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Free Internet Secrets That Will Instantly Drive Up Your Traffic and Sales
The following 3 secrets revolutionized my life. For yearsI had tried everything I knew with no success. It didn'tmatter that offline I was a very successful marketingexpert, online success remained elusive. The moment Idiscovered these three secrets things changed dramaticallyfor me. So why am I revealing them to you? Good question. The facts are that lots of people arealready using them and making lots of cash and keepingquiet about it. The thing about the net is that you can'tkeep a secret for very long. Besides I have plenty to gainif you remember me as the person who was most responsiblefor changing your online fortunes. It means I'll be ableto sell you lots of stuff in future. The PR spin doctorswill tell you that I am trying to position myself in acertain way in the minds of the public. For profitablereasons of course. So here are the 3 secrets. 1) Well written articles People on the net are alwaysignoring this one. Boring plain articles will do nothingfor you. But well written, useful articles with valuableinformation that solves problems will do everything foryou. Many times I've posted an article at one site andthen done a google search a few weeks later to realize ithas already been re-posted in dozens of other sites. Onesales enquiry I received today via email had a url link tothe site where the nice man had seen my article. I'd neverheard of it before and yet 1192 persons have alreadyviewed it. 2) It's a numbers game When I first started usingarticles, I didn't think of the numbers involved. And alot of people who may have posted one or two articles andforgotten all about it may be making exactly the samemistake I made. I wrote one article and sat back waitingfor a response. I still got it (after about 3 weeks) but Isoon got wiser. You must have heard all those statistics about what kindof traffic a web site needs to be successful. All sorts ofcrazy numbers have been thrown around ranging from 500 toover 2,500 hits PER DAY. Now how does a site get numberslike those without spending the national deficit onadvertising? With articles it's no problem. Here is the math. Supposing your article is viewed just twice every day at acertain web site. If you post the same article to only 20similar sites, you'll have 40 hits per day. You need only20 articles to get 800 hits per day. And don't forget my point number one. If your article ishalf useful, they'll be a viral effect. In a few shortweeks, one listing can yield dozens of other postings. Ifyou add 12 to the math above you get 9,600 hits PER DAY. The lesson here is that you have to keep on producing newarticles and posting them all the time. I recommend aminimum of 3 new articles every month. 3) Ebay about me page When you add this secret to secretnumber one and two, you'll break the bank ? guaranteed. Ebay has well over 1.5 billion page views per month. Thereare well over 40,000 people who sign up for Ebay every day- Sunday included. Of course there's serious money to be made from theauctions or by selling something with a fixed price. Butyou can profit on Ebay even if you are not sellinganything. You can use the About me page to put in allsorts of information including a link to your web site.Just by learning how to do this, you can dramaticallyincrease traffic to your web site or even to your postedarticles. This highly targeted traffic is bound to yieldsales for you, whatever it is you are selling. I found Brian McGregor's ebook, "The Ebay Formula,"extremely useful in helping me understand how to use Ebayto drive my traffic and profits. You can get the ebook byemailing me at the email address in the resource box. In conclusion I would like to assure you that with these 3secrets, you can make lots of money online, even if you donot have a web site. I'll let you into a fourth secret. Idon't have a web site myself. Too much work and expense tomaintain. But I make money without one. But that is thesubject of another article. And besides, imagine what youcan do, you who has a web site. Christopher Kyalo is a writer/marketing expert with over20 years experience. His free course on how to usearticles for free advertising on the net is available bysending a blank email to bizboom@freeautobot.com. He canbe reached at strongwallafrica at yahoo.com.
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Online Paid Survey Basic Idea Weird Sells: Get Noticed on the Internet What is weird?, well in the 21st century it's getting more and more difficult to define what is weird and what isn't . According to the dictionary one definition is "Of a strikingly odd or unusual character; strange". Surely that isn't enough any more? A quick look at eBay and you will find hundreds of items that would comply with that definition. Toast with faces on it, Glass jars containing Ghosts and numerous examples of weird and wacky objects, (well weird and wacky according to the people who have submitted them.) The sheer number of them should preclude them from being classed as Weird. Mainstream Newspapers now have pages of weird news and no shortage of people willing to appear on them. The nightly news no longer finishes with heart warming local story it finishes with some weird local happening Weird is big news. Seven Steps to Starting Your Internet Business There is no reason to be afraid of creating an online business. It is a very easy process if you take it one step at a time. Let's make the assumption you aren't going to quit your day job (not yet, anyway). So how do you get started working part-time only? Fast Forwarding Your Business with Instant Messaging Instant Messaging is rapidly becoming accepted in the business community as a viable communications tool and process - it's faster than e-mail, free on the client side, even a novice user can easily grasp the interface in just a few minutes and it enables remote workers and business partners to "talk" and share files and information effortlessly using the in-place infrastructure of the internet. Its mushrooming in popularity too - according to IDC, corporate and general business users will jump from 5.5M in 2001 to close to 200M by 2004. Analyzing Website Traffic Analyzing your web traffic statistics can be an invaluabletool for a number of different reasons. But before you canmake full use of this tool, you need to understand how tointerpret the data. Free Internet Secrets That Will Instantly Drive Up Your Traffic and Sales The following 3 secrets revolutionized my life. For yearsI had tried everything I knew with no success. It didn'tmatter that offline I was a very successful marketingexpert, online success remained elusive. The moment Idiscovered these three secrets things changed dramaticallyfor me. Make Extra Sales with your P.S. - Internet Marketing This "little" test I ran was in dedication of Corey Rudl. He was always big into "test test test" and then tell someone about it. So here is one of my little tests that I ran and now I'm telling someone about it ;-) A Person Of Value One of the "secrets" in Internet Marketing is knowing that you need to be patient enough to develop the kind of business building savvy that people want. It takes time. Are You Running Your Online Business On Half Empty? The idea of paying $1000 for a marketing package to MOST people would be a nonsense. Growing Your Business On-line: A Fresh Perspective Rather than thinking about the web as technology, let's consider the web as a purely connective device - perhaps the most powerful connective tool that mankind has created to date. How To Come Up With New Product Ideas Have you ever wanted to add new products to your exsisting product line? Obviously one way to do that is to find a product that is already developed and start selling that. Affiliate programs are great for that. Is Your Web Site Ready For Its Visitors? There's a great interest among the Internet entrepreneurs about how to promote their business on the Web. There's always a quest for new and innovative ways of promotion that promise greater results at lower cost and in shorter time. Yet with all the efforts spent on promotion it's just amazing how many people totally ignore one basic question- is their website is worth of promoting it? With new computer technologies and high speed connections the new age on the Internet has arrived- the age that redefined the criteria of a successful web site, which satisfies demands of its visitors. Building Consumer Confidence Builds Sales Many small online business owners have yet to understand the sheer power that comes from building consumer confidence. They struggle with sales month after month, but still, when someone tells them their site design needs help, they get offended. "I spent a lot of time building my own site!" is the reply. Targeted Traffic is More Important than Ever! In the early days of web development, business owners had learned the very expensive lesson that a Web site with no visitors is of little value. Once the business owner learned that methods could be utilized to increase their visibility through search engine optimization, it then became apparent that the traffic that really benefited them, was "targeted traffic." It only made sense that if you were selling a solution, the person who will buy the solution are the ones experiencing a problem or challenge. It also became obvious that the best products and services to sell online were niche or specialized markets. Large volumes of "general visitors" (general volume traffic) may have looked nice on a statistics report but only the truly "targeted visitors" (target traffic) were usually the visitors making purchases or doing business at the Web site. The Easy Days The easy days are gone when you could build your website and two or three months later see it heading for the top of the searches in Google.Now you must be prepared to wait six to nine months to even see your website in the searches. Why has this happened? The Power of Viral Marketing When I first heard of the term Viral Marketing I thought immediately of a virus. No, not the flu, a computer virus. I avoided viral marketing like the plaque. I'm sure many of you are doing the same thing. Every email labeled viral marketing got trashed and I immediately run an anti virus check on my computer. Internet Marketing Online: How To Eliminate Your Competition Without Bloodshed Business thrives on competition. Google AdWords and AdSense - A Dynamic Small Business Marketing Duo Unless you have been living under a rock for the last year or so, you probably know that Google has become the king of the search engine hill. There are many reasons for this but number one in my opinion is that above all else they put value on content. Today I want to introduce you to two very powerful small business advertising options created by Google. Mortgage Marketing: What To Expect From Your New Website The day has come for your new website to go 'Live'. After tweaking this and changing that you are finally ready for the herds of potential clients to bombard your website with promising loan applications. While you sit by your email program for a few hours waiting for that first application to come through, you realize that there is more work to be done. Begin An Internet Empire! Well, I'd first like to talk about what exactly has inspired you to read this article. Was it just look that you've stumbled across it or was it because it was free or was it because you wanted a free and ultimately invaluable resource on starting your own Internet business. It doesn't matter what you sell it could be anything from tennis shoes to e-books. Well really e-books is what I'm talking about. ![]() |
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