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Better Investing Made Easy
If there were one piece of advice that an investor could ask for, the question would probably be something like "What do I need to do to invest better?" Better investing choices are sought by investors every day. Some find them and succeed, others do not. The difference clearly lies in better investing, so investors are on the right track. They are, however, asking the wrong questions. Instead of asking "How can I make better investments," they should be asking "How can I discern better investment choices?" While everyone is looking for that one hot investment tip that will turn them on to the next Microsoft or Wal Mart type of investment, they should be looking into how they can discern those choices for themselves and thus make better investing decisions. All those people who did jump on Microsoft back in the eighties weren't just lucky. Some of them were, but some had done their research and were able to realize that they were looking at an opportunity to invest in a company that would revolutionize the fledgling software industry. Discerning choices for better investing starts with research. The savvy investor won't just read the features in The Wall Street Journal or the articles appearing at The Motley Fool web site, she'll read them and then do a bit of research on the company being discussed. The more an investor knows about a potential investment, the easier it is to make the decision whether to invest. No one can see the future, of course, and there are plenty of companies that look like good investment ideas that wind up falling flat on their proverbial faces. Better investing is not about scrying into a crystal ball; however, it is about using your own powers of discernment to determine which investment is the better choice. A little luck helps too, of course. Investment Tips by Mika Hamilton ? Read more free investment tips, tutorials & reviews at http://www.Global-Investment-Institute.com
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Discipline in Trading and Investing The one thing I can think of that most affects both trading and investing has to be self-discipline. Copy Cat or How to Use a Successful Trading System How many books have you read about successful traders? How they did this or that and made a fortune and are still doing it. You say to yourself, "I'm going to follow his method and get rich". Investing Psychology Today Requires All Traders to Awaken Their Speculator Minds Stock trading strategies are as rampant today, as they were during the Great Bull Market. Yet, can you truly master the stock market like so many investing books propose? Investing in Car Dealerships: How to Do It Right The financial characteristics of the automobile dealership are attractive: The Basics of Tax-Free UK Financial Spread Betting Financial Spread Betting (or Trading) offers a tax free method of speculating on financial markets. Forex Trading Best Practices FOREX, the term for the FOReign EXchange market, is an international exchange market where currencies from many different countries are bought and sold. Both long-term hedge investors and short-term investors that seek quick profits use FOREX. Trade reaches between 1 and 1.5 trillion US dollars per day. Needless to say, FOREX is a very lucrative market. Many wonder how to gain the most profits by trading with FOREX. There are a few simple trade practices that can help any trader, either an amateur or a professional make significant profit from FOREX. Bearish or Bullish? If you are interested in stock investing and the stock market, you may have plenty of questions. Even if you have already started investing, you may still have many questions about the details of the stock market and your options. Even the stock investing pro needs tips now and again and is ona path of continuous daily learning. That is their lifestyle and sometimes their contribution in life. Annuity Help Many people today are looking for annuity help. The biggest challenge seems to be that most of the help is biased. What exactly do I mean? I mean that there is always a vested interest for the person who is helping you with your annuities. They are out to sell you something so you don't know if they are doing it for your best interest or for theirs. Selecting Rules for Investing and Trading There are three important differences between investing and trading. Overlooking them can lead to confusion. A beginning trader, for example, may use the terms interchangeably and misapply their rules with mixed and unrepeatable results. Investing and trading become more effective when their differences are clearly recognized. An investor's goal is to take long term ownership of an instrument with a high level of confidence that it will continually increase in value. A trader buys and sells to capitalize on short term relative changes in value with a somewhat lower level of confidence. Goals, time frame and levels of confidence can be used to outline two completely different sets of rules. This will not be an exhaustive discussion of those rules but is intended to highlight some important practical implications of their differences. Long term investing is discussed first followed by short term trading. Tyranosaurus Rex Everyone knows T Rex was the most fearsome of all dinosaurs. He could and did kill everything in his path for food or maybe stupid meanness. His brain was very small and he did not survive. Almost Anyone Can Open A Roth IRA! The Roth is kind of weird until you get used to it in terms of how much you can put in (contribute) each year depending on how much you earn (compensation). Because of this you really have two limits, one dealing with your compensation and the other dealing with your contribution. Let me explain. The Conflict of Interest Game Disgruntled investors are going after Wall Street once again, this time accusing one of investment bank Morgan-Stanley's high-tech mutual funds of making biased stock picks. Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 3) Putting Rare Coin Market Cycles to Work for You... Success Trading for New Traders: What Does Bid and Ask Mean? Do you ever wonder exactly what's going on in the trading pits after you've sent an order to purchase stock? You've no doubt seen market quotes either online or even in the newspaper. Have you noticed that there are always two sets of prices given? What exactly do those mean and where will my order get filled? Let's discuss the basics of the two prices you see. Why You Need To Buy and Sell Gold Coins (Part 2) How to Collect Rare CoinsFor Fun and Profit Better Investing Made Easy If there were one piece of advice that an investor could ask for, the question would probably be something like "What do I need to do to invest better?" Better investing choices are sought by investors every day. Some find them and succeed, others do not. The difference clearly lies in better investing, so investors are on the right track. They are, however, asking the wrong questions. Discover the Foundation of Retiring Wealthy - The IRA! Let me tell you about some legal ways to avoid getting taxed on profits from the stock market. You can make a lot of money now with the stock market as low as it is at this time as I teach you in my home study course. The very best way is to buy and sell your stock through Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). IRAs can help you legally avoid taxes and add a fantastic boost to your retirement plans. The IRA was originally developed in 1974 for people not covered by a company pension plan. "The individual retirement account legislation allowed the average person a chance to put money into a tax-advantaged account," according to Bruce Grace, a Chartered Financial Analyst and Assistant Professor of Finance at Morehead State University. Justify Social Security ... Dont Save for Retirement It is a common question when investors review their retirement plan-should we include social security benefits into our retirement income projections? Finding the Perfect Company The perfect company - it's the holy grail of the investment world. The company that will make its initial investment hundreds of times over. It's what everyone shoots for. To have bought Microsoft when it first went public... It's how fortunes are made. What does make "the perfect company"? The 8 Biggest Mistakes When Designing Portfolios - and How To Avoid Them Are you as good an investor as you think? Do you consider yourself a well-informed investor able to anticipate and avoid nearly all pitfalls associated with investing? Chances are, you are making one of the common errors that could cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars, or worse yet, your financial independence, control and security. ![]() |
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