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Avoid the Top 10 Network Marketing Mistakes
Just completed this for the December Noni Pearls Magazine, thought I would share it with all of you. Hope you enjoy it. Avoid the most common mistakes Here are the 10 most common mistakes that networkers make. These mistakes are often ones of attitude, missed judgment calls, or misinformation. Common mistake in network marketing -#1 Inflated Earnings Expectations There are many millionaires in the Network Marketing Industry. There are also many millionaires in the NBA as well, but how many schoolyard ballplayers make it to the NBA? VERY FEW! This is the case in Network Marketing and those who become millionaires as well. While a large number home based business owners earn a great part-time income. The average individual spends more time dreaming about what they are going to do, or spends their time in fruitless activity. Realistic expectations for the average part-timer should be an extra $400-$500 per month. Don't sell anyone else the millionaire line. It may happen, but it simply is not the average. Common mistake in network marketing -#2 Go For the Product, Not the Plan I hear it nearly every day. Just last night I received an unsolicited call. The conversation went something like this: ..."Hello, I understand you want to start a home based business and make boat loads of money"......I stopped her at this point and asked her if she has used that introduction very long. She said, "oh yes, I have been doing this for years now!" So I asked her how effective she was in calling phone numbers with that opener. She said, "I make lots and lots of money". Our conversation went on for about 10 minutes with her telling me how much money she was making and how easy it was to make "boat loads" of money. Ten minutes into our conversation, she had yet to reveal what it was she was representing--what was it she was selling to make BOAT LOADS of money with? This should be one of the first things you speak about. It was at this point in time I informed her that I currently had a home based business and was not looking to enter into another business. "Could we please speak business to business here as I am not a prospect". She stammered a little bit but politely agreed. As it turns out, she simply copies pages out of the phone book and calls each name one at a time. She has been doing this for a year with very little positive results, and is struggling tremendously to earn more than $200 per month. You guessed it, I asked her if she would be interested in learning more about my company and the team benefits. In the end, I mailed her a copy of the current magazine and some additional literature. She was excited to hear that we work with our team members one on one coaching and mentoring. She stated that the person who signed her up has never spoken or responded to communication in more than 3 years. This is just sad and pathetic. Too often, the temptation is to speak with our recruits or prospects about the "money" which can be earned. As a result, you may sign a few new people up who are looking only for the money...while this may work, you are missing one of the biggest, best and most effective sales tools.......YOUR PERSONAL TESTIMONIAL. How effective is a man, who has never cleaned, cooked, or used a vacuum cleaner in his life going to be at selling items to make these chores easier? It is much more simple to speak about the "business end" when your audience believes you because you believe in the products. Of course, a fair compensation plan, which provides good incentives, is important. But in the long run it is the company's quality products which people bond themselves to. The management and the vision make all the difference in the world. Common mistake in network marketing -#3 Don't Think Short Term The Network marketing business is like any other worthwhile endeavor. Realistically, a distributor should not expect to see the real fruits of their labor until at least six months into their business. Those who have been truly successful have been at it a long time. Don't expect it overnight and never quit working towards the goal. Common mistake in network marketing -#4 It's Not Easy Money We have heard it a million times, we may have even believed it a time or two. This is one of the things I hate most about the industry. People seem to think that the pitch should be "easy money", you don't have to work, you don't have to sell, you just make a list, sign a few people up and they do all the work for you! Sound familiar? Still waiting for the pigs to fly into your mailbox delivering great big checks? Experienced Network Markers will tell you that it is not an easy money game. It is not merely a recruiting game. Distributors who are successful know their product, know their customers, know the company's vision, and are prepared to do that which is necessary. HARD WORK. Look at the name Network Marketing. Common mistake in network marketing -#5 "Free-Bee" Product ? Forget About It You get what you give and you take what you get! It's not about offering something for nothing, it's about adding value to what you have! I cannot stress this enough. If you want to sit on a roller coaster of ups and downs. Downs being the money you spend for a freebee or a gimme product, the Ups being the instant traffic or interest you have while someone walks up to you.... with their hand out for your freebee. You will generate a great deal of Interest only in the trinket, but not what it is you have to say! Once they have what they want, they will never look back. You want activity, likewise, you also want FRUITFUL activity. If you must offer something for free, associate a value with it that benefits the individual. We offer a $25 Gift Certificate for all new Case Autoship Qualified Distributors. They in turn may use this with the company on a future purchase. Why do we do this? Because the chances of them trying another product from the company is high--we know the quality is second to none and feel that the additional exposure will show them the true value of other products. Common mistake in network marketing -#6 Don't Ignore the Company Track Record A distributor who is looking to increase their odds of becoming successful is looking for a company with a good, strong, firm, and consistent track record. A track record demonstrates quality of management and products. This is very important for those who are genuinely "business builders". Common mistake in network marketing -#7 Run --Don't walk! You should avoid a company who requires you to carry large investments of inventory. The monthly minimum should be what you can realistically use in a single month. Autoship programs for both customers and distributors, represents a far more fair and long-term approach than large front load requirements. Common mistake in network marketing -#8 Look for Products with Profit Margins There are many Network companies in the world today. A great deal of them offer very low if any profit margin return. As a business builder, you know that Network marketing isn't for everyone. However if you have a good product, the product can be sold to everyone, you have a good thing going. Far too often distributors concentrate on the compensation plan and earnings hype then spending time looking at the profitability of the products or services offered by a company. A company with an exclusive product, these companies, can justify a higher profit, which means the ability to pay commissions in the long term from the sale of the products. Historically, this is why the largest and most successful Network Marketing companies have had, as their mainstay, consumable products that are proprietary. These products are unique to the company, allowing for sufficient profit to pay commissions. If the products are available in every shopping club, grocery store or nutrition store, chances are, that is where the public will make their purchase. Common mistake in network marketing -#9 Don't be a junkie or a ping-pong Very few distributors in the industry have developed the ability to work multiple programs effectively. These types of distributors are few and far between. As the average distributor is part-time to begin with, you should carefully pick a company and stick with it. History favors the long-term committed distributor rather than the next-opportunity-junkie who hops from opportunity to opportunity. Focus and energy is hard to maintain with one company and its products, let alone several. Splitting your time and energy with several companies will most likely end with limited or paled results. Focus in on yourself, your goals, and your desires in one direction. Common mistake in network marketing -#10 Turn off the TELEVISION Activity is the name of the game in network marketing. You must do more than complete the distributor application; call your friends and sit back waiting for the money to be rolling into your mailbox. Turn your television off and get proactive. Do you know how many hours you could find in a day if you simply were willing to turn the television off? The most successful people in network marketing are the ones who are constantly recruiting, selling and calling upon the same prospective customers and recruits multiple times. Those who sit back and watch the television in all their spare time will have unfulfilled expectations. For the full version of this article or others please visit http://www.nonipearls.com This article is in the December issue in the Building your Business section. Can't find the answer to what you are looking for? Join in the Community Forum, someone will come along and answer your questions for you. About The Author Noni Pearls MagazineŠ is an official publication of the Noni Pearls Team and is published four times per year (give or take a few articles each month). No reproduction, copies, or duplication of any kind may be made of this material without the express written permission of Noni Pearls. http://www.nonipearls.com
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Listening Your Way to Greatness What you listen for in your conversations with others determines what you will get out of them. All too often, we listen to others in a casual or unfocused way. As a result, we come away with little from the conversation. In fact, we typically find ourselves listening to our own thoughts and internal chatter instead of to the other person. MLM Training- The MLM Leadership Secret of PersonaLeadership by Doug Firebaugh The MLM Leadership Secret. Why Your Network Marketing Efforts Are Failing About once a week, I get someone struggling to build anon-line network marketing business come to me for advice.They want me to take a look at their website, and how theyare doing business, and tell them WHAT they're doing wrong.They want suggestions on how to grow their business faster. What Is Network Marketing? To begin with, the concept behind network marketing is simple. Sharing - through product or business philosophy - is the basis of network marketing. Network Marketing Training - Secrets to Inoculating Yourself Against Negative People The Inoculation, What You Are Going to Face in MLM. Network Marketing Business Tips: Put the Law of Average in Your Favor Network marketing is a number game. The higher thenumber of people you speak to, the better you become,and the bigger your organisation becomes. When youspeak to many people, you will get different sorts of rejectionsand objections. As long you keep learning from thisobjections, you will be able to turn any negativeobjections in your favour. The law of average will then start to apply. The Perfect Network Marketing System! Network marketing is hard. Don't kid yourself and truthfully don't even attempt a network marketing venture unless you either have or plan to put into place a highly potent and highly duplicatable network marketing systemgeared for 2005 and beyond. The Three Primary Powers Of Network Marketing Network Marketing, 'MLM', and Multi Level Marketing are all terms that refer to the same type of business model. This industry has had more than it's share of scumbag crooks and con artists that have used and abused the concept. However, if you do your homework and get involved with a legitimate network marketing organization, this business model has exceptional income potential. The Brutally Honest Approach to Network Marketing Network marketing has quickly become one of the fastest growing ways to work at home. Sometimes called Multi Level Marketing or Affiliate Marketing, Network marketing is based around the concept of recruiting. You join a program that utilizes network marketing to sell a product, and you make money by recruiting new sellers who have purchased their products from you and are now selling their own. You may get a cut of their sales and their recruits' sales and so on for many levels. The possibilities are endless, and so is the income potential. So it sounds all gravy right? All you have to do is get your business up and running by joining the program of your choice and recruiting new prospects. MLM Success Secrets- MLM Success in the FAST Lane I had an upline once tell me, who by the way, has done 6 BILLION in this industry, that you need to work your business fast, not slow, and rapidly, not timidly. And if you did this one thing, your Network Marketing business would become more successful and the business would become easier. That alone would help start building some momentum, and build some real Power within your business. Effective Use of Traffic Exchanges Like them or love them, traffic exchanges always seem to get an opinion out of people. Some people can't see the point and others love them to death. Sure, a lot of the time you are only going to find other people trying to punt their opportunity in them and you have to put a lot of clicking effort in to get results but the results we've had have been positive rather than negative. I even like idly surfing sometimes to check out when else there is out there! The Misconception Of Multi-Level Marketing Ever wonder why people are so turned off at the mention of Multi-Level Marketing? Is it legal? Is it a pyramid? Who benefits the most? Where does the money flow? In this article we will examine basic differences between Multi-Level Marketing and a Corporate Structure. Network Marketing and Other Business Models Before we move on to the definition of network marketing we must understand what are the ways one can make money. There are only three traditional ways you can make money. The fourth one is a relatively new concept of Network marketing. How to Choose a Network Marketing Winner The idea of using a network-marketing program to generate extra income has taken North America by storm. More and more people are looking around, attempting to find a real winner. The problem is that network marketing companies are sprouting up all over the place and there's just too many of them to keep up with. This makes the choice of which program to join a frustrating and time consuming process. Before you join any network marketing company, go through this checklist. Multi level marketing online business What difference does it make to you if the sales person in a say group of a hundred you'd hire makes you the most money? Whether on top of the list or on the bottom, does it matter? It doesn't, the money is the same isn't it. So, that's what multi marketing is but you can do it all online. Are You A Network Marketing Professional? Or, Are You An Amateur? Do you look like a professional Network Marketer? Do You Talk like a professional Network Marketer? Do you write like a professional Network Marketer? Ethical MLM, Network Marketing Work From Home Business Opportunity What do you do to find an honest, ethical and "real" home based business with an affordable startup cost and a realistic chance of success? Homebased Network Marketing Mlm Homebased Network Marketing Mlm has three qualities: control of time and money, continual salary, and steady growth which multiplies. By trying to control your time, you can reap from your downline's efforts. What?s The Best Network Marketing Opportunity For You? Are you looking for a good network marketing opportunity? Want to tap into the secrets of Internet billionaires? Wish to be a top revenue maker? Then you should follow in the footsteps of successful marketers, and do what they do ? find a network marketing opportunity that feels tailor-made for you. MLM Training - The Network Marketing Success Secrets of Striking Gold in Your Memory Jogger The question all new Network Marketing Distributors ask when they get started is: ![]() |
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