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Problem Solving - Think Cleopatras Ass
Picture the scene. Anthony pops down to the guardhouse, partly because he wants a break with the lads, but also because he has a problem. Cleopatra says she wants to bathe in ass's milk. So Anthony tells the guys in the guardhouse, that he needs some help. "The wife wants to bathe in ass's milk now." He says. Gerald, the Head Guard, says, "She wants to what?" "Bathe in ass's milk", says Anthony, "You know what these women are like - she's read it on some tablets of stone somewhere - it's supposed to be good for her complexion". "So how are you going to sort that out then," says Gerald, "Are you going to get someone to pour it over her or something?" Anthony thinks about it and says, "No, that won't do, she wants to soak in it. She needs a 'bath'." "What's a 'bath' then..", says the Gerald. "It's a big thing you get into that's full of the ass's milk - and then you lie down in it," says Anthony. "What do you want to do that for then..?" asks one of the new guards, a young lad really. "So you can get clean all over and relax in it - let the ass's milk do it's job." Says Anthony, trying to sound as if it makes sense. "Oh, right then.." Says the Head Guard. "Nah, I don't know where you'll get one of them." Anthony goes on his way, this time stopping at the stonemason's yard, thinking all of a sudden, those big stones we shape, all we need to do is to hollow on out and that will do. So he starts a conversation with the Head Stonemason, Steve. "Can you do me a 'bath'", he says. "What's one of them, then?", the rather busy stonemason says. "It's a big thing you get into and lie in, full of hot liquid. It's relaxing." Anthony says, sounding less and less convincing each time. "You can do it, with this stuff you're cutting up each day, it'll be a breeze". "Nah, mate," says Steve, "This stuff is sandstone, it won't hold the liquid". Disappointed, but losing a bit of interest, Anthony moves along in his quest. But it starts the stonemason thinking - he has a bit of spare granite out the back of the shed, so over the next few days, he does a bit if chiselling and sees what he can do. A week the following Friday, he gives old Anthony a shout and shows him his work. "Brilliant", says Anthony - let's get it installed, she'll be having her nails done all afternoon. "Let's get those asses milked too", he shouts to his PA. Later that afternoon, Cleopatra has a big surprise and excitedly clambers into the new granite bath, filled with warm asses milk and she is in seventh heaven. Bet you're wondering what the moral of the story is eh? Well, in our everyday job, we are faced with dozens of little challenges. New problems to puzzle out. And they cause us irritation and frustration. Yet, like the stone mason, Steve, we have people around us who, left to their own devices and interested enough in the challenge, will sort things out - in their own way and in their own time. It's as true today as it was when Anthony and Cleopatra were around. There is a postscript to this. Two days later the stonemason is called up to the new 'bath' room. Cleopatra was pleased to see him and thanked him for his excellent work but asked, discreetly, if he could bring his polishing stone up with him later. "The bath is great, but I have a little problem. There's something right in the bottom corner that is a little rough - in fact, she said, it's a bit of a pain in the ass." Knowingly, the stonemason left the bathroom for his tools. "I know, I know" he said, "We get them all the time." And he smiled a little smile as he prepared to meet a challenge of a more delicate nature. Copyright 2005 Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, http://www.coaching-businesses-to-success.com. (Note to editors. Feel free to use this article, wherever you think it might be of value - it would be good if you could include a live link)
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Benefits of Virtual Assistance A virtual assistant is an individual who provides business services to other professionals. They're considered virtual because they perform their services from a remote location. Communications with their clients take place through telephone, fax, email, and snail mail. As a business owner, you can save time, money, and energy by hiring a virtual assistant. Best of all, you'll have more time to do what you do best ? running a business! Industry Analysis Section of Your business plan Writing a Business Plan for your next entrepreneurial endeavor is crucial. You will need sufficient capital and a guide to keep you on track. One important part of any business plan is to size up the Industry and attempt to figure out your pecking order and specialty niches for your best chances of profitability. Having written more business plans than I care to admit and having read hundreds of others, it always amazed me how easy it was to attempt to "wing it" when it came to the Industry Analysis section. You know read a trade journal and look at a graph put it into Microsoft Excel and shove it into the business plan. If you have done this or are tempted to, you are not alone. But let me warn you that the Industry Analysis section is crucial. As a serial entrepreneur I have had some great successes and victories in the market place and of course as Babe Ruth will tell you, some strike outs also. You must know the truth and understand the trends of your Industry to properly position yourself for the stage win. This is why Lance Armstrong has a whole team to cover for him as he rides into the record books. You must know your competition, the course and have a clear strategy to be successful in business and it all starts with your business plan. Creativity and Innovation Management ? Motivation and Management Layers Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Delegation for Business Leaders - How Letting Go Works A leader's role is to focus on those areas of operation where he or she can deliver the greatest value and this requires huge shifts in perspective of the role. Leaders differ from managers in terms of accountability. Creativity Management ? Quality from Quantity Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Hiring Tip -- Picking The Best Candidates I often hear leaders from all types of organizations ask questions about hiring the right person. Their questions usually sound like these: Micromanagement and Delegation Micro-Management and Delegation Recently I had a long discussion with a friend of mine about Managers and managing. She is a former HR Manager for several major companies and was bemoaning the fact that training for managers has been cut back so significantly in recent years and that managers no longer receive the type of help, guidance and assistance that they received just a few short years ago. My background has been in retail and telecom. Hers was neither. Yet the same problems and issues seem to rise in every industry. Of course, this is exactly the reason that I got into coaching. Coaching allows those managers who want to improve a very personalized venue to do just that.We went on to agree that the common pattern these days seemed to be for the department star performer to be promoted from contributor, to team leader, to manager in seemingly record time. We agreed that new managers have difficulty moving from the contributor to the manager role because no one is willing to spend the time and energy to coach them through the various hurdles that new managers and leaders face. We agreed that this lack of training never seemed to lower the expectations of the manager, just the performance. Then we disagreed, strongly. What caused the disagreement? Theconcept was micro-management. My friend explained to me that she has "coached" many employees recently and that many of them complained about one particular manager who was micro-managing them. She told me that she helps the employees understand and come to grips with "their problem". "You're not going to be able to change that manager, she explained to me, "so you've got to change the employees". She explains to them that if they are being micro-managed, there's probably a reason for it. They are probably doing something wrong. If they just identify that problem and improve, their manager will stop the micro-management. "The employees need to improve themselves. It's as simple as that."I wish my life was as simple as that.She acknowledges that with that many employees complaining thatit's likely the manager is the problem. But changing the manager is too much trouble, she says, so let's tell the employees it's their fault.While it is true that it is sometimes necessary to micro-managepeople, her explanation makes little sense to me. You might micro-manage an employee if their performance is lacking. Or because the project they are working on is very high visibility and any chance of error must be minimized. But when a number of employees are complaining about the same manager micro-managing them it implies one of two things. Either this manager:1. Has a lot of problem employees and needs to start weeding them out, or2. This manager does not know how to let go and properlydelegate to their staff. Excessive micro-management is not the sign of a healthy manager. When someone is constantly micro-managing their staff it's generally their problem, not the employees. If you are micro-managing your staff, refusing to delegate routine, and not so routine tasks to them for completion, then you are setting yourself up for trouble. Have you ever heard yourself say, "I would delegate this to someone else, but it's just as easy to do it myself"? Or maybe you say, "This task is too complicated to delegate. I have to make sure it's done right." If so, I hope you like your job. Because you aren't going anyplace higher. Delegation can be difficult to learn because it looks like a huge risk and a huge leap of faith. But it doesn't have to be that way. There are techniques that you can learn that will help you delegate and get you out of the detail. And you have to get out of the detail if you really want to be an executive. Do the People in Your Organisation Dress For Success? What really amazes me, with all the personal and professional development seminars people attend, from executives in corporate world, business owners and employees alike, very little investment has been made into the way they look ... personal image. Sweet Parting Of Ways Why settle for bad feelings when your employee leaves the firm? Human resource managers can help to sweeten the occasion during the exit interview, and get valuable information to help the company in the new knowledge age. Parenting Your Employees to Better Performance Have you ever worked for someone who was such a micro-manager that it drove you crazy? And have you ever worked for someone who was so hands-off that you felt like a lone warrior on the battlefield? These are examples of you working for leaders who did not adapt their style based on the employee's needs. I would venture to guess that you were not entirely motivated to put out your very best effort every time when you were feeling such frustrations. Conference Calling Can Save Your Sales OrganizationTime and Money! Conference calling can save you money. There is no doubt that inthe sales business, every second counts. Whether it be training,sales meetings, or other needs, pulling your employees away fromthe sales opportunities even for these important tasks, cuts downon the time they can be making you money. If you take the firststep and try using conference calling, you may just find yourselfsaving money and making money. Let's point out some of thefeatures and benefits of using conference calling here: Creativity and Innovation Management: Goal Setting Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Finding Common Ground Through Consensus Decision-Making It's clear to me that a workplace is a better place when employees truly work in teams, but the most familiar team models we have are those that are created to win wars and games. We have a commander or a coach who gives orders, and the soldiers or the players use those instructions to defeat the opponent. Mediator Bill Ury says, "People are realizing that adversarial, win?lose attitudes in an increasingly interdependent world, where I depend on you and you depend on me, just don't work anymore. Using those tactics is like asking, 'Who's winning this marriage?'" The Silent Assassin - What to Do When They Visit You? Introduction You Get the Behavior You Reward On consulting assignments, here are some of the questions I frequently ask the employees I interview: How to Save Money on Training 1) Use a live instructor. Adults learn best by doing, practicing, and experiencing. Effective instructors customize their programs to meet people's needs, provide counsel on individual challenges, and respond to questions. Videos, CDs, and E-learning are seldom effective for primary learning. Since the greatest cost of learning is the payroll cost of the participants, you want to make sure the program delivers results. Assessing Managers for International Competence How do you select staff for international assignments? It's an important question because, no matter how effective and successful your employees may be at home, they cannot be guaranteed the same performance in a different culture-unless, that is, they can demonstrate some key competencies. But beware, these may be quite different from the competencies they need to succeed in their own environment. Attract and Retain Positively Great Employees - An Action Plan for Employee Training Everyday a business owner, CEO, or manager somewhere is complaining about the lack of good employees. On the same day, in a break room, employees are complaining about the lack of good jobs. Thinking that they can alleviate the problem with finding good employees, many employers have opted for lengthy applications and endless interviewing. In the process, the employee-to-be becomes frustrated before even starting the first day of work. The employer has spent a bit of money and the orientation process hasn't begun yet. It becomes a vicious cycle that you or your company may be experiencing. Here are four suggestions from other managers that might help. Cross Cultural Solutions for International Business Globalisation, the expansion of intercontinental trade, technological advances and the increase in the number of companies dealing on the international stage have brought about a dramatic change in the frequency, context and means by which people from different cultural backgrounds interact. More Computer Consulting 101 Hiring Tips (Part 2 of 2) Does your company need to retain the services of a competent computer consulting firm, but you have no idea how to really evaluate "competence"? In the first part of this two-part series on Computer Consulting 101 hiring tips, we looked at why small businesses find it so difficult to hire good computer consulting companies, as well as four basic questions that you must be addressed when searching for a new computer consulting vendor. Now in this second and final installment of this two part series on Computer Consulting 101 hiring tips, we'll look at how you can evaluate the true, often-confusing expenses of using a computer consulting company, as well as how to more thoroughly review the computer consulting company's professional credentials and experience. ![]() |
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