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Free Money Saving Auto and Home Loan Tips
Free Auto Loan Tips The following tips should help increase your chances of getting a car loan at a better rate. Tip #1 - If you just started a job (recently graduated from college) then wait 6 months to apply for your car loan. Tip #2 - If you have currently have bad credit then repair it before applying for an auto loan. Tip #3 - If you've recently moved then wait until you have lived at your new address for 6 months before applying for a loan. Tips #4 - If you have had a previous auto loan or home mortgage on your credit report then your chances for a new loan improve greatly. Tip #5 - Try and pay off all of your credit card balances or at least lower them. You may want to consider finding the best debt consolidation loans to erase all of your credit card bills. The bottom line is don't keep a high debt load or credit card balances. Tip #6 - You must have a stable job or occupation. Tip #7 - Other examples of credit extended to you should appear on your credit report. Verify this with a quick and easy online credit report. Also avoid charge off's on your credit report. Tip #8 - If you've filed bankruptcy before then you should wait 3-4 years before trying to get an auto loan. Free Home Loan Tips Tip #1 - Make Bi-Monthly Payments: Instead of paying your mortgage with one monthly payment switch to paying half of your loan payment every 2 weeks. The savings comes from the 26 half payments you make which add up to 13 monthly payments versus the regular 12 payments you would normally make in a year. The end result is you save a large sum of money on the interest owed and you'll own your home a lot sooner! Tip #2 - Choose a 15 year mortgage instead of a 30 year mortgage: You'll end up with a higher monthly payment but in the long run you also save tens of thousands of dollars in interest charges, especially if you shop for the best home loans you can afford. Tip #3 - Mortgage Refinancing: Currently this is the most popular trend. You refinance your mortgage if you can get a rate that is at least one percentage point lower than your existing mortgage rate and plan to keep the new mortgage for several years or more. Tip #4 - Buy down the rate: The seller or builder, or through innovative pricing, can help you buy down your mortgage rate for one, two, or three years. Tip #5 - Consider an adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM): If you think you will be in your house for less then 5 years then perhaps you should consider an ARM. An adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) starts with a considerably lower interest rate, but then adjusts every year. This type of loan moves a little bit of the risk away from the lender, and the lender rewards you with a lower rate. Usually these mortgages are capped to rise not more than two percent in any year, and not more than five or six percent for the life of the loan for your protection. Timothy Gorman is a successful webmaster and publisher of Military-Loans-Online.com ? Which provides free money saving loan quotes on all of your loan needs to include home equity loan information that you can research in your pajamas on his website. Other websites operated by TimCellular-Phone-Solutions.com - Free information and resources regarding cell phones and cell phone plans. Best-Free-Insurance-Quotes.com which provides free insurance information and offers discount auto, life and home insurance.
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Holiday Personal Loans ? When the Traveller Within You Wants to Break Free If you are a traveller by heart then perhaps every holiday you wait for a chance to fly away somewhere around the world. The world is full of so many cultures and colours. It has trapped within its wings such an expansive variety; it has so much to offer to show that it can't be possible to know it through a magazine, internet, or through your television. See how the colour beneath your feet changes while you travel the world with holiday personal loans. Securing Debt Consolidation Secured Loans If you're like most people, then you've got debt in your life? and if that debt is getting out of hand, you might want to consider debt consolidation secured loans. Payday Loans And Pawnshops: Comparing Two Popular Ways Of Getting Cash Quickly I remember years ago growing up when you needed some money fast and didn't have any other alternatives such as credit cards, friends or a friendly bank you pawned something you had that was valuable. This was an easy way to get some money and technically you didn't give away what you owned but you did have to pay a fee to get it back. Applying for a Payday or Cash Advance Loan Online Applying for a payday loan online is a quick and effective alternative compared to actually driving to a payday advance store. There are several reasons why applying online is in your best interest. When you apply online you save the time and the trouble of applying in person, you can find better rates than you may receive at your local payday advance center, and it's safer to access all your private information from home. When you are applying online for a payday loan there are several things you can do to make the process even easier. Student Loan Limits Not Keeping Up with Tuition Rates As tuition rates at many colleges continues to rise, the limits that students may borrow each year has stayed the same. Taking the Time to Find the Best UK Loans When looking for UK loans, it's always important to take your time so that you can compare loan rates and terms from a variety of lenders. A Guide to Getting a Debt Consolidation Loan UK If you're getting in over your head with credit, you might consider getting a debt consolidation loan UK . This loan is designed to pay off at least a portion if not all of your outstanding debts, allowing you to have either reduced payments or in some cases only the single payment of the loan itself to repay. Guide to Homeowner Loans Here is a useful guide to Homeowner Loans. A Homeowner Loan is a loan secured against your home. Homeowner loans can help you unlock capital tied up in your home. They offer solutions that many other loans do not offer, like long repayment terms. Homeowner loans are secured against your home which will be at risk if you can not meet your repayments. Secured Loans Guide Secured loans are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility. Basically, a secured loan is one for which you provide some form of collateral in order to cover the amount borrowed in the loan. A secured loan is a loan on which you as the borrower have provided the lender some kind of security for the money borrowed. 5 Things Pensioners Applying for a Loan Should Remember Are you a pensioner applying for a loan? Here are 5 things you should remember A College Loan Will Finance Your Education! A college loan has given people all over the United States a chance to further their education, even if they are not making a lot of money. Education loans can be a big help in paying for college. You'll find these loans offer a low interest rate and a generous repayment period. Of course, student loans must be repaid, usually with interest, although some education loans have provisions for cancellation if the borrower performs a program-related service. If you are looking for a loan, be aware that there are many different types of loans. Try to find the student loan that fits you the best. Payday loan: A Complete overview From different surveys, it is seen that the number of customers taking payday loan as well as payday lending companies are increasing frequently. If you are a person taking the payday loan for the first time or want to gather information regarding payday loan, then this article will be of great help to you. Bridging Loans - Fulfilling Financial Shortfall between Real Estate Transactions You are trying to buy a new property and selling the current one to raise money for the new purchase. It is usually difficult corresponding sale of one property with the buying of another. This almost always leads to financial gap. For this particular circumstance bridging loans are organized. Fast Money: A Guide to Fast Secured Loans Here is a useful guide to fast secured loans. Here is a useful guide to fast secured loans. Sometimes it seems as though there's nothing you can do? you need money and you need it now, but you don't get paid for another week or more. You need to find a fast secured loan, but banks can sometimes take weeks to process your application and there's still no guarantee that you'll get the money that you need. Luckily, there are other options available for fast secured loans. To Find The Right Loan You Must First Find The Right Lender We have found internet shoppers to be the savviest in the mortgage market. Frequently they have submitted their mortgage loan information. After mortgage inquires for mortgage quotes are made by the consumer on the internet the information is then referred to a loan officer who will call them and help them find the right loan for their situation. By doing this internet shoppers gain a competitive edge in that the market is competing for their business. This can be good and this can also be bad. A Secured Loan Could Save You Money What is a Secured Loan? Giving Finances a Breather Through Loans for Unemployed Martin graduated of the college with dreams of a highflying career. However, the subsequent unemployment put a check on his dreams. It has now become a matter of making the ends meet because of the various debts mounting up on his account and the unemployment allowance falling deficient of meeting even the basic needs. SBA Loan: Options, Benefits, and Lenders Part 2 of 2 In this second installment, we will further examine what kinds of SBA loan options are available, and for what kinds of businesses they are most advantageous. We will also discuss the different types of SBA lenders. 5% Down Vs. 10% Down - A Comparison It has always been an issue for home buyers to save their down payment. Many people, on advice from various people wait to save 10%, rather than moving into the home sooner with 5% as a down payment This is not always a good idea. Let me explain; Finance Your Home Business: Six Ways Under Your Nose There are lots of ways to get additional capital to expand a home-based business. But before you look outside for financing, leaving the decision about your company's progress and merits to someone else, consider these six ways under your nose to finance your home-based business: ![]() |
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