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The Ideal Exercises For Senior Golfers The really tricky part about exercises for senior golfers, and getting them to do, is the fact they often suffer from various ailments and pains in various parts of their bodies. Resort Golf Can Vastly Improve Your Game There is more to a golf vacation than spending your day on the golf course and driving range. The golf course may be the main attraction for various golf resorts around the country, however many also offer fitness centers, spas, and healthy cuisine. The availability of onsite fitness resources, such as workout equipment and aerobics classes, has become common. Pleasurable amenities including spas and healthy menu options have brought depth to the golf vacation experience. Achieving The Perfect Golf Swing Drill The perfect golf swing drill is a joy to behold. And yet it is not too hard to achieve. The Key Rule In Getting Your Golf Swing Plane Right Getting the golf swing plane right and virtually perfecting this key aspect of the game is the deepest desire in the heart of any golfer. Senior Golfers Can Still Play Great Golf. Do You Want To Know How? If you're a senior golfer?don't give up and don't give into the perception that's it's all downhill from here. Golf Training Principles That Produce Results Time is a precious commodity when it comes to golf. We need to set aside time for practice, play and training in addition to managing our jobs, our families and other priorities and interests. Training should be a compliment to our complete process of development for a better game. Let's keep things simple when it comes to golf training by focusing on those things that can make a solid difference in the shortest period of time. Simple Golf Warm Up Exercise Golf warm up you say? Aren't you supposed to rush to the course, pull out the BIG DOG, take a few hacks at it and start your round? Is that what you do? Come on be honest with yourself. If so, what was the result on the first tee? I'll bet it wasn't even a par! Am I wrong? How to Maximize Your Distance by Hitting Triples Instead of Home Runs This lesson is entitled, "How to Maximize your Distance by Hitting Triples instead of Home Runs" and it's a great overall theory to build your entire swing around. Keep this in the back of your head at all times while you are on the course, and remind yourself of it before every shot. The result will be increased distance and straighter shots because you'll be releasing your hands through the ball better. Golf Clubs - Your Golf Putting - Use These Putting Practice Tips To begin a golf game, your golf practice game or your golf putting practice; study the art of keeping your eye on the golf ball. It seems to be just natural to let your eyes follow the backswing. To correct this you might turn the golf ball until the brand is on top. Then just keep your eyes on that. Golf Tips ? Tips to Improve Your Putting If you are seriously considering lowering your scores, then you must take your putting seriously, as roughly half the strokes you play in a round of golf are likely to be on the putting green. However good you are at driving, pitching and chipping, if your putting is not up to standard, you will never make the next level. My Dad told me the famous quote when I was probably about 12 or 13, 'Drive for show putt for dough', this says it all! That is why it is quite incredible that putting is not often concentrated on. Improve Your Golf Game Right Now Improve your golf game right now you say? I say, absolutely! Don't waste another dime on new golf equipment; taking one more lesson; or hitting one more ball at the range, until you finish reading this article. Golf Drills To Improve Your Game Many people believe that simply getting out on the course and playing as often as they can is practicing their golf game. While playing often does help you improve, to really see improvement you need to perform golf drills that will target very specific components of your game so you can improve them. Just getting out on the course means you could just be "practicing" the same errors, drills focus on golf mechanics and will fix those errors. Tiger Woods, the Greatest Ever? ?NOT! Tiger is great but still a long way from claiming the title of "Greatest That Ever Played The Game". Although I do believe he is more then on his way to claiming that illustrious title, God willing. But until then, Slammin' Sammy Snead is my pick. That's right, not even Nicklaus. Increase your Flexibility with These 3 Key Golf Stretches Why is it a golfer rarely asks for a full 20 minute extensive warm up routine prior to golf, but rather those two or three key stretches guaranteed to yield the best results in the shortest period of time? Secret 7 Necessities for Great Golf The game of golf can be difficult when you consider all of the individual elements. Most golfers are overwhelmed with information regarding which tips will benefit their game and which ones won't. Appreciating Your Core Golf Strength Will Improve Your Game The core golf strength, unknown to many enthusiasts of the game is the conditioning and strengthening of the muscles in your body, which you use to play golf. The weaker and unprepared this core golf strength is, the weaker your game of golf will be. Success in Golf and Meditation - The Same Skills? When we say to people that you need the same skills to be a successful golfer as you do meditator it usually raises a huge laugh. Golf and meditation are miles apart. Some often suggest that in hitting the perfect Golf shot you need to be in a focussed meditative state, but that's as far as it gets. Quick Golf Tips for Restoring Muscle Imbalances As a golf biomechanic, my focus is on looking for areas of poor flexibility and muscle imbalances which effect the mechanics of the golf swing and create opportunities for the body to break down in injury. Each of these situations presents possibilities for improvement in your swing as well as keeping the body in an injury free state. Easy To Implement Golf Improvement Techniques Golf improvement techniques abound. This article will cover some golf improvement techniques that may help your game. Before Purchasing A Gift For A Golfer...Ask Yourself These 3 Questions It should be rather clear to everybody that the gift a golfer will ordinarily appreciate the most, is the one that improves their game. Most golfers are constantly looking for ways to improve on their game. It usually dominates their every thought when they are on the course and many times when they are off it. |
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