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Email and Newsgroup Etiquette
Email Etiquette In order to effeciently communicate on the Internet it is critical to understand the unwritten rules of email communication. Please use these tips as a guideline to online email communication. 1.) Unless you are using encryption, Internet E-mail is not secure. 2.) Do not use all capitals in email exchanges, it is considered SHOUTING and is considered rude. 3.) Keep in mind that the Internet is international, words and humor can be perceived differently by different cultures. 4.) When replying to messages be aware of "cc:" field. Recipients listed in the "cc:" field will receive a copy of the post. (The "bcc:" field sends messages blind, meaning recipients don't know that someone else has received a copy of the email or been carbon copied) 5.) Use emoticons :-) or to indicate expression. 6.) When forwarding email be sure not to create a loop in the system. In addition, be sure not to setup auto-responders to reply to every email, or endless loops will be created. 7.) There can be costs associated with Internet connectivity and downloading emails. Do not send attachments that take a long time to download, without the recipients consent. 8.) Include in the "subject" line a heading that relates to the message body. 9.) Use 4-6 lines for your signature line, this is an opportunity to highlight your business or company information, but don't be ostentatious.. Mailing Lists & Newsgroup Etiquette In order to participate in news groups, you must have an understanding of newsgroup etiquette. 1.) Be familiar with lists/newsgroups prior to posting, read posting. 2.) Keep in mind that newsgroups and mailing lists are frequently archived and that posts will be preserved. 3.) If you are replying to a message be sure to include the text of the original message which you are replying to. Use ">" indicators if your mail program does not do this for you. 4.) Don't get involved in flame wars (or material which is personal and unproductive). 5.) Keep in mind that the Internet is international, words and humor can be perceived differently by different cultures. 6.) Use 4-6 lines for your signature line, this is an opportunity to highlight your business or company information, but don't be ostentatious.. 7.) When responding to a post, keep the subject line the same, so that it will appear in the same thread. 8.) Cross posting to multiple lists is often prohibited. Read posting guidelines. 9.) Expect delays in moderated forums, each posting must be approved. 10.) Anonymous posts are unaccepted in many newsgroups. 11.) Be aware that some people use aliases when posting to Usenet groups to avoid SPAM (unsolicited email). Also keep in mind that anything goes on unmoderated Usenet. 12.) Most lists don't allow for binary attachments. Resources - Library of Emoticons - http://www.instant-messaging-software.com/instant-messaging-emoticons.htm Library of Email Acronyms - http://www.email-software.org/email-acronyms.htm Email Client Software - http://www.messaging-software.net/e-mail-client-software.htm About The Author Sharon Housley manages marketing for NotePage, Inc. http://www.notepage.net a company specializing in alphanumeric paging, SMS and wireless messaging software solutions. Other sites by Sharon can be found at http://www.softwaremarketingresource.com , and http://www.small-business-software.net
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Sucking in Readers: Proven Ways to Increase Reader Interaction You've probably heard this educational philosophy: E-mail Whitelist Etiquette A big-time dilemma is brewing online. In an understandable attempt to bypass all that annoying spam, e-mails that onliners want to receive are getting lost in the shuffle. Newsletter subscription requests are not being completed and important e-mails are not getting to their intended parties. Use Autoresponders, to Build Relationships In Your Affiliate Marketing It's true that "content is king," but equally important to success in online marketing of any kind is contact. Not just the one time "flash in the pan" type either. You need to form relationships with your potential customers, and maintain it on a day to day basis. Remember, just as with content, good solid contact will get you good solid sales. Should You Publish a PAID E-zine? Many of my clients ask me whether they should publish a paid e-zine instead of a free one. My answer is the classic consultant's answer: "It depends." Opt-In Email to Increase Website Traffic and Boost Online Sales Sending messages and information to people who have given you permission to contact them is a great way to build the kind of relationships that will encourage a steady flow of traffic to your website... and greatly increase your online sales! Autoresponders - One Simple Trick That Will Improve Your Results Autoresponders, or responders, are simply programs that allow you to send out pre-written emails which have been pre-loaded into the responder. Prospective customers or recruits either input their email addresses into a signup form on a website or send a blank email to a trigger address. They are then entered into a database and receive your emails at the intervals you specify when you set up the responder. DoubleClicks Q3 2004 Report Shows Bulk Email Marketing Eficiency Increase Internet marketing company DoubleClick published its final report over the bulk email marketing evolution this year. The figures show year-over-year increase in delivery rates (cleaner emailing lists), and a decrease in open rates and click-through rates. The variations are light, proving a steady and maturing environment. DoubleClick's metrics Online Marketing Through Newsletters So you want to start publishing an online newsletter? Why? Because that's what all the online marketing experts and gurus said to do. You've been told you'll pull in lots of new customers if you just start publishing an online newsletter AND purchase their list magnet ebook. I am not going to tell you that because I know it's not that simple. In fact, I'll tell you the truth as I'm always compelled to do, and offer you an alternative while I'm at it. How to Structure Your Follow-Up Sequence for Maximum Profit Before I do this, let me describe how autoresponders work. Think of autoresponders as the equivalent of fax-on-demand, but for email instead of fax. You simply set up a message and then whenever someone sends an email to your autoresponder email address they will immediately receive this as a response. Improve Email Deliverability: 15 Tips for Email Marketing Success Delivering email newsletters and sales messages to opt-in subscribers and customers is getting more exasperating-and more expensive-by the day. Delivery rates for email have gone through the virtual floor. According to MarketingSherpa, one out of every six people who asked to be on your mailing list won't receive your email newsletter or marketing message because a spam filter blocks it by mistake. Building The Best Opt In Email List The #1 Thing You *MUST* Have Before Even Thinking About Building An Opt In Email List Email Marketing and Web Communication: Ten Key Tips to Get Your Messages Read There's an old saying 'Manners maketh the man (or woman)' and this still applies in the 21st Century, even though everything now seems to happen twice as fast. Why You Need a Newsletter If you're a small business owner you definitely need promotion. And, if you're a freelancer-you ARE the product-so you'll ultimately need self-promotion. Newsletters can not only inform your customers of future events, discounts, and services, but can serve as a helpful source of information for you to analyze the growth and success of your business. Dont Attach That! The topic of sending attachments by e-mail is not one that is discussed as much as it probably should be. It is easy to attach a file to an e-mail. Almost too easy! E-mail programs allow you to attach almost anything, regardless of the size and format without giving the sender any sort of guidance as to the consequences of their actions. How to Laser Your Email Messages If you're in business and use email, you've likely learned to KISS (keep it short & simple). However many people still think that writing an email should be like writing a letter to Aunt Sally. Letters are traditionally long and detailed. With email, however, you need to be laser-like, or risk losing your reader half-way through the first paragraph. Proven Techniques For Building A Responsive List We've all heard those who have Internet business-success stories proclaim, "Nothing will make you as much money as building a responsive list!" The trouble is, most people won't let you in on their secrets for building these goldmines. In reality, it isn't all that hard to do. E-Marketing Deliverability Issues Does it seem to you that when you view "openings" within your statistics, that fewer recipients seem to be opening your campaigns?... Six Tips for Nonprofit E-mail Success An opt-in e-newsletter is one of the most effective marketing tools you can use because it is fast, personal, and inexpensive. Many small businesses are using e-mail newsletters to introduce themselves to new customers and to communicate with existing ones. By sending useful information on a regular basis, you maintain continuous contact without being annoying. In addition, an e-mail newsletter can enhance your credibility and increase sales. 8 Ways to Get More Email Addresses On Your List ... Today Whether you've got 100 or 100,000 people on your email list, chances are you can optimize your web page to better feature and promote your ezine. Here's a few ways to capture more customers and leads - without having to increase your traffic. Seven Ways to Dramatically Increase Your Email Marketing Profitability 1. The Power of Seven ![]() |
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