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MLM Training - The Network Marketing Success Secrets of Striking Gold in Your Memory Jogger
The question all new Network Marketing Distributors ask when they get started is: "Who Do I Know?" In this mlm training article, we are going to go over the contact list. This is where you start "Digging for Gold" in your network marketing business! Every name that you know is a gold mine. And most never dig it. This article will help you understand where the gold mine really is in your relationships. INFERNO Secret: It is NOT who you know. It is who your friends know, and then who THEY know, and then who THEY know, and then who THEY know. It is called "Generations" in a memory jogger. You MUST dig into the generation structures of your memory jogger, and understand that it is sometimes 2-3 generations deep before you strike gold. Your friends are a valuable resource to your dream, and many will help you build it if you ask them. These are people you want to begin sharing the life-changing message and products/services of your mlm company with immediately. You will want to write down at least 25 people to start. And then build up to a list of 52 names, and eventually 100 or more. Why 52 names? There is nothing magical about the number 52, but it is used to help create a mental picture. The number 52 represents a deck of 52 cards. With your mlm program, you can reach upper network marketing leadership levels with the right leaders. So picture yourself with a deck of 52 cards. You know that somewhere in that deck there are 4 "Aces," and you need at least 3 Aces to maximize your success initially. You don't know where the Aces are, but you know they are somewhere in the deck. Imagine turning those cards over systematically one at a time, searching for those Aces until you find them. Go through your list of 52 names one at a time? Just remember that there are also a couple of "Jokers" in every deck! It may take one person 37 cards to find the aces, another 45, and then another all 52. But the aces WILL show up! INFERNO Secret: If you continue to flip the cards over, you WILL find the aces. If you continue to talk to people, you WILL find the aces. This next step should be done with your sponsor face-to-face or on the telephone. You will find that there are basically three people you will be talking to: 1) The people that are Motivated. These are 20% of the people. They are motivated to grow, improve, and to increase who they are and where they are going in life. They will be very interested in what you have to say. 2) The people that are Curious. These are the 30% of the people. They are curious about what you have to say, and curious about finding out more about your products. Many of these folks will end up being customers as well as distributors in your mlm business. 3) The People that are not interested. These are the 50% of the people that simply are not interested in change and growth, and will not really listen to what you have to say. Get referrals if possible, sell them your products, but move on! They like where they are in life, and want to stay there for now. That could change. Don't take it personally. You want to find the people that are motivated for your network marketing business, and talk to them. They are the ones that want to do something with their life. The curious will want to know, and the uninterested will want to be negative. It will take a lot of conversations to find the motivated, but you will need a tool that can help you construct your mlm contact list. INFERNO Secret: Quit looking for the people you are looking for, and start looking for the people who are looking for you. Here is a VERY brief MLM Memory Jogger List that we used for years and the complete listing had over 1000 "joggers" to help the new distributor remember who they have forgotten. INFERNO Secret: To double the size of your list immediately, ask one simple question: "Who Do I know that they know?" WHO DO YOU KNOW? Who's dissatisfied Who's their own boss Likes to help people Repairs your house If you use the Memory Jogger correctly, you will STRIKE Gold as well as Success in MLM and Network Marketing. Blessings...Doug (c) 2005/ all rights reserved PassionFire Intl Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a monthread his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success.He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive aFREE subscription to his training ezine- The MLMSuccess HEAT- at:http://www.passionfire.com/pf_heat_4.html and http://www.passionfire.com
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Reality Check In the world of business, there are a few things to watch out for before you get involved as an owner, affiliate, or investor. These are important everywhere, but nowhere more important than for the so-called "internet newbie" who is looking for additional income and/or a better lifestyle. Hype and unrealistic promises that sound oh, so good are everywhere. Let's pick a few of them apart. Learning to step back and think logically can be a financial lifesaver. It might even help to look at each offer and ask if you would want your kid or your grandparent or your best friend to get involved. If the answer is "NO!" then you shouldn't, either! MLM Success - You MUST Become Success Flammable in Network Marketing You MUST Ignite a FIRE in your Network Marketing business! A BLAZING Fire that will burn through ALL obstacles. Network Marketing Success - The ULTIMATE Success Understanding in MLM There is a question that determines probably 80% of your Ultimate MLM Success. And whether you understand it or not, may determine a lot of what happens to your business in the future as well as how your prospects respond to you. Why Would Anyone Consider Network Marketing Extra income, extra income, extra income!Residual income, residual income, residual income!That's it, plain and simple. Advice For Selecting A MLM Home Business Opportunity Looking for a MLM home business opportunity to start your own business? Working at home can give the freedom you want and the income that you deserve. By working from home you can be there for your children, cook dinner, and still get in a few hours of work before bed. A work at home business can be very attractive but you must be careful to select one that works for you. Reminisces Of An Aspiring Internet Marketer I've spent a lot of time and money on trying to promotevarious programs on the internet. MLM Recruiting - The REAL Reasons Why People Join Network Marketing Companies If there was a way that you could guarantee to explode your MLM recruiting, and touch people in such a way that most would follow you to the moon if you went... How To Buy MLM Leads You may wish to buy MLM leads from a reputable source when your business had out grown the standard friends and family network. There are hundreds of companies that want you to buy MLM leads from them. But how do you determine if the leads they provide are good leads? Here are some tips to help you decide whether a lead is good or questionable. Is Email Marketing Still An Effective Option For Network Marketing? With email filters, blockers, and simply tons of unsolicited email, is email marketing still a viable option to build and grow your network marketing business? The answer to this question, in my opinion is "Yes, but." Why People Say There is No Money in Internet Marketing Just finished check my email. Nothing new, three payment notification emails from PayPal, two new ClickBank sales, one new prospect in membership site I'm promoting and one mail from a frustrated marketer"I've been doing Internet marketing for last 3 years, I've joined so many programs. I max out my credit card but haven't made a dime yet." MLM Recruiting - The 5 Types of Network Marketing Recruiters in MLM It is amazing. Network Marketing - Lifetime Residual Income What is network marketing? Importance Of Leads The information containing details of the sale, provided by the MLM business owner, to contact people interested in the business and vice-versa is called leads. The leads can be fresh and stale. People who show interest in your business most recently form fresh leads whereas, those that have shown interest in your business few weeks ago or not that recently form stale leads. It might be possible that people who had shown interest in the past might not be interested any longer due to any reason. They might have got some better deal or may have any other personal reason. The fresh leads are the potential leads. You must concentrate on them. Multi-Level Marketing with Email Leads The multi-level marketing independent distributor continually faces the challenge of contacting new leads that may result in a customer for the company's product or service. An MLM email Lead is just like any other lead, except that the business owner (independent distributor) contacts this lead via email, rather than using standard offline methods of contact. Email leads should not be confused with a generic email list. The Big Dream Life It's 9:36 am when your eyes suddenly pop open. You sit up in bed with a smile on your face and thank God for all the many blessings he has given you and your family. After a yawn and a good stretch, you give your sleeping beauty (Wife) a kiss on the cheek then head to the kitchen. In no hurry, completely content and relaxed because you don't have the stress that 90% of America has called "A JOB". On the way to the kitchen, you find your little ones peeking around the corner in attempt to give Daddy a good morning "BOO". You decide to play along and act really surprised when they jump out even though this is the everyday routine. At this point, you see your wife walking down the hall with a smile on her face and greet her good morning with another kiss. You have breakfast with your family then head to the office (first door to the left). You check a few emails make a few calls then call it quits for the day. Opt-In MLM Leads Are Good Prospects To Grow Your Business Opt-in MLM leads are one of the best ways to attract new customers or sign up new members in your multi-level marketing plan. What are opt-in leads, you ask? That is a lead that had to fill out a questionnaire over the Internet and respond to an e-mail so that the lead generating company could email them for confirmation. Double opt-in mlm leads are the best since they have expressed interest in your type of company twice before you ever contact them. It's like having a fish with its mouth wide-open, waiting for the hook. Ideas On Promoting Your Home Business Opportunity Have you got yourself into a home business opportunity but don't know where to begin to generate yourself some leads? That happens among many of us that join a home business opportunity, you are not alone. Many will join and give up before really putting any effort into the business. Those who are determined will put forth effort and succeed with effort. MLM Local Leads In multi-level marketing (MLM), one of the goals of the business owner is to recruit other independent distributors into his or her network to sell the parent company's product or service. MLM local leads allow business owners to collect the benefits of using professionally generated advertising while working in their local area. Working with MLM local leads, you can build trust and rapport with a prospect much quicker than if you were working from a distance. Business owners can qualify local leads over the phone, and if they are a viable prospect for their businesses, they can invite these leads to a local meeting. Network Marketing Success- The Top 3 Secrets of Network Marketing Success What stops most people in MLM and Network Marketing? After studying this industry for over 20 years, and talking to thousands of folks, you learn a thing or two. Homebased Network Marketing Mlm Homebased Network Marketing Mlm has three qualities: control of time and money, continual salary, and steady growth which multiplies. By trying to control your time, you can reap from your downline's efforts. ![]() |
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