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How to Make Profits With a Commission Mailing Business
List your name under this classification and dealers will mailbundles of circulars to you with a blank space at the bottom ofthe ad in which you stamp your name. You mail these out and theads "appear" to be your own. You receive money for whatever isadvertised on the circular. You keep 50% and the dealer whosent you the circulars will fill the order for you for the otherhalf. Never mail out a single circular by itself. Mail as many of thedifferent circulars as you can, in the same envelope. Stuff yourenvelopes full. The more you mail to one customer, the morelikely you'll make a sale and the less will be the per unitmailing cost. Mail order enthusiasts do read these circulars! Next, run ads in different magazines saying that you mailcirculars for others. Charge whatever you determine is fair. Use the standard rate charged by others in the business. Youcan get this information easily by checking several dealersoffering this service in the various mailorder publications andadsheets. Then determine a fair charge based on the variationsof your services from the normal operations. Always mention in your ads that "WE MAIL COMMISSION CIRCULARSFREE!" Whichever part of the ad the reader responds to, you canmake money. It is possible to run this business into a fulltime job and make good money well worth the effort you put intoit. The best plan to follow is to keep growing. Run an ad everychance you get. Take on new commission circulars, test them,keep the ones that pull, omit the ones that do not pull. Beforeyou realize it, you will graduate from a part-time mailer to afull time money-maker! Nine Steps That Put You in the Commission Mailing Business: 1. Order a good rubber stamp with your name and address on it. 2. Send for some free imprints (Commission Circulars). You pay only the postage for these. They are available from prime source mailorder firms. 3. Buy a supply of envelopes and stamps. 4. Address the envelopes to the names wanting big mail. 5. When you receive your circulars, stamp your name and address in the blank space on the commission side of the imprint. 6. Put one of each type of circular in each envelope, filling to the maximum weight for each level of postage rate. 7. Mail them. 8. When you receive orders, take out your commission. 9. Forward everything else to the source. (The firm or individual) who sent you the circulars... and you are in business! If you are serious about commission mailing, you will take thetime to look over each offer in the Big Mails you receive. Mosteverything one needs to follow the nine steps above is offeredin the various Big Mail Packets, most of it free. There is money in mailing, but it is not as some advertise it You won't make $50,000 a year by working one hour a week fromyour kitchen table. NO! It doesn't work that way. If you will follow instructions, be happy with from $100 to $400a week, spending a few hours every night, five nights a week,then you too can make money in mailing the various offersavailable to you. The nine steps listed above give you everything you need to getstarted. It is now up to you. You invest only what you wish,you grow as big as you want. Just one note of advice... Whenyou send your commission circulars, send more than one of akind... You will pay the same postage to mail one as you will tomail several. The more you mail at one time, the better theodds of receiving orders. It's also a good policy to never getyour circulars and your name lists to mail to from the samedealer. Yes! Using these nine steps can put you in the commissionmailing business! Making Money With Your Own Adsheet! When you are in a position to publish your own adsheet you willbe able to expand your basic commission mailing business foradditional profits. Adsheets are usually started by the publisher cutting ads fromother magazines and making paste-ups with these "Freebies". Thepublisher then mails his adsheets to these various dealers andasks them to re-run their ads with him at $$ per column inch. This is a risky beginning because many dealers are not in aposition to buy, or do not want to purchase additional ad spacefor one reason or another. There are a number of publishers who have a method for startingadsheets that is almost 100% risk free. They send you partialpage, or full page ads, that pay from 50% to 100% commission andyou may run these ads over our name in your first edition ofyour adsheet. As paid ads come in, you simply replace thesefree ads with the paid ads. Until you get paid ads for your publication, you have a chanceto make money whether you have paid advertisers or not. Moreover some companies will give you substantial discounts ontheir various mailorder programs if you run their 3x6 ad in thefirst edition. Thus you can make money off of their ads and youget professionally designed mailorder programs at very littlecost. Also, there are a number of mailorder companies that have fullline printing plants and they will print your adsheet for you atvery competitive prices, in the event you don't have your ownprinter. As you dig deeper and deeper into the world of mailorder, youwill be able to locate and contact many firms and individualswho will offer many and varied programs and services. How to Get Your Circulars Mailed Free! There is another way to get your circulars mailed free. As soonas you can afford it, become a supplier of commission circulars.The easiest way to do this is to take "all-profit" offers andhave circulars printed on two sides. On one side have your ownname and address printed. On the other side leave space for arubber stamp imprint. Offer these circulars to circular mailers on a commission basis.They keep a commission from 50% to 100% on the one side, andyou make your profit on the other. Use the same method for anyoffers that you develop for yourself. You can reach these mailers by advertising in, or subscribing toseveral mailorder trade magazines and adsheets. Another way tolocate mailers for your literature is to notice the ads bymailers; usually at the bottom of their ads they state"Commission Circulars Mailed Free", which means they get oneside and you get the other, as above. If you really want to get rolling using this method, take two"all Profit" offers, one on each side, and give the mailer 100%on one side. You still make yours on the other offer. Also, if you are interested in obtaining additional commissioncirculars for yourself, include "Commission Circulars MailedFree", in your own ads. Still another way to get your literature mailed free is toinclude this little note in all your advertising... at the endof the copy... "Stamp appreciated". It only costs you twowords, but it could save you a great deal in postage. If youare advertising in trade publications or adsheets use "SASE"which means "Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope". The savingsfrom envelopes, addressing labor and postage can add up fast. Many small dealers use this method exclusively, even in thelarge circulation magazines. They have been using it for yearsand it still works! How to Make $100 mailing 100 EnvelopesBy Using the Exchange Mailing Plan! Regarding this plan they have been telling you to have 5,000 3x6commission circulars printed, the circulars offering $1.00 itemsand paying 50% commission on every order received. Then mail100 each to 50 "Exchange Mailers" in 50 envelopes marked X-100SY(which means Exchange 100-Send yours). When you receive 100circulars from each of the exchange mailers, mail out one eachin 50 envelopes. This way 100 envelopes mails your 5,000circulars. If you have a good circular offering a popularseller, and the exchange mailers you sent yours to, are honestand dependable, you should receive at least a 2% return. Thenthey state that this plan will bring $50 profit. This is the complete plan and they say it works. That it isworking every day for many mailers and that it will work for you! I have no doubt that it works; however the $50 profit theymention is Gross Profit before any expenses. Figure it up. Bythe time you purchase the printing, the envelopes and thestamps, your expenses will leave you little if any Net Profit. Of course, if the exchange mailers send you top pullingcirculars for their "fast selling products" and you receive 50%or more commission on orders from these, you can make asubstantial Net Profit, perhaps enough to pay for your time andeffort. If you are serious about making money at home, commissionmailing is one way to do it, but you must have circulars thatoffer top selling items. In this day and age of inflation andhigh postage costs it is difficult to make a buck by mailingcirculars selling only $1.00 products. You should have a veryminimum selling price of from $5.00 to $8.00 in order to pay youa reasonable amount! For just the postage and handling, many mail order firms willsend you commission circulars and the names of other mail orderdealers who will send you all the names you want, FREE! Thereare other dealers who are happy to send you their circularswithout the cost in order to defray their mailing expenses. Allyou have to do is write and request their circulars or place asmall display ad in various mailorder advertisers and ad sheetsindicating that you mail good commission circulars free! You can get the names of a number of printers in the mailorderbusiness who print commission circulars for a very reasonablefee. I would suggest that you order 6,000 3x6 circulars ratherthan 5,000 as suggested on the prior page for the simple reasonmost printers like to keep their printing formats and priceschedules in round figures and 6,000 3x6's (approximately 2-3/4x 5-1/2, not actually 3x6) will fit on 1,000 sheets of thestandard size 8-1/2x11 paper. If you handle your commission programs on a conservative basisuntil you have tested and proven the value of each program, youcan very well make $100+ by mailing 200 envelopes with anexchange mailing plan! Postage Saving Tips As with all your mailorder programs, just like any otherbusiness, you must operate efficiently and save dollars wheneverand wherever possible. In your commission mailing programs itis especially important to get the most use out of every dollaryou spend on postage and mailing costs. Errors and lack ofplanning when preparing mailing programs costs untold millions. Incorrect scales and mistaken rate calculations account for manymore millions. The use of machines for folding and inserting,etc., can save substantially when your mailings get large enoughto warrant their use. Most letters mailed at one ounce rates weigh much less than oneounce. Save money by stuffing your mailings with othercirculars and inserts unless your mailing involves a specialoffer that is best promoted separately. Most people do notrealize that a #10 envelope plus five standard 8-1/2x11 sheetswill go at the ounce rate. It also is a saving idea to print onboth sides of your documents. With a small battery operated mail opener that costs less than$20, you can open most envelopes quickly and easily withoutdamage to the inserts. To maintain your mailing list on a current basis it will pay tospecify "Forwarding and Return Postage Guaranteed", and "AddressCorrection requested". See your postmaster for third class bulk rate information. It's a simple procedure to get set up forBulk mailing. After an initial charge you can renew for anannual fee. You will get back the cost of the fees just in thefirst few hundred mailings, and ride at the bulk rate for therest of the year. However, it can take from a week to two weeksfor delivery. Paste on color stickers are used to indicate thedestination, making it easy to sort and bundle by zip areas, etc. Note to editors: Copyright 2004 by DeAnna Spencer This article may be distributed freely on the Internet as long as the resource box remains intact.
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Ready, Aim, Fire...Oops...Wheres The Target? Everywhere you go on the Internet you find the words, "target market." What do they mean? What does it have to do with you? Well it has everything to do with your success in sales. Why You Buy, Part Two More of the findings of the recent studies in behavioral economics: Do You Really Need a Brochure? The phone rings. Good news... it's a potential client. You say, "Thanks for calling, I'll send you our brochure." Everything Youve Ever Learned About Marketing Is Wrong Everything you've ever learned about marketing and advertising is WRONG. Everything you've ever heard everything you've ever tried, everything you've ever done, it's all WRONG. Has the Internet Killed Off the Direct Mail Baron? Over the past 30 years, direct mail has been responsible for generating vast amounts of money for businesses and individuals alike, but is it still an effective means of marketing? Good Vibes/ Bad Vibes Have you ever walked into a store or business and felt uncomfortable there for no apparent reason? Have you ever walked into a store all happy and left quite frustrated? Have you ever wished your house could feel happier? The process called energetic clearing can make a significant improvement to any location. Top 5 Ways to Generate Qualified Leads for Your Small Business Do you ever wonder if you could be doing a better job marketing your small business or professional service firm? Successfully marketing a small business is hard work. There are several key skills required to consistently develop new business that you, as a small business owner, must master in order to succeed. Free and Easy School Fundraisers | Elementary and High School Fund Raising Ideas Parents are always looking for free and easy ways to improve their child's education. School funding plays a big part in the education that your child receives, especially if you are in a smaller school such as a church school or private, independently owned school. There are several school fundraising and fund raiser programs that a parent can participate in that will help with the goal of raising funding for their school. The following paragraphs describe some of the most easy, effortless and popular school fundraising ideas in which parents can participate:1. Campbell's Labels for Education -- The Campbell's Labels for Education fundraising campaign has been around for many years and provides large amounts of funding to schools throughout the country each year. The process is simple -- simply peel off the labels of your Campbell's soups and turn them into your school. Your school will then send them in to Campbell's to redeem them for school funding. Also, did you know that all Campbell's labels aren't worth the same amount of money? I found that the Campbell's line of Chunky Chilis are actually worth 5 soup labels! Campbell's makes lots of other products that you can turn into your school for funding -- it's not just limited to soups! For more information on the Campbell's Labels for Education fund raising program and many of the Campbell's products that are worth funding for your school, visit the Labels for Education website.2. General Mills Box Tops for Education -- This fund raising program is very similar to the Campbell's program listed above. Simply purchase any General Mills products with the Box Top for Education label on it, turn it in to your school, and they in turn will send it in for school funding. It's that simple. You can find out more about this fund raiser program by visiting the BoxTops For Education website.3. Scrip Advantage -- The Scrip Advantage fund raising program provides school funding through purchasing of gift certificates from popular retailers (such as Macy's, JCPenney's, Home Depot, Shell, Kroger, and Gap) nationwide that it has relationships with in large quantities and at a discount. Scrip Advantage then makes these gift certificates available to nonprofit organizations (in your case, your school) at a discounted rate. When your school sells these same gift certificates to its families and members at face value, the difference between the discount rate and face value is the school's weekly profit. There are hundreds of retailers on the list, and your school is probably already a participant in the program. Call your school office to find out of they are a participant and sign up! If they aren't have them visit the Scrip Advantage website for more details on this fund raising program.4. Your Local Grocery Store ? Many grocery stores have fundraiser programs where they will donate a percentage of the money you spend for groceries to the school or organization of your choice. For instance, in my area there is a Food Lion store that has a card called the MVP card where you can get grocery items at a discount price if you are a MVP member. Then each time I shop at Food Lion and use my MVP card, a portion of my total grocery purchase will be donated to my school. It's that simple! Hey, we all have to eat, so why not benefit your school in the process, since it is so effortless! To see if there is a Food Lion in your area, visit the Food Lion website. If there isn't then check with your local grocery stores -- I'm sure at least one of them has a similar fund raising program.5. Restaurant Benefit Night -- This is an idea that I think is great! Local restaurants (such as Fuddruckers, Chick-Fil-A and CiCi's Pizza to name a few) have a benefit night that provides funding to the school or organization of your choice. It works like this -- you go to the restaurant and when you order your food, tell them the organization that you would like them to fund. The restaurant then takes a percentage of your meal total and donates it to the school or organization of your choice for funding. Many restaurants have these types of fund raising programs, so next time you go, inquire about it and enjoy your food even more, knowing your are funding your school!6. Department Store Contributions -- Did you know that you can provide school funding every time you use your department store card? For instance, Target offers a school fundraising program where for every purchase you make on their Target Visa or Red Card, they will donate a percentage to the school of your choice. All you have to do is link your card to the school of your choice through the Target website and they'll send the money to your school. Again, it's just that simple!The paragraphs above list just a few easy and effortless school fund raisers and fund raising ideas. They don't require selling of candy bars, candles or pizzas (not that there's anything wrong with those fundraising ideas, but they require more effort), and they provide your school with funding year round, for buying items and things that you would normally buy anyway.Good luck with your school fund raisers and fund raising! How Testimonials Can Put You in the Spotlight If you need evidence that a testimonial or referral can help you, let me tell you a personal story: Hold Onto What Youve Got You probably spend a great deal of your time looking for newcustomers or clients. However, are you sure your doingenough to hold onto the ones you've got. One of the leastcostly ways to grow your business is to get customers tocome back and buy more of your product or service. How To Start A Mail Order Business The Mail Order business is not a business of itself, but is another way of doing business. Mail Order is nothing more nor less than selling a product or service via advertising and the offers you send out by mail. Gaining Business Intelligence A white paper on how companies should analyse customer data to gain better business intelligence and how they can use that knowledge. Three Alternative Methods On Getting Quality Testimonials with Bonus Here are three alternatives to increase your testimonial numbers or their quality. Create an online diary or blog, use an auto responder method, set up a form on your web site or set up a survey. Knock, knock. Whos There? Your Target Market, Are You Listening? Have you ever had a conversation with a person who wasn't listening to anything you said? Finding Your Niche: What Do You Want To Be Known For? In my experience, there are two kinds of small business owners: one that knows whom their market niche is and utilize it, and another who tends to waiver or not want to "set in stone" their target market. With the latter group, I always probe for more information: Why don't you want to choose a specific target for your product/service? Time and time again, the response is the same "I don't want to limit my profits by only catering to a few." Global Market in the Cyber world?Go and Get It ! With the Internet opening up the doorway to the global market, everybody is up and running to reap the maximum benefit of this widely used medium. Not only has Internet gained importance as an important medium of communication but also has given a platform to thousands of people to nurture their entrepreneurship and realize their dreams of self-employment. Marketing Got You Stumped? It's not unusual for entrepreneurs to find the whole idea of marketing intimidating. Even seasoned business owners often feel their marketing efforts aren't working. Marketing vs Selling - Why Theres A Difference Marketing is something that we do to let people know what products we have to offer. Attracting Clients With Incremental Marketing Do you ask prospective clients to go too far? The A-Z of Exhibiting Overseas Exhibiting overseas is one of the fastest and most cost effective ways to identify the best foreign markets for your products/services. International trade shows and fairs offer opportunities for multilateral contacts and business deals. They allow you to test your product's export suitability; explore the strength and scope of your competition; and gain exposure to potential suppliers, in-country distributors and customers before making any sizable financial commitments. However, to effectively trade internationally, top management must commit to developing foreign markets. ![]() |
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