Golf Information

Improve Your Golf Game Using the Unlimited Power of Your Imagination

Today, it seems, that many people are all too familiar with what they can't do. We need to spend more time and thought on what we CAN do. Many of us cannot afford to stop, think and imagine the possiblities that lay before us. The human mind is the most valuable resource that we have, and we can use it to fashion any outcome we desire. Take this man's story:

Senior Golfers Increase Swing Speed

It is widely known that with increased age comes a decrease in flexibility. This is why so many golf fitness programs emphasize stretching and increasing range of motion for senior golfers. It has also been well documented that senior golfers between the ages of 55 and 79 can increase their drive distance and enhance their overall golf performance by engaging in a safe and effective golf conditioning program.

Junior Golfers Gain A Competitive Edge By Building A Stronger Body

Strength training for juniors is supported by organizations such as the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). Each of these organizations encourages children's participation in appropriately designed training programs as long as they are competently supervised.

Tips for Buying Used Golf Clubs

Used golf clubs can be great for those who are on a budget, don't play much, or just want a spare set. They certainly aren't for everybody, but many will find that they can get the job done just fine. Here are a few tips if your looking for used golf clubs.

What Are Custom Golf Clubs

Custom golf clubs are anything from a single club to a full set of woods, irons and putter which have been custom specified and assembled just for you. They may work for somebody else and other people will probably love your custom built golf clubs, but they are yours.

Par and Beyond: Secrets to Better Golf

You've bogeyed your last hole, you are about to hit your next drive. As you take your practice swings, your mind is still on the last putt that you blew. You take your swing and it's a slice. In your mind you say to yourself "Oh no, I'm going to bogey again!" and you do.

Controlled Body Movement The Key Essential For Your Golf Game

Basic body movement is essential in any sport. Of course it is also essential for any type of physical activity we do.

Purpose Driven Golf

I want you to meditate on a couple points for a moment:

All Time Greatest Club Breaking Events in History? and the Winner is?..

Two both famous and infamous golfers known for their tempers and club throwing exploits on the golf course, were battling head to head and coming into the final round of the tournament. The entire golfing world was looking on. As the two greats made one bad shot after another, they all too often followed them up by throwing their clubs. Some of these clubs ended up in the lake or against a tree. As they were preparing for the final round, one of them was asked whom he thought was going to ?lose?. ?That?s easy,? he said, ?the guy that runs out of clubs first.?

Hogans Real Golf Secret

Ben Hogan's secret was his extraordinary ability to focus. This was not a gift from heaven. No, Hogan spent long hours perfecting his focus technique.

The Most Common Backswing Flaw

One of the most confusing terms in golf instruction is "shoulder turn".Personally, I believe that instructors that talk about shoulder turn to describe the amount of turn during the backswing are hurting their students.

Focus Your Focus - How to Ward Off Distraction During Your Golf Swing

There is a great possibility to lose your mind when playing golf simply due to the constant shifting of focus. I think the brain doesn't like to change focus. It wants to stay in one place until the job is done, but in golf, we think about the present; the stance, and we think about the future; the shot.

Golf Shots Versus Golf Swings - You Need Shots On The Course!

Why do so many golfers hit a shot and immediately realize they messed up?

Prepare for the Worst and Play Your Best

It's one thing to get mad when you miss a shot, but the hardest part of golf to overcome is when you decide on the wrong shot and hit it perfectly only to find that you've put yourself in jail.

GPS Golf Balls Are Almost Here

As GPS technology gets better and better and smaller and smaller it will be able to be used for many things? For instance at the World Series a baseball hit into the third level will be able to be recorded by GPS as to exactly how far it was hit and it?s trajectory to formulate where it would have actually landed had the stadium been flat. Thus we will be able to tell who was the greatest homerun power house of all times, perhaps even who is on steroids based on their body mass, speed of pitch, GPS data and ?haptics? (body movement and form). Wouldn?t it be cool to be watching the World Series on TV and instant information about a homerun appearing on the bottom of the screen? Sounds like a whole new potential betting arena, not only how many homeruns a person will hit, but exactly how far they will hit them?

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