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The best way to avoid being hit hard by a stock market crash or another Enron/Worldcom fiasco is to make sure you don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversification helps ensure steady growth of your net worth as you accumulate more assets. This idea is not limited to the stocks in your portfolio, but should include all of the components that make up your net worth. For instance, it's OK to take $5,000 and put it in a stock you like as long as you have plenty of assets in other areas, such as home or property value, mutual funds, savings, etc... However, if you're still in the beginning stages of building wealth, and you only have $500 in savings, and you're renting an apartment and lease your auto, you probably don't want to put $5,000 in one stock. A good guideline is to keep from having more than 20% of your net worth in any one asset, unless it's your home. Here's a good example of a diversified net worth portfolio for someone in their 30's: Checking account : $2,000 Of course, the amounts will be more or less, depending on your age & situation in life. Also, don't forget to protect your net worth with some long-term disability and/or life insurance, even if you're young. Following this simple guideline will hopefully help you reach your retirement goals. About the author: Scott is in his mid-thirties and has a Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, with a minor in Decision Science. He entered the accounting field ten years ago, when he started working for a software company, where he stayed seven years. He is now the Inventory Control Manager for a large winery.
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How to Setup a Profitable Trading Business In my opinion trading is the most exciting and best way to earn a living in the world. With just a small amount of equipment and space you can do it from anywhere on the planet. Basic Options Terms Options are good investing and speculative instruments. But options terminology may confuse even experienced investors. In this article we will take up some basic options terms. Trading For A Living - Part 2 In part 1 of this article I started to look at the financial implications of giving up the day job to instead start trading full time for a living. There are more than just monetary considerations as we will see later, but for now, there are some more costs to ponder. Volatile Range The stock market fell sharply Thu and Fri before and after the employment reports Fri morning. The Nonfarm Payrolls report showed 207,000 net jobs were added in July, which were 27,000 more than the market expected. Also, Hourly Earnings in July rose 0.4%, which was twice what the market expected. There's a strong inverse relationship between employment and profits, in part, because when employment increases, then productivity falls, which generally lowers profit growth. Moreover, some proportion of additional labor costs tend to come from profit growth when there is little slack in the economy. Furthermore, lower productivity is inflationary, ceritus paribus (all else equal). To Retire Rich, Save and Invest Early If you want to retire rich, start saving investing early. The most powerful tool when it comes to retiring rich, is compounding your returns on money saved when you are young. Through the power of compound interest, cash invested today has a massive impact on your wealth level when you retire. Realistic Investing Expectations Over the long term stocks have provided us with great average return results. But this average return masks a great deal of volatility, because returns have fluctuated within a very wide band. Are You An Investment Dummy Like Me? I am good at a few things. I can certainly market well and I consult with others about how to bring more attention to their products and services on the internet for a living. Dumb Money Many people have, at one time or another, taken some of their hard-earned funds, and decided to put them in the stock market. These well-meaning individuals either acted on a tip they saw on CNBC, or actually believed one of those crazy faxes/emails that said XBXB @ $0.17/share was the next Microsoft. These people thought they were being smart, but they probably just ended up lining the pockets of brokers and mutual funds when they lost money on their 'investment'. I know, because I've done it, too. The Dreaded Direct Question (Please have a glass of water within reach before reading this article.) Landlording 101, Tricks of The Trade Looking Inside Your Tenant's MindBasic Mind-Reading Report 101 for Landlords Invisible Mutual Fund Fees Erode Your Returns! Many investors think that investing in mutual funds is free. What nonsense! Funds collect more than $50 billion a year in fees from investors. That is truly a ton of money. The first way you get hosed in a mutual fund is due to high fees charged. These fees can dramatically reduce your returns over time! The Benefits of Laddering Your CD Investments If you've decided to stock some money away in a certificate of deposit, why not reap the highest benefit over time by laddering your CD investments? What's a CD latter? I'm glad you asked. Investing and Asset Allocation Sometimes you spend sleepless nights worrying about which stocks to buy and which to sell, which funds to own and which to dump and whether to get into bonds. Buying a Home - Your BIGGEST Investment This column has often focused on intangible investments like stocks that a young investor might hold in their portfolio. While these are one of the most important components of an investment plan, it is not the dominant one for most young people. Even for some who are much further down the path of life, stocks and bonds often pale in comparison to the role that a home plays in their investment life. Finding the Perfect Company The perfect company - it's the holy grail of the investment world. The company that will make its initial investment hundreds of times over. It's what everyone shoots for. To have bought Microsoft when it first went public... It's how fortunes are made. What does make "the perfect company"? Approaches to Investing Here is a small summary of the three major approaches to investing: Should You Put Your Annuity in an IRA? Let me start by answering that question...if an annuity fits your investment objectives than there is no reason that an annuity should not go in your IRA. Okay all you smarty pants out there who keep arguing that it is tax deferred and it does not belong in your IRA...SO WHAT??? The fact that it is tax deferred is only one reason why people buy annuities. The Economy Is Not The Stock Market Several days ago, the Commerce Department reported that May's factory orders had increased by a 2.9 percent. This was well covered by 'the press', as it was to be a positive influence on 'the market' (yes, the quotes are intentional.....you'll see why). The enthusiasm was understandable - the $394 billion in orders of manufactured goods is the highest level seen since the current calculation method was adopted. Although being skeptical can be wise, the figure was (and is) a clue that the economy is on a solid footing. However, too many times there's a disconnect between what 'should' be the result of a piece of economic data, and what actually occurs. The economy isn't the market. Investors can't buy shares in factory orders......they can only buy (or sell) stocks. Regardless of how strong or weak the economy is, one only makes money by buying low and selling high. So with that, we put together a study of some of the economic indicators that are treated as if they affect stocks, but really may not. Inflation Proof Your Investment Portfolio with ETF?s Even though inflation has been relatively quiet in the U.S. since the late 1980's, there now appears to be some strong evidence that it may be starting to heat up again with an expanding economy, combined with skyrocketing oil and housing prices in certain key regions of the country. While the Federal Reserve has been raising key interest rates citing the threat of rising inflation, the cautious message coming out from the Feds are that, inflation is still benign and not yet a threat. Inflation is benign? Excuse me, but the cheapest gas I can find anywhere in this area is $2.23 a gallon, which is up almost 50% from last year and housing prices in my Howard County, MD neighborhood have more than doubled in the past five years. Playing With Money - And Making More Ready to start playing with your money? Not interested in complicated businesses or boring bank C.D.'s? Here are some methods that aren't quite a business because you can do them once, or just whenever you feel like it. Start small and the risk is small. ![]() |
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