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Is the IronPort Whitelist Actually An Extortion Tactic?
It appears that Mr. Gates' prophetic prediction that charging marketers to send email across the Microsoft email networks (MSN and Hotmail) to cut down on Sp*m is about to come true. According to CIO Today, Microsoft is now employing "IronPort Anti-Spam Technology." "IronPort" is a paid "white-list" for people who send "mass email" (including newsletter publishers, ezine publishers, affiliate managers, mini-course operators, and basically anyone who has a list of opt-in emails). If you send any type of email where you do a broadcast to everyone on your list, this applies to you. If you want your email broadcasts to get through their filters, you must pay a hefty fee and post a "bond." Here are some facts about this developing story: 1. They charge by how much email you send a month, but the minimum charge is a: $375 Application Fee, plus $500 Annual License Fee, plus $500 "Bond" fee. That's $1,375.00 just to get in the game. If you want to see the complete breakdown, go here https://www.bondedsender.com/fees.jsp 2. If you go over the "complaint" threshold of 1 complaint per month, then they will debit $20 from your bond fee for each complaint to "fine" you for being naughty. Now that sounds good on the surface, but here's a scenario to try on for size: Your competitor / enemy / Net "psycho" signs up for 50 fr~e email accounts at HotMail and complains about you every month when you send your newsletter. 49 complaints (50 - 1 allowed complaint) times $20 a complaint comes out to $980 in fines. Now, can you dispute the fines? Sure, absolutely! But how much will you lose in time, energy and effort disputing the allegations? (My guess is, a whole lot more than that.) You can check out all the "rules" here https://www.bondedsender.com/fees.jsp Here are the details of the program straight from the horse's mouth... https://www.bondedsender.com Here's my take on this whole thing (which dropped on me out of the blue today): First, don't get me wrong... I hate sp~m with a passion! I spend at least an hour a day fighting it (down from 3 hours a day just a few weeks ago before I shut down about 2 dozen email addresses that got harvested by spambots over the last few years). With that said, this whole "IronPort" thing sounds and smells to me like "white list" extortion. Why? Here's the basic premise: "Pay to get your email through our filters, or else you run the very likely risk of not getting your email through at all." In fact, here's a *direct quote* from their website https://www.bondedsender.com/faqs/sender.jsp: "What happens if I don't bond my email? You're rolling the dice and taking your chances with spam filters, black lists and bulk folders. Some days all of your email may be delivered; other days 30-50% could be blocked." Kind of reminds you of a cheesy mafia movie on late night TV: Me: "Hey Bugsy, what happens if I don't pay my 'protection' money this month? What if I stand up to you and refuse to pay?" Bugsy: "Well, maybe nothin' will happen to you because the Boss ain't payin' attention when I tell him you decided not to pay. On the other hand, maybe I'll just smack you around a little bit... or maybe-- I'll BREAK YOUR LEG with this baseball bat! Go ahead and not pay us... then we'll see what happens!" Now, back to my question: "Why should I have to pay a huge fee to send email to people who have opted in to my lists?" The argument from Microsoft (and soon to be other ISP's) is that the uncontrolled sp~m on the web is costing them a lot of money to deliver email nobody wants to read. Well, if that's the case, aren't email users shelling out cash or credit to pay their ISPs for email services (mine charges me $40 a month for cable), or paying for free services like HotMail or Yahoo Mail through viewing advertising on every page? I was under the impression we were already paying to receive email... and last time I checked, there was no place to put a stamp! Okay, even if we make it past that and we accept the argument that legitimate emailers should have to pay a fee in order to get on that big "whitelist in the sky" somewhere... there are still two very important considerations here: 1. First, what about the little guy who starts doing really well? You know, the small newsletter publisher who puts out a great ezine or fr-e report or whatever, and gets a lot of subscribers and then wants to broadcast email to them on a regular basis? Let's say they start making $20,000.00 a year from their ezine... are they now supposed to shell out 6-10% of their earnings in order to get their messages through? (And that's if they never get a fine!) Do they have to be penalized for being successful? Apparently so if this system gains widespread acceptance by all the big ISP's and email service providers! 2. Second, what about the high potential for abuse at the hands of unethical competitors and just plain jerks that populate the Internet! I know it might seem hard to believe, but there are psychos out there who will sign up for a bunch of free email accounts just so they can make trouble. (This is not paranoia! I had a user who signed up, definitely opted-in from my website, had the emails routed through a SpamCop address so I got blacklisted by SpamCop until I could get it straightened out. Oh, and guess who owns SpamCop... IronPort, that's who!) Now, some idiot making waves with 100 email accounts won't put a dent in the pockets of most big players in the email arena... for them it'll just be a business expense. But for the case of the "little" guy, fighting that potential abuse and those fees could seriously cripple and even kill a fledgling enterprise... and that, in my opinion, is a serious problem. In my opinion, all this is going to do is cut out the little guy and make it easier for big companies to email the hell out of the rest of us. A small newsletter publisher will find it cost-prohibitive to pay for the service, and some giant company will just keep pumping the email out because they have the staff and resources to fight the inevitable complaints. And let's face it, if a big company is paying a $10,000.00 a year licensing fee plus posting a $4,000.00 bond, how aggressive do you think the IronTrust people will really be to get rid of them? In my opinion, not very. In conclusion: Despite my ranting, I actually think this is a step in the right direction (albeit a wobbly, drunken, and inconvenient step). Something has to be done to fight spam. However, at this point, this whole system has (in my opinion) too many unanswered questions, especially for us little guys. Namely:
To their apparent credit, Yahoo! is also trying to pioneer a solution, but this one doesn't appear (at this point) like it will cost publishers or subscribers any money (and I like the sound of that). http://antispam.yahoo.com/domainkeys But with so much at stake (on both sides), this issue is a far cry from any satisfactory resolution. Stay tuned for further updates as events warrant... About The Author Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how to use fr^e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted visitors to your website or affiliate links... Need MORE TRAFFIC to your website or affiliate links? "Turn Words Into Traffic" reveals the secrets for driving Thousands of NEW visitors to your website or affiliate links... without spending a dime on advertising! Click Here> http://www.turnwordsintotraffic.com
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Follow Up Letter for Past Customers - Why and How to Write It Following up with your past customers is a proven way to make a lot of extra sales. You can simply write a promotional offer about one of your other products in the form of a follow up letter, and then send it to your customers email list. 8 Ways to Get More Email Addresses On Your List ... Today Whether you've got 100 or 100,000 people on your email list, chances are you can optimize your web page to better feature and promote your ezine. Here's a few ways to capture more customers and leads - without having to increase your traffic. The Most Simple Way to Mask Your Email-address We all know that spammers are looking for your email-address. You can mislead them easily in order to prevent receiving spamming emails. The most simple way to do this is by providing your email-address as a logo. Get More Targeted Traffic, List Subscribers and Customers; Without Paying a Cent! No doubt one of the overriding concerns you have is getting good, targeted traffic to your site. Heck, even the "gurus" can't get too much good traffic. The key is not just getting traffic, but targeted traffic. You want visitors to your site who are hungry for what you have to offer. Weather it is a product, service, or information you have to offer, you want visitors that need it, folks who are immersed in your particular niche. The question is how to get them. Get Viral Hey, using eBooks, eReports and eCourses is a fantastic way to build a list. Creating Demand With Email Newsletters You've launched your web site. You've implemented a public relations campaign and spent oodles of money advertising in trade journals, magazines and newspapers. But your site's daily visitors are still in single digits and your sales are...well let's just say that early retirement is no longer an option. Choose Your Email Marketing Software Wisely Successful online business can't be led without email marketing. Many people know that it is very important to have a web site but having a web site is only one step in creating successful online presence. You have to stay in touch with your clients and prospects. You need to have a two way communication with your clients and prospects and best way to do this is to have an email newsletter. To send emails to your customer you need the right email marketing software. Creating Effective Opt-in E-Mail Campaigns It's been said before, but important to re-emphasize, e-mail is the "killer application" of the information age. According to the latest Forrester Research numbers, the permission based e-mail industry is projected to grow from $164M (USD) in 1999 to $7.3B by 2005. E-mail is also rapidly moving from a textual communications process to one that is rich in multimedia content via server-based streaming audio or video. Virtually anyone, even those with extremely low bandwidth, can now view compelling content. Writing Newsletters Online: How to Get it Right A strange thing has been happening to newsletters online. Dear Ms. Subscriber - Please Dont Unsubscribe Don't be insulted. Don't take it as a personal rejection. But you can count on it happening without fail. Lost: 200 emails gone missing. Last seen on the 25.10.2003 Sound familiar? Ever wondered what happens to those unopened emails that you see in your stats from your latest email campaign/newsletter? Yep, you guessed it-their mail servers are doing it for them. Build Credibility With an Email Course When you are an expert, you sometimes forget that others don't know as much as you do. Not only do you understand your topic at a higher level, but you also know what's important for a novice to know. By providing your insight to those at a basic level, you can save them time in learning and applying their newly acquired knowledge. How To Set Up an Ezine Encyclopedia Do you read all your Ezines? Or do you file them away in special folders and then forget about them? Great Response by Auto Responder 1. Collect leads with your autoresponder. You will get an e-mail digest of everyone's e-mail addresses who requests information from your autoresponder. Successful Advertising Most folks starting out on the Internet have tried freeclassified ads sites and they usually get hit by peopletrying to sell you stuff. Or, they get into the top twentyresults in the Search Engines, and a week later drop tonumber 164. 4 Time-Saving E-Mail Tips! E-Mail is still the most widely used Internet tool available today. Virtually everyone who has Internet access has an email account, and for the Internet Marketer this opens up a huge possibility for more business. Do You Ponder the Automatic Responder? * The Automatic Responder is generally referred to as an Autoresponder. The Name Squeeze ? Should You? Shouldn?t You? This is a little "beauty" of an idea if you want to grow a massive list QUICKLY! But some are wary of trying it. They worry it turns customers away. 8 Quick, Hot Reasons You Should Offer an E-mail Course Today 1. E-mail courses are generally quick and easy to create. Contents for your e-mail courses are everywhere -- old articles, interviews, information from doing research. You only need to know how to organize them and make the content easy to understand and follow. Dont Use FFAs To Build Your Newsletter Subscriber For those of you who aren't familiar with the term, The initials FFA stand for "FREE For All" and my advice would be don't waste your time! FFA's DON'T WORK! ![]() |
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