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Techno Witch II - Magick With Your PC
You've heard of applied science, well how about applied Magick. The personal computer is just a tool after all, so in theory you should be able to apply the ancient traditions to the modern ways. Here are a few ways that I think you can use your PC to practice metaphysics. The Gods, Goddesses and energies that oversee the running of you computer include Mercury (Hermes) the God of Communication, Ariadne (the Weaver), the Archangel Gabriel (the Angel of Illumination, Vachu (the Hindu Goddess of Mystic Speech) or Chango, the God of Thunderbolts. If you are having computer problems light a red and blue candle to honour Mercury (for server and email problems), a purple candle to honour Ariadne (for site problems), Temple or Lotus incense to access Vachu (who can help with forwarding files), a yellow candle to access the wisdom of the Archangel Gabriel (to figure out how to get a program running) or a red candle to honour Chango (for problems with electricity). When sending a resume or an important file ?you can practice a bit of magic by creating a symbol for yourself to hide somewhere in the file or in the email. This symbol can represent success to you or prosperity. For instance $ would be an obvious one. Try creating, with a series of letters, numbers or symbols that are significant to you --a sigil that is attached to your emails. It is easy to create a sigil. Take a phrase such as "Money Come To Me" and shorten it to "MCTM" or "mctm" and put it in your tag before you send an important document. There are many sites on the web that teach you how to make a more obscure sigil using numbers and letters- just type the word sigil into your search engine. Once you create the sigil, blow it up into 24 point on your computer and "charge it' by focusing your intent onto the symbol. Keep the master sigil in a file and attach a 9-point version to the bottom of files or emails. Has someone sent you a nasty email? Don't respond with words. Try this version of a reversal spell. Send the email back to them nine times. If nine times seems too much, send it back three times. This follows the rule of sending back bad energy to its sender three times three times three. After reading their own words, nine times, this may cause the sender to rethink their malevolence. Also effective, is sending the sender back a BLANK email. Press reply, erase all text and charge the blank screen with what you want to say. Send it. The person who sent you the bad email in the first place will probably react with confusion and some fear. NOBODY likes to open a blank email. The blank email has a way of clearing the problem. You can use the naming and retrieving of files, to bring more luck, prosperity and love in your life. To do this you need to create a folder and fill it with files that contain one word such as LOVE, MONEY, and LUCK. Inside each of these files put a list of words that relate to your goal ? for instance in the file marked money write things such as Quick Cash, Relief From Debt, Prosperity, New Car or what ever you desire. Put these files on your desktop, so each time you start up your computer, you are retrieving the magical energy of the words inside the files. Turn your mouse into a Magick Mouse by storing it overnight inside a box or a "sleeping bag" that contains a coin, a sprig of rosemary, and a paper heart. There is an old saying that a "mouse in the house brings luck to the house. ' Every time you click your mouse, the energies represented by what you have stored in its "sleeping bag" is said to infuse your life with lucky energy. Another good way to manifest magic is to use your screen saver. Try to choose imagery that supports your magickal intent? for instance, images of waterfalls and running water symbolize money, images of flowers represent love and images of clouds and sun represent the acquisition of experience and wisdom. Never underestimate the power of a password either. When you choose login names or passwords, try and choose names that attract positive energy. For instance the password name "fatdope" might just attract more fat dopes into your sphere. Remember the cosmic principle of "like attracts like." Good times to do computer magic would be noon or on a Sunday, which are times influenced by the Sun, during the signs of Aquarius, Gemini or Libra which all relate to communication and are ruled by the planet Mercury. Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click herehttp://www.insomniacpress.com/author.php?id=110You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com
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Set Yourself Up for Success! Set Yourself Up For Success!~ By Fran Briggs Here's a great way to program and set yourself up for success in advance. It is one of many of what I call, New Empowering Habit Plans (TM). A New Empowering Habit Plan is a formula for achieving success in any given area of your life. It requires a minimum of 21 consecutive days of implementation. Why 21 days? Because research by behavioral scientists and "Mothers of five" has proved that it takes at least 21 days to establish a habit. This NEHP starts with taking the first 15-30 minutes before you get out of bed to plan and visualize your successful day on paper. Remember we agreed that it takes at least 21 consecutive days to establish a habit? Commit to do this NEHP for at least 21 consecutive days. What if you were to develop a fun and exciting New Empowering Habit Plan taking just a few minutes every day to plan and visualize your successful day on paper? In doing so, you would be able to project any obstacles or consequences. More importantly, you could construct and program your success. With this invaluable information, you could literally set yourself up for success by planning and seeing the future in advance."Exactly How do I do this?"One of the exciting things about this NEHP is that it is not an "exact science." In fact, it's not a science at all. Consider it uniquely yours. It can be as simple as keeping a pen, pencil, notebook or note pad by your bed. As soon as you wake up, grab your writng/drawing utensil. Then, you might want to close your eyes as you meditate, pray or regain your faculties (if your not a morning person). I suggest you take a couple minutes and literally run your entire day in your mind. Visualize; really see yourself, succeeding ... all day long.Win, Write Or Draw!Now, open your eyes and begin doing your day on paper. The real magic of this NEHP lies in the power you manifest when you put pen/pencil to paper. This has been long proven to amend our thinking. Why not make a point to amend for great thinking? I'm not going to get into that right side brain/left side brain stuff. I'll keep it simple and say ... you will win, when you write, draw or combine the two, to construct and program your successful day. Be very clear and put your appointments to succeed in chronological order. Cultivate an unshakable expectation to succeed. Put magic into the mundane! For example, in your 9:00 a.m. slot where you would normally anticipate contact with an obnoxious supervisor, draw them with a smile as she tells you your being promoted. Zoom in on the smiles, pleasant demeanors and positive energy you both exchange. Or, maybe you feel more comfortable writing a mini-goal or powerful positive affirmation at least ten times. Really believe it. In your 7:20 p.m. slot, you may write down: "I go 4 for 4 and play a flawless left field tonight." Once you are crystal-clear on how you are going to set yourself up for success, you reaffirm your ability to make it happen.WARNING: You May Get More Than You Project!It's said that long before Jim Carrey made it BIG, and before he even appeared on "In Living Color," he walked up to the Hollywood Hills one day. There, he wrote a check to himself, and put it in his wallet. The amount on the check was for ten million dollars. In the memo he wrote in, "For services rendered." Today as most of you already know, Jim Carrey makes a minimum of twenty-million dollars per film.In February, 2003, I wrote down on paper that I would sell my house in three weeks for $280,000. The new owners would be first-time homeowners-not investors. My house sold in 11 days and for 19 thousand dollars more than the asking price. The new owners are a happy family of three and are very happy in their first home.I have two great friends who (seemingly) have the ability to win jackpots at will using this NEHP. But this particular New Empowering Habit Plan is not just "all about the money." It has much more power than that. I've manifested, fulfilling, loving and meaningful relationships; world-wide publications; vacations; empowering strongholds; businesses, 4 for 4 flawless defense softball games and just plain fun! I sincerely believe you can too!To Your Success! Discover the Secret to Success in Your Own Back Yard Yesterday, I went above and beyond the call of duty for community service. Starving for Intimacy Some are seeking love in a bottle. Others look for it on the streets and many are trying to find it in their food. How To Benefit from The Power of New Innovations in the Year 2005 How many times have you heard the phrase "knowledge is power"? Probably enough for you to really wonder if you're actually doing something useful with your life, isn't that correct? Creativity Management ? Theres Nothing New Under the Sun Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. I Just Want to be Free - I Just Want to be Me! It was a sunny Saturday in April 2003 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The Carolina-blue sky seemed to kiss the wavy waters as the gentle wind embraced the beach. After enjoying the beach for a while with my 16-year old daughter and husband, one by one, they ventured off to find a spot on the beach away from the water. A New Pair of Shoes Do the New Innovation Management ? Isolating Problems and Implementing Solutions Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Types of Innovation Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. All Fortunes Begin With an Idea! A new idea is merely the combination of two or more old ideas. The creation of a new idea is the critical first step in establishing any business. Business Innovation ? the Value of Role Play Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Imagination Imagination is the unreal, real state of mind, where all things are experienced as real. Imagination is powerful and is an intermediary step between thought and word. Thoughts are experienced in the imagination before they are manifested into physical reality. A Time for Rebellion! When is it right for you to rebel against the negative powers working against you? When are so weighed down by someone or something that it is absolutely justified for you to strike back? Have you ever asked that? If so, then read on and let's look back in history and find a time when men of courage and perseverance did just that. Let the example of those who have gone before inspire and motivate you! Become an Idea Collector Have you ever gotten a really great idea ? one that you knew would solve a problem, but when you went to apply it, you couldn't remember the idea? Have you ever read a book and then six months later needed some information or an idea from it, but can't recall which book or exactly what the concept was? Business Innovation ? Confidence in People Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. The Pendulum Swings Right - A Major Shift is Happening Inside Our Brains The world is now changing again, it appears. The logical and analytical skills that continue to form the basis of Western economies is slowly shifting, according to the savvy American business observer Daniel Pink in Wired (February 2005). The current "information age"-in which access to information (read: knowledge, education) is the most important economic engine-is changing into the "conceptual age," characterized by a new concern with context, patterns, and emotion. And that shift is taking place mainly in our brains. Creativity Management ? When To Add Talent Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. Create An Idea Journal When I first heard Jim Rohn talk about the importance of keeping an idea journal I was immediately captivated. So what is it you ask?... Seeking Initiative and Innovation? Reward Failure! Based on Proprietary Research Business Innovation ? Eliciting Talent Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation whilst innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. ![]() |
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