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Lower the Bar
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." Ralph Waldo Emerson I'm so excited. I got a cool new power point template with orange and yellow flames. It's not too much (well, maybe it is), but I don't care. I like it. So I transferred my regular presentation to the new template. I got some mesmerizing slide transitions like Jim Edwards used (spinning boxes and such that the audience at Big Seminar were oohing and aahing about). My handouts were ready to go. Then I find out -- they don't have a projector where I'm speaking. Bummer. So I freak out. I call my marketing buddies, who don't answer their phones (they're busy marketing). I dial up my mastermind group. No go. I beg to borrow my ex -husband's projector and big 'ol screen to drag on the one day roundtrip flight. He says yes. I don't know how to set this up. Now my husband John usually goes with me. But since this is just one day, he opts to stay at home and take care of the kids. So I figure I can just figure it out and follow the manual (never mind that techno geek John was unable to set this monster up at the last event and we had to borrow someone else's). My flight is an hour so I'll have to go through security, take off my shoes, get pat down by the female guard (those metal things are set so low now even my belly ring makes it beep) all while dragging around a 6 foot screen that weighs about 45 pounds, a projector, a laptop and a purse. Hmmm. This isn't sounding like such a good idea. Finally, I whine to John. But he's used to me making a big deal out of little things. So he just waits for me to get a grip. Why is it so easy for him to not get mired in the details? Because he's good at seeing the view from 10,000 feet. He's a big picture guy, while I'm stuck staring at blades of grass up close and personal. Handouts. We nix the projector idea and decide on handouts instead. "Well, there can't just be ANY handouts," I say!! "They have to be eye- catching and fancy. I want them spiral bound with a clear cover and black back. The front page should be color. Oh and they have to be ready by this weekend, John. Thank you very much." "Lower the bar," he reminds me. He has an annoying way of remembering all the chunks of wisdom I tell him then feeding them back to me. He reminded me that Tom Antion widely distributes a recording with some very bizarre background noises (that's a whole different story I'll tell you sometime). One of John Reese's most highly acclaimed articles is about writing "cr@p" for the internet. My gal pal, Alexandria Brown even told me sometimes those of us who care try so hard for perfection, we don't get anything done. Lower the bar. That does NOT mean under-deliver. Far from it. All it really means is don't worry so much about perfection. I say this for you as much as I say it for myself, because I know other people suffer from this same affliction.You are an expert in your field, right? So just share that information and people will be able to improve their businesses. They don't need shiny covers on their handouts. They don't need eye-popping power point presentations. All they need is information. Information given to them from a place of empathy for what their needs are. And your expertise. So I'm going to go to my event and share some down and dirty information that will undoubtedly help them with their marketing and their businesses. Lower the bar enough to step into your own power. World class copywriter, Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero is the author of the highly acclaimed home study course, Red Hot Copy to Woo Your Target Market and founder of the online copywriting school Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp, (http://www.red-hot-copy.com/rhcbootcamp.htm). Learn insider secrets to great copywriting from a pro who's been in the trenches with Lorrie's f^ree ezine, Copywriting TNT. Sign up at http://www.red-hot-copy.com.
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Top 5 Services Your Company?s Accounting Department Should Outsource Accounting is one area which every company has to maintain but mostly not part of their core business. It is also one of the areas that keep changing every year and the company has to aggressively keep up with the changes in the tax code. This includes managing your books till you finish up with paying taxes. For a company to survive in an environment where mistakes are costly and dependent on how well they can play the accounting game correctly, they should have an outstanding accounting department. This could either be in-house or completely outsourced to some good service providers. Computer Consulting Profit Secrets Do you own or manage a computer consulting company? Are you having trouble growing your computer consulting company's profits? Dont Get Side-Tracked By The Nay-Sayers You, the Entrepreneur, are 'normally' a type-A individual. One who has little patience with the establishment ~ he or she likes to do it 'his/her way' and that's OK if you know the system and have a plan to achieve your goals. Office Politics Office politics! It's just another way of saying: "The employees are not getting along!" Five Tips for Analyzing an Income Statement In today's article, we'll be looking at the income statement, which is the most deceptively simple of the major financial statements. I say simple because it's just a list of all the revenue, minus all the expenses, to calculate what's left over in profit. It's no more difficult than putting your family budget together, right? Islam in the Workplace Suggested practice for HR personnel Whatever it Takes! I have a sign on my office door. It pretty much summarizes my philosophy of life. 6 Simple Steps to Dealing with Difficult Managers The challenge of managing difficult managers can be rather daunting, especially when you inherit them! If they are your own born and bred, then hopefully they would have evolved into great managers!Experience shows that difficult managers are difficult because they are angry and frustrated about something or somebody (even themselves - especially where they are, or have become, a square peg in a round hole of a job), so the steps to take are these:- The Challenges of Human Resource Management Introduction Are You in Control of Your Practice or Does it Control You? One of the most common complaints that business owners have today is that they feel their practice is running them and that they're being pulled in every direction instead of really running the business themselves. Dont Sweat the Small Stuff with Your Credit Policy Do you know how many customers you have that are past due right now? How many bad checks are sitting on your desk that you don't know what to do with? How many dunning letters do you send out a month? Why Businesses Need to Start Nurturing Collective Wisdom COLLECTIVE WISDOM CAN BE AN effective tool for solving the problem of knowledge deficit, or the underutilization of organizational knowledge. If you are a small, medium or large business, and you don't have a method in place for harnessing and managing your organization's collective knowledge, you may be losing opportunities for significant revenue enhancement. According to a study by the Delphi Group, less than 20 percent of knowledge available to an enterprise is actually used. Furthermore, Involving People Gave Us the Improvements We Needed We had a problem with handling materials in a production department. Our process required raw materials to enter the department, be processed, and leave the department. The raw material was placed on pods, delivered for production, removed from the pods, placed on a staging fixture, removed from the fixture and process materials were then placed on another pod and delivered to an internal customer. Internal customer had to place on still another pod. Problem-Solving Success Tip: Measure the Right Things. Measure the right things. It's not enough just to measure-you have to measure the right things. The High, High Price of Distrust A paper manufacturer with over 300 employees once announced that it was planning to move to more spacious and attractive premises thirty miles down the road. Influencing Change - A Guide for Sellers, Coaches, and Supervisors When people or groups make a decision to purchase something, they go through the same decision cycle that an individual goes through to decide upon a personal change, or an employee goes through to change behaviors at a boss's insistence. Keeping Team Meetings Vibrant Meetings can be the life-blood of an organisation or the death. Business Innovation ? Organizational Culture Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Burger on a Bun Decision Making When approaching any decision, it's important for individuals to maintain the healthy state of openness called for by WYSINWYG (what you see is never what you get). Remember that there is always more going on than simply meets the eye. Calling on all the skills, strengths and resources that are accessible, though not immediately apparent will produce vastly better results. Secondly, individuals should strive for balance in both their data gathering and their decision-making. Many factors can influence a final decision, not the least of which is emotion. Strong emotion easily clouds the process and can result in extreme solutions. Sometimes extreme measures will be called for, but generally they are not. Decisions that weigh both objective and subjective data and strike an effective balance are likely to succeed. Finally: keep it simple. Begin with what you know. Reduce the complex to the direct. Set clear goals and implement straightforward plans. Whether making decisions as an individual or as a team, the three principles provide the foundation for creating effective solutions. Manage Communication to Add Value Management guru Tom Peters says white collar workers and managers in functional departments need to protect their futures. ![]() |
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