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The Biggest Internet Marketing Mistake Victorias Secret Will Never Make
Victoria's Secret has about 1500 retail stores, a world class catalog, and according to Alexa.com, a website that is consistently in the top 100 websites on the plenet, as measured by traffic. They successfully merchandise multi-millions of dollars in lingerie, fashions, beauty products, and accessories. They sponsor an annual beauty show, and they sponsor events, with elegant supermodels like Heidi Klum and Tyra Banks, and get worldwide publicity from those events, on TV, newspapers, magazines...their message is virtually everywhere in the world. Now, let me share with you the one marketing mistake that Victorias Secret will NEVER make. Victorias Secret will never become an INTERNET ONLY business! Can you imagine how much business they would LOSE by closing down all of their stores and catalog businesses, because they think that the internet is "HOT"? Retail sales, at the store level, accounts for more than 98% of Victori as Secrets sales. Now, you may be saying to yourself, "Joe, that's a ludicrous position to even SUGGEST that Victoria's Secret would EVER consider to be an "Internet Only Business". And you would be completely correct. But do you want to know the sad truth? As a business consultant, I advise entrepreneurs everyday, IT IS A COMMON THEME; I consistently run into otherwise intelligent people that DESIRE to create an INTERNET ONLY business! Sure, the thought is seductive: I'll build a website, I'll build some traffic, people will fall in love with my products, they'll order in droves, my bank account will fill up, AND I CAN DO IT AUTOMATICALLY, WITHOUT EVER TALKING TO A HUMAN BEING!" My friends, wake up and smell the coffee! That kind of lunacy is a sure path to failure, just as it would be an act of lunacy for Victorias Secret to shut down their stores. If you want your business to thrive, do not, I repeat, DO NOT ! depend soley on building an internet only business. In todays mass media environment, it's difficult to trust ANYONE that you can't meet personally, or at least talk with, in order to develop a relationship. There are several reasons that Victorias Secret stores are successful, and, in my humble opinion, (Which I value above all others), it's because they do a great job of helping customers, face to face, and delivering a very personal, satisfying, relationship-building connection with their customers. So, what's the lesson? If you're building a business, don't sabotage yourself by limiting yourself to the internet ONLY, which may likely be your least likely way to succeed. Instead, use ALL the tools available to you: ï Use Online Publicity AND Offline Publicity ï Use Web Site Communication AND Telephone Communication ï Use E-mail follow up AND Direct mail follow up And above all else, make a commitment to having the personnel ! in place to close the sale, as well as deliver personalized customer service AFTER the sale. Sure, it takes effort, energy, and time to jump in the car and go visit a client. But it demonstrates something at a very high level that you cannot do over the internet. It demonstrates that you CARE enough to show up. Someone once said that showing up is half the battle. Your web site cannot show up for you, and it cannot look your client in the eye, and it cannot reach out, and shake hands, or hug someone. Victorias Secret will never throw away 98% of its business with a "Web Only" strategy. Neither should you. Joe Nicassio coaches business people in marketing. EVERYTHING in this program is designed to help YOU SystematicallyIncrease your REVENUE and BOTTOM-LINE PROFITS. Check it out: http://HeartfeltMarketing.com
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The Relation Between Internet Marketing Education and Profits Many people join internet business opportunities online blindly. By this I mean they join everything that promises them fast bucks and then one to two years later are dejected and unhappy at their dismal returns online with regards to their capital outlay in terms of time and money. Thus the most important thing you need to do today is to get a proper education in internet marketing. The co-relation is clear the internet is all about information and by learning how to package information online you will make more profits from your internet business no matter what you are promoting. 10 Ways to Exceed Your Clients Expectations Every Time! The following tips are just a few of the things I do as examples of setting my service apart from the crowd. In general, the weakest areas in the Internet Marketing and Web Development business, are "Customer Communications" and "Customer Service." Set your effort towards learning to deliver "excellence" in both customer service and communication, and you'll have distinct advantages over many other competitors. These tips are based on the tried and true method of "under promising and over delivering." Providing Information Will Boost Your Web Site I was at a meeting the other day when one member of the audience came up to chat to me after I had given my presentation. 'I agree with what you told us,' she said, 'but it only applies to some people. After all in my business there's nothing I can turn into an ebook.' Within a minute of chatting to me she had developed two ideas for ebooks. Website Sales: 10 Exploding Ways To Intensify Your Website Sales Are sales at your website weak? In Depth Analysis of a Successful Niche Product The product is about teaching your parrot how to talk. Now THAT is a niche! http://www.yourparrotwilltalk.com How to Get 100s of People into Your Downline(s) in Just a Few Months I've been "seriously" working the Web since late 2000. I joined a few affiliate programmes in the early days - more than I could handle back then - and more or less gave up on every single one of them. Autoresponders = Automatic Internet Marketing Success What if you could send out all the information thatyour potential customers have requested withoutchecking your email or answering a phone? While thismay seem impossible, it is becoming more and morepopular among the most successful Internet marketinggurus. This is all due to what is called anautoresponder. An autoresponder is an automaticmethod of responding to emails sent by existing orpotential customers and is an must for any Internetbusiness. Time is money and answering emailspersonally take a lot of valuable time for both youand the customer. Not only do autorespnders allow youto spend the time elsewhere in your business, but itgives the customer access to the information almostimmediately. What is Internet Marketing? Since I sold my last business in 2004 I have been trying hard to make a living online. Most of my neighbors knew what my last business was as it was very obvious from the garage full of soda, water, snacks and vending machines. When I say garage full I am talking about maybe 1000 to 1500 cases at least. Yes, I was a vendor and I did this for about 8 years. 8 years of people complaining about out of date soda, warm candy bars and dimes stuck in the machines. 8 years of 40 foot Pepsi and Coke trucks coming up to my driveway and unloading materials. 8 years of counting coins and dollar bills every day. Had it not been for the recession, 9-11 and the dotcom bust I would probably have grown to where I hired a few workers and I would still be doing it. A Simple 8 Step Formula For Testing Your Headlines I am going to let you in on a secret? The successful entrepreneurs are not successful because they know things that you don't know. They are successful because they TEST every advertising campaign they embark on first before they start spending "big" money on effective forms of newsletter and ezine ads. Marketing Your Web Site Congratulations! Your Web Site is finished! Now what? Your first instinct is to submit to every search engine possible and leave it up to them to bring traffic to your site. Despite what you may have been told, it doesn't happen quite that way. Yes, you will need to submit to the search engines, and they will eventually bring traffic your site. It will take anywhere from 3 ? 6 months for a search engine to even get you listed. After that another year or so to make it to the top of the listings, that is, if you are extremely diligent in promoting to them monthly and following all the different rules for each search engine. Website Marketing: 10 Smart Ways To Profit In An Uncertain Economy When the economy is booming, you may do wellin your internet business. Six Little Used Online Marketing Strategies 1. Utilize Your Knowledge What to Sell on the Internet? The phenomenal growth of ecommerce lures more and more people to dream about starting an online business. The question that bothers many and restrains them from realizing their dream is what to sell on the Internet. Internet Marketing What is Internet Marketing? How You Can Promote Products And Services In Internet There are two ways how you can promote products and services in Internet: Internet Marketing Tips: 10 Benefits Of Surveying Your Customers & Subscribers One way to keep in touch with your customers and so keepthem coming back to buy from you and also bringnew customers to you is to survey them. What is RSS - For Marketers RSS is a technology that has the potential of overcoming many of the internet marketing challenges we are facing today and becoming a preferred tool to get 100% of your content delivered to your subscribers, as well as a tool to help you achieve top position search engine rankings. How I Submitted My Internet Marketing Articles To Only 20 Sites But Shortly 16,000 Sites Posted Them There is no internet marketing chore that I enjoy more than doing a regular google search to check the viral effect and progress of my online marketing articles. Within a recent short period I saw the number of websites where my articles are listed grow by a staggering 16,000. Year In Review: Top Ten Internet Businesses 2004 The internet boom hit a high mark in 2004. With oldstandbys and new emergences, the top ten internetbusinesses 2004 show a variety of companies all with onething in common: they have adapted well to the World WideWeb. Many companies have difficulties and struggle amidstthe huge ocean of the internet, especially since it isquite difficult to maintain a personal face. Thecompanies in the top ten have not only succeeded in thebusiness sense, they have invaded out daily life and havebecome a household name. From meagre beginnings, thesetop ten entrepreneur companies have mastered this newmedium and are an inspirational to any buddingentrepreneur interested in starting an internet basedbusiness. Highly Recommended Pre-Fab Marketing Business Unfortunately most 'ready-made' business sites don't seem to be very user or customer friendly and are extremely expensive for what is being offered. Most of these programmes have only one way to make you money, you send the traffic and they close the sale!? ![]() |
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