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Meaning and Marketing - The Trigger
In previous articles under "Meaning and Marketing", we havelearned about the verb "To Be" and that the name of God isI AM. Stephen Hawkings, the world's greatest mathematician, and authorof several books on science and the Universe, was more or less a bum during his university years in England and some yearsthereafter. I think he liked to drink. Everybody knew he had the GIFT and so did he. He just wasn'tusing it. But then he contracted Lou Gehig's Disease and thatgot him moving. What was the difference? Hawkings now faced a MUST and for him --he knew -- it was now or never. And this MUST has kept himamazingly alive for many years. Hawkings was facing a Moral Imperative! Scarlett O'Hara in the book and movie, "Gone with the Wind", isanother example. However, she didn't have a MUST, not really. She manufactured one. Her's and Margaret Mitchell's words will ring out forever - - "By God, I'll never be hungry again!" Or did she say, "I'll never eat radishes again!?" Her link was "Tara" - the Land. But, of course, her link was morethan that. It was Ashley Wilkes. She could care less about RhettButtler. Whatever her true links are, they were extremely active in herconscious and sub-conscious will and Scarlett literally stormsthe gates of Heaven with her demands and I AM is impressed.So are we. Never mind that she is a louse. In the end she will find her true SELF and, to her amazement, her true love -- Rhett Butler. So will you. If you don't face a MUST, you can always manufacture one -- if you want to, as Scarlett did. Don't be fooled. She could have gotten by on radishes, pinto beans, and settled for much less, as most of her neighbors did after the Civil War. She could have lived a very ordinary and miserable life for herself and future family. But that's not what she wanted, was it? That's not what she willed. A MUST is a Moral Imperative. It's now or never. You've got to get moving and you know it. What is it you want? Why were you born? What is your destiny? You can only know and find out by allowing your "wheels to hit theroad." Your Domain is -- YourHighestandYourBest.com This is the same as -- YouAre.com (See Article: "Meaning and Marketing: The Links") Now let's pretend YOU ARE 10 pounds of Pure Uranium and fashion you into a perfect solid ball about 5" in diameter and let's surround you in an amazingly well fortified container and packyou in a powerful explosive. When the explosive is triggered, the force of the explosion willbe directed inward and not outward and compact you at all pointsa fraction of a second about 5 tons per pixel. The Chain Reaction is then ignited within the sphere of YOURSELF. After that, it's 10,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit in all directions. Now this is an almost infinitely tiny explosion compared to our Mrs. Patricia Smith ("Eye of the Storm" Article) whose body plus the Door at the speed of light squared was the size of a proton with a mass of 239lbs. I AM used her to fashion a brand new universe. What will I AM do with you? Do you and I really have that kind of power? Yes, we do, if we gain weight. But what seems impossible physically is always possible in our WILLS and in our Imaginations - if we want it to be. And that'sall it takes. Go ahead. Deny yourself your WILL and your Imagination. But to do so is an excuse, and an excuse is always immoral. And so many people choose to be immoral: not having any direction, meaning,or purpose, and so they just get by from day to day. That's allthey do. It's a smart, safe, but a sad way to live. So if you are in the category of someone who wishes to live by your Will and Imagination -- and I am assuming that you are -- what are you going to use for your explosive material? Use your Links! I have dozens, even hundreds. Here are some ofmy links and I am showing you this just to show you what a linklooks like: "The King of the Golden River" by John Ruskin, a short story whichI read in the 2nd. grade; The death of Ben in Thomas Wolf's book, "Look Homeward Angel". Task Force FAITH on the East side of the Chosin Reservoir in theEpic Korean War Battle, Nov. 27 to Dec. 8, 1950. Movies: "Moll Flanders" - a model of endurance and true character. "Solaris" - You will know the price of LOVE. Music: "A Banquet of Voices", The Cambridge Singers"Vivaldi Concerti" and Baroque Trumpet Music, Nimbus Records,Nimbus Records #7012 My own real life stories: People - My Heroes...I have dozens and so do you. But how about this one forstarters: MyhighestAndMyBest.com/LanceArmstrong Special Numbers that have meaning only for me:$17.01 & $21.01 (the ladder added in the last week) Etc, etc, etc... There is a story behind all my Links. These are the very bestkind of Links -- the ones with a story behind them, from yourvery own life. BUT YOU DON'T NEED ANY OF MY LINKS. USE YOUR OWN! Look for your own, find your own - anything that has specialmeaning for you and that empowers you. Open your eyes.They are everywhere! Surround yourself with YOUR links to your past and present anduse them as explosives to blast yourself to a much better futurefor you and your loved ones. Click on any one of YOUR OWN linksand your will and you should arrive at the same place: YOU andyour Destiny. YouAre.com Click on these links and you should arrive or ought to arrive at your Ultimate Link: TheKingdomofIAM.com You don't believe in GOD? Then just pretend that God is the verb"To Be" and think of God as the way you use the verb "To Be" andall words in your language -- as the way and the means you useto communicate with others. Therefore, every time you use yourlanguage, you will be acknowledging it's true Source. If God -- I AM -- is anything, S/he is communication. Therefore,let us not fail to communicate. After all, this is what Marketingis all about, isn't it? NOW YOU LACK ONLY ONE THING: A Trigger!!! The Trigger is your Moral Imperative. What is a Trigger? A Trigger can be one of two things:(1) Someone or Something that royally angers you.(2) Someone or something that has exhilarated you and broughtto you a very special JOY. When Jesus of Nazareth grew up in Galilee, he looked around himand saw plenty to anger him. And it is the same with you and me. When we look around us, what do we see and what do we care about?And do we not feel a similar anger sometimes? But we can use our anger as a trigger, as many great people havealready done. There are dozens of causes that elicit our anger.Choose one and go with it and use YOUR anger as the Trigger. But in truth, the ladder (No. 2 -- Joy) may be the best kind of trigger because it has more force and power and you might as well "go for the Gold" in your trigger. This is what manyartists have done. Goethe is just one example. Unfortunately, LOVE as a trigger has to do with "Unrequited Love",as in the case of Scarlett O'Hara, but it is one of the mostpowerful and energizing forces in the world if you want to makeuse of it. If you don't make use of it, it can destroy you. Whom or what have you lost that you cannot recover? Instead ofinvesting your life in sadness and regret and sometimes suicide,turn all that energy around and use it as your Trigger. The only way you can recover what you have lost is by reformingyourself, by re-imagining yourself. When you find your true self,you will have recovered, not only what you have lost, but alsomuch more. You will be and shall become a New Creation. Your point right now is not to succeed, but to begin. To begin,you must have a Trigger -- a Moral Imperative -- and the bestTrigger is unrequited love. But if you don't have that, unrequited love, then the other kindwill do. Don't be fooled by Scarlett O'Hara. When she was reaching forthe gold, she was mostly reaching for Ashley Wilks. She had a double trigger! She had two triggers. She had both kinds. Now that you have your TRIGGER -- YouAre.com/Ashley -- it's timeto take cover with your compatriots in your foxholes, to joinhands, and to pray. Who is there to pull the Trigger? YOU ARE. Use your WILL. (See Article 3: "Meaning and Marketing: The Will") It's now Six Trillion, Trillion Degrees and the force of theblast is moving at speeds that trouble the imagination... (See Article 2: "Meaning and Marketing: The Eye of theStorm") Have a good life. Find yourself. In finding your TRUE SELF, youwill find your TRUE LOVE and the world in you and around you willnever be the same again. Who knows? Your Unrequited Love may even come to visit you, butonly after you have made some money, a whole lot of money. Andthen, if you want to -- but I hope you will not want to -- youcan tell him/her where to go. You are a Network Marketer. You do want to make alot of money,don't you? Isn't that what you want? Isn't that what you WILL? If not, then why are you in Marketing? Since your are in Marketing, you might as well go for the Gold.If it was good enough for Scarlett O'Hara, it's good enough forme. And besides all that, I have some "loves" to recover. Don't you? Go ahead! Pull the Trigger! Begin! The best way to read this article is in sequence with the other articles in this series under "Meaning and Marketing": (1) The Hurricane; (2) The Eye of the Storm; (3) The Will; (4) The Links; (5) The Trigger "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe,Intro by Michael Hulse, Penquin Literature; E=MC(uppercase2), a book about Einstein's most famous mathematical formula Paul Snell lives with his wife, Jean, and younger son, Steven, and their dog Blackie in Lexington, NC. He is a former minister in the Presbyterian Church USA and has been in Network Marketing full time since 2002. Paul, at the age of 61, has recently been diagnosed as Bi-Polar with A.D.D. as a minor component. He, with the encouragement of his great mentors at the Power Shift Loop, is an advocate for the treatment of mental illnesses -- all kinds, including substance abuse. He may be contacted at psnell100@excite.com
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Ten Effective Ways to Capture Market 1.Evaluation of Existing Products / Therapies Coupons that Work Turn a coupon into a business card (or vice versa). Direct Marketing ? Brand Identity Guru Tips If your company doesn't have a direct marketing program in place, a direct marketing agency can create one for you. A direct marketing company provides small to very large customizable ranges of business-to-business and business-to-consumer direct marketing options sure to fit your needs. From database creation and maintenance to data analysis and creative program execution, a direct marketing company can take any existing direct marketing program, or a lack of one, and develop a highly efficient direct sales machine for your company. Make Your Prospects Say Yes! 6 Secrets to Stellar Sales Presentations Four Simple Ways to Cut Your Trade Show Marketing Budget in Half Many times when a trade show is planned for there isn't someone who watches the budget and tracks where the money goes. But, if you do want to know where your trade show marketing dollar goes and want to do better, this article is for you. Beyond Fear And Greed: Emotions That Sell Fear and Greed. The stock-in-trade of sales. Appeal to them, and your success is assured. But isn't there more to life than those two emotions? How to Give Your Biz a Boost with a Summer Marketing Makeover Are you on track for hitting all your business goals for the year? A quick check-up of your promotional efforts can reveal "week spots" and help identify what needs tweaking to give your business a healthy boost in the next few months. Here are five key areas to focus on with your mid-year marketing makeover. Rising Postal Rates? Don?t Cut Down the Direct Mail The United States Post Office in the past had some trouble with its finances and their solution was to raise the postal rates. Whether or not you agree with this approach to trying to stay in business, like the weather and government in general, it's something you have to live with. Integrity and Marketing - Finding the Right Balance When marketing themselves to leads and prospects there are five common mistakes people make, all which can be easily avoided by finding the right balance to maintain your personal and professional integrity in all pursuits. Terrific Titles, Happenin Headlines You've probably heard the slogan, "You never get a second chanceto make a first impression." It may be a sales pitch, but in theworld of advertising and promotion, it's right on the nose. Rules of Thumb for Marketing to Your Past Customers Keeping in touch can dramatically increase business, when done properly. Shine a Spotlight on Your Professional Service Firm As a life-long dancer, I know a bit about the importance of good preparation before performance. Before a dancer is ready for the spotlight, she has to master the basics including alignment, strength, flexibility, balance, choreography, and artistry. Advertising Your Private Practice: 6 Tips for Maximizing Your Results-Part 2 As discussed in part 1 of this article, "Your Private Practice: Beware of the Problems," I usually don't recommend advertising as a main method of marketing a practice for new coaches, counselors and healing professionals. There are often more cost-effective ways to get the word out and attract clients. Online Communities - A Marketers Wildest Dream and Worst Nightmare! Online Communities are all over the Internet and attract lots of visitors which make them ideal for marketing. People participating in these communities share information about whatever they want under various topics. Some of these discussions get very heated while others go by nearly un-noticed. Spammers have made their mark in these communities by making many of these forums unbearable to legitimate marketers. Informational posts that are commercial in nature are often "Flamed" as being advertisements, solicitations, or even spam. This can easily discourage a new marketer, and possibly even destroy their career. The online community at www.eSpiritCommunications.Com is one acception. They have taken the "Flame" away by creating a online community for marketers, business owners, and consumers. The environment is friendly, and everyone posts and reads what they want in the forums. There are no "Bullies" running around because the rules allow advertising in appropriate categories. Increase Your Profits Through Customer Loyalty The job of convincing your existing customers to spend higher and more often can be an extremely tough task. There are many ways of achieving customer loyalty. It can be far more profitable to market existing and new products to an established customer base, than to try and attract new buyers. Offering incentives such as: loyalty discounts, increased order discounts, attractive credit terms, bonuses and dedicated account managers are just a few tried and tested methods for maintaining and increasing customer loyalty. 7 Tips for Successful Postcard Marketing Simple low-cost postcards have become a valuable business tool for modern marketers. They can produce a surge of traffic to your web site or a flood of high-quality sales leads. Three Ways to Put Fresh Spins on Old Marketing Concepts Are you struggling to find a new twist for old advertising or marketing campaigns? If you're a small business owner or a copywriter/coach/other creative professional, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Having to come up with new ideas for a long-term client (or even your own business) can be overwhelming. As much as you love those long-term clients or established products, because of their longevity, it gets harder and harder to come up with the next brilliant product. But never fear. Here are three ways to get those creative juices (and new ideas) flowing. 1. Study other ads. Flip through a magazine or turn on the television, except this time focus on the ads and not the content (I know, I know, this is counter to what you usually do). Which ads do you like? Why do you like them? Is there something that those ads are doing you can modify for your campaigns? The key word is modify, not copy. I don't want anyone committing copyright infringement. What I'm talking about is using an existing ad to jump-start your own ideas. Maybe you really like the use of an evocative photo with a single caption. Or the use of repetition in Mastercard's "Priceless" campaign. Or the idea of turning the "money can't buy everything" on its head (which is essence of that campaign). Can you use that concept in your campaign? Another resource for great ads is Communication Arts Magazine. Each issue showcases some of the most creative and beautiful ads found anywhere. 2. Check out what a completely different industry is doing. For instance, let's say you sell software products to computer professionals. Techy market, right? So, pick up a yoga magazine. See how that industry communicates with its audience. Now try selling your product using the same language and concepts. Take it a step further and brainstorm ways your software product is similar to doing yoga. This is a very powerful way to jolt your own thinking and start your muse down a completely different path you might never have discovered before. 3. Force a connection. With this idea, force a connection with a random object rather than an entire industry. You ask yourself, how is your software program similar to a stuffed dog? Write down everything you can think of, no matter how silly or foolish. Sometimes the foolish ideas are the ones that lead to the great ones. A final note: If at all possible, don't rush this process. Give your muse some time to ponder and play with these techniques. I know it often seems like ideas pop into your head out of thin air, but usually that's because of the hard work you've put into it. You've given your muse the necessary tools and "incubation time" to make ideas happen. Breaking The Voice Mail Barrier Even if you never place a cold call, you still have to reach people by phone. That customer who was so interested last month never called you back, and now you must call her. You call once, twice, three times, but you can't get her in person. How can you manage to close a sale if all you ever get is voice mail? 7 Ways a Copywriter Can Help Your Business Succeed Think you can't afford to hire a copywriter? Think again. Here are seven ways a copywriter can contribute to the success of your business. Whats In a Business Card? Over the years as I have attended trade shows, networking meetings, chamber events and more; I have noticed a few things about the successful and the not so successful. First of all, do you have a business card?If you belong to a large corporation, you were probably issued business cards as a matter of course, almost as if it was a company perk. If you are in a small or home-based business, chances are you, personally, made the effort to get business cards, which entailed design, print and distribution. So if you went to all of the trouble of acquiring them, you should use them to your advantage. Here are a few tried and true rules for marketing with your card.1. Never leave home without the cards. I have stopped for coffee already and had someone ask me for a card because they saw my car sign as I pulled into the local coffee shop lot. If you want people to discredit you as a businessperson, all you have to do is say "Oh sorry I forgot my cards today." I have even been to trade shows and fellow exhibitors were walking around without cards. You have not only lost an immediate opportunity to market your business, but you look like an amateur who doesn't deserve the business.2. Is the information correct? The reality is that sometimes we change our contact information. If you know that there will be changes in the near future, then limit the number of cards you have printed. Do not, scribble out and hand write information on your card. Back to "Can anyone say amateur?" I said that to someone once and his reply was, "yes but business cards are expensive." That says two things to me: 1) he didn't shop around for a good price and 2) AMATEUR! The idea is to attract business not scare it away.3. Does the card say what you want it to say? What message are you trying to get across? When designing a business card, think about the placement of information on the card. Is the key information in a prominent place on the card? Does the design work with the rest of your company image? Your business card should be an extension of your company just like your logo, stationery, checks, signage, website and more. They should all get across the same message and design.4. Can prospective clients contact you easily with the information provided on your card? This is a big one!Is your website up to date?Do you check your email at least once a day? (and respond!)Is your email address professional (not mycompany@genericfreeemail.com)Is your voice mail message clear, concise and professional?In this day of technology everyone assumes you must have email and a website for your business to be successful. This is not necessarily true. If you do not conduct business via email or internet then do not put that information on your card. No matter what you use, the key is to be accessible.5. Are you marketing with your business card? Keeping them in your pocket is a waste of time and money. Be clear about who your target client is. When you see an opportunity slip in your business card. Do not be rude and pushy, but confident that the person could benefit from your services.If you are not sure that your business card is getting you where you want, market test it. Give it to some friends and colleagues and ask them for their opinions. If your friends are not going to be honest with you, then try "strangers." At the next event you attend ask some people what they think of your design. ![]() |
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