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The Value of a Good Sales Letter!
Regardless of how many forms of promotional material you create, the simple yet very important sales letter never goes out of style. As a matter of fact a good sales letter should definitely be included as part of your marketing strategy for it can be the most effective tool over any other promotional material. A good sales letter gives you an opportunity to make a smashing impression right out of the gate. The following are some strategies to consider when preparing your letter. 1) INTRODUCTORY LETTERS! You want your sales letter to be interesting without being exaggerated so a good strategy is starting out by using what I call an introductory sales letter. It's a softer sales approach that sells your product or service but doesn't do it aggressively. Rather than bombarding the reader with something that requires an immediate response, the delicate approach may be just the right touch. Since many people are more likely to respond to the softer approach, it's a good way to feel out your target audience. 2) KILLER COPY OR NOT! Although I know it has become very popular, particularly in web-based communication, I personally am hesitant when I read so-called "killer" copy. Primarily, my resistance comes not from reading exciting, well-written copy but more from something that moves me in the direction of urgency. That doesn't mean it isn't effective but it's not for everyone. In most types of sales letters, killer copy sounds almost too farfetched. 3) ATTENTION GRABBING HEADLINES! No matter what type of material you're preparing, good captions are the most important aspect to gaining interest so start your letter by having an attention-grabbing headline. Remember you only get a few seconds to seize the opportunity so make sure your caption tells a good story. Use words that reflect your excitement about your product or service. Consider too, that there are particularly pleasant sounding words with a great deal of drawing appeal. So when preparing your letter, start by playing with many different captions that have appealing words. 4) PERSUASION OR HYPE! You never want your letter to sound like total exaggeration but you do want it to encourage the reader to at least try your product or service. The message you want to convey clearly defines how your product or service can add something of value to someone else's world. Adding sparkle and pizzazz to your sales letter is necessary but be cautious about overdoing it. Keep it believable. 5) BRIEF AND TO THE POINT! Consider keeping the letter brief and to the point. Better to be brief with room for inquiry than boring and tedious risking the loss of interest. As a writer, who loves words, I get bored with too much communication and quickly lose interest. So keep in mind that your letter has to be riveting to hold attention but after one page you can very possibly lose the reader. Four or five brief paragraphs are probably best. 6) USE A UNIQUE APPROACH! When writing your letter, make every attempt at selling your product with a slant. For instance, I recently wrote some material for a gentleman that sells a portable heating pad that uses no electricity. It is of course a rather unique product and deserved a different approach. Rather than focusing on the heating pad, we focused on all the benefits that the heat could provide during travel, sporting events, and even warming the baby bottle. The communication was very effective and demonstrated how the product would make life easier and better for the user. 7) TESTIMONIALS! Always include quotes and testimonials by very satisfied customers. Having credible recommendations makes your letter more believable and inspires readers to try the product. Share the details as to why others found your product worthy. If you don't have testimonials, it's perfectly acceptable to ask a happy customer for an endorsement letter. 8) A CALL TO ACTION! Some form of call to action is always required in your letter or it will be too passive. Rather than insisting upon contacting you by a particular deadline, simply offer additional information such as a brochure, a sample of the product if possible or perhaps direction to your web site which explains the product in greater detail. Always be sure to include your contact information with name, phone number, e-mail and web address for further details. Regardless of your product or service, a good sales letter can prove to be one of the best marketing tools available and the least expensive. Don't hesitate to put your letter out there so all those who will benefit by your product or service have an opportunity to know about you and your company. It will pay off in dividends. Charlene Rashkow brings 15 years of experience as a Writing Stylist and Author to her creative efforts as a freelance writer. She has successfully helped companies and individuals reach their goals by writing web site content, press releases, bios, articles of interest, business plans, resumes, and all other forms of marketing material. You can visit Charlene at http://www.allyourwritingneeds.com
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Effective Lead Generation How to Gain your Prospective Clients' Attention and Generate the Leads You Need to Make Your Business a Success Postcards: Awareness Tool or Selling Tool? Are postcards better for building awareness or for selling?In my opinion, the answer to the above question is, "They can do both jobs. It depends on what type of business you're in."My own perspective is that of the Web and graphic designer who must distinguish herself from the hordes of other designers out there. I do this by keeping my name in front of my clients and prospects with postcards. Over the years, this approach has brought me quite a bit of repeat business from my longtime clientele, and new business from the prospects on my list.Since many businesses do nothing to stay in touch with their market, and spend their precious time and resources chasing after new customers, I think that the awareness approach has merit. After all, it costs six times less to sell to an existing customer than it does to sell to a new customer. This has been proven through numerous studies.Now, let's move on to the selling approach. Let's say you're new in town, and, by golly, you need some clients pronto-pronto. Which means that you're not going to send out postcards to build awareness. Rather, you're going to send something that gets new clients ringing your phone and setting up appointments where you sell your design services.In short, different strokes for different folks. And postcards are versatile enough to serve 'em all. Digital Printing vs. Press Printing ? A Comparison Guide When it comes time to print your brand identity materials, there's one overarching question for you to consider - whether to print the resulting materials on a digital printer or traditional press. There are many differences between the two processes, some of which are outlined below. How to Develop an Effective Company Profile -- and Why What is a company profile? A company profile is essentially a resume for your company that you use to establish your credibility with the market you serve. Your company profile helps potential customers to understand your business as well as to understand your company's approach, unique strengths, and relevant experience. Your company profile demonstrates your company's ability to effectively meet customer needs. Your company profile also helps others who are in contact with you such as lenders, the media, and job candidates to better understand your business. Who would benefit from having a company profile? A company profile would benefit any company wanting to establish its credibility including: * A consulting firm where it's critical for the company to establish the basis for its expertise* A service provider with a service that can't be evaluated before the sale where the prospect assesses the company's ability to provide the service based on its assessment of the company itself * A company that lacks a recognized name in the market it serves How can a company profile be used? There are many ways to use a company profile such as: * Including it on your web site as a means of establishing your company's credibility* Using a print version as a sales tool at trade shows or in mailings to prospects* Providing it to lenders to help you secure financing* Adding it to your media kit and including it with press releases to give the media background information about your company * Using it as a recruiting tool to promote your company to job candidates What should be included in your company profile? As a guideline, shoot for a company profile of approximately 250-400 words in length covering each of the following key areas: Summarize your company's background information Use the first paragraph of your company profile to summarize your company's background information. Include in this first paragraph the year the business was founded, where the business is located, a top-level description of the products or services your company provides, a top-level description of the clients and industries you serve, and the geography you serve. Also include details about your company's philosophy and approach to serving customers. Finally, be sure to mention achievements that quickly help to establish your company's credibility such as awards, the number of clients you have served, or the size of your business. Provide more detail on your company's products or services Use the second paragraph of your company profile to list the products or services your company provides. Use this paragraph to touch on the expertise and experience your company has that enables your to meet customer needs in these areas. You can also use this second paragraph to further define your target customer for the products or services you provide. Highlight your company's strengths and successes Use the third paragraph of your company profile to highlight your company's unique strengths as well key successes your company has had. To develop this paragraph, take the time to list the top 3 competitive advantages you feel your company has over businesses in your market space. Weave these competitive advantages into this paragraph of your profile. Next, list the top 3 successes your company has had and incorporate these successes into your company profile. Include qualifications of your company and your staff Use the next paragraph of your company profile to demonstrate your company's qualifications by emphasizing areas such as patents, publications, business partnerships and alliances, tools or technologies used to meet customer needs, accreditations, certifications or the educational background of staff members. Summarize your selling statement Use the final paragraph of your company profile to provide a 1 or 2 sentence closing selling statement that explains why a client should work with your company. Close with company contact information After the final paragraph of your company profile, provide your company's contact information including the mailing address, phone number, fax number, e-mail address, and web site URL. Whether you use internal resources to create your company profile or work with an outside resource, your business will benefit from having a company profile to establish your company's credibility with prospects, lenders, the media, and job candidates. 25 Ways To Make Your Next Direct Mail Campaign Work This list contains 25 powerful strategies to improve your direct mail results. It would be wise to use this as a checklist to ensure you've included as many as possible in your advertising. Any one of these strategies could measurably boost your response. How many of these are you using? The 10 Cornerstone Principles of Marketing There are four parts to a marketing system and they rest on ten cornerstones. Painless Marketing for People Who Hate to Market Face it?you know you've got to do something to keep a steady stream of clients coming to your professional service firm. But when it comes to the m-word (marketing), you'd rather not. Do any of these statements sound familiar? An Internet Marketing Strategy that Works You can't put up a beautiful (or any) web site and hope that people will just arrive. You have to let them know, IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY, that your web site is there. This HAS to be part of any Internet marketing strategy you develop. This is actually a basic marketing principle. Customers are not going to look for you, you have to look for them. The Added Effectiveness of Promotional Products in Your Marketing Plan Recently, I stopped by a new car wash in my town and while preparing to insert my six quarters into the machine to start the cleaning process, the owner came over to me and thanked me for stopping in. He also handed me a pen that had the name and address of the car wash imprinted on it. Hispanic Market Reality and Purchasing Power How many Hispanic people live in the US currently. Well there are 35.2 million who are here legally and have 100% undebatable legal rights. Of that 35 million; 59.8% were born here or 21.1 million. There are 40.2% here legally who were foreign born or 14.1 million. Flesh Eating Spiders And Other Marketing Horrors After a friend was bitten by a spider, I decided to do some research to find out more about the spider. Effective Tips For Telemarketers I had a telemarketer call me recently. Here's a rough transcript of the conversation. Has the Internet Killed Off the Direct Mail Baron? Over the past 30 years, direct mail has been responsible for generating vast amounts of money for businesses and individuals alike, but is it still an effective means of marketing? Sum of Its Parts I just spent a week at the beach with my family and, as much as I vowed not to think about work, stumbled onto a highly relevant lesson for marketing professional services. Cause-Related Marketing Altruism. Corporate responsibility. Philanthropy. These are often used to describe cause-related marketing, an activity in which businesses join with charities or causes to market an image, product, or service for mutual benefit. Unique Selling Proposition - Your Competitive Advantage! To capture a larger market share and be viable, sustainable and profitable, you absolutely need to differentiate or distinguish your business, products and/or services from your competitors. Free Publicity for Restaurants One of the best ways to get a restaurant free publicity is bytaking advantage of events and seizing the opportunity.For example, February 5th is Television Weather Persons' Day!Bet you didn't even know such a day existed, but it does, andit can give you free publicity. How? Weather people are theforgotten people at television stations. Deliver one of yourspecialties at the station. There's a good chance the weatherperson will be so delighted with the attention, he or she willmention you on the air. Even if they don't mention you, yourgoodies will be shared with the others on the staff and you'llget your name out there. When you call to let them know about anewsworthy event (and you will call, won't you?), they'll knowabout your restaurant. Marketing to a Critical Mass In "Developing a Marketing Plan", we covered the first steps to developing a marketing plan and tracking where your customers are coming from. Why Target the Matures The "Matures" are the generations that came along between 1909 and 1945. Born to and tempered by economic uncertainty, older Matures were nurtured by the New Deal and served in the mightiest armed force fielded by any nation. The Matures' core values are a roll call of traditional American culture: Honor; optimism, selflessness, dedication to a higher purpose (self-sacrifice equals virtue). Lessons From a Six Year Old My 6 year old daughter Emily knows exactly what she wants to be when she grows up. Two weeks ago she knew that she wanted to be a teacher. Last week she knew that she wanted to be an Olympic swimmer. This week she knows that she wants to be a professional singer. ![]() |
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