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Realistic Living
" The fountain of content must spring up in the mind,and he who hath so little knowledge of human nature asto seek happiness by changing anything but his owndisposition, will waste his life in fruitless effortsand multiply the grief he purposes to remove." ?Samuel Johnson The one person, who is of more importance to you thananyone else in the world, is just - YOU. And it isyour conception of yourself that determines yourrelationship to life, and with everyone else with whomyou come in contact. What do you know about you? The real you, not justyour physical body but your mind, consciousness andidentity that no one else really knows. What do youknow about life? The only thing that most of us reallyknow is that we are alive; but what that life is manyof us have not been able to discover. Disposition as used by Samuel Johnson simply means thenatural qualities of a person's character. Alan Jonesonce said that " one of our problems is that very fewof us have developed any distinctive personal life.Everything about us seems secondhand" What is it aboutyou that makes you different? What is it about yourcharacter that makes you stand out from the crowd?What principles do you live by that makes you unique?What are those things that make up your value system? Are you a principled centered person or are you spousecentered, family centered, money centered, workcentered, pleasure centered, possession centered,friend centered, enemy centered or self centered?Whatever is at the center of your life will be thesource of your security, guidance, wisdom & power.Security and clear guidance brings true wisdom, andwisdom becomes the spark or catalyst to release anddirect power. Three factors namely: purpose, people and paradigmwill go in a long way in determining the principlesyou have. Your natural qualities-your behavior andcharacter are shaped and reshaped, formed andreformed, created and recreated by these factors. PURPOSE We must create a version of our present and futurelife. It will require spending serious time askingourselves "Who do I really want to be and how do I getthere?" This version and dream must be based on agenuine understanding of your own talents, skills anddesires. When you give yourself the freedom and permission tobe true to yourself you come up with importantprinciples that continually takes you towardsfulfilling your true purposes. Due to the fact that so many external influencesconfuse the pursuit of genuine purposes you must drawup principles that do not change regardless of theseinfluences. PEOPLE The people factor is one that cannot beover-emphasized in the sense that we were born and weare still living in a world of people with variousideas, ideals and values. Some people- friends, parents, bosses, co-workers ?may want to recreate you in their own image. They havepreconceived ideas of who you should be, what youshould be, what you should do and how you should loveand all these affect the kind of principles you haveabout life. You may allow yourself to be recreated in the image ofsomeone else. The truth is you were already created insomeone else's image, the image of God. Your task isto devote your life to making principles thatauthenticates your God-given self. PARADIGM Your paradigm or your pattern of doing things is a byeproduct of so many factors; such as your cultural andreligious background. The cultural practices and believes you know andsometimes participates in. your religious background ?your faith, believe and your understanding of severalreligious practices will go a long way in determiningyour paradigm. Your paradigm is one of the factors that determinesyour principles and must be based on believes that arewell established in your faith. Must be based on yourrelationship with God and not on a religion. Realistic living is all about taking time tounderstand your disposition- the natural qualities ofyour person, with a view at examining what it is thatyour life is centered around and afterwards creatingprinciples that will guide you to a life you wantbearing at the back of your mind the roles played bythese three factors ? purpose, people and paradigm. Is your life based on correct principles that do notchange, regardless of internal conditions, influencesand circumstances? Are you guided by a compass, whichenables you to see where you want to go and how youwill get there? Does your judgment encompasses a broadspectrum of long-term consequences and reflects a wisebalance and quiet assurance? Are you a self-aware,knowledgeable, proactive individual, largelyunrestricted by the attitudes, behaviors and actionsof others? FROM:Bobola Oniwura Bobola Oniwura is a student of architecture that believes in the development of a creative universal mind in every young person.
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Create Your Own Self Esteem - Part 2 The good part of this story is that there is now hope to end and effectively reverse the effects of all negative emotions that we individually and collectively experience in our lives. Now we come back to the word reversal I spoke about earlier. The process of choosing to end and to reverse the effects of negative emotions is what I call having Esteem for the Self! By this I mean that as you engage the contents of this book from a sincere and real desire to accept what it has to offer you are choosing to "love" your Self. And loving the Self is really the same as having the highest form of Esteem for the Self, which is You. TIES that BIND I have no idea how it started or who launched it. Nevertheless years after all of the women in my family died (they were the initiators of all of our major family events and thingamajigs). After the demise of these women our family unit was left largely comprised of men). In recent years, I started paying attention to remarks that I'd heard growing up and today continually heard from other family members about how our family is considerably dissimilar or substantially distant from each other and how we were markedly contrasted from that of other families. As a young adult, I sold into that inconsistency and I eventually started to believe it. Now, from top to bottom I fervently want to know how this mis-perception spawned. I had to see for myself if this "assumption" holds water. Encouraging Blossoms of Achievement The tiny dogwood sapling was only a twig when my mother planted it years ago. At age four, with a red wagon and bucket, I was happy to carry water to anything that grew, even to the full grown flowering apple trees in my grandfather's orchard. Beluga Whale Hits the River Wonders never cease. Just when those in our area of the Delaware River were beginning to recover from the recent floods, a whale arrives to shake things up. Fulfilling Your Dreams: The Magic Of Starting Fulfilling your dreams will remain a mirage if you simply sit down and dream on. Anam Cara - Going Beyond The Good In Corrogue I receive a gift of love. Planning for the Unexpected Unfortunately, most people fail to plan until it is too late. History tells us that for centuries humans have been witness to tragedies, and often times have been the victim of them. A cursory study points to one inescapable fact: a tragedy always produces another tragedy. Imagine How Different The World Would Look Just By Knowing What Type of Learner You Are Are you a listener or a writer type of learner? Struggling With Addictions What kind of bad habits do you struggle with? Most people think that when they come to Christ that their bad habits will magically disappear. And some church people act like if you have any bad habits in your life that you must not truly be saved, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Christians or not, we are all people, and people make mistakes. People have bad habits. Count Your Blessings Each day brings a new beginning.It's a new leaf in the story of your life. It can be bright, cheerful and positive, with the courage toface another day, whatever it may bring with enthusiasm. Melting Snow I love the sounds of melting snow-plink, plink, ting, ting, ting, a staccato drip on sloped metal roofs, the occasional loud crack of a giant icicle, the bubble and gurgle of the mountain brook as it swells and tumbles over polished rocks on its way to the valley below. Top 10 Things That Make Life Worthwhile Below are some of the things that, over the years, my clients have taught me about making life a wonderful adventure. You will, hopefully, have additions that uniquely enrich your life, and I hope you'll add them to this list and pass them along to others. In the meantime, I share this list with the hope that it will challenge you, and make your day more rewarding! Anchors Away! If we want to fill our heads with the doom and gloom society seems to thrive on, all we need to do is turn on the local news at night. To make that quantum leap toward personal happiness and success in life, sometimes we just need to do what so many people seem to be talking about lately: clean house and take personal inventory of the people we associate with most. The Pursuit of Greatness On June 3rd, 1948, a blast rocked the Black Hills of South Dakota. Ten tons of stone were dislodged from the mountainside and tumbled to the earth below. Earlier that day, a man named Korczak had ascended the mountain and single-jacked four holes at 6,740 feet above sea level. Without Love Direct Answers - Column for the week of December 30, 2002 Commitment To The Journey I have been a business owner for about a minute. In fact, that would probably be quite generous if you compared me to the business moguls out here or anywhere for that matter. But in spite of that fact, I probably know a lot about business, more than I realize and much more than you would expect, if you knew my background. It is my life as a business owner that has finally made sense of all the data and observations that I have gathered over the years. I spent 20 years of my life working for others, most unknown, some infamous. Psychic Sponge Syndrome: The Easy Inner-Centrifuge Remedy Here's a nifty trick to use to clear yourself of any psychic "stuff" you may pick up as you move through the world. I learned the basic format for it from a woman who had the booth space adjacent to mine at a tradeshow. Being someone who had not yet mastered the art of being open-hearted without sponging up the energy of others, I was walking around like a zombie on day two of the show, after having been immersed in the circus of conflicting energies the day before . My booth neighbor asked me what was going on with me, as I was obviously not as radiant as I had been on day one. When I explained that I had soaked up too much chaotic energy and didn't know how to rid myself of it, she said, "Oh. You just need to spin it off." And I said, "Cool! HOW?!" Two Drops Of Water Direct Answers - Column for the week of June 17, 2002 Life is a Mystery...or is it? Being the last of three daughters, I was a suprise to my parents who were being very cautious about not having any more children. At the age of 30 my mother found out she was expecting her third child, and not very happy about it at that. All my life growing up I was constantly reminded how I was not planned for and consequently not really wanted. But thank goodness I was a good baby and actually turned out to be the best thing that ever came along. But, having this thought in the back of my head, it kind of formed the way I grew up. I actually believed that I was a "mistake" and therefore should not have been born in the first place. Where do misfits fit in? I know that my mother did not mean to instill these thoughts in me but they did have a major role in my self confidence. Inspiration From Other People - Is It Worth Listening To A Film Star? Yesterday, I listened to an interview with Michael York, the film star. I listened half-heartedly at first and then with fascination. By the end of the conversation I had discovered at least one inspiring truth i.e. It is well worth listening to other people without prejudging what they can teach you. ![]() |
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