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How To Succeed In Network Marketing (PART 1)
How to succeed (and fail) in Network Marketing. (PART 1) When I first got involved with Network Marketing, I was so excited that I didn't know what to do. I had signed up the same day that I first heard the plan and was going to be rich! I was ready to run outside and holler my program details to anyone in shouting distance. Instead, I decided to make a plan. My plan was to place an ad in the newspaper, and wait for the phone to ring. Surely I'd be rich by the end of the week. It didn't work...zero calls and out $60! I was running out of ideas. Next, I called my friends and asked them to come over for a meeting to see a new business idea. Well, they came, they liked the presentation and a couple of them wanted to sign up. The next day was spent trying to contact my upline to get answers to questions for my friends. It was a long process but I tried to sound excited just like I had been told. In the end my friends lost interest and came up with excuses why they couldn't join at this time. They also started to avoid my calls and our relations became strained. Now I was left with no further ideas and not only was I not rich, I had actually lost a few hundred dollars on advertising, sign up, and products that I didn't want. I didn't even know if they worked or if they were safe. Four days into my new venture and I promptly quit. How embarrassing! Network Marketing doesn't work! Sound familiar? So what's the secret? How do some do great in Network Marketing while others never get out of the starting blocks? It's not as hard as you may think...but it's not easy either. Here's the secret formula. Secret #1. Know your company. Look around, compare and contrast, don't just sign up with the first company that promises to make you rich. Do your due diligence...research the company, ask the tough questions, try to prove it will not work. Get help, ask questions, put the upline to work for you. Are they willing to help you? Read everything they have, study the compensation plan, the products, the manufacturers, the upline, and the president. Find out what your upline will do for you? Are there hidden costs? Will you be provided training? A website? Conference calls? Is your upline available for you? Is he/she doing well? Can they answer all of your questions promptly? Do they operate professionally? Do they pressure you? Do you feel important? Until you know it all and have no more questions, this is the stage you should remain at. Do not sign up for anything until you complete your research. You must fully research a company before you can truly believe in it. Secret #2 Believe! This one is tricky and the real key to success in Network Marketing. If you don't believe in the company, don't bother...it just won't work. Do not confuse belief with hope! Don't hope it will work, don't hope the opportunity is real, prove it, believe it. Believe it by proving it. If you thoroughly know your company (see #1) , did your research and can answer any question asked, then chances are you believe in the company. If you can't answer the tough questions, and didn't research every aspect...then you are simply hoping to get lucky. Looking for the get rich quick scheme will lead you to lose your money and waste your time. Don't "know it"....believe it! Everybody knows that mlm can work. They don't all believe that it can and will work for them. If you truly believe in your company and in the opportunity, then you will not have trouble getting people to a meeting. You will not have trouble answering the tough questions, you will not have trouble contacting people or promoting your opportunity. Look at all the successful network marketers. Do they take it seriously? Can they answer questions about their company? Do they believe in the opportunity they are promoting? Of course they do. If you know your opportunity inside and out and truly believe that it is a realistic shot at getting out of the rat race, you will be excited. You will not be bothered by a "no thanks" because you know that you will eventually succeed. Your company and opportunity is solid! The only path to true belief is through your own research. You can't take somebody else's word for it. You must do the work for yourself. See for yourself, when you truly believe, you are on your way to becoming a successful network marketer! Where everybody wins. About The Author Kevin Thompson is a full time internet marketer and mlm leader. www.cashinontrim.com; kevin@cashinontrim.com
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The Perfect Network Marketing System! Network marketing is hard. Don't kid yourself and truthfully don't even attempt a network marketing venture unless you either have or plan to put into place a highly potent and highly duplicatable network marketing systemgeared for 2005 and beyond. Invest In The Top MLM Companies When considering starting a home-based business, the top MLM companies should be some of your first choices. Names like Amway, Avon and Herbalife come immediately to mind when network marketing is mentioned. Each of these companies has had thousands of distributors in their histories. Chances are you know a few yourselves. Each of these companies is still going strong and deserves a look. But there are a few other top MLM companies that haven't been around as long that should be considered. How Heavy Hitters Avoid Rejection Working MLM Leads "But, these people are telling me NO and I don't like the way that feels," he told me. How To Separate Work From Private Life With A Work From Home Business Combining your home life with your work when you have a work from home business can cause great stresses and pressures on both elements if you are not careful in how you divide your time and physical places within the home. Simply operating from a desk stuffed into the corner of your main bedroom and having haphazard working hours will not work for the majority of couples or families when one of then has a work from home business. Here we explain some simple basic measures and guidelines that will help anyone operating a work from home business. Who Else Wants Their Share of Residual Income Without Having To Go MLM? (or how I increased my monthly revenue while sitting at the beach in Africa?) 3 Key Skills Required to Running a Successful Internet MLM Business An internet mlm business is very different from an offline business. Your promotions if done well would mean that you only need to work entirely online. This means no more calling on the phone if you do not want to. This article identifies internet mlm success as personified in three qualities that any internet mlm business owner must have. If MLM Is So Great Why Is My Heart Over In The Corner? It is sad many people look at previous mlm experiences differently than other experiences in their life. Fresh MLM Leads Are Right In Your Own Neighborhood Now that you have started your own MLM business, fresh MLM leads are the most important ingredients you need now, right? All starting MLM distributors struggle with this issue, "Whom am I going to sell to?" Here are some possible MLM leads that might help you start out in your new venture. The Case For A Network Marketing System Networking Marketing system MLM Success - For MLM Success, Its ALL About VALUE in Network Marketing There is ONE Word in Network Marketing that prospects seem to be glued to when they are listening to a presentation, or even an approach about anything. It is the standard that all prospects measure anything they are looking at... and they are considering purchasing... MLM Network Marketing Success Training - The BLAZING Top 52 MLM Recruiting Tips- Part 2 Here are the next 26 tips of the BLAZING Top 52 MLM Recruiting Tips: MLM Training: The Network Marketing Success Secret of Knowing Your REAL Inventory in MLM Let me ask you a very simple question: Three Key Facets Of Successful Network Marketing Network marketing has many aspects, but promotion, persistence, and patience are three key elements which are critical to achieving successful results. What is a Home Business? First, let me clarify what kind of Home Business I'm discussing. There are many different kinds including just about anything that you could do from your home. I'm specifically talking about the kind of home business you do from your computer on the internet. It could be either a part time or full time opportunity. No Romance, No MLM Downline NO ROMANCE Duplicating With the Color of Your MLM-Chute Richard Bolles, created the hugely popular What Color isYour Parachute for millions of job seekers and career changing individuals dissatisfied with their professional lives. Mr. Bolles basically created a book that guides a person to discover what jobs fit their special abilities and attributes. So my question to you is what color is your mlm-chute? Guaranteed Tour Takers or Guaranteed Signups When you join a MLM opportunity they give you usually a couple of affiliate websites, copy of good ads, scripts to cal leads and lots of other things to help you. Then you're told to go out and tell your friends and family members about your business. Effective Use of Traffic Exchanges Like them or love them, traffic exchanges always seem to get an opinion out of people. Some people can't see the point and others love them to death. Sure, a lot of the time you are only going to find other people trying to punt their opportunity in them and you have to put a lot of clicking effort in to get results but the results we've had have been positive rather than negative. I even like idly surfing sometimes to check out when else there is out there! Increase Business by Squashing Your Fear of Phones Phone skills are very important when you have your own home business. If you are like me, when I started out, then you may think you are going to work entirely online and not use the phone. However, there will come times in your business when you must talk on the phone. In fact, you will probably talk on the phone a lot when you have an "online" home business. MLM Newsletters- The Top 17 Network Marketing Training Ezines in MLM A good MLM training newsletter is worth a million dollars to a distributor in Network Marketing. Many Network Marketing newsletters/ezines can be found out there, and there are some really good ones. But there are also some MLM newsletters that are not so good. ![]() |
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