their trap. Keep being kind! This advice is timeless and yet bears repeating. You can find it in Galatians 5:22. Commandment 9 Joy Joy, delight and happiness are all feelings that come from within. As you release your higher self to connect with others, it is important to remember everyone you meet will not be happy about your jovial disposition and this is okay. No one has the power to rob you of your joy unless you provide him with that power. Bear in mind the words of Nelson Mandela's 1994 Inaugural Speech, "As we are liberated from our fears, our presence automatically liberates others." Your joy can make others suspicious and fearful. You may on occasion encounter this fear in different forms while networking. Commandment 10 God Is Light, Let His Light Shine through You Like joy, the light you project externally is a reflection of your internal peace. Do not allow others the power to dim your light. You always have a choice to be a thermometer that registers the atmosphere or a thermostat that sets the temperature for the entire interaction. You can light up the environment; do not let the environment dim your light. If you share the natural beauty of your existence, you will make it a joy to be in your own company and a joy for others to be with you. If you wish to make friends you must first show yourself friendly. Again, people are more inclined to do business with people who are friendly and positive. Commandment 11 A Tip from the White House In observing the presidential state dinners held at the White House, I've observed that the president seats 130 people at 13 tables, ten people per table. Each table seats one representative from the White House and usually one representative from the country of the dinner's honored guest. Most guests are invited with a spouse. However, what the invited guests usually don't know is that they frequently are assigned seats separately from their spouses. The networking lesson however, is that you should not sit with people you know at a dinner. Sitting with strangers' will position you to get a broader perspective and to make new friends and to also expand your business. "Remember the 'Networking Factor,' everyone is important!" (The above four commandments are taken from my book, "The 101 Commandments of Networking: Common Sense But Not Common Practice." ) http://www.101NetworkingCommandments.comMs. Smallwood-McKenzie is a Networking Coach in Los Angeles and she coaches small businesses and professionals in expanding their political, business, and social bases. She is the Author of "The 101 Commandments of Networking: Common Sense But Not Common Practice." Enjoy Free Preview compliments of http://www.101NetworkingCommandments.com or visit Amazon.com to read Customer Reviews of this guide. This networking guide is available wherever fine books are sold. Janice's e-mail address is ConfirmedCoach@netscape.net
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