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Your First Step To A Digital Publishing Empire
There is only one way to climb a mountain - step by step. Now think of writing your ebook in the same light. You must create it step by step, and one day, you will take that last step and find yourself standing on the summit with your head in the clouds. The first thing you have to do, as if you actually were a mountain climber, is to get organized. Insteadof climbing gear, however, you must organize your thoughts. There are some steps you should take before you begin. Once you've gone through the following list, you will be ready to actually begin writing your ebook. Beginning Steps to Writing an ebook First, figure out your ebook's working title. Jot down a few different titles, and eventually, you'll findthat one that will grow on you. Titles help you to focus your writing on your topic; they guide you inanticipating and answering your reader's queries. Many non-fiction books also have subtitles. Aim for clarity in your titles, but cleverness always helps to sell books ? as long as it's not too cute. For example, Remedies for Insomnia: twenty different ways to count sheep. Or: Get off that couch: fifteen exercise plans to whip you into shape. Next, write out a thesis statement. Your thesis is a sentence or two stating exactly what problem you are addressing and how your book will solve that problem.All chapters spring forth from your thesis statement. Once you've got your thesis statement fine-tuned,you've built your foundation. From that foundation, your book will grow, chapter by chapter. Your thesis will keep you focused while you write your ebook. Remember: all chapters must support your thesis statement. If they don't, they don't belong in your book. For example, your thesis statement could read: We've all experienced insomnia at times in our lives, but there are twenty proven techniques and methods to give you back a good night's sleep. Once you have your thesis, before you start to write, make sure there is a good reason to write your book. Ask yourself some questions: * Does your book present useful information and is that information currently relevant? * Will you book positively affect the lives of your readers? * Is your book dynamic and will it keep the reader's attention? * Does you book answer questions that are meaningful and significant? If you can answer yes to these questions, you can feel confident about the potential of your ebook. Another important step is to figure out who your target audience is. It is this group of people youwill be writing to, and this group will dictate many elements of your book, such as style, tone, diction,and even length. Figure out the age range of your readers, their general gender, what they are mostinterested in, and even the socio-economic group they primarily come from. Are they people who read fashion magazines or book reviews? Do they write letters in longhand or spend hours every day online. The more you can pin down your target audience, the easier it will be to write your book for them. Next, make a list of the reasons you are writing your ebook. Do you want to promote your business? Do you want to bring quality traffic to your website? Do you want to enhance your reputation? Then write down your goals in terms of publishing. Do you want to sell it as a product on your website, or do you want to offer it as a free gift for filling out a survey or for ordering a product? Do you want to use the chapters to create an e-course, or use your ebook to attract affiliates around the world? The more you know upfront, the easier the actual writing will be. Decide on the format of your chapters. In non-fiction, keep the format from chapter to chapter fairlyconsistent. Perhaps you plan to use an introduction to your chapter topic, and then divide it into foursubhead topics. Or you may plan to divide it into five parts, each one beginning with a relevant anecdote. How to make your ebook "user friendly" You must figure out how to keep your writing engaging. Often anecdotes, testimonials, little stories, photos, graphs, advice, and tips will keep the reader turning the pages. Sidebars are useful for quick, accessible information, and they break up the density of the page. Write with a casual, conversational tone rather than a formal tone such as textbook diction. Reader's respond to the feeling that you are having a conversation with them. Break up the length and structure of your sentences so you don?t hypnotize your readers into sleep. Sentences that are all the same length and structure tend to be a good aid for insomnia! Good writing takes practice. It takes lots and lots of practice. Make a schedule to write at least a page a day. Read books and magazines about the process of writing, and jot down tips that jump out at you. The art of writing is a lifetime process; the more you write (and read), the better your writing will become. The better your writing becomes, the bigger your sales figures. In an ebook that is read on the screen, be aware that you must give your reader's eye a break. You can do this by utilizing white space. In art classes, white space is usually referred to as "negative space."Reader's eyes need to rest in the cool white oasises you create on your page. If your page is too dense,your reader will quit out of it as soon as their eyes begin to tear. Make use of lists, both bulleted and numbered. This makes your information easy to absorb, and gives the reader a mental break from dissecting your paragraphs one after the other. Finally, decide on an easy-to-read design. Find a font that's easy on the eyes, and stick to that fontfamily. Using dozens of fonts will only tire your readers out before they've gotten past yourintroduction. Use at least one and a half line spacing, and text large enough to be read easily onthe screen, but small enough so that the whole page can be seen on a computer screen. You will have to experiment with this to find the right combination. Of course, don't forget to run a spell and grammar check. You are judged by something as minor as correct punctuation, so don?t mess up a great book by tossing out semicolons randomly, or stringing sentences together with commas. (By the way, that's called a "comma splice.") Last of all, create an index and a bibliography. That's it! You've written a book! Now all you have todo is publish your ebook online, and wait for download request from your website visitors. Markku Saastamoinen is an Online Business Entrepreneur andhas recently created an amazing system for increasingyour free time AND profits in few weeks at: http://www.megapreneursystem.com
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Why The Future Will Always Be Digital Products Everywhere you go on the Internet, you will find some type of "digitalproduct" on any website. What are "digital products?" Digital productsare any products that you buy and then download to your computeror print to paper. How to Use eBook for Marketing and Promotion There are innumerable ways to use ebooks to promote your business and drive quality traffic to your website. Once posted on your site, you can turn them into a daily course, which brings your customer back to read the next chapter. You can use them as a free gift for making a purchase or for filling out a survey. Put your ebook on a disc, and you will have an innovative brochure. Blow your competition away by inserting the disc into your sales packages. Profiting From Writting Your Own Ebook As you might have heard, the Internet is all about information. Millions of people logon to the Internet each day searching for information. They're searching for everything from health and wellness to love and relationships. People crave information and will pay to get the info they want. Ask and Ye Shall Create How do you decide to create a new speech? A new report? A net product? Most of us have an idea, then start to work on it. It's only when we are well into the creation phase that we determine whether or not it will sell. How to Write Your First Ebook Writing your first ebook may seem like a daunting task. But like many projects, it won't seem so bad when it's broken down into manageable chunks. Not all projects are successful, so don't be too disappointed if your first ebook isn't a best seller. Whatever the outcome of your first ebook, you can at least say 'You did it'. 10 Ways To Make Money With eBooks Ask any internet marketing "guru" and they will tell you the same thing: The Problem With E-Books One of the most popular online ventures is selling e-books. People are hungry for information; that's why they're on the Web in the first place. And e-books are cheap to produce and distribute. Stop Trying To Sell Your eBooks Throughout the Internet there are many people who have written ebooks, are writing ebooks or have produced other information products such as reports. No doubt, each writer wants to sell them. And many people have problems selling their ebooks. That's because they try too hard. Here's a different approach which will change the way you see what you do. Just One Quick Question Ever notice the number of times a client or prospect says some variation of 'I just have one more question,' or 'Just a quick question?' The answers to those questions are the grist of a tips booklet. You may be asked the same or similar questions repeatedly. And whether you think you are a good writer or not, you can always develop tips based on what people have already said they want to know from you. Shorten Your Journey to Book Success with Teleclasses - Part 2 Are you an author who wants your book to be a success? Have you read books, but still need some handholding on how best to promote your book? Are local seminars on book marketing and promotion just not available to you? Invasion of the Amazons The last few months have witnessed a bloodbath in tech stocks coupled with a frantic re-definition of the web and of every player in it (as far as content is concerned). My Rich Mums Ebook Secrets As usual, I walked into the Starbucks for my morning coffee. You Really Can Make A Fortune Off Of EBooks and Software Resale Rights When I first considered online selling, I had trouble thinking of a product to sell. I did not have a storefront or any particular talents to offer. Who Really Wrote That Ebook? The publishing world has never been more fun, and opportunities for new authors have never been better than they are now. It is possible to be published literally overnight ? and have hundreds if not thousands of readers within days, if you play your joint venture cards right - even if you are a completely unknown author. Goals and Objectives in Authoring an eBook Goals begin behaviour, consequences maintain behaviour! Ebooks - the Easy Way To Get Published Now! A friend put the story of his life as a professional magician, film promoter and entrepreneur on paper. It took ten years, two electric typewriters and probably a gallon of correction fluid. He was shocked when he found the cost he faced if he had his book published. There were added problems because he wanted 40 photographs in the book and didn't want to send it overseas where it could be published more cheaply. 7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 6 Secret #6: Creating momentum and identity throughBook Sellers! Internet Advertising Solution: 18 Reasons Why Giving Away A free Ebook Can Help Heat Up Your Sales Sometimes, you may have to give something away in order to get something from others! Price your eBook to Sell Well Q. The big question asked me in teleclasses or client sessions is "How should I price my eBook? Self-Publish Your Ebooks Through ClickBank There was a time when ebook publishing was seen as a reluctant half-measure for authors who had failed to impress the mainstream press. But as on-screen reading technology improves and the buying public becomes aware of the instant gratification and easy navigation that downloaded ebooks can provide, their popularity is growing and so too is their market. ![]() |
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