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Dollars In The Details!
When it comes to your marketing message, the little things count. Trouble is, you'll never come to respect how much, until you make a commitment to science. Let me ask you something. Do you practice Kaizen? Kai what? Kaizen is a Japanese word meaning gradual and orderly, continuous improvement. Sound like you? Or do you just wake up one morning & decide that you need to re do your site? Do you keep a diary? Not the Anne Frank kind, a chronological record of the results revealed by your ongoing marketing experience. Documentation of exactly what happened last time you changed the copy on your web site, ad campaign, or sales letter. If you're like most, you don't bother to go to this trouble, & you don't practice Kaizen. Now I don't expect you to take my word for it that seemingly trivial changes to your marketing message could have a DRAMATIC impact on your results. I know better than that, see. But here's a simple three-step method that you can try out for the next six weeks to prove it, for yourself. There's nothing more fascinating than watching human nature in action, & you'll be amazed at the improvements you can make in your profitability in just a short period of time! A Simple Three Step "How To" Follow this roadmap to easily & clearly document your experience with minimum hassle. Go ahead & try it. It's not rocket science. Step 1 ? Take a web page that you're running right now, & decide what you would like to see it do better than it does. Would you like to improve the conversion rate? Are average dollars per visitor your thing? Maybe you need to drive cost out of generating opt-ins, or referrals? Make a copy of it Now think about the flow of the page & what might be discouraging people from taking the desired action. Sometimes it's the words you've used. Sometimes it's the order of the words, or the phrasing of the words. It could be the headline, or the opening paragraph, take your best guess. As a rule of thumb, changes to the headline & the opening paragraphs, or around the "calls to action" will have more impact than changes elsewhere on the page. But sometimes even subtle changes like indenting the paragraphs, moving images from right to left or left to right can have surprising effects. Make just one change on your copied page, and republish. Now, create a folder on your hard drive with today's date included in the file name, and save both of your pages as HTML files in it. Step 2 ? Advertise your pages with a redirect link that splits the traffic evenly between the two pages. This is known as "split testing". There are a number of products out there that you can use to do this. Step 3 ? The page that records the most conversions, is your "control". You will want to reserve this judgment until you have seen it make at least 30 conversions for statistical validity. Once you have your control, go back to your folder, & rename it by adding the current date to create a date range. So for example, your file name will change from "split test 1 May 25 04", to "split test 1 May 25 04 ? Jun 25 04". Now, carefully summarize the metrics that you have recorded in a note pad, & save it in the folder with the HTML files. Be careful to provide enough text explanation as necessary to ensure that you will be clear on the meaning of the results when you revisit them at a later date. Also, be sure to document the traffic source. Different sources of traffic can have a remarkable impact on results, but that's a whole other topic of discussion. You are now ready to repeat the process. Copy your "control" & make another change, thereby creating a new "challenger", and so on. To your success, & until next time, Good Selling! Japanese Proverb "If a man has not been seen for three days, his friends should take a good look at him to see what changes have befallen him" About The Author Daniel Levis is a top marketing consultant & direct response copywriter based in Toronto Canada. Recently, Daniel & world-renowned publicist & copywriter Joe Vitale teamed up to co author "Million Dollar Online Advertising Strategies ? From The Greatest Letter Writer Of The 20th Century!", a tribute to the late, great Robert Collier. Let the legendary Robert Collier show you how to write words that sell...Visit the below site & get 3 FREE Chapters! http://www.Advertising-Online-Strategies.com/ad-strategies.html
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Grab that Browser! The Captive Affiliate Marketing Model Creating mini-sites that grab your browsers and prime them into buyers Do You Even Realize What Youre Promoting?! Now, I'm a firm believer in knowing what you're getting yourself into. It's a universal fact of life. I've heard nasty stories of people getting into allsorts of bother, all because they didn't know what they were getting into. Blindly signing contracts, buying dud gear, giving in to the suspicious salesman who "reduces" the price just for today, just for you ? these are all examples of looking over the chasm to the opposite cliff edge?and walking. Im Talking, But is Anyone Listening? Internet marketing is a wonderful thing, but it has it's drawbacks. For instance, if you own a brick and mortar store you have a *physical* presence that gets noticed. Customers will find you purely by chance by walking or driving down the street where your store is located. If they didn't know you existed before, they do now. 10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed Do you post to message boards, e-mail discussionlists, classified ads sites, FFA sites or newsgroups?People will usually read the subject line before theyread your ad or message, so it's important they getnoticed. Below are ten simple, but powerful tips toget your ads or messages noticed. Seven Strategies To Make Money On The Net Regularly You can attract 1,000's of prospects to you. You only need to be equipped with your own web site and an unlimited product or service to sell. 8 Things I Have Learned As An Internet Marketer I started as an internet marketer, like I am sure a few of you have with various mlm programs. After little success with these types of programs I finally decided it was time I make my own website and get serious about marketing on the internet. Although I have not been doing this as long as some, there have been a few things that I have learned along the way that have helped me achieve much more success than my previous ventures in mlm. I would like to share with you 8 things I have learned since becoming an internet marketer. Internet Marketing Promotion And Advertising Can Build Your Business Internet marketing promotion & advertising are crucial for your website's success. Take time to create a buzz about your site and that will keep people coming back. Excited people are motivated people willing to spend money on your products. Advertising that promotes both your products and your website will keep them coming back for more. Web site traffic should be the focus of early Internet marketing promotion advertising. Many effective ways exist t generate traffic for no or little cost. Even if you do not have a large marketing budget, you can operate a successful website. Aggressive Marketing If you get an email with a title like 'Don't Ever Trust Me Again!' and continues along the lines of '... then you don't have to take my advice ever again!' You Know Youre Too Ethical When... Yeah, TOO ethical!? Lately, with some of the issues I've had to deal with in my day to day business activities it seems I am one of the rare few who is concerned about proper ethics and naturally is inclined to react with integrity. Website Sales: 10 Stimulating Words That Make People Buy There are certain mesmerizing words that when used effectively can make people buy from you and increase your sales. Avoid a Summer Sales Slump Did you ever see the movie "Terminator 3" by Arnold Schwarzenegger?Remember when the machines took over the controls and began toterminate society as we know it? How To Build a Successful Online Reputation After running an online business (web site design) for anumber of years I built a reputation online that helpsme to gain and retain a continuous flow of customers. I hadno online reputation when beginning my business, but wasable to build it up step by step over the last few years. Marketing - All About Focus Marketing would appear to be the great buzz word of the decade. Every self-respecting business team talks about it, yet many of us aren't even sure what it is, and even more are uncertain of how they should be doing it. Free Demographics or Updated Data? During your search, you may encounter free demographic data. If data is data, then free is better, right? Not necessarily! Census data and commercial data do vary, at times so significantly that you may come to the wrong conclusion by using the latter. Let's take a look at each so that you can make the best decision when purchasing data or reports. Web Coach Tip: 3 Quick & Easy Ways to Identify Your Target Market #1 ~Look at your past customers~ How to Make Money from Your Website Using Advertising You have managed to get your website to that magical point where you have established popularity, traffic, loyalty and a community of fans. Your site contains a wealth of information, resources and services that you provide free because that's just the kind of person you are. You may not have intended to make money from your site but now that you have an audience you realise that it's possible, or perhaps you have to start thinking about generating income because your costs to manage the site have increased and it's starting to hurt. Kaizen in Online Marketing Many people throughout the life of online marketing have utilizedthe use of Kaizen. As a matter of fact I would venture a guess thatalmost all successful businesses in today's markets are using it.Which leaves one to wonder, what is Kaizen? Well, to put it in alayman's words it is the practice of continuous improvement; the fact that we should never be satisfied with what we have, and insteadalways press onwards to improve what we have to something better. I Finally Figured It Out - The Largest Stumbling-Block To Online Success We're going to talk about one of those issues that I think is the most serious stumbling blocks to Internet success: fear of losing money. Internet Marketing Is internet marketing something for you? Do you dream about working at home where your kids are, where you feel you should be? Internet marketing can promise this and so much more. But, tread lightly and do your research before jumping into the world of Internet marketing.While many people feel that internet marketing is all a scam, simply stated, this is false. There are quality companies and quality business plans that are proven. Likewise, there are just as many and even more that are not worth your time or the expense. To understand the differences you need to take the time to research and then decide if the company is right for you. First, you should understand that in most internet marketing endeavors, you will own your own business. You are not working for someone else, which is a nice bonus, but it can be a downfall to many. There are extra expenses that you personally need to take on. You need to keep yourself motivated to do a good job on a daily basis.If you believe you can handle these simple things in internet marketing, then you can start your search for a company to work with. There are many. It will take you a good amount of time to decide which one is right for you. Do you want to sell products? Do you know enough to sell software? Can you see yourself promoting your business online, over the phone, in your neighborhood, and to your family and friends? Look into the business's history. Do they have a long background with a proven track record? If it's a ground floor opportunity, can you trust and believe in it enough to make it successful? Is the business a member of the Better Business Bureau? What about others who have done the business, what do they have to say? Will they provide training, materials, or anything else that is needed? Once you combine all of this information, it is only then that you can and should decide on an Internet marketing company. While there are definitely advantages to working an internet marketing business from home, never kid yourself that it won't be hard work all the way. But, by doing this basic amount of research and gathering this information, you can trust that the internet marketing business you take on is the right one for you. Seven Tips For A Successful Internet Marketing Campaign Often there can seem to be very little difference between two marketing campaigns. However the difference between average marketing and profitable marketing is immense. Here are my 7 tips for ensuring success from your marketing campaign. ![]() |
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