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Seven Tips For Credit-Enhancing Your Business Loan
What are the avenues available to businesses with weak credit profiles or to companies pursuing credit transactions that are perceived as too risky by credit providers? Many companies apply for credit at banks, finance companies or equipment leasing firms and are routinely rejected due to the high degree of perceived credit risks. When approaching a credit provider, it is helpful to understand what can be done to reduce the risk of a credit transaction in the eyes of the provider. Never accept a credit rejection without considering credit enhancements. Here are a few tips on credit enhancement to help guide you in approaching the credit process: 1. Credit enhancements are modifications to credit transactions that improve the risk-reward relationship for credit providers. Enhancements can be real or merely perceived by the receiving party. Also, they can be tangible things like real estate and equipment or they can be intangibles like future rights or options. 2. Use credit enhancements to strengthen credit transactions and to improve pricing or terms. They may be used to entice credit providers to approve credit transactions that would otherwise be unacceptable because of the perceived risks. They can also encourage credit providers to make transaction approvals faster. 3. Credit enhancements usually fall within one of these general categories: improvement in credit terms favoring the credit provider; additional collateral; guarantees, insurance or third party assurances; increased pricing, compensation or upside gain potential; or granting of specific rights or options. 4. Some specific enhancements include: granting a security interest in additional equipment, real estate, inventory, accounts receivable, intellectual property rights or other company assets; pledging cash; pledging securities; third party guarantees; surety bonds; letters of credit; pledging cash value of insurance; increase in transaction rate; additional fees or other transaction compensation; shortening the term of certain transactions; granting first refusal rights on future transactions; permitting call options; obtaining re-marketing guarantees or agreements. 5. When considering using credit enhancements to improve your transactions, use these guidelines: try to get a fair and objective assessment of your credit profile and the inherent transaction risks from a knowledgeable credit person; take inventory of the possible credit enhancements your firm can provide; evaluate the cost of possible enhancements to decide whether using them will be worthwhile; if there is time and opportunity for a second chance to present your transaction to the credit provider, present it first without the credit enhancement or with the minimum enhancement you think acceptable; of the credit enhancements available to your firm, decide which ones will be effective and the degree of enhancement necessary to achieve your objectives. 6. It helps to develop a credit enhancement strategy in the planning stage of your transaction. Start by understanding the transaction's credit strengths and weaknesses. Decide which enhancements available to your firm will help strengthen the risk profile of the transaction. Try to assess the credit provider's sensitivity to various types and degrees of credit enhancement. Later, if the credit provider turns down your transaction or proposes unacceptable terms, ask the provider to suggest enhancements that will make a difference in the decision. You may be able to negotiate further, once you have this information. 7. All credit enhancements have a cost. In many instances the cost is the opportunity cost of not having the credit enhancement available for future use. Before offering or providing a credit enhancement, do a thorough cost-benefit analysis to make sure the potential benefit is worth the cost to your firm. Though it is not always possible to enhance a credit to the satisfaction of credit providers, you should understand the value of credit enhancements and know when they may be useful. By carefully considering potential credit enhancements, you can often improve the pricing and terms of your firm's credit transactions. If your firm has a weak credit profile, use of a credit enhancement might make the difference between obtaining financing or being rejected. George Parker is a Director and Executive Vice President of Leasing Technologies International, Inc. ("LTI"), responsible for LTI's marketing and financing efforts. A co-founder of LTI, Mr. Parker has been involved in secured lending and equipment financing for over twenty years. Mr. Parker is an industry leader, frequent panelist and author of several articles pertaining to equipment financing. Headquartered in Wilton, CT, LTI is a leasing firm specializing nationally in direct equipment financing and vendor leasing programs for emerging growth and later-stage, venture capital backed companies. More information about LTI is available at: http://www.ltileasing.com.
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Benefits of a Business Loan There are many benefits in choosing a business loan, some of which are listed below: An Overview of Getting a Homeowner Loan Should you be in the market for a homeowner loan, you might find yourself wondering exactly how to go about finding the loan solution that you're looking for. Personal Loans - To Make A Personalized Financial Agenda The phrase 'tailor-made' ought to be made for personal loans. Personal loans have become relatively easy to acquire in UK. More and more loan providers have come forward to provide personal loans in UK and that too with innovative modifications to include anyone in its circumference. A Guide to Debt Consolidation Loans Should you find yourself overcome by debt, you might want to consider debt consolidation loans. These loans are designed with the person in debt beyond their means in mind, allowing for repayment of the outstanding debts while combining multiple payments into a single affordable monthly payment. Debt consolidation loans can be applied for at most banks or lending institutions, with some even specializing in debt relief and consolidation. Free Money Saving Auto and Home Loan Tips Free Auto Loan Tips Secured Business Loans ? Equipping Your Business Blueprint With Concrete Groundwork Somebody once said, 'Business is not financial science; it's about trading, buying and selling. It's about creating a product or service so good that people will pay for it.' So you are full of ideas and ready to take on the world. No matter how striking your business idea is, it still needs a solid foundation to work on. Without a concrete financial plan your business plan might not be as feasible as it might seem on the pages, realistically speaking. Secured business loans give you the opportunity that you need to be financially independent. Being a homeowner will provide you with more to bank upon than you realize. A business loan by keeping your home as a warranty is the just the right way to get started. Finding the Secured Homeowner Loan for You If you've been thinking of getting a secured homeowner loan, you'll find it worth your time to do a little research on these loans and to shop around for the best deal. What is a Cash Advance Loan? A cash advance loan is a short-term loan secured by your paycheck. It is also known as a "Payday Loan". Short Term Solutions to Cash Flow Problems If you're in a crunch for money, either because of an unexpected emergency bill or other reasons, you may want to look into check into cash services. Available online, check into cash services follow a three tiered process: Secured Personal Loans - What You Need To Know About Loans that are secured against property are called secured personal loans. They are suitable for when you are having difficulties getting an unsecured personal loan, are trying to raise a large amount, or you just have a bad/poor credit history. Usually, lenders are more flexible when it comes to secured personal loans, which makes them worth taking into consideration if you want to buy a new car, make home improvements, or take the luxury holiday of your life. Guide to Bad Credit Loans Here is a useful guide to Bad Credit loans. Bad credit loans mean that you are taking out a loan that may depend on your credit history. Your credit history includes county court judgements, and defaults on repayments of previous loans or financial transactions. To the loan officer in your bank, this may mean that giving you a loan could be a risk because according to your history, you are more likely to have late or defaulted repayments. Why Payday Loans Should Be Avoided If you are considering getting a payday loan for the first time or are looking for information regarding payday loans, then this article will be of great help to you. Payday loans are designed to provide you with some quick cash until your next paycheck. Do You Qualify for a Loan? Like most people, you will probably wait until submitting a purchase contract on a home before applying for a mortgage. By then, not only will you know the specific property you want, but also how much you need to borrow. At that point, the lender will require that you fill out a loan application and reveal specific information about your current and past financial situations. Get a Low Rate on a Secured Online Loan Secured loans have become very popular over recent years, with more and more consumers realizing the benefits of this type of loan. Secured finance is available to those with an asset ? usually the home ? against which the loan can be secured. Because this more or less guarantees repayment of the loan to the lender, borrowers are able to enjoy better interest rates, longer repayment terms, and a number of features. A secured online loan combined the benefits of this type of loan with increased convenience, ease, speed, and choice, giving borrowers the opportunity to get the perfect deal on their finance. It Only Takes a Few Simple Steps To Avoid Student Loan Debt Student loan debt is a problem that affects many former students. It is a long and difficult process to pay off a student loan. Undoubtedly, it is much easier to avoid student loan debt in the first place. There are a few simple steps that can be taken to either escape student loan debt or ensure that the debt won't be too hard to pay off in the future. Consider student loans only after you have researched all the sources of free financial aid. Fast Cash Loans - When You Should Borrow and When You Should Wait A fast cash loan should be an option used as a last resort to avoid a financial emergency. With its interest rates, a cash loan should not be used to purchase the latest gadget or fashion item. Finding and Getting Bad Credit Loans If you don't know where to turn for bad credit loans, you're not alone. Thousands of people struggle with their finances month after month, weighted down by a credit rating that they don't know how to fix. Finding the Right Online Loan for You If you're looking for an online loan, you might be having problems deciding which type of loan and lender is best for you. While you can get an online loan from several different types of lenders, the interest rates, loan terms, and collateral requirements tend to differ from one to the next. A Brief Look at the Origins of Lending When trying to discover the origins of lending you might find yourself looking at a lot of unrelated information that doesn't really tell you what it is that you want to know. Secured Loans Tips Here are some useful secured loans tips. Secured loans enable most homeowners to borrow capital against the value of their property. A secured loan is where the amount you borrow is secured against the value of your home. This is a loan that's secured on your property, which, if you already have a mortgage is also known as a second charge. So, providing you have equity in your home and can afford the repayments, the chances are you will be able to borrow against it. ![]() |
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