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Humankinds Greatest Inventions
There are a number of amazing inventions that have been created during the course of human history. Some of the great ones that come to mind are: --The printing press --The electric light --Electrical power plants and the infrastructure for the mass distribution of electricity --The telephone --Recorded sound --Radio --Television --The photograph --Moving Pictures --Digital video --Concrete --Steel --Plastic --The automobile --Paper --Vaccines --Rocket --Nuclear power --Satellite communications --The internet I could list many more. Each of these inventions is amazing and have greatly improved the lives of billions of people. As great as they are, there are three inventions I believe tower above all of these. Without these three inventions, none of these would exist. Humankind would still be living in the prehistoric age. Many of us would have never been born. What are these three inventions? They are: --Language (written and spoken) --Mathematics --Money These are not usually classified as inventions. I classify them as inventions in the broadest sense because they were created by humankind. There was a time when language, mathematics, and money did not exist. They had to be created over the course of time. Language is the mechanism whereby we are able to communicate to ourselves and to others using sound and symbols put together as words, sentences, and paragraphs. Language is the expression of thought. And thought is the primary cause of everything human beings create. Without language, none of those other inventions could exist. Without language we would be no better than the beasts. Mathematics is the language of science and commerce. It is one of the primary ways we understand natural laws and unlock the secrets of the universe. For example, it is through mathematics that we were able to unlock the power of electricity and unleash a host of modern conveniences. Though money is really an invention that is a combination of language and mathematics, I list it separately because it is through the use of money, a universal system of exchange, that the resources to create other inventions. Money has a history. That seems to be a simple statement, but I believe it is important to understand this, because we are so used to the fact of money that it's easy to forget that it is really a mental construct that we created. Paper and coins are only symbols of that construct the same way that words are a symbol of thought. There was a time that money was not. For example, the U.S. Constitution, adopted in 1789, gave the U.S. Congress the legal power to create money. The U.S. Coinage act of 1792 adopted the Dollar as the currency unit and subdivided it into 100 cents. The first U.S. Mint started operations in Philadelphia in 1794. You can read an interesting chronology of the history of money at http://www.ex.ac.uk/~RDavies/arian/amser/chrono.html. Money is simply a mechanism that governments have created in order to facilitate the exchange of value. This facilitates the coordination of economic cooperation between people. As I write this, I am sitting in a nice restaurant enjoying a great salad and a glass of passion fruit ice tea. The free flow of money made this possible. Let's look at just some of what had to happen for me to be able to have this salad in this location: --The land had to be purchased or leased. --The building had to be designed and built. --People had to be hired. --The food had to be grown (in remote places of the country) and delivered fresh to the restaurant. --Utensils had to be purchased. --The cooks had to prepare the food. --The server had to bring the food to my table. How much physical effort did I have to put forth to enjoy my salad? All I had to do was show up and place my order. My total cost--only about $17. What allowed all of this coordinated effort by all of these people? The free flow of money. What this means for you is that you can create virtually everything you want and need by the efficient use of language, mathematics, and money. The real power is in your thought power to create value for others using these three tools. If the use value you create is greater than the cash value you receive, you have added to the life of your customer. The cash value you receive is greater than the total cost of providing the service, you have made a profit. Repeat this process on a large enough scale, and you will create massive wealth for yourself and for others. Copyright (c) 2005 Bill Marshall - All rights reserved. Feel free to republish this article provided you include the copyright information and the weblinks where possible. For practical self-improvement tips, visit http://www.poweraffirmations.com. Get my new free e-book, "Power Affirmations: Power Positive Conditioning for Your Subconscious Mind"
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Let the Seeds Grow The thought that every great thing that has ever happened, been spoken or invented began first with a single idea is not a new one, but one I don't think many people have taken to heart. Accelerate Your Learning Although you may not currently be a student, learning is a life long process. Perhaps you need to learn something new for your job, or you would like to learn a new language before you take a vacation abroad, or you want to "brush up" on math so you can help your children with their homework. For many of us school and/or learning were not pleasant experiences, so we may hesitate to attempt to learn something new. Fortunately there are ways to enhance the learning experience to help make learning fun, easy, and successful. (This process works for kids too.) Its A Quantum Thing We don't need to understand quantum physics entirely in order to appreciate it. Even those who have devoted their lives to the study of the universe and its atomic structure will admit that many mysteries remain. Well, I love mysteries, so let's set the scene for this one... Techno Witch II - Magick With Your PC You've heard of applied science, well how about applied Magick. The personal computer is just a tool after all, so in theory you should be able to apply the ancient traditions to the modern ways. Here are a few ways that I think you can use your PC to practice metaphysics. How to Turn Nothing Into Something Excerpted from the Jim Rohn Weekend Seminar-Excelling in the New Millennium) Prevention is Better Than Cure... Says Who? You've likely heard this before... "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Innovation Management ? Famous Failures! Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Facing a Resource Crunch? Read On! Recently I read an excerpt from a new business innovation book wherein the author went to great lengths to instill the need to provide sufficient resources for every innovation effort, without which the effort would be almost certain to fail. The cited leadership's frequent failure to ensure adequate resources as the single most important reason for innovation failures. Business Innovation ? the Best Ideas Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Types of Innovation Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Imagination Imagination is the unreal, real state of mind, where all things are experienced as real. Imagination is powerful and is an intermediary step between thought and word. Thoughts are experienced in the imagination before they are manifested into physical reality. Going Seamless: Dissolving the Brain Divide Are you a right-brainer or a left-brainer? Choosing a Winning Business Idea You've probably heard it a hundred times by now - if you want to make alot of money with an online business you have to offer your own product or service. Well, make that a hundred and one times... Business Innovation ? Good Thinking NOT Leadership Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Business Innovation ? the Value of Role Play Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Set Yourself Up for Success! Set Yourself Up For Success!~ By Fran Briggs Here's a great way to program and set yourself up for success in advance. It is one of many of what I call, New Empowering Habit Plans (TM). A New Empowering Habit Plan is a formula for achieving success in any given area of your life. It requires a minimum of 21 consecutive days of implementation. Why 21 days? Because research by behavioral scientists and "Mothers of five" has proved that it takes at least 21 days to establish a habit. This NEHP starts with taking the first 15-30 minutes before you get out of bed to plan and visualize your successful day on paper. Remember we agreed that it takes at least 21 consecutive days to establish a habit? Commit to do this NEHP for at least 21 consecutive days. What if you were to develop a fun and exciting New Empowering Habit Plan taking just a few minutes every day to plan and visualize your successful day on paper? In doing so, you would be able to project any obstacles or consequences. More importantly, you could construct and program your success. With this invaluable information, you could literally set yourself up for success by planning and seeing the future in advance."Exactly How do I do this?"One of the exciting things about this NEHP is that it is not an "exact science." In fact, it's not a science at all. Consider it uniquely yours. It can be as simple as keeping a pen, pencil, notebook or note pad by your bed. As soon as you wake up, grab your writng/drawing utensil. Then, you might want to close your eyes as you meditate, pray or regain your faculties (if your not a morning person). I suggest you take a couple minutes and literally run your entire day in your mind. Visualize; really see yourself, succeeding ... all day long.Win, Write Or Draw!Now, open your eyes and begin doing your day on paper. The real magic of this NEHP lies in the power you manifest when you put pen/pencil to paper. This has been long proven to amend our thinking. Why not make a point to amend for great thinking? I'm not going to get into that right side brain/left side brain stuff. I'll keep it simple and say ... you will win, when you write, draw or combine the two, to construct and program your successful day. Be very clear and put your appointments to succeed in chronological order. Cultivate an unshakable expectation to succeed. Put magic into the mundane! For example, in your 9:00 a.m. slot where you would normally anticipate contact with an obnoxious supervisor, draw them with a smile as she tells you your being promoted. Zoom in on the smiles, pleasant demeanors and positive energy you both exchange. Or, maybe you feel more comfortable writing a mini-goal or powerful positive affirmation at least ten times. Really believe it. In your 7:20 p.m. slot, you may write down: "I go 4 for 4 and play a flawless left field tonight." Once you are crystal-clear on how you are going to set yourself up for success, you reaffirm your ability to make it happen.WARNING: You May Get More Than You Project!It's said that long before Jim Carrey made it BIG, and before he even appeared on "In Living Color," he walked up to the Hollywood Hills one day. There, he wrote a check to himself, and put it in his wallet. The amount on the check was for ten million dollars. In the memo he wrote in, "For services rendered." Today as most of you already know, Jim Carrey makes a minimum of twenty-million dollars per film.In February, 2003, I wrote down on paper that I would sell my house in three weeks for $280,000. The new owners would be first-time homeowners-not investors. My house sold in 11 days and for 19 thousand dollars more than the asking price. The new owners are a happy family of three and are very happy in their first home.I have two great friends who (seemingly) have the ability to win jackpots at will using this NEHP. But this particular New Empowering Habit Plan is not just "all about the money." It has much more power than that. I've manifested, fulfilling, loving and meaningful relationships; world-wide publications; vacations; empowering strongholds; businesses, 4 for 4 flawless defense softball games and just plain fun! I sincerely believe you can too!To Your Success! Why It?s Important to Make Your Idea Real Say you have an idea for something new and exciting in your life. 6 Steps to Super Mindpower Ever hear "You can't teach an old dog a new trick?" Well that might be true for dogs, but it's NOT TRUE for humans! Today's research has proven your brain can continue to physically grow -- even into very advanced old age. Innovation Management ? Testing Ideas Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. What is NLP? NLP Explained..... ![]() |
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