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Autoresponders for Beginners
Hi you may or may not know that your Autoresponder in your first few months promoting your service, product or opportunity, is the most important tool in your box! So, you have just joined your new business or taken on a new product that you would like to make you a few $ or a lot of $ on the net, first thing you must do is get yourself an Autoresponder. You can get them free from lots of places on the net if cash is tight, but remember if it's free then there will be a down side, like their ads on your mail, to your subscribers so think carefully on what you decide, as it's probably your single most important decision you will make! Right, let's get started. You need to pre-load your Autoresponder with informative articles related to your business this will give you credibility with your readership, write some of your own it's not that difficult once you get started. Try to pre-load your autoresponder with 52 messages/articles, that's one per week for a year. If this sounds a bit daunting, don't worry there are lots of places that you can get stuff to fill your autoresponder with for free try ezinearticles.com, so in a few days your ezine should be ready to go. Even if you have only 3 or 4 messages/articles at this point you can add more later. Now that's out of the way add your [[sig]] file at the bottom of every article on your autoresponder, this should contain your name and URL of the business you are promoting and a short description of the business,you do this once the software puts it on ever e-mail automatically Now you have set this up your autoresponder will automatically deliver your messages to your subscribers every week or month depending how you set it up. How to build your subscriber list Visit Google and do a search for "ezine directories" the last time I did this, there was about 88,000 listings. This is where the work starts and where most fail, you can buy software to help with submitting your ezine but it costs. But if you want your ezine to be a success then its time to get busy and I mean busy, you should submit to at least 200! Another way to promote your ezine is through Announcement Lists Done correctly Announcement Lists could get you upto 800 new subscribers per week! If you visit Google and search for"ezine announcement lists" and sign up to a few yourself, you will then see how it works. Start announcing your ezine to as many annoucement lists as you can, spend a whole day to get of to a good start! Your aim is to have at least 3000 subscribers to your ezine, at this point you can virtually make money on demand, Sign up to a few ezines yourself to get an idea of how people run their ezines, this will give you an idea how to run yours. OK so you don't have the time for the above, then you can buy leads from a pay-per-subscriber service, try lead factory.com. I hope the above is enough to get you started with your list, there are a lot of people that make their living on line with only their list and autoresponder, so can you! If you drop by my site you can sign up for my free 7 day email marketing course, it's a step by step guide to help you get started with Autoresponders and email marketing. If you drop by my site you can sign up for my free 7 day email marketing course, it's a step by step guide to help you get started with Autoresponders and email marketing. Ken Smaile. start your own internet marketing business
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Email Builds Brands Email - today's preferred business communication tool - provides you a simple, powerful, affordable way to develop, manage and maintain relationships as well as sell products and services. Let's briefly examine how permission-based email marketing positively affects: Creating Effective Opt-in E-Mail Campaigns It's been said before, but important to re-emphasize, e-mail is the "killer application" of the information age. According to the latest Forrester Research numbers, the permission based e-mail industry is projected to grow from $164M (USD) in 1999 to $7.3B by 2005. E-mail is also rapidly moving from a textual communications process to one that is rich in multimedia content via server-based streaming audio or video. Virtually anyone, even those with extremely low bandwidth, can now view compelling content. Email and Newsgroup Etiquette Email Etiquette Autoresponders An Important Part Of Internet Marketing? Setting up and using email autoresponders on your site is an easy way to make repeated contact with your visitors. Studies have shown that more than 60% of a site's visitors who eventually end up buying a product or service don't do it on their first visit. An E-mail autoresponder is one way to encourage your visitors to return and make that purchase! Add Email To Your Marketing Mix If you are serious about adding email to your marketing mix, you should take email seriously enough to develop a plan for it. Too many organizations launch a half-baked email program and then are disappointed when it doesn't live up to expectations. Signature Files: The Easy Way To Create More Business If you do business as an affiliate, then you're constantly concerned with getting your name and your business information out there. You probably send a lot of e-mails, post on message boards, and submit articles to business e-zines. These are great techniques for making contacts, but are you taking full advantage of the visibility these forums create? Spam! Whats the Real Problem Most people now know the official definition of spam- Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE for short). Seven Ways to Dramatically Increase Your Email Marketing Profitability 1. The Power of Seven Email Advertising - How Ad Tracking Helped Create a Killer Ad I recently undertook an email advertising promotion, using a number of advertising media. The exercise involved a program of mine called the Magical Marketing system. The Moneys In The List - But How Much? The internet seems to be full of hyped up business opportunities. What evidence there is to support the feasibility of a business opportunity is often anecdotal ? or we may be asked to take the word of a well known internet guru when he tells us that this is the "next big thing". Sometimes he/she will be right of course (that's how they get to be gurus). Whats on YOUR Subscriber Thank-You Page? The point of all this? By taking extra care with your new signups, you lay the foundation for a long and profitable relationship with your readers. Follow Up Letter for Past Customers - Why and How to Write It Following up with your past customers is a proven way to make a lot of extra sales. You can simply write a promotional offer about one of your other products in the form of a follow up letter, and then send it to your customers email list. Using Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) For Email Privacy Need for Privacy How Opt-in Email Marketing Helps You In Your Online Business The consumer of today is increasingly bombarded by marketing messages from various media channels. For those that tire of the constant onslaught of ads, they have the option to "opt-out". They may choose not to open up your email ads or simply "mute" their remote control so that they don't listen to your audio message. Email Marketing: How Much is Too Much? I have a special new email address. It's in addition to my primary email address and it's where I tell online marketers who want my business, to send their mailings. Three Phases to Email Sensitivity The neurophysiological dynamics of understanding each emailmessage are very complex. From that complexity, three basicphases float to the top that you will want to becomefamiliar with. I like to label these: (1) the associationphase, (2) the connection phase, and (3) the reaction phase.Let us look at each of these, and how the writer and readercan assume a more active role. My Emails Are Not Being Delivered. Black Lists and White Lists Explained. Over 40% of all emails within your marketing campaignare not being delivered. You may not even be aware of this,as many ISPs will not send back a bounce message. In factif you are sending messages to AOL customers, AOL is now blocking over 80% of the messages that come into their servers. E-Newsletter Layout: Add White Space to Improve Readability White space in newsletters is like pausing in conversation. Take a breath now and then to avoid overwhelming the reader. Are You Making These Email Mistakes? Every day, I receive at least 300 emails. I will usually sort them out by checking and deleting every subject line that looks like junk mail. 10 Netiquette New Years Resolutions Happy New Year! New attitude? New habits? How about 10 Little New Year's Netiquette Resolutions? ![]() |
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