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The Tiniest of Gladiators
I stared into those biggest of navy blue eyes and felt the power ofhis fighting spirit, despite the pain and week long raging fever. Mostof the time my heart was in my throat and my mind was awash withcounter-productive thoughts like, "why him?" and "this isn't fair!" This wasn't helping him to be sure (my daughter was much strongerthan I), but in spite, he not only survived the arduous ordeal, but heemerged the victor! I am talking about my infant grandson, Corbin Nicolas, clobberedwith a serious infection of the lymph glands. This tiniest ofgladiators toughed out what few adults could have and not onlyamazed his wonderful pediatrician and hospital staff, but I feelprofoundly and positively impacted them. My precious bundle of joy is not a superhuman little being. He issimply a child, like any other, who knows no different than to fightthe fight and win! Now I ask you: what if YOU knew NO other way than to just go outand win? Well, that's how the true achievers of this world think 24hours a day, 7 days a week. Further, it is the lack of this thinkingprocess that is most often the sole difference between success andfailure. When failure is perceived as a possibility, it will most likely becomeyour reality. However, when we envision success as the onlyoption, just as natural as gravity itself, success is achieved. Notwithout sacrifice. Not without setbacks. And certainly not withoutpain. But, it IS achieved! Personally, and most probably, I'm at least an entry-levelworkaholic with enough Virgo perfectionism to allow my thinking tostray off course at times. My stress level rises, my thinkingpatterns disintegrate and I become unfocused. Suddenly, myforward motion is slowed, halted or even reversed. I was in such a tailspin when the call came from my daughter thatsomething was terribly wrong with Corbin. Of course, business justdidn't matter at that point, but it was through this trauma and "in"someone who has been on this planet more than 90 times lessthan me, and who knew no different than to "just do it!", that I foundmy way again. Corbin was released from the hospital after his ten-day fight, betterthan new and all the stronger in both body and soul. Look, I'm not a preachy person (most of the time anyway), butevery now and then we all need a wake up call to remind us of thevery simple laws that propel our universe. And I received mine soclose to home and in a circumstance that had absolutely nothingto do with the entrepreneurial spirit, but everything to do with thehuman spirit. I learned my lesson through the eyes of a child. © Rick Beneteau Rick is co-creator of the breakthrough Make Every Day A GreatDay Program. Read the powerful, life-changing testimonialsand discover how this revolutionary product can dramaticallychange Your Life too!:http://www.MakeEveryDayAGreatDay.com/yes
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Summertime - Take Time To Smell The Roses I AM SO GRATEFUL for the time to smell the roses.Lying in a hammock between two shade treesOr wandering through a multicolodred rose garden,Sitting quietly and communing with natureBeholding something beautiful in each person I meet. Its The Journey, Not The Destination Don't you just hate clichés like the one illustrated in the headline of this article? I know I do. But love them or hate them, most of us must admit that such adages and clichés are often grounded in truth, and this one is no different. Repeat Offender Direct Answers - Column for the week of July 8, 2002 The Power of Inspiration INSPIRATION can be a powerful thing. It can keep you going when all around you cries out "quit!" It is even more powerful than motivation,as motivation gives you your basic reasons to keepgoing--it tells you why you want to do what you do, because motivation is based on goals. These, in turn, may be based on necessity want or desire. But inspiration fills those reasons with hope, possibil-ity and enjoyment and keeps the "grind" from becomingtoo grindy. But just what does inspiration consist of? Iposit two elements: vision and mission. Proverbs29:18 says 'Where there is no vision, the peopleperish." A vision is the first step toward turningyour motivation into inspiration. A person with a vision sees down the road. He can sense what itwill be like six weeks, six months, a year, twoyears, five years and more ahead. But how do you get a vision?, you ask. Firstof all, you need to narrow your perspective. You can't attempt to "ride off in all directions at once,"so to speak. Try to decide what it is you arelooking for, so you'll know it when you see it.In other words, try to have in mind some generalgoals as to where you want to be six months a year,etc. from now. These goals will not only form thebasis of your motivation but should also serve to limit to an extent the scope of your activity. Next, try to locate and choose an opportunity(buisness, career or job) which you feel is right for you.This may be easier said then done, as there are many choiceswhich sound good. You may come upon an outstanding oneright away, purely by chance. If so, latch onto it. Butyou will probably have to pick several at first andstudy the things which each one offers and try to evaluate the potential of each one as you see it.Settle on the one which you feel has the mostpotential with the least amount of hassle (preferablyone that is totally Internet driven as opposed to one where you have to spend time calling potential prospects by phone). Once you have chosen your company, stand behindit in every way and don't quit or change your mind.B.C. Forbes said "Without loyalty, nothing can beaccomplished in any sphere..." Think of yourself as being in it for the long haul, no matter what. And try to envision, based on what you know, how things will be down the road. Keep that picture before yourmind, and never doubt. Napoleon Hill said "What themind can conceive and believe it can achieve,"and the Bible says, in Hebrews 11:1 "Faith isthe substance of things hoped for, the evidenceof things not seen." Once the vision is firmly implanted in your mind,let it become your driving force. Let the vision exciteyou with the possibility of its fulfillment and you willautomatically begin the next step--you are on a mission. Your mission is to bring about the realization of thevision. If you keep the vision in mind, you will moveforward in the mission, accomplishing enthusiasticallystep by step that which is necessary to bring the visioninto reality. You will have developed a sense of excite-ment, importance and urgency which will keep the fires ofinspiration burning in your heart and moving you ever onwardand upward. Today is Yesterdays Tomorrow The problem with waiting until tomorrow is that when it finally arrives, it is called today. Today is yesterday's tomorrow. The question is what did we do with its opportunity? All too often we will waste tomorrow as we wasted yesterday, and as we are wasting today. All that could have been accomplished can easily elude us, despite our intentions, until we inevitably discover that the things that might have been have slipped from our embrace a single, unused day at a time. Have You Been Lucky In Life? Each moment in life, "lucky" or "unlucky", is to be savored, learned from, and appreciated. Easier said than done? Read this heartfelt story and see for yourself. Even the Smallest Sound You are probably in front of your computer screen at this very moment, reading every word I have written. Wherever You Are, Be There One of the major reasons why we fail to find happiness or to create unique lifestyle is because we have not yet mastered the art of being. Words Of Wisdom Carlos' Words of Wisdom What is Your Recovery Rate? What is your recovery rate? How long does it take you to recover from actions and behaviours that upset you? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? How long? The longer it takes you to recover the more influence that incident has on your actions, the less able you are to perform to your personal best. In a nutshell the longer it takes you to recover the weaker you are and the poorer your performance. Such Love Transforms Everything was arranged: once the funeral was over, all were to go to Hephzibah's house for the after-funeral dinner. It was the way things were done in Nain, typical of the customs followed by citizens of the Jewish towns of the Galilee. A Life Touched Direct Answers - Column for the week of February 17, 2003 From the Hint of a Rainbow to... The grey sky of morning contained an ominous quality. The clouds were so thick they were almost tangible. Then I saw it. Faintly sandwiched between the clouds was the hint of a rainbow. Barely visible were the bands of color, with a straining, subtle expectancy as the dim colors arched upward. It was the beginnings of a rainbow. The hint of a possibility of something beautiful, magical and rare. Facing the Enemies Within We are not born with courage, but neither are we born with fear. Maybe some of our fears are brought on by your own experiences, by what someone has told you, by what you've read in the papers. Some fears are valid, like walking alone in a bad part of town at two o'clock in the morning. But once you learn to avoid that situation, you won't need to live in fear of it. Two Drops Of Water Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 17, 2002 Triumphing Over Tough Times Right now many people are facing tough times. Life as we once knew it has changed and we may find ourselves confronting situations we have never dealt with before. Innovation Management ? Being Receptive to Inspiration Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Emancipation Direct Answers - Column for the week of September 8, 2003 Inspirations: Some Other Things Ive Noticed Along the Way So Far Some people live in and talk about the past so much it's as if they are "planning for the past." Stay With It! I walked out of his office inspired. All I could immediately recall were those soft-spoken words, "STAY WITH IT". They were from no less a person than Rev. Sam Adeyemi of Success Power fame, on whom I had gone to pay a courtesy call. The first time we met was two years earlier when he came to my campus to speak to students about success. Then I was an undergraduate with a fledging media outfit and, most naturally, the privilege fell on me to interview him for a story for my readers. ![]() |
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