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Some Things I Have Learned About the Exciting World of Ezines
1. Don't ever stop advertising for new subscribers. I know this one seems kind of basic, but it is extremely important.Subscribers are the lifeblood of your ezine. If your ezine isn't getting new subscribers then that means it is dying. That's not a good thing. When I was doing nanowrimo(National Novel Writing Month) last year, I didn't do any new advertising for subscribers and my subscriber base didn't grow as fast as I would have liked it to. 2. Forge partnerships Partnerships are extremely important. There's no way you can survive in this competitive field without partnerships. If it weren't for my co-op partners, I don't know what I would do. My co-op partners help me in more ways than they know. If you're starting an ezine, you definitely want to hook up with some of the partners that you see listed in my ezine. 3. Always be willing to learn The only thing constant in this world is change. In order to keep up with the changes, you have to be willing to learn. The moment you become complacent and think you know everything about everything is when you will start to decline. The best way to stay on top of things is to subscribe to other ezines and to read other blogs. Most of these publications have the most current information and this will help you stay competitive. 4. Be patient This is really important because as many ezine publisherscan tell you, there are a lot of things that can make youwant to pull out your hair. You can have unruly subscribers accusing you of spam (not on my ezine list, that only happens to other people. LOL). You can be the victim of natural disaster. Your computer can decide to crash the day you have to publish your ezine. Whatever the case, you have to stay cool, calm, and collected. It doesn't take long for you to gain a bad reputation in the online world and it takes even longer to build it back up. Don't lose your head when things go awry. 5. Just remember to have fun. Whatever happens, remember to have fun with what you are doing. You wouldn't have started your ezine if the topic wasn't something that you are passionate about. Remember your purpose for your ezine and enjoy what you are doing. The fact that you are enjoying your work willshine through in your ezine. *************************************************************** DeAnna Spencer publishes the ezine, Prospecting and Presents.Subscribers get one free ad per week.You can subscribe to it by visiting http://prospectingandpresents.blogspot.com ***************************************************************
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The Number One Tried and Tested Method For Exploding Your Ezine Subscriptions We all know how cagey and stubborn prospects can be and we know that only a tiny percentage will buy our products the first time they see them. We all know that the only way to convince savvy prospects to buy is by building trust with them and that the single most effective way of building trust is by getting our visitors to subscribe to our newsletters. Writing, Publishing, Self Publishing, Website Promotion, Blogging, Internet Marketing Are You Ready For The Publishing Revolution? Good News About Getting Published So you want to get a book published and add "author" to your resume. A decade ago, there weren't too many options for professionals and consultants to get into print. If a traditional publisher wasn't interested in your tome, your only other option was to spend tens of thousands of dollars with a subsidy press or custom printer. And then, without ready distribution, good luck trying to sell the books. How To Make Your Subscribers Stick To You Like Super Glue One of the biggest obstacles to building a good sized opt in list is the drop out rate. Sometimes it seems subscribers are leaving as fast as they are joining. This slows down the overall growth rate. Ezines and Newsletter Software - How to Drive Traffic and Improve Your Business Cashflow So how do smaller businesses use the internet to drive traffic and improve their cashflow? PublishAmerica - Publishing Parasites I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing. You see, I was around when we had nationalised industries here in Britain, you know, British Railways, British Gas, British Steel, British Road Services, etc., etc. Those companies may have been over-staffed and under-efficient but you always knew you could trust them, and a product marked "Made in Britain" had class - in those days. Even after they became privatised the word "British" in a company name still, in my subconscious at least, gave that firm a stamp of approval. Those were the heady days when we had some traditional industries and workers could rely upon union protection to prevent their jobs being shipped out to third world countries. 11 Quick (and Good) E-zine Content Ideas Publishing an e-zine is the ideal opportunity to showcase your business. By sharing your knowledge and expertise, you build credibility as an expert, while spreading the word about your services and products. Your E-zine 13 - A Formatting Checklist While sending out a text e-zine may seem like a piece of cake, there's more to it than you may think. *Good formatting* is the name of the game. Here's a handy checklist I use to make sure each of my issues is in great shape BEFORE I send it out. Please be my guest and use it for yourself! Are all lines 65 characters or less? More than that and your missive may come through looking messy to many subscribers. End each line with a hard return by pressing the "enter" key. Have you made sure there's no auto-formatting, such as bolding, italics, or underlining? These features don't translate well in e-mail and can come out looking mighty strange on the other end. Instead, emphasize words or phrases with *asterisks,* "quotation marks," or ALL CAPS ... sparingly. Are all sections neatly separated? Use underscores (_____), asterisks (******), another nifty symbol ($$$$$, %%%%, @@@@), or a combination thereof () to help define each area and help your readers skim your issue more easily. Do all Web links include 'http://' before them? Some e-mail programs won't automatically hyperlink a URL in your text without this prefix. So don't take a chance - make it easy for your readers to click and link, especially to YOUR site! Do all e-mail links include "mailto:" before them? Same idea here: Some e-mail programs won't automatically hyperlink an e-mail address in your text without it. Be sure to leave no space between the colon and the first character of the address. Is your masthead at the very top? The masthead, or "nameplate," typically features your e-zine name, your name, your e-mail address, your Web address, and the correct date, volume number, and issue number. Make it the FIRST thing your readers see. Have you reminded your readers right away that this is a *subscription* publication? Don't let them forget that they *asked* to receive this! Something like this right under your masthead will do: "You've received this e-zine because you subscribed to it! If you wish to unsubscribe, please scroll to the end for more information." If you have a table of contents (TOC), do its listings match this issue's articles and features? For example, if your TOC says your second feature in this issue is an article on Web site marketing, make sure it's right! Have you included a copyright notice? At the end of your content, before your contact info, post '(c)' immediately followed by the year and your name or your company's name. You should know that a copyright notice does not protect your ideas - instead, it protects the way you express them. Are the correct advertisements in place? Keep track of all your ad swaps and purchases in one main document to make this easy to look up each time. I use an Excel spreadsheet, which works great for me. Do you give clear subscribe and unsubscribe instructions at the bottom? Include subscribe instructions, because your e-zine will likely get passed on to others who'd like to sign up. The unsubscribe instructions are just BECAUSE - it's plain courtesy, and the law of the land. : ) Does your subject line include both the name of your e-zine and the issue topic? By seeing your e-zine title, your recipients will know the e-mail is not spam. And by seeing the issue topic, they will know what's in store for this issue. Example: "Sara's Cash Flow Tips: Increase Your Income Today!" Have you sent a test of the issue to yourself or an associate? Make sure it comes through reading well and looking great! (Check for any strange symbols that magically appear, odd breaks in the copy, inactive links, etc.) And this is a GREAT time to give it a final proofread. Publish Anything: The Saga of a PublishAmerica Author My story is that an author who'd done online writing for such dot gones as Themestream, Written By Me, and The Vines, someone trying hard to have fiction, poetry and nonfiction in print for real, recommended PublishAmerica. She claimed it was a traditional book publisher. I was struck with their slogan, "We treat writers the old fashioned way ? we pay them." Wasn't that what publishers were supposed to do? Who Is Your E-zine Really FROM? One morning this past fall, I was going through my e-mail inbox, relentlessly deleting junk mail. As you're likely well aware, many spam messages are made to look like they're from a real person. Making Money Online With Web Publishing Who doesn't want to make money online? Internet is here to dominate our lives and spreading its tentacles very fast. Every month millions of pages are added to the web space and more and more people are getting online for almost everything ? from shopping to e-learning. Would you believe there are even online beggars with payment gateways where you can donate through your credit card if you are feeling charitable. If you do not exploit the internet for marketing your services or products you may as well be living in prehistoric times. 10 Newsletter Ideas to Write Articles for Your Newsletter Since you publish your newsletter on a regular basis, sometimes it's difficult to find newsletter ideas for your next issue's content. You sit in front of your monitor and stare at the white screen where the typing cursor is blinking... but your mind doesn't seem to come up with any ideas. Ezines VS. Trade Journals As many people know Industry Trade Journals in America have gone through a tough time in recent years due to slowing of advertising dollars. In many industries this is the case. Many of us use to get free Industry Trade Journals, yet many have now gone out of business and others are being a little more particular than normal. Some send you questionnaires every three months to make sure you are interested and reading their material. Most companies DO NOT advertise in such trade journals. A few do, mostly for brand name recognition, although in my opinion it is a lot of money considering the much lower costs of Ezines and Internet Advertising. Some believe paper trade journals or Industry Rags as they are often called are waste of advertising money, even worse than attending some under attended trade shows. 21 Questions to Ask Any List Service Before You Sign on With Them If you publish an e-mail newsletter, or "e-zine," you'll need to sign on with a list service (or "listserve") to manage your subscriber list. There are many types of listserves out there, so here are some guidelines to help you choose one that's right for you. Do they use MULTI-PART MIME technology? You'll need this if you want to publish an HTML newsletter. Otherwise you'll have to send out multiple versions for users who can read HTML, users who can't read HTML, and users on AOL. Do they offer some type of ORIENTATION OR TUTORIAL? If you're new to the game and/or technologically challenged then you'll appreciate any type of help they offer for new clients. What's their CUSTOMER SERVICE like? Are they prompt to get back to you via e-mail? Can you call them if you have a problem? Are they available more than standard business hours? What about weekends? Contact them and see how long they take to get back to you -- if it's longer than 24 hours, definitely keep looking. Do they NOTIFY list owners if there's a PROBLEM with their service? If so, how, and how quickly? Do they have CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS to share with you? Or even better, client references? Contact some of these folks to see how their experiences have been. Do other BUSINESSES LIKE YOURS use their service? If most of their clients are large corporations, small businesses like yours may not get the attention they deserve. Is their interface EASY TO USE? Meaning is it easy for you to setup and launch each issue of your e-zine. They should offer a demo or let you access the 'mission control' area that you'll be using to test it out. Can you MANUALLY ADD AND REMOVE people to and from your list if you want to? Sometimes you'll need to do this, so you'll want the answer to be "yes" -- especially if you're moving over a list you've already collected. Can you access SUBSCRIBER REPORTS? How and how often? You'll want to know on a regular basis how many subscribes and unsubscribes you've had since the last issue. What appears in the "FROM" field when subscribers get your e-zine? You want it to be YOUR name if possible. Some spam filters screen out e-mail that does not appear to come from an individual person. What appears in the "TO" field when a subscriber gets your e-zine? You want it to be the person's name if possible. Along the same lines, some spam filters screen out e-mail that does not appear to be addressed to the individual person. Who has ACCESS to their servers and your list? Anytime you hand over your customer list, you're taking a risk. You don't want your service or anyone else using your list for spamming purposes. What happens if some addresses are UNDELIVERABLE? These are also called "bounces" or "bounce-backs." You don't want them to automatically remove names for "soft bounces," which are due to temporary conditions like full mailboxes. How do users SUBSCRIBE AND UNSUBSCRIBE? Do they have to visit a Web page or can they do it via e-mail (best if both options are available). Is the process single or double opt-in? (Double is better for more security - the user has to respond to a confirmation e-mail before she's added to your list.) Is the process kept simple? Can you customize your LIST SERVER DOCUMENTS? This means messages like your subscriber welcome and goodbye messages. (You'll definitely want to be able to do this, since the prewritten messages many list services use are horribly cold and confusing.) Can your e-zine give PERSONALIZED GREETINGS AND MESSAGES? Not necessary, but a very nice feature. For example, if your e-zine came to me, it would start off with something like, "Hello Alexandria!" How often do they BACK UP their servers? It should be at least once every day. Also ask if you can download your lists to back them up on your own, as a backup to their backup! Can you send a TEST MESSAGE out to yourself or another person before you send out each issue for real? You'll definitely want this because it's the best way to see how your e-zine looks on the recipient's end, do a proofread, and check all your hyperlinks. Can you see stats on your CLICK-THROUGH rates? If you publish in HTML, you should be able to see how many people - and even exactly who - opens your messages. Can they AUTOMATICALLY ARCHIVE your issues if you'd like them to? Some services will archive your e-zines at their site, others can configure it so they're archived at your own site (which is better). Are they currently BLOCKED anywhere on the Web? If so, it may mean they've been reported for allowing spammers to use their network. You don't want to work with any list service that's been blocked anywhere, because it means that your e-zine won't reach all of your readers. 7 Ways to Self-Promote Within Your E-zine We all know that an e-zine won't attract and keep subscribers without offering insightful, practical content. If you only drone on and on about how wonderful you and your services/products are, your readers won't stick around for long. Become an E-Book Author ... Make Money From Your Knowledge! "E-Book" is short for Electronic Book---an organized set of content delivered in an electronic format. There are many different types of e-books including packaged executables, PDF, and formats for the handheld computer. Newsletter Formatting Formatting your text newsletter correctly can make a failure into a success! Learn how to do it, and why. Why I Started My Ezine Why I started this E- Zine 9 Rock Solid Ways To Explode Your E-Zines Readership! Are you like most of us who created an E-Zine. You heard how great it would be for your business and that an unlimited amount of new subscribers and traffic would come marching to your website. So you spent hours crafting this masterpiece that would send untold thousands to your online business door, but nobody came. Keep on being the creative genius that you are just add these rock solid methods and see your readership soar: Top 7 Techniques For Generating Subscribers To A Newsletter Imagine you are sitting at home relaxing reading a book and sipping on ice cold lemonade, your friend calls you up to tell you about a new product on the market.You can't help but get excited because you know your subscribers will be interested! ![]() |
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