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Get Out Of Your Own Way
One of the biggest obstacles to our self growth and personal development is.................ourselves! No, make that THE biggest obstacle. When we say that we want to make changes, but develop resistance and fear and in doing so an internal battle follows. It's natural to feel scared and apprehensive when venturing into the unknown, but ultimately living within your comfort zone is all very safe, but not very life enhancing. Taking risks can bring up a whole host of emotions. But what are e-motions? They are energy in motion. They are the stories we tell ourselves, that's all. What's the difference in feeling scared or excited? Only our interpretation. Life makeover programmes are very popular in the UK at the moment. The whole theme behind the programmes is that people take risks: in getting back or starting the dating game, clearing their clutter (and all the emotional stuff that they've been hanging onto), change jobs and even being coached within six weeks to do something completely different. A Barrister is coached to become a DJ, A Choirgirl becomes a rock musician. A Radiographer becomes a commercial photographer and fooling the experts who don't realise that they are "novices". The most moving part of the program is the follow up - often a year later - where the program catches up with the risk takers and find that, as a result of this, their lives have changed immeasurably. Their self perception, self esteem, confidence and overall outlook on life and what they are capable of has changed forever. Are you avoiding taking risks? Have you got into a rut? Try setting yourself a goal of taking one small (or large - if you're up for it - some people can only get excited and motivated if they've set themselves a BIG challenge) risk for yourself, every week, month, year and follow through. See what happens. Engage or enlist encouragement and support if you want. But DON'T tie yourself or become overly concerned with the outcome, just taking the risk is enough. Reward yourself appropriately after you've done so. Our risk taking abilities are like muscles, the more we use them, the stronger we become and fear loses its grip on our lives. The fear never goes away as you take more risks, but it does stop defining your life. Fear is only an indicator that you are growing - it's not meant to stop you in your tracks! So get out of your own way and stop resisting the changes that you want to make and the risks you are going to take. Because ultimately.............daring to dream and living a fulfilled life is the biggest risk of all! Copyright 2004 Julie Plenty About The Author Julie Plenty is a Personal and Business Coach who specialises in coaching self employed creative professionals to live more creative, fulfilled lives. To sign up for the Life Design newsletter visit: http://www.self-help-personal-development.com
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Why Should We Keep Our Thoughts Clear? From my experience some healings come instantly or during short period of time as others require patience, persistence and firmness of our faith. Even though faith in God or Good helps to overcome our worldly trials but often because of lack of the divine knowledge we are not able to see the end of our sufferings. When human will is added to that faith we, pressing strongly our teeth, think that we stand firmly on the ground and fulfill God's will, but in reality we begin to feel moral weariness, dissatisfaction and discouragement. Have You Voted Today Huh? You're probably wondering when this article was written, and probably thinking that this article is about a recent election. Well, it is and, it isn't. Anchors Away! If we want to fill our heads with the doom and gloom society seems to thrive on, all we need to do is turn on the local news at night. To make that quantum leap toward personal happiness and success in life, sometimes we just need to do what so many people seem to be talking about lately: clean house and take personal inventory of the people we associate with most. My Next Year With Jesus (Joyful Reflections On My Walk With The Lord) The one question I keep coming back to is... A Perspective on Life! All of our lives we always seem to direct our concern toward attempting to conclude our life path or destiny in this lifetime without really knowing or understanding what this means to us. In reality the importance lies not in trying to determine our life path or destiny, but, in effect of how much growth we accomplish within one lifetime. So you are not condemned if you make one or two mistakes from time to time! The importance in reality in the acceptance of the situation, then the understanding of what you've come to learn and move on in your life. At the end of that particular lifetime, it is measured if we succeeded to meet our intended life path and the relevance is in what amount of growth that we were capable of achieving in that lifetime. Magical Wreaths Wreaths are like rings. They represent the Universal Circle ("Let the circle be unbroken ?" as the song lyric goes) and also the idea of circulating love, wealth and prosperity for yourself and neighbours. Usually they are hung on the front door, over the fire place or over the dining room table to commemorate special occasions or the changing of the seasons. Its The Little Things That Count Have you ever been in the situation where you have become so focussed on achieving a goal that you have done so at the detriment of everything else in your life? Inspiration From Other People - Is It Worth Listening To A Film Star? Yesterday, I listened to an interview with Michael York, the film star. I listened half-heartedly at first and then with fascination. By the end of the conversation I had discovered at least one inspiring truth i.e. It is well worth listening to other people without prejudging what they can teach you. Moral Obligation & Responsibility Chances are you have seen some type of disturbance in your lifetime. Whether it was a bully picking on someone or a piece of trash on the ground, disturbances happen daily on several different levels. Some people address them and others wait or assume someone else will handle the situation. There Must Be More To Life Than This If you suffer from a nagging feeling of "there must be more to life than this", you're not alone. Keep On Believing It has been said that a man is what he eats. Someone else said that a man is what he reads. Still another has said that a man is what he thinks. The proverbial writer said, "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he." What the editor is saying is that you are not only what you consume physically or what you conceptualize or internalize mentally, but you are also and foremost, what you believe in your heart. Journals You Can Keep Besides your daily feelings, thoughts, and experiences journal, there are many ideas for journals or diaries that you can keep, some are suggested below. Buy a blank book or a notebook with a particular journal topic in mind and keep this book for only that topic. You may decide to keep several kinds of journals at the same time, so remember that you do not have to journal every day. In the Eyes of a Child It was way past 10:00 pm when I came home from a grueling day of schoolwork and extracurricular activities. The wind was rustling about overhead as I paced through the door of our humble abode. I moved towards the nearest couch and plumped myself to rest. Defeat and exhaustion filled my frame as I laid back against the soft cushions. But then I remembered our Hematology project which was due the next day. Galvanized, I scrambled off my feet and immediately headed towards the personal computer situated on the other side of the room. Just then, my little brother Michael dashed out of his room and came straight at me. He was holding a pen on his right hand and a piece of paper on the other. Playing With Fire Direct Answers - Column for the week of October 21, 2002 Wherever You Are, Be There One of the major reasons why we fail to find happiness or to create unique lifestyle is because we have not yet mastered the art of being. He Who Laughs...Lasts---Where Has All The Laughter Gone? I love to watch people at airports, malls and evenat our church. I wonder, what got them here? Whatattracted those two people to be together at thistime? What makes that one tick or that one overthere work so hard? And sadly, I wonder where hasall the laughter gone? Wisdom of the Worlds Proverbs You don't have to excavate diamond mines or oil fields to find one of the world's greatest treasures. All you need to do is look at the world's proverbs--the "people's wisdom." Legendary Spanish writer Miguel De Cervantes described proverbs as "short sentences drawn from long experiences," and Scottish Historian Thomas Carlyle once wrote, "There is often more spiritual force in a proverb than in whole philosophical systems." How You Can Change Your Destiny The outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state. ~James Allen, As A Man Thinketh A Teller Of Tales Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 10, 2002 The Secret Of Lasting Personal Change Why do so many of us end up frustrated when we try to improve our personal reality? ![]() |
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