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Know the Source of Business
One of the first questions we ask a prospect or new client is, "How did you get the business you have so far?" Some can answer exactly. Others aren't as certain. When we begin our first discussions with a new client, our preferred modus operandi is to set up a program that allows us to talk to their customers who will give us a comprehensive view of our client's business. If we can't talk to customers right away and find out why they selected our client and what the experience has been, we must rely on the information our client provides us. Business executives who are responsible for business planning should know the source of all their business. Knowing the incoming traffic patterns for new business is critical to knowing how to increase those traffic lanes. A senior partner at one very large and prominent law firm was bemoaning the fact that revenues were slipping, business development was slipping, and partner polish was? well, not very polished anymore. When we asked where they got most of their business he said he didn't know. As a starting point, knowing all sources of business would be of great value to him as he makes business planning decisions for a new year. If you know how and why you got most of your business, you'll have solid clues about how to get more. Another Davis, Kingsley & Company client had been spending considerable amounts of money and energy courting bankers. We assumed those relationships were of benefit to them so we commented to their president, "Bankers must be a reliable source of new business for your firm." His reply was, "The greatest percentage of our business comes from referrals from lawyers." His reply showed me they were not directing their time toward a market that offered the value they need. They were more comfortable building relationships with bankers than with lawyers but it was costing them money and time. Those are misdirected energies. It seemed obvious to us ? from our perspective as outside advisors - but it was a blind spot for them. Many companies know exactly where they get their business and who brings it in. And they know that this information may change over time. They have programs and processes to help them focus on those sources to continually audit their business development trails. If you have responsibilities for the growth of the company, do you know specifically where, how and through whom your company derives every bit of its business? Darcie Davis, President of Davis, Kingsley & Company is a management consultant, speaker, author and trainer. She works with companies to secure genuine feedback from their clients before advising them on strategic decisions about sales, marketing, and operations. Her advice will keep your clients out of the jaws of the competition. Learn more about Customer Satisfaction and Feedback Programs offered by Darcie and her firm at http://www.DavisKingsley.com.
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Eight Skills of Highly Successful Consultants With deference to Dr. Covey and his very popular Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (all habits that will make us better consultants!), here are eight skills that all of us as consultants can work on to improve. This article will start with three overarching skills, then describe five more specific skills to consider in your ongoing development. Let the Professionals Help You Out - Outsource As your website grows in terms of attracting more footfalls, generating more business, and providing more content; it will demand more time and attention from you to continue performing. As a businessperson, it is advisable that you concentrate on your core competency, which is the reason why you created the website in the first place. Magnificent Meetings - 5 Tips for Success Your impact at meetings will determine in a big way how well youdo in your career. In other words you will rise as high as yourcommunication skills will let you. Ability and competence in yourposition is expected - how well you get your point accross willmake the difference between your opinion being valued and yourinput getting forgotten one more time. Balancing Power in Outsource Contract Agreements The practice of outsourcing business processes has long been subject to the discussion how best to ensure optimal benefits for both parties involved in the outsource agreement. Are You Managing to Lead? For many people, the terms "manager" and "leader" are synonymous. In the business world, they are often used interchangeably, i.e. "team leader", "team manager", "project manager" - you get the idea. And why not? After all, leaders and managers do basically the same thing, right? 5 Interviewing Mistakes That Can Lead To Hiring The Wrong Person Mistake #1: Going with the flow Using an Appraisal to Benefit Your Organization PERFORMANCE APPRAISALS BENEFIT THE ORGANIZATION: Satisfied Employees, A Powerful Marketing Strategy Even in today's still uncertain economic times, there are companies who are doing extraordinarily well. Why is it that some companies are thriving while others are barely making it? You can always blame the economy, but is that the only reason? The answer could be as simple as how respected and appreciated your staff feels. Invite Self-Managed Staff "Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being." -Goethe What You Should Know if People Dont Buy From You and People Dont Visit Your Web Site It is essential to understand what work and what do not work when you run business, especially through Internet. Choices in Appointing International Managers Globalization is requiring companies to make important choices about how to deploy international managers. The costs of making the wrong choice are heavy both economically and in the emotional and physical toll it can take on employees and the impact it can have on the overseas branch. Looking through the Glass Ceiling - Women in Management Women have made tremendous contributions to society at every level; consider Joan of Arc, Golda Meier, Indira Gandi, Condalezza Rice. Why You Should Hold One More Meeting If you are completely happy with where you and your business currently are then you can stop here. If growth and change aren't something you have any interest in, there is no need for you to read any further. Interviewing Candidates: 3 Ways to Avoid Snap Judgments Have you ever hired the wrong person? If so, perhaps you are an emotional interviewer? Feedback - Make it Descriptive Have you ever heard yourself say to a team member - "You'rereally great" - "You're a star" - I think you're brilliant"- "You're doing a great job!" The Permissive Environment is the Suspect The permissive and participatory conduct which most employees take for granted, eventually escalates into the more serious assaultive behavior commonly referred to as employee on employee workplace violence starts with innuendos, a bad word, or simple jokes taken out of context or used to inflame another. Initiation of a proper and thorough investigation is possible under the auspices of a Threat Assessment Team. Banter between employees if left alone by supervisors becomes tense and often results in a more aggressive response. The truth of the matter is that in most cases this banter is perceived as harmless shop talk. The Email Trap If you sit at a computer for most of the day, it's tempting to constantly check your email to see what's new. But that's a time management disaster if you're trying to make progress in your business. Resist the temptation. Here are some tips to help you get that time eating monster under control. 10 Critical Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Consultant Talk to as many consultants as you can before hiring one. Even if you have one person or firm in mind, interview at least a few others as a sort of due diligence. You'll probably find that each interview helps you focus on the issues you're hiring a consult to help resolve. Three Ways to Transmit Loud and Clear The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart. --Benjamin Franklin Romford Accountants: Accountancy Firm Roles and Responsibilities If you own or operate a business in the UK, especially in Romford, then you know how time consuming it is to not only run your business but to also make sure all of your financial bases are covered. I want to help you understand some of the common roles and responsibilities a Romford based accountant / accountancy firm may face in a given day. ![]() |
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