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More Problem-Solving Success Tips
The ability to solve complicated problems quickly is more important than ever in today's tough economy. From the time we're little kids, we're taught to solve problems by trial and error. That's fine if the problem is as simple as a burned out light bulb. When the problem is a muddle of business, technical and political problems, we need something that helps us untangle the mess. Unless you're Harry Potter, treating a mess like a burned out light bulb is as effective as wishing for magic. Fortunately, there are alternatives to magic. Many key concepts in problem solving seem obvious but are often overlooked, causing delays and frustration in getting important problems solved. Welcome to the second installment of tips and reminders that will help you solve messy problems quickly and easily. ** Use your project management skills. Solving a big problem is a project: you're far more likely to solve it successfully if you treat it like one. That means you'll need to identify tasks, make and adjust assignments, and keep track of what is due when. Be sure to get appropriate management support for your project. ** Look for solution owners rather than problem owners. Everyone participating in the situation owns the problem, like it or not-and nobody likes it. Avoid the finger-pointing trap by looking for solution owners, i.e., the people who can do something to help solve the problem. Helping with a solution is much more fun than being blamed for a problem, so you're more likely to get the response you need. ** Whatever you do, do it on purpose. Doing nothing is a wimpy way to decide not to solve the problem-and is quite likely to leave you making awkward explanations when the problem resurfaces. ** Communicate. Don't leave you key stakeholders guessing. Being human, we tend to be bad about keeping others informed about the progress we're making, especially if there is little or no progress. You're more likely to get support and understanding if you get the word out honestly about what is happening. ** Avoid bug mentality. Fixing bugs fixes symptoms: like taking aspirin for a headache, it may provide relief but does nothing to prevent the next headache. It's ok, and often necessary, to relieve the symptoms but you have to dig deeper if you're going to prevent problems from occurring. copyright 2005. Jeanne Sawyer. All Rights Reserved. Jeanne Sawyer is an author, consultant, trainer and coach who helps her clients solve expensive, chronic problems, such as those that cause operational disruptions and cause customers to take their business elsewhere. These tips are excerpted from her book, When Stuff Happens: A Practical Guide to Solving Problems Permanently. Find out about it, and get more free information on problem solving at her web site: http://www.sawyerpartnership.com/.
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