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Are Your Marketing Efforts Working...Or Could They Use A Little Help?
Marketing is a broad business subject that encompasses arange of activities including advertising, public relations,sales, and promotions. Generally, you will find that peopleoften confuse sales with marketing, when in fact the two arequite different. Marketing is all about getting a product orservice into the market, promoting it, influencing behavior,and encouraging sales turnover. Sales, quite distinctly, isthe actual transaction of getting a product or service intothe hands of your customers. With so many messages being propelled towards all of usthese days, it is more critical than ever for a company toget their product noticed. This means marketers haveevolved to being creative. Marketing is not an exact scienceand managers who know little about it are afraid that themarketing staff within their firm is often wasting valuablemoney. The truth is that marketing is an investment thatalways pays off; it just may come back in ways that are notnecessarily measurable. So even though one campaign maybring moderate results, another will bring astonishingprofits. Companies not committed to a marketing program are at adisadvantage in today's business world. Those who are stillfocused on their products, rather than their customers, aredoomed to experience lots of failure. Knowing what yourclients' expectations are and working to exceed them isthe key to ultimate business success. There are millions of marketing ideas just waiting to bespawned. If you need to generate ideas, start bybrainstorming on paper or on the computer. One small ideausually leads to many other ideas. Alternatively you cando a web search for the specific marketing ideas you arelooking to use in your marketing program. If you lack thetalent or time to be creative and generate your ownmarketing ideas, there are marketing agencies that canassist you to build a complete marketing program. When you are planning your marketing program, keep in mindthe hurdles you may face, and think of ways to eliminatethem. Some things that may hold you back from implementingyour marketing ideas include budget shortfalls, lack ofskill, or being understaffed. Think of ways around this asyou plan your strategy for the future. Finally, think about the specific actions that you can usein a marketing campaign. Your marketing actions mightinclude advertising, sponsorship, branding, and publicrelations. Or, you may want to stick with direct mail,product packaging and creating promotional materials such aspens or caps. Whatever method you choose, make sure youare pointing excited energy in that direction. It willbe reflected in the results! The author has discovered one of the secrets to getting the word "out there" regarding your product or service. She has shared this information with hundreds of business owners over the last 20 plus years and helped them to improve their business. Andrea Lee Churchill is passionate about marketing and is the webmaster of FWS Marketing
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Fundraising Letters Are Easier To Write With AIDA Learn a lesson from professional direct mail copywriters. They follow a time-tested format in their sales letters, a format that you can also follow when writing direct mail fundraising letters for your non-for-profit organization. All you need to remember is AIDA. To Be Successful Sell to Wants not Needs My mother used to tell me, tongue in cheek, that I never wanted anything in my life- everything I asked for was something I needed!! Think about it. We say, "I need a new car." "I need to go on vacation." "I need someone to clean my house." When was the last time you heard someone say, "I want a new pair of shoes." I bet even Amelda Marcos said, "I need a new pair of shoes." 4 Steps to Successful Offline Drawings There are many different ways to market offline, each important to your success. One of these being drawings. Not only does having a drawing bring attention to you and your product/service, but also brings you leads. How To Make More Money The biggest crime in small businesses today goes unnoticed by most outsiders. It is not reported in the media. There are no police reports filed and companies do not even mention it on their websites. People don't talk about it on the street and employees often overlook it. Even though this crime is rampant among small businesses, it's presence is so subtle that many business owners fail to recognize when it is happening! Unfortunately, this crime is the same one that is most likely to kill a small business. It is not stealing by employees, burglaries, trivial lawsuits, or industrial espionage. Online Communities - A Marketers Wildest Dream and Worst Nightmare! Online Communities are all over the Internet and attract lots of visitors which make them ideal for marketing. People participating in these communities share information about whatever they want under various topics. Some of these discussions get very heated while others go by nearly un-noticed. Spammers have made their mark in these communities by making many of these forums unbearable to legitimate marketers. Informational posts that are commercial in nature are often "Flamed" as being advertisements, solicitations, or even spam. This can easily discourage a new marketer, and possibly even destroy their career. The online community at www.eSpiritCommunications.Com is one acception. They have taken the "Flame" away by creating a online community for marketers, business owners, and consumers. The environment is friendly, and everyone posts and reads what they want in the forums. There are no "Bullies" running around because the rules allow advertising in appropriate categories. Focus...a Marketing Strategy The secret to increasing sales doesn't lie in choosing just the right marketing tactic for each of your businesses. The real problem that's experienced by many entrepreneurs--a damaging lack of focus. Build a Dynamic Business - 10 Steps to Start You Off It's where your employees are in a 'special place' when they work together. And to get there, they have to be in a culture that is very special - and you can create it in your business too!Here are ten key points that will make a big, big difference:-Build Great RelationshipsTake the time to engage with your people. Enjoy conversations with them. Listen more than you speak.Be GenerousThis is not a money thing. Generous with your time, your courtesy, your behaviours. Be a kind boss and be humble.Encourage PeopleEncouragement creates tremendous energy. Think about when you were encouraged - what was it that happened to you - replicate it a hundred times in the next week.Make it SafeLet people fail gracefully - and not about catching them out. Be the net they fall into and help them experience and learn from their mistakes safely.Trust and HonestyThese have to be a given for your people to give of their best for you. Setting the standards will encourage this as a baseline in your business.Enable RiskSure, gamble a bit on opportunities and let your people do so too. Risk is where the great inventions have happened in history - let it happen now.Give a HandYour people will value it when you get your hands dirty too. Take part in the 'business' when it needs you and be a part of the team sometimes.Provide a MapHelp your people help you and your business, by having a game plan for the future for the business and the people who work there. Be open with them - share your hopes, fears, worries and elation.Have ClarityBe very clear about what is expected of your people. Spell it out, go back, recheck and do it again. the onus is on you to get this right - not them.Laugh!The best creator of teams and the spirit they need, yet so often lack. Have fun, encourage laughing and get in there yourself - it will make the most enormous difference for you!With these conditions in place, you will then be able to leverage all the natural exuberance of your people - and get more, much more from them than you ever bargained for. Why Market to Generation X? Generation X"--the 40 million or so people born between 1965 and 1976--understands it is living in a world of uncertainty where neither the governŽment nor private employers offer lifetime financial security. This is, however, the next generation of responsible adults, bright young people with families to protect and educate...and nearly 40 years until retirement. A Look at Brochure Printing Services A brochure can be a wonderful promotional tool for a wide range of professionals, but getting them set up can be daunting. There are many brochure-printing services available that cater to both the amateur and professional. You can find them in a number of ways, including the phone book, the Internet, graphic design and advertising journals, or word of mouth. Increase Repeat Business and Referrals with Direct Mail So you have been writing mortgages like crazy now for the last few years. You have a pretty big database of customers and hopefully you have been getting and keeping full contact information for them. An organized database is the first key to customer retention. Marketing Lessons from Santa If a nonexistent man can change the world and millions of people with a message of joy then his marketing plan surely works. Right? Then what has Santa been doing right all these years that we can learn from? Does Your Marketing Plan Need Changing? Change is good, right? Not always. But when is it bad? Is it a question of good or bad? Sounds philosophical. Maybe it is. Marketing Strategy and Template for Independent Professionals Having a marketing strategy and marketing approach is very important. Thus, instead of recreating the wheel, here is a short, sweet, easy-to-understand marketing strategy template to help you place your ducks are in a row in designing your marketing strategy. Make Out Marketing What is the single biggest fear of teenagers, business owners and CEO's alike? URL Everywhere? Offline Marketing For Online Success Your URL (www) should be everywhere and more. Direct Marketing Puts Information In The Buyer?s Hands Direct marketing is advertising from a manufacturer or front-end supplier directed to the ultimate consumer of a product or service. Another way of looking at direct marketing is selling to a consumer directly, whether is from a printed magazine campaign, TV or radio spot, or from a direct mail package. It means that salespeople are not physically moving your product; promotions are. Direct marketing is a simple approach but also can be useless if not done right. Newsletters are Marketing Machines! Is your business publishing a print or e-newsletter? An informative publication is a great way to stay in touch with your customers and leads. It also reinforces your expertise in your industry. You can give your readers tips and advice. You can also give them updates about company news and information about your products or services. Both can help drive repeat business to your website. It also reminds people that you are still available the next times they need your services or products. Sell Big Ticket Items Now! - 1 Simple Step To Keep Your Fears From Holding YOU Back First, some background on today's topic. I've had a terrible week. Not terrible as in I got nothing done because I did actually get quite a bit done.But man, I struggled. And I didn't even really understand why.I have to admit, most of what I got done happened between Thursday and Sunday.Have you ever had a week like that where you struggled to get things done?Or worse yet, struggled and didn't get anything done? Or maybe it just FELT LIKE you didn't accomplish anything? I hate weeks like that and I rarely feel that way. So why was this week different? At first, I couldn't put my finger on anything specific. Looking back and replaying my week in my mind didn't cause anything to stand out either. In short, nothing really clicked as the cause for the way I was feeling and acting.So then I decided to do what I always do when I am trying to solve a problem. I just kinda let it go for a while and did something else.And THEN, I finally figured out what the problem was!It wasn't anything specific about THIS week. It was related to something I had done several weeks ago. And it's very ironic that this was the cause of my problem.You see, several weeks ago I had drafted my 90 marketing plan. This document describes what I plan to do in my Big Ticket Marketing efforts over a 3 month period. It's actually not that hard to figure out but it is something that you need to track closely and see which weeks of marketing effort have the biggest payoff. In other words, you want to track which things you did that resulted in the biggest payoff in sales, opt-ins by potential customers, joint ventures, branding, etc. Basically all the stuff we need to do to as part of our Big Ticket Marketing efforts. We want to repeat those things that give us the largest payoff in our next 3 month marketing plans and drop those things that didn't work out. And of course we always try new things that we think will work, as well.Anyway, the reason that I was struggling and feeling like I wasn't accomplishing this week was because...I was in OVERWHELM!I had a lot of tasks I wanted to accomplish, because I'm an ambitious guy. I want to do well and I have a lot of goals I want to reach. This is all fine, but the point of having a 90 day marketing plan is so that it will be easy to focus on the specific set of tasks that I need to accomplish each week by focusing on ONLY ONE main area each week.And normally, this system is very effective at keeping me focused. But, ironically, the act of creating the 90 day marketing plan made me look at everything I had to accomplish in the next 3 months and I was sort of stuck in that mode. I wasn't being effective at focusing on this weeks tasks because I was in OVERWHELM thinking about everything I had to get done, overall.Have you ever experienced that?I think we all have at one point or another.However, I am disappointed that I didn't recognize what was going on sooner. My background as a software engineer for Microsoft forced me to be pretty disciplined about focusing on what I needed to do and what our team needed to do every week to accomplish our goals. And sometimes the ship cycles lasted between 1.5 to 2 years.Plus I have a black belt in Hapkido (a Korean martial art like a cross between Tae Kwon Do and Aikido), which requires a lot of training discipline, patience, practice and long term view. But at the same time requires you to learn and work on smaller portions of the entire body of techniques, patterns, because that is the only way you can really learn what you need to know.Anyway, my point is that I should know better and yet I still fell into the fear from OVERWHELM. And I think everyone experiences not only overwhelm but other fears about what they want to do as well.The title of this article promised you a simple secret to keep your fears from holding you back - from selling Big Ticket Items. Can you guess what the secret is?I'll give you a hint. It's not really a secret at all. In fact everyone knows about this but unfortunately not everyone knows what to do especially in a case like overwhelm.Ready... the secret is ACTION!Yes, ACTION. Now you are probably wondering... "Hey, wait a sec, you just said you were in overwhelm, how can action possibly be the secret for that?"Napoleon Hill, in his book "Think and Grow Rich" said, "Action is the real measure of intelligence". Thomas Huxley said: "The great end of life is not knowledge but action." Intelligence means nothing, action means everything.I knew what I had to do this week and yet I was struggling to do it. I even had a 90 day marketing plan with each week spelled out for me and yet I was stuck. I got unstuck when I realized I was overwhelmed and decided to do something about it. What I decided to do was to take action. But the type of action I decided to take was influenced by my precious experience both in software development and martial arts.Have you heard of Kaizen?Kaizen is a Japanese word which basically means 'continuous and incremental improvement'. The word came from when the Japanese were introduced to the work of W. Edward Deming when he was stationed in Japan to help them rebuild after World War II. While there, Deming introduced them to what later became know as Total Quality Management.What I like about Kaizen is that it takes small action steps over time to solve problems. The beauty of this approach is that you can take something that currently seems daunting or puts you in overwhelm and start by only focusing on one small step that you can take to help improve the problem. The small step is so easy that you bypass your overwhelm and fears and just do that one small step. Then after a little while you introduce another small step and continuously improve the situation or problem until it is solved.So in this way you CAN take action, even if it is very small, and slowly over time each action you take has an effect that builds on all the others and creates an unstoppable force until your problem has been solved. The fact that the action is so small makes it easy for you to do SOMETHING and not focus on how much you have to do.Maybe a short example will help. One of my goals is to increase the readership of my articles and to get more people exciting about Big Ticket Marketing. One of the best ways to do that is to get my blog and my articles out to as many readers as I can. So this week, I wanted to get my Blog and my articles listed in as many E-zine and Electronic List directories as possible. I even have software to help me do this.Guess how many directories and list locations there are?Well... there are over 1000 just in the built in database in the software I am using.I kept putting this off, because I had a bunch of other stuff I needed to get done as well. But this was a major focus for me this week. Finally, what I decided to do was to just add my information to ONE directory or list every time I finished another task. Breaking it down so that I only had to worry about one entry every so often REALLY helped me make some progress in this area, without worrying about how many there were.I still have a long way to go, but my initial goal was to get listed in 20-25 sites and I'm currently sitting at 17. A few more sites and I will have met my goal!Plus, Kaizen is really how I study martial arts so the process is very familiar to me even when applied to something else.Ok, so the one 1 simple step you need to take anytime you have a fear to conquer or an overwhelming situation to deal with is to decide on one simple action that you can do in a very short amount of time that will ultimately help you solve your problem. Do this, and then increase what you are doing in that area by a little bit each time and before you know it you will have your problem solved.Try this! It works amazingly well with very little effort. And you get a huge amount of satisfaction knowing that you are taking steps to accomplish what you want to get done... and you'll be doing it almost effortlessly.By the way, if you want a great little resource on how to apply Kaizen, you should get The Kaizen Way - One Small Step Can Change Your Life by Robert Maurer. It's a relatively recent book and a quick read at 182 pages. You can find it on Amazon or at Barnes and Noble online. Maybe this is your first small action step.Also, check out the resource box below for some websites that will give you some resources you can really use related to your Big Ticket Marketing efforts! The Top 10 The Top Ten Signs That Your Marketing Message Needs a Facelift Is your marketing plan dull, flat, and downright boring? Is it lacking the zest and appeal which can penetrate the consciousness of your buyers? If so, you may be driving away folks who could easily buy your products or services. If so, these ten signs from The 90 Day Marketing Marathon Blunders from A to Z: B is for Boring will support you in raising your awareness of what drives folks away and tips on how you can create a message which will catch fire in the market place. Uncover Your Hidden Markets Want a simple, low-cost way to boost your sales? Just uncover the narrowly defined sub-markets hidden in your main market. Then create special versions of your advertising to focus on the specific needs of prospects in these hidden market segments. ![]() |
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