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How I Submitted My Internet Marketing Articles To Only 20 Sites But Shortly 16,000 Sites Posted Them
There is no internet marketing chore that I enjoy more than doing a regular google search to check the viral effect and progress of my online marketing articles. Within a recent short period I saw the number of websites where my articles are listed grow by a staggering 16,000. The full implications of this is that without me lifting a finger 16,000 more websites, blogs and their pages, with search engine prominence, now contain my articles. This means that even if just one person in the entire month reads only one of my articles in each of those locations, I will end up with a total of 16,000 unique readers per month. And without any more effort on my part. But for articles to enjoy this kind of magic they must have 3 key ingredients. An effective internet marketing article will have a good headline What causes you to click on a link or ad? What attracts your interest to any content online? It is of course a headline. Writing headlines is an art in itself. Those who are good at it, earn a lot of money. Tabloids like the National Enquirer or The Sun in Britain understand the power of a headline because they've sold millions of copies of their publications regularly for many years and it all hinges on how effective the main headline is. I learnt this lesson well in my offline marketing days when a newsletter I used to publish would sell a few hundred copies on one headline and then sell over 300,000 copies with another headline. On the net, headlines are even more important and when writing articles you should bear this in mind. Apart from taking care of the keywords (with search engines or google adsense ads in mind), your headline should be so enticing that anybody mildly interested in the subject you are covering will want to read it. In writing this article, this are the headlines I considered and discarded before I ended up with the headline I used. Study them carefully and learn something about internet marketing headlines. - 3 things an effective internet marketing article must have I would have chosen this last headline listed here, except that more specific headlines are more believable in a World Wide Web that is choked with hype these days. An effective internet marketing article must contain useful information or tips Why would somebody bother to take an article and post it at their website or blog? There is only one reason that would cause them to do this. Your article must contain useful and valuable information. Some internet marketers deliberately hold back vital information and refer others to their websites for it. This is a mistake because the reader will judge you from the information they read in your article. If there is little or no information then the assumption is that your website will not be any different and probably has more of the same. Remember that online there is always too much to do and too many websites to visit. So for anybody to visit your site, they will need to see some really useful and valuable information. An effective internet marketing article must be well written Your internet marketing article must be very well written to be read and posted widely. Remember that people on the net are in a hurry and they have the widest choice mankind has ever had in history. So if they have a problem making head or tail of what you are trying to say in your article, with a simple, impatient click of the mouse, they will move elsewhere. Online writing should be brief, direct and to the point. It also helps a great deal if the article is broken down the way it has been here, with simple points listed in bold. With a little effort, most people can write reasonably well. But even if you can't good online writing services are very affordable. In fact the going rates are so dirt cheap that many offline writers used to earning a minimum of $500 for any piece of writing they do, are bitterly complaining. Luckily their complaints haven't changed anything. Check this site for details on an excellent experienced online writer who charges only $9 per article. http://marketingurhomebiz.blogspot.com/2005/06/9-per-article-experienced-writer.html Christopher Kyalo has made money online while using articles as his only marketing tool. Visit the following link to find out the most effective site to post your free article to; http://marketingurhomebiz.blogspot.com/2005/06/revealed-most-effective-internet.html. Visit his blog for more valuable free tips; http://big-online-story.blogspot.com
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Internet Marketing Solution - Content, Content, Content If you're looking for the number one, hot Internet marketing solution that will propel your website to the number one spot on the most popular search engines you have a long search ahead of you. The truth is that there really isn't one technique that will accomplish such a major feat for you. The most successful and popular websites employ a number of techniques to garner that longed for spot. That being said, however; you should know that not all techniques are equal. Some techniques will definitely get you more results than others and the granddaddy of them all is content. No Marketing, No Promoting, Huge Profits Internet business opportunities come in many flavors and varieties. Most of them require some form of promotion in order to generate any income. Website Marketing: 10 Smart Ways To Profit In An Uncertain Economy When the economy is booming, you may do wellin your internet business. Online Network Marketing 101A - Basic Must Steps to Follow to be a Successful Marketer This guide is for people who know what network marketing is but still in need of a "boost" to start either because they are lost and not know what to do or they have a really bad mentor. If you feel that this reading is not for you, you are very welcome to view my other articles. Relevancy - The New Black for Online Marketing? Information Overload Internet Marketing Success Requires a Business Plan (Part II) Formal business planning is a process that takes that "great idea" and subjects it to rigorous scrutiny. It either validates your premise or else shows you where the idea falls apart. Business planning forces you to identify costs and develop a sensible marketing strategy before you start spending money. Having a solid business plan will also help you to acquire funding, if necessary. 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