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The Power of Reverse Advertising
How many times have you heard that posting on FFA sites are a complete waste of time? Are FFA sites really a complete waste of time? ...Yes they are! Then why do millions of people still post on FFA pages every single day of the year. It sure beats me! The ONLY people gaining from FFA sites are the people that 'HOST' them. "WHY?"... I hear you ask. Well listen very carefully. Everytime somebody wants to post on a FFA site, they have to receive an email confirmation and agree to receive ONE email from the person who hosts the FFA page. So, let's say I wanted to post on YOUR FFA page. I submit my link on your page and receive an email confirmation. Now, apart from the confirmation link, can you guess what else may be in that confirmation email? That's right my friend... YOUR AD promoting YOUR product! This is what's known as 'Reverse Advertising' and is an ingenious form of advertising for the FFA host because it is a REQUIREMENT that they open your confirmation email sent to them by YOU, 'the FFA host', before their AD can be placed. This doesn't count towards your daily ad, so you can still send one MORE email to this lead. Therefore, the person who originally posted on your FFA page is now receiving YOUR ads. Now imagine this... you OWN a couple of FFA sites that get thousands of posts every single day with your ads going out to thousands of people in the confirmation email as well as sending ONE daily email to your leads the day after. You are receiving 'guaranteed' massive advertising by including your advertisement in the confirmation email. This is exactly what I do and the other savvy marketers do to generate up to 50,000 targeted visitors every day and rake in thousands of sales every month. This form of advertising is 'Permission Based Advertising' and allows YOU to email thousands of targeted prospects at NO charge and without ever being accused of spamming! This my friend is "The Power of Reverse Advertising". Copyright 2005 OneForce Marketing Steve Tanner created the best seller 'Instant JV Letters' which he later sold. If you would like an amazing FREE eBook showing you how to generate huge amounts of targeted traffic then go to: http://www.OneForce-Marketing.com
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Hire An Internet Marketing Expert For Online Success It never ceases to amaze me how many otherwise intelligent people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write an ad--nothing! Fact is, nowadays, anyone can have a website. But once you get one, then what? How are you going to make money with it? 7.5 Ways To Get More Sales Through Your Web Site Yes, apparently - websites are supposed to make money! Somebody came up with the strange idea that it's really not enough to spend thousands on your site, hundreds of hours creating the content and then sitting back to admire you, and your developer's work. No - apparently it is now 'cool' to have a web site that actually makes it onto a sales column in your chart of accounts.. 'Return on in investment' is a good phrase that's being thrown around - what are you actually making from your web site in cash terms? Ever thought about that? Convey Website Credibility Authentically! Your prospects want one thing and one thing only! They want the reassurance that what you say about what you offer is legitimate. Because credibility is crucial to the success of your business, convincing potential clients that you can deliver is key. And although conveying credibility is always a challenge, conveying credibility through a web site can be even more of a challenge. How To Find Deep Discount Pro Online Marketing Tools You can't row a boat without an oar or build a house without a hammer. And, you can't build an online business without essential Internet marketing tools. Sadly, thousands try (unsuccessfully) everyday. The ABCs of Online Customer Support Want to provide great online customer support? Want to provide the kind of customer support that will grow your business, by building customer loyalty and satisfaction? It's not as hard as it sounds! Just remember your ABC's. Year In Review: Top Ten Internet Businesses 2004 The internet boom hit a high mark in 2004. With oldstandbys and new emergences, the top ten internetbusinesses 2004 show a variety of companies all with onething in common: they have adapted well to the World WideWeb. Many companies have difficulties and struggle amidstthe huge ocean of the internet, especially since it isquite difficult to maintain a personal face. Thecompanies in the top ten have not only succeeded in thebusiness sense, they have invaded out daily life and havebecome a household name. From meagre beginnings, thesetop ten entrepreneur companies have mastered this newmedium and are an inspirational to any buddingentrepreneur interested in starting an internet basedbusiness. How Do You Live the Internet Dream? Automate, Automate, Automate! There's no doubt that one of the things that excited you about operating your online business was the thought of making money while you sleep. Having free time to spend with your family while - at the same time - generating an income is something almost every person on earth wants. But as you've moved further and further into the Internet business realm, you've most likely discovered that this is hard work! The Google Toolbar & Search Engine Optimization Like many other useful toolbars out there so is the Google Toolbar. I consider this toolbar a must have for any serious search engine optimizer and anyone who searches the internet on a regular basis. Here's why? The Google Toolbar has grown significantly in features since inception. It now features several new useful features but the main focus of this article is on those that aid in search engine optimization. So without further ado here's the Google Toolbar unfolded. Weblogs, Podcasting, and RSS Newsfeeds in the Marketing Mix Weblogs and Podcasting in the Marketing Mix SEO 101... These Tags Really Do Matter In search of the coveted search engine traffic? Yes? Then don't ignore your meta tags. If anyone tells you that meta tags are not important, they are seriously misinformed. Follow these simple rules and the clicks will come. Skip them and the high search engine rankings that you work so hard for will never deliver on the true traffic potential. Viral Marketing, New Means of Communications and Applications Viral Marketing and Communications, Buzz Marketing, and Word of Mouth How You Can Acquire Exclusive Rights To Products; Part 1 of 2 If you have a marketing business, chances are you get excited at the prospect of acquiring a new product to sell. One challenge to marketing, especially over the Internet, is the amount of competition. Affiliate programs often create an enormous amount of competitors offering identical products. Experienced marketers realize the benefit and excitement of being the first to make a new product offering of an affiliate product, or even better, their own exclusive product. What the Heck Does Vincent van Gogh Have To Do With Internet Marketing? Nothing and Everything! My Secret To Selling More Big Ticket Items Many aspiring Internet marketers hear all of the talkabout earning a six-figure income and assume that it'sall hype. Some of it is hype, but earning a six-figureincome really isn't difficult. I've watched friendsgenerate "six figures" in sales as we sat together inconferences or meetings! Today I'm going to tell youhow you CAN do it too. I'm going to give you a systemthat I guarantee you haven't seen before. It's one Icreated, tested, and now use extensively. Why Offline Advertising is So Important for Websites It is important that anybody with a significant online presence understands why offline ads are so important and more so why they are usually much more effective than online advertisements. This is very useful knowledge that will no doubt impact dramatically on the success and profitability of any online enterprise. More so when numerous businesses have lost significant amounts trying to advertise online and have ended up with virtually nothing to show for their efforts. Even the much-talked about pay-per-click ads have been hit by increasing click fraud in recent times. This is where software is created to continuously click at ads with the motive of landing the advertiser with a huge ad bill and no business. Other times the software has been used to profit webmasters who post the pay-per-click ads as affiliates and earn a percentage of the cash paid by the client for every single click that happens on their site. The REAL Secret to Building A High-Profit Internet Business My wife laughs every time she sees me doing it. Profitable Online Marketing - Guaranteed! When you boil it right down, there are really only three things that you need to do exceedingly well to market your business effectively online, and you should think of all three simultaneously with each new advertising campaign you entertain. Hispanic Web Marketing - An Emerging Strategy Major marketers in the United States have recognized the importance of the Hispanic Market since the early 1990's. Back then, only Fortune 500 companies with multi-million dollar marketing budgets started targeting this promising vertical segment through Hispanic TV, radio, and print advertising. Although still in its infancy, Hispanic marketing proved to be a crucial facet of many campaigns as marketers realized that Hispanics consume a disproportionate amount of certain products and services in relation to their discretionary income. This is especially true for industries that provide a connection to friends and family back home- such as telecommunications, wire-transfer services, and travel related services. How To Create Your Own *24/7 Little Sales Machines* In 5 Simple Steps Here's an astonishing fact guaranteed to excite you... Product Not Selling? This Could Be Your Lucky Day! So you've created a digital product ready for sale on the Web. You've created your sales page on a three page mini- site. If you're really on the ball, you've created your own opt-in newsletter as well. You've followed step-by-step guidelines for selling your product, and even added some bells and whistles. It's a cakewalk from this point on, right? ![]() |
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