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Think Twice Before Selling ROI
When we're selling to business people, our value proposition has to show a good return. Solid, credible Return On Investment (ROI) calculations are supposed to prove this for us. But if we don't think twice, calculating ROI can sabotage our sale. Lots has been written about various ROI methods -- return on assets, net present value, months to break even -- and I'm not knocking any of them here. Use the one that serves your customer and your purposes best. Create the financial model that shows your offering is indeed a good investment, far exceeding your prospect's hurdle rate. But don't stop there. If your prospect decides your figures are believable and accepts your argument as valid, that may or may not be good news for you. Here's the rub; the effort and energy you have expanded to extract relevant figures, analyze them, put them into a presentation, and then "sell" them to your prospect may have helped your competitor more than you! Once your prospect accepts your ROI arguments, their conclusion is not what you might think. You may be assuming they will now feel justified in buying your offering. In reality, their conclusion is that several solutions like yours probably all make financial sense. They are now ready to buy - as soon as they know they are getting a fair price. Now that you've done all the hard work and convinced them to buy something, it's time for them to compare your offer to the competition's. You better think twice before you induce them to do that! Here is how you can "think twice" and resolve the vulnerability you have created for yourself. Think first about preparing an ROI presentation based on common, generic aspects associated with your category of solution. Get the prospect to understand the financial benefits of investing in a solution like yours. As before, use convincing, relevant, proven data so they can fully accept the financial benefits as real and attainable. Now it's time to "think twice." Consider each of your competitive advantages and build separate ROI models to quantify the advantages of each. This is your chance to attach a figure to your differential advantage. A software company used this approach to justify the perceived expense of their system to business executives. Their presentation on common benefits demonstrated a solid ROI that would get the executives' attention. Next, the salesperson would present additional ROI calculations that quantified the value of their seven unique system attributes. This second ROI layer improved financial returns by almost 30 percent. Their software package was far from the cheapest, but nowhere near 30% more than any of their competitors. As a result, buyers rarely found reason to shop around. Thinking twice can earn you higher margins and a shorter sales cycle. You will avoid pushing prospects into the arms of your competitors. Plus, you will finally be able to quantify and capture the value in your differential advantage. Give your ROI presentation a second effort, and you'll jump from sabotaging your sale to securing it. © 2005 Paul Johnson. All rights reserved. Note: This article is available for reprint at no charge. We only ask that you include our copyright notice in your reprint, along with the About the Author (byline) information we provide at the end of the article. Paul Johnson of Panache and Systems LLC consults and speaks on business strategy for systematically boosting sales performance using Shortcuts to Yes?. Check out more salesforce development tips at http://panache-yes.com/tips.html. Call Paul direct in Atlanta, Georgia, USA at (770) 271-7719.
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Strategic Clarity for Communication Management Over the past few weeks I've been developing plans for a communication project, a media relations campaign. Too Much Time Treating Symptoms A man drives down the highway each day on his way to work. On Monday he gets a flat tire. Like anyone else, he takes his lumps, changes his tire, and moves on. ISO 9001 Compliant Program: Steps to Build Implementing an ISO 9001 system represents a major effort. However, all of that effort can represent a significant shift for a business - from quantity to quality. And this could make sure your business gets the desired results. Smart Staffing Practices: Don?t Confuse Activity with Results Does your hiring process consist of proven practices or just a hodgepodge of activities that get into gear when someone says, "I need more people" or "Sally has left and we need someone to take her place NOW?" Leadership in Troubled Times Leadership in Troubled Times The first task of a leader is to keep hope alive. - Joe BattenLeading an organization can be challenging, even when times are good. When times are troubled, it is even more important for leaders to come to the forefront and provide direction and inspiration. We face challenging times today with a weakened economy, layoffs, and intense scrutiny of a mistrustful public sector. As leaders, now is the time to stand up for our beliefs. I subscribe to a value based leadership theory that has as much if not more relevance in our troubled times today than it has in the past. Leadership is about hope, vision, inspiration, communication, and trust. As a leader, you have the opportunity to provide vision and hope to those around. You have the opportunity to instill belief and restore trust to those who look up to you. And you have the opportunity to build a bond with those around you that is forged under difficult circumstances and tempered with the steel of your own personal values and beliefs. I believe that this is true regardless of what level of leader you are. Whether you are a first line manager, or a CEO your people are looking up to you for direction and inspiration. And they are looking to you to provide them hope. Is that a tall order for a leader at any level? Yes. But this is what separates the true leaders from those people who are leaders only by title. I believe that Joe Batten is right when he states that the first task of the leader is to keep hope alive. I believe that the second task of a leader is to communicate that hope and vision to their employees and their superiors in a way that builds trust and respect. With a strong foundation of values, a leader can inspire their people to achieve great things, produce fantastic results, and succeed while others around them fail. Without a values based foundation a "leader" may produce short term results but will fail the test of time as employees, without any basis for trust and respect will look for any opportunity to better themselves and remove themselves from the realm of a valueless based leader. You do not lead by hitting people over the head -- that's assault, not leadership. Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890-1969) - Thirty- fourth President of the USAWhy is it that we hear about so many oppressive work environments, where the bosses belittle their employees, use the whip to produce results, and then discard anyone who questions their orders? When I read or hear about "leaders" telling their employees that they "are lucky to have jobs at all", I cringe. For in reality, those are not leaders. Those are just the caretakers of companies that do not truly value their most precious asset .... the employees. These "leaders" violate the principles of value-based leadership and will soon discover that their lack of true leadership, their lack of vision and hope, will result in their being abandoned when things improve. He who thinks he is leading, but has no one following is only taking a walk. - John Maxwell " 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership"Employees are the backbone of any organization. They, not you, make things work. They, not you, find creative solutions to complex problems. And they, not you, ultimately hold the key to your own personal success. For ultimately you are judged by your ability to develop, lead, and maintain strong teams that put the goals of the company ahead of their personal goals. And that only happens to employees who are inspired by, and trust in their leader. If you want to know if you are truly a leader or not, look around at your team. Do they follow you because they want to? Because they are inspired by you? Because they believe in you? Or do they follow you because they have to. It is time to take a long, hard look in the mirror. Are you providing hope and inspiration to those around you? If not, when will you start. Introducing the 15 Frameworks of Successful Self-Employed Professionals A framework is a way of thinking, a point-of-view, a perspective on something. Here are the 15 frameworks of the successfully self-employed professional. You'll find some of these to be radical and foreign. Don't let that stop you! Try them on; see what you learn from them. Budgets! Budgets! There I've said it. For some the most hated and feared word in business. But it doesn't have to be that way. As a matter of fact, a well thought out and constructed budget can be the small business owners best friend. After all, a budget is just a laid out plan to produce profits and profits is what we are all after. HRM: Contributing to Well-being or Ill-being at Work? If you were to take the people out of an organisation you would be left with some stock and machinery that would be of little value, and possibly some property. It is the people that make an organisation function, so having the people functioning to the best of their ability must surely be best for an organisation. Yet much of what is undertaken in the field of HRM actually serves to detract from people functioning at their best. Evidence from studies of wellbeing in the workplace reveal some interesting findings that raise questions as to whether the current focus of HRM will adapt to the evolving future workplace, or whether it will need to be redrawn along different lines, focussing on maintaining wellbeing above all else in the workplace to enable people to be successful for their organisations. Entitlement Programs Kill Productivity In articles I've written over the years, I have used "laissez-faire," a term more frequently used to characterize governments than businesses, to describe a rather laid-back management style. When I use this term, I am referring to management personnel who put very little pressure on employees to achieve their full potential by pushing them toward peak performance levels. Taking on Six Sigma Programs - Guidelines for In-House and Outsourcing Decisions Based on a wild guess by a close associate of mine, there are well over 2,000 restaurants in the Manhattan area and its surrounding boroughs. Although I cannot validate the absolute accuracy of his count, I do trust it is in the ballpark, since he happens to be one of those guys who seem to know everything about everything in life (and more). His dream is to be on Jeopardy; if it ever happens, I already feel sorry for the other two contestants, who will undoubtedly be decimated on national TV. And, oh yes, he also happens to be a food- lover. There is definitely some credibility to his estimate. Creativity Management ? Quality from Quantity Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Can A Business Still Be Profitable When People Skills Are Absent? In our current world of rapid and amazing technological advances, many entrepreneurs have managed to dramatically limit the need for staff in highly profitable operations of all kinds. Time-Wasting Problems - One Question to Move You Forward In any organisation, progress is frequently impaired by the time taken up to resolve problems that occur again and again - usually with people's performance (or not!). At a macro level, there could just seem to be 'lots of problems', which is a symptom in itself. On a micro level, managers are often frustrated by the amount of time they spend fire-fighting, whilst the more creative work of planning, developing people, marketing and more are left way behind.There just isn't time. Build onto that the lack of fairness, that having to regularly resolve problems posed by just a few demanding people in the team, can leave many others, including the manager himself, very de-motivated. Then your best people start to leave... Setting a Pitiful Example: Twenty-six Warnings to Heed * TO: All Parents [and Employers and Managers] Dont Get Caught With Your PR Down Why risk the embarassment when with a little basic PR training, you as a business, non-profit or association manager can always be ready for battle? Lack of Operations Manuals Stunting Your Growth? Lack of Operations Manuals stunting your growth? Provisioning/User Management System Upgrades: Part II ? Building Awareness And Building Approval Somewhere in the world is a person who wants to see their provisioning/user management systems get a sorely needed upgrade. But they seem to be getting nowhere. The Myth of the Management Team Every business has problems. That is why the average life span of a large industrial company is 40 years. Some are learning disabilities where companies are not prepared to learn from their mistakes. They insist on doing the same thing every time. Even when problems occur no one examines the cause of the problem. The problem is an embarrassment that should be swept under the rug and forgotten rather than be used as an opportunity to learn. Handling these dilemmas and disabilities is the Management Team. Below is a quote from Peter Senge's book "The Fifth Discipline ? the Art & Practice of the Learning Organization." Does this sound like your company? If it does start worrying! Communicating Effectively In The Workplace: Four Vital Steps Ineffective communication is a major, yet avoidable, obstacle to business productivity. And yes, it can be avoided. Given the will, the bleakest of situations can be turned around for the better. Managing Employees Is A Little Like Herding Cats Q: I started my small business about a year ago and it's grown steadily. I like having my own business, but I'm having a tough time managing people. I have 5 employees now and it seems like I spend half my time making sure they are doing what they're supposed to be doing and the other half of my time doing things they didn't get done. Things were much easier when I was a one man shop. Any suggestions?-- Paul C. ![]() |
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