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Drive Website Traffic Unconventionally, Force Your Children To Do It
If you believe that every little bit helps then keepreading... For the past two summers my son has dabbled inentrepreneurialism. He started by mowing lawns, what kid hasn't done that?It's time tested and money in the bank. (The grass alwayskeeps growing...unless you live in the arctic.) Last summer we brainstormed a little and bought some gearfor under a hundred bux and he started going door-to-doorasking people if he could hand-wash their cars for 10 bux apop. (he used the same client list he had built from mowinglawns also, he's a smart kid!) This year we, I should say HE because HE does all thework lol, went a step further. He's been offering his clients an 'interior autodetailing' service for $25 bux (not including the $10 forhand-wash service.) About 75% his clients take him up on the offer which meanshe now gets thirty-five bux an hour (it takes him about anhourfor total service.) Compare that to any auto-detailing service in your area,it's a great price for the service you get, period! I've seen his work, he's very good! The little rascalcharges his old man $20. (He calls it the family discount,LOL, if we were American I'm sure he would be a Republican.We're Canadian.) He's averaging between $500-$800 per week! His clientslove his service so much he only spends about an hour a daydoor-knocking for new clients. He works 4-6 hours per day four days a week. Myself having been an entrepreneur for the past ten yearsapproached my son and asked him if he would hand outbusiness cards promoting my website. He said.....get this....."WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME DAD?" As I was choking back tears of pride I realized he waswell on his way to becoming a successful businessMAN...... ..........then he rejected my offer of one dollar perbusiness card, and counter-offered a buck and a half. Well I did what any 'good' father would do.......I tookaway his X-Box!!! That'll learn 'em, HAHAHAHAHA! I'M KIDDING................we met in the middle andsettled on a buck and a quarter. That's pretty good for himconsidering all he has to do is ask the following; "Hey Mister, You own a computer?" If they say yes he handsover a card and says "Check it out" If they say no, he says "Know anyone interested in makingextra money at home? Give this card to them please" My card simply has my URL ONLY on it.http://www.helpfuldynamics.com I've sold over twenty of his clients wanting my variousinformation pacakages. This has been in the last monthalone! His clients trust him and I don't think they would havebought from me if it had not been for my son Anthony, whois 15 years old by the way! What are your kids doing this summer?Why not teach them about entrepreneurialism? McDonalds is a great place to work I guess if your kidswill accept minimum wage and being worked like a dog. Why not pass on your entrepreneurial spirit to your kidsnow while they're still impressionable. What? No kids? Start this business yourself, and hire the neighbors kid. You line up the appointments, the kid does the detailingand hand-washing and split the take. AND DON'T FORGET YOUR WWW. BUSINESS CARDS!!! Hope this gets your kids off the couch/computer games thissummer! About The Author: Ron Howell, an entrepreneur for the past ten years,in mailorder, courier services, as a finder,andnow making his way into Internet Marketing. "Pass on your knowledge and you live forever!"
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I've read a lot of copy that suggests one can build a business for free, if they are willing to spend an extra amount of time to compensate for their lack of financial backing. Go Slow to Go Fast - Why Over 80% Of High Tech Startups Fail And What To Do About It With billions of dollars of venture capital residing down the street on Sand Hill Road, two Stanford professors are attempting to answer a fundamental question "why does it always take longer and cost more to build a hi-tech company than anyone ever expects?" For all the intellect, experience and graduate degrees in the venture capital industry, the sad truth is that 80% of venture capital investments do not pan out. While the reasons for this high attrition rate are too numerous to list here, a simple fact defines every successful investment - the company figures out how to bring in more money than it spends. The secret to solving this fundamental equation these two professors believe lies in the Sales Learning Curve. The Reluctant Entrepreneur It seems odd to think of a person opening a shop, knowing that they're not at all interested in selling or in face-to-face interaction with customers. But that's exactly what many Internet business owners have done. And they've done it well. Secret Revealed In The Business Code ? Beginners often rush into business without any planning. 10 Tips for Would-be Entrepreneurs Every evening as the sun sets beyond the mangroves that line the shore along the western bank of Lake Myakka, Florida, herds of wild deer and wild black pigs come down to the water's edge to drink and slake their thirst. Increase Profits with No Pain, No Change Approach Implementing changes, even when they're good for your business, can be tough. As the old adage goes, old habits die hard and it's just as true in business as it is in our personal lives. It's simply easier to take the path of no resistance and revert back to doing what we've always done. Here's a way to skyrocket your profit potential by linking change to pain and payoff. How You Can Earn $1000 A Week Part Time About 6 years ago I started to notice that certain friends of mine had quit their jobs but continued to live very luxurious lifestyles - seemingly without doing very much. I thought they must just be using up their savings until I discovered they were all making a fantastic living by spending just a few hours a week doing something I had never heard of before - "financial spread betting". Creativity & Entrepreneurship: The Creative Evolution of an Intellectual PropertyŠ In each of us, there is a creative spark - a unique purpose and destiny for which we are born. Most of us have forgotten what that special gift is, or we are afraid to live it. My successful secret formula as outlined in my seminars, e-book and CD's will help you unlock your creative potential and discover your purpose in life. Passion, right-action, hard work and a commitment to excellence will create the quantum leap you desire in your life today! Drive Website Traffic Unconventionally, Force Your Children To Do It If you believe that every little bit helps then keepreading... The Term Sheet?s Role in Raising Venture Capital Entrepreneurs and companies who are seeking venture capital often negotiate with one or more venture capital firms on a number of important issues. These issues include the amount of capital to be raised, the investment terms, etc. The document which summarizes these terms is known as a "term sheet." Executive Suites - A Way To Save Cash Cash is one of the most important resources to a new business. One of the best ways to conserve cash for a startup business that is in need of office space is to rent an executive suite rather than to rent traditional office space. Most people don't even know this little secret. In fact, most people don't even know what an executive suite is. Veteran Entrepreneurs Are Growing In Ranks When I'm not running my own business, writing articles about business, speaking to groups and organizations about business, or consulting with companies who want my advice about the running of their business, I teach a weekly class on the subject of (care to guess?) starting and running a business. Business Planning Overview The successful entrepreneur is generally more inclined, once a business idea is selected, to sharpen the concept by a detailed planning process. The result of this step is a comprehensive business plan, with its major components being the marketing "mix," the strategic plan, operational and logistical structures, and the financial proposal. The purpose of the business plan is to recognize and define a business opportunity, describe how that opportunity will be seized by the management team, and to demonstrate that the business is feasible and worth the effort. 10 Ways Entrepreneurs Shoot Themselves In The Foot Entrepreneurs and their businesses have a tendency to ambushthemselves when they aren't looking. This affects how muchrevenue they can generate, how fast their business rises,and even if they survive after the first few years. If youfeel there is a possibility you are getting in your way tosuccess, review these elements to see if any of these itemsmight apply. Customers - Why Should They Buy From You? There are a whole range of reasons why customers buy aproduct or service. They usually buy to solve either real orperceived problems. They want to move away from pain andtowards pleasure. They want to feel better after having madethe decision to buy a product or service than they didbefore. Traits of The Successful Entrepreneur Want to know why certain people succeed and others don't. Well successful people have certain traits? Do you have them? The Six ?F? Words Every Entrepreneur Should Know Start your own business, and soon enough, you find yourself in a situation where there are many things you want to say, all of them unprintable. ![]() |
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