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What the Heck Does Vincent van Gogh Have To Do With Internet Marketing?
Nothing and Everything! Tucked discreetly away on my modest marketing websiteis a copy of a Vincent van Gogh portrait I created for a charity fund raiser some years back. A few of thepeople who have stumbled upon it have sent me puzzling emails -- van Gogh and Internet Marketing? What's the connection? It all boils down to stubborn old learning habits that never die! Let me explain -- I am trained as an artist -- one of the best ways to learn how to draw or paint is to copy the Masters. Spend a few hours copying avan Gogh, a Monet or a Durer and you will learn more in those few hours than months spent in theclassroom pouring over color theories, compositioncharts, and paint mixtures. Learn by seeing thru the eyes of the Masters! They have been there, done that, and they have solved all the major problems for you. It works perfectly and artists have been learning this way for centuries. When I first started internet marketing I applied the same method. (Did I mention I was Stubborn!) A few hours studying the Masters -- their techniques, their marketing tools, their mindsets -- saved me and they will save you from months (if not years) of trial and error. Study the masters first-hand and you will gain a more complete and broader understanding of the different marketing techniques, methods, and systems that thesemarketers apply. Spending a few years studying the topmarketers may pay big dividends down the road when you apply all this knowledge to lesser known marketing niches. Many may cringe at this suggestion, spend two or three years studying top marketers, you're got to be joking! Not really, it's where that old artist training comes in -- artists spend a lifetime studying the masters. And never regret a minute of it! But just how do you find these Marketing Masters? Finding the Masters was the hardest part! With so many proclaimed and self-proclaimed 'gurus' on the web; finding the genuine article among all the 'bovine deposits' was extremely difficult. However, it wasn't long before one name kept poppingup, again and again. Mark Joyner! Like him or hate him -- no one can dispute that he is 'the' master of internet marketing. Many of today's marketing techniques such as ad tracking, pre-selling, email marketing, guerrilla tactics, etc. were invented or perfected by Joyner. In or out of internet marketing, Joyner is still a majorforce that's worth some serious study. Many people try to discredit him but basically, 'he wrote the book' on internet marketing. A few hours studying him and his methods will save you from months of trial and error. John Reese! Another name that keeps popping up -- John Reese. This is another marketing expert that delivers the'goods' -- and the key lies in one word 'traffic'.Traffic is the lifeblood, heartbeat, and main factorthat will make or break any internet website. It's thebasic reason for the success of any website. Reese has figured out how to deliver traffic to any site on the web. But before you jump and buy some of hisTraffic Secrets products -- think twice. Is therea better way to get the information! Please don't get me wrong, if you have the money and are shortpress for time -- by all means, go buy his products! However, if you're on a budget and have some time on your hands -- why not go first-hand and study his sites, newsletters, blog, etc. Pick them apart piece by piece and you will discover his real 'secrets'. But more importantly you will have a better understanding of them. Study the structure and layout of his sites, and see what techniques he uses and simply apply them to your ownwebsites and marketing methods. Google to the Rescue! If you're really new to internet marketing, you may be wondering, how do I find these masters, their sites,or their products even? Just use Google and you willfind the links you need to get you started. Perhaps, a simple illustration of my own marketing study system would be helpful. Artists love techniques and it's the technique or method of learning that's important here. Once you have figured out a way to study the marketing masters -- all the other pieces will fall into place. Here's a simple system I use, as mentioned above, traffic is the key to any website's success. Therefore, it would bebeneficial for me or anyone to seek out a top SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert and study him or her. I used Google to find out who has the top listing/ranking for SEO products and Internet Marketing products in general.One site and one name kept popping up in the number1 position over and over again. Mike's Marketing Toolsrun by SEO expert Michael Wong. I went in and started studying his site's layout, its linkingstructure, etc. -- this guy knows what he's doing and hehas the rankings to prove it. Then I just copied his linking structure and applied itto my own sites. Please note, I am not talking about 'copying per batum' of any source code or material -- that's against the law. But rather the overall design,layout, structure and then taking that information and applying it to my own sites. Three or four days spent studying this master's siteshave given me a wealth of information that I have appliedto my own sites and it's information that I will be ableto use for years to come. This is just one example of how you can use this oldartist training technique to help you learn more aboutinternet marketing. There are many more masters out there, seek them out and study them. Your marketing results will thank you! And by the way, the van Gogh is still neatly tucked awayon my site. It's a matter of learning. He's my constant reminder -- if you want to succeed online -- copy the Masters. Visit Free Marketing Guides & Resources for more simple solutions to your online marketing tasks. Copyright © 2005 Titus Hoskins of http://www.bizwaremagic.com This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.
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What The Home Shopping Networks Can Teach Us About Online Marketing Who would have thought that a TV network dedicated to selling products on a cable network could become a success? Bring Spirit Into Your Online Business For people who have decided to strike out on their own entrepreneurial careers, the currency of choice for lasting and meaningful compensation?and the primary reason they left the "rat race" is?spiritual fulfillment. Mortgage Marketing: What To Expect From Your New Website The day has come for your new website to go 'Live'. After tweaking this and changing that you are finally ready for the herds of potential clients to bombard your website with promising loan applications. While you sit by your email program for a few hours waiting for that first application to come through, you realize that there is more work to be done. Online Promotion Ideas: How To Use 10 Free Bonuses To Increase Your Sales & Profits Free bonuses are like honey that can get yourwebsite visitors hooked to you and makethem to keep buying from you. The Psychology of Online Selling Why do we buy things? Well, some thing are out of necessity; we need food and water to survive. But which food do we buy? You see we do have a choice, which means we make decisions to buy one kind of food against another. That means our choice can be influenced - even for 'essentials'. So even though a principle reason for buying something is 'out of necessity' the chances are you didn't HAVE to but 'that one'. You made a choice, conscious or otherwise. How to Network Effectively to Secure Freelance Work When freelancers ask me what type of marketing is the easiest, costs the least, and yields the best results, I don't hesitate to recommend networking. Networking satisfies two primary prerequisites to secure clients. These two prerequisites are: Internet Marketing: To Promote Your Online Business Through Joint Ventures With Offline Business What is a joint venture? Your First Web Site And you are so proud of it. You have no knowledge of html and the like, but your little web site sits bravely in the ether. You visit all the major search engines and painstakingly submit your URL. You visit other sites similar to yours and politely ask for a link. You check the Link Rankings at least twice a day to see if your brand new site has been indexed, and smile smugly as Yahoo, Google and the others acknowledge your tiny space on the Internet . Internet Marketing Simplified! 2 Pillars For Achieving Massive Results Are you confused by the flood of information on how to improve your internet marketing results? Headlines Bring Sales--Where and How to Use Them - Part 2 Headlines are short vital statements to stimulate your potential customers and clients to take action. That means sales! Since you only have 10 seconds to attract your visitor or reader, create headlines to make ultimate sales. Do?s and Don?ts for the Internet Marketing Newbie (Part 1) I, myself, being an internet marketing "newbie" (endearing term used to refer to people who have just started their own internet business and don't know what the ---- they are doing) have learned a few things and would like to share my observations, tribulations, and triumphs with my fellow "newbies". In sharing my experiences I hope I can help you avoid some of the pitfalls and obstacles you will face. Let's try to avoid some of those "Information Overload" headaches as well. I don't want you to walk through the same mud puddle if I can point it out and help you avoid it. Magic Of Direct Response Website For a web site to make the most money it must be a direct response web site. That does not mean that sites with contents do not make money. But for a small business owner the direct response website is the key to real profits. Internet Marketing In A Room FULL Of Naked Men! NO, that's not one of my secret dreams :-) It's an observation that you need to make. Years ago, I read Harvey MacKay's fantastic best-seller, Beware The Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. I really enjoyed the book and even sent Harvey a note. He sent me an autographed copy of his book "Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive." It's one of my most prized possessions - but back to the naked man... What is Internet Marketing? Since I sold my last business in 2004 I have been trying hard to make a living online. Most of my neighbors knew what my last business was as it was very obvious from the garage full of soda, water, snacks and vending machines. When I say garage full I am talking about maybe 1000 to 1500 cases at least. Yes, I was a vendor and I did this for about 8 years. 8 years of people complaining about out of date soda, warm candy bars and dimes stuck in the machines. 8 years of 40 foot Pepsi and Coke trucks coming up to my driveway and unloading materials. 8 years of counting coins and dollar bills every day. Had it not been for the recession, 9-11 and the dotcom bust I would probably have grown to where I hired a few workers and I would still be doing it. 4 Ways In Which You Can Achieve Critical Mass Critical Mass Website Promotion is the elite goal rarely attained by website marketers in any industry. Reaching critical mass and getting targeted website traffic on autopilot (meaning you don't have to promote your site for 6 months and the traffic NEVER declines) is the Holy Grail of internet marketing. Viral Marketing - Use This Free Reminder Service to Go Viral The busier you are the harder it is to remember all those appointments. Now you can get an E-Mail everyday to remind you of all your important appointments. Better yet you can turn other peoples need for reminders into a Viral Marketing Tool right now and it's all free. 10 Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs Nothing happens in business until a sale is made. Marketing is simply about getting new customers and keeping them. If you're not doing something everyday to market and promote your business, your competitors are. Here are ten easy-to-implement tips to effectively market and grow your business: Why You Need To And How To Follow Up Your Visitor Or Customer The person who comes to your web site seeking products or information is a visitor. A person who bought a product or service of yours is a customer or client. Niche Marketing - The Way to Succeed Online If you think that all money to be made online has already been made then you have not heard of niche marketing. As internet marketing evolves the one thing you must do to attain success is focus on a specific niche and work it thoroughly. Here I will talk about what a niche web site is, why this is better than a general topic approach, and a comprehensive program that is easy-to-use and that can help any small business owner build a web site that sells. Internet Marketing Is No Big Secret You Do Not Need To Be An Internet Marketing Guru Just follow seven, (not so easy) steps to success.1. emal campaigns:(followup, autoresponders, etc.) advertising copy (ad title and content). Be sure your campaign has an eye catching title accompanied by well thoughtout meaningful content. Then follow up your campaign using autoresponders. 2. ad tracking: Without knowing the response rate to yourcampaign, your "shooting in the dark". This is probably the most important part of successful advertising and marketing. It may take several attempts to "tweak" your ads for just the right combination of title and content.3. search engine placement (appropriate keywords with high ranking KEI value. (10 or more, the higher the better). Use http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/to find the right KEYWORDS relavant to your website.4. Join forums and Groups: Ask questions and contribute your knowledge. (This will allow you to place your site URL in your signature line, which in turn creates an inbound link for you, (important for search engine placement) Forums, Blogs, and Groups provide an excellent source for FREE advertising. Forum members share their experience with other members. This is not idle chat. Provide the forum with some quality input regarding your various experiences and opportunities. Watch for the feedback. Guess what? You can include your site's URL in your signature line. This is a great free advertising. 5. Traffic Exhanges, and Link Exchanges. Many link exchanges are free. Go to http://www.best-web-directories.com/ for a complete listing of link exchanges.6. Publish Articles, ie., "How to bake the best cookies" or "How to repair a hole in the wall". Just make sure you have your opportunity link included. Then submit those articles to Search Engines. This will lend credibility to your site.7. Be prepared to invest capital, money. If you think you can earn money without investing money, you're dreaming. Those "free" memberships are your "test period" to see first hand what the program offers, does it fit your need, will it produce leads, money, traffic, etc., if so invest. Here's a warning though, stay within a budget. The quickest way to go broke is by being a PAID JOINER. Make sure this program is what you need, you understand how it works, and you can utilize it within the skill level you have. If you are a "newbie, state of the art training is a priority. Find a program that provides FREQUENT state of the art training. Does this work?You bet! When I launched my website on February 2005, I started with 600 hits. Now I am enjoying 3500 hits PER DAY, an astonishing improvement. That means my site is tracking One Million hits on a year to year basis. Babe Ruth gives us another clue. Babe hit an amazing number of home runs. His record of home runs was incredible, but, his record of striking out still stands undefeated. Therein lies another insight. Success is doing until you find what works. Failure is the by product of successful people. I hope I offered you some helpful information. As I said in the beginning, it is not necessary to be an Internet Marketing Guru to have success on the Internet. Happy Marketing, your online friend,Opportunities Now Internet Marketing ServicesFor more information about us, use KEYWORD:"opportunities now internet marketing services"in any major Search Engine. ![]() |
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