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The True Purpose of a Tips Booklet
"My topic doesn't fit into a how-to tips format." That comment shows up periodically, and did again this week. Even when a person has written a novel, there are ways to create a tips booklet that can help market that novel plus become its own new source of revenue. THOSE are the purposes of a booklet. A booklet is a way for the reader to test out the information of the author, to see if it's something that leads to wanting more of what the author's got. It's a way to gently approach a topic that may be otherwise overwhelming or brand new. It's one format of the material, which can then be embellished, expanded, or otherwise modified by the author. A booklet is NOT the consummate reference on a given topic. A tips booklet, in particular, is NOT a narrative philosophical statement or observation of something. It's a tips booklet, with how-to's in it. Let's say you wrote a novel, set on a rural farm in midwest America, and you want to sell lots of copies of that novel, which common wisdom says is a challenge to do. One way to do it could be by writing a tips booklet about ways (tips!) to live a happy, fulfilling, and interesting life in rural America, or on a farm. That would certainly give the reader of your book more of a connection to what your book is about, wouldn't it, especially when you include some specific invitation that looks something like "for more about living on a farm in midwest America, you'll enjoy reading our book, "Life in a Corn Field." Or you are interested in featuring the accomplishments of some noteable people of current or historical times. Instead of a treatise about them, it could be very useful to create a tips booklet that includes guidance based on what those people did to accomplish what they accomplished, for others to mirror in their own lives. Once in a rare while there is a topic that simply does not lend itself to a tips booklet. It's usually something in science or math and focused on theory. It's at that moment you'll see a glaze come onto my face. Otherwise, let's talk about what your tips booklet is and can be. Paulette Ensign has sold well over a million copies of her own tips booklet, "110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life," in four languages and various formats without spending a penny on advertising. From her San Diego, CA-based http://www.tipsbooklets.com, she assists individuals and groups transform their knowledge into tips booklets and other information products for marketing, motivating, and making money.
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Price your eBook to Sell Well Q. The big question asked me in teleclasses or client sessions is "How should I price my eBook? Internet Marketing - How to Write Your Own E-book I tell you now the first e-book I ever wrote sat in my directory for a few months. I was scared out of my wits to actually put it out there incase the reaction was "bad". I even considered saving up several thousands of dollars to get a professional to re-write what I wrote. Top Ten eBook Mistakes and How to Correct Them (Part 2) Did you know that you already have an eBook inside you? And, like your coach, you can earn thousands of dollars each month? Sell 100,000 eBooks By Letting It Be Read For Free? Did you know that if just one person goes into a library and asks for your eBook and if it is listed in the librarians' catalogs, then the library will buy a copy of your eBook in order to lend out. Use eBooks To Expand or Explode Your Business As we discussed in an earlier article the advantages of an eBook in conjunction with your web site are many. Your Guaranteed Path to Becoming an Information Product Money Machine How To Turn Your Talks or Articles into Books, eBooks, CDs and More Write Your eBook - 6 Great Ways to Find the Time Busy! Busy! Busy! Book Publishing for Entrepreneurs There was a time when it was relatively easy to get a book published. You took a great idea to an agent, the agent sold the idea to a publisher, and soon you could call yourself an author. Unfortunately the market has shifted. Unless you are a celebrity or come to the table with an eager audience of book buyers, most publishers won't even blink your way no matter how great your idea. How to Reduce Credit Card Refunds from Digital Thieves Can you encounter the number of times where a Credit Card Sale was generated, only to receive a "Refund Notification" from your contracted e-commerce processor on behalf the "customer"? Self Publishing Era: Digital Publishing Tears Down Walls Since the birth of publishing, authors have been forced to deal with the middlemen of this industry; the publishing houses. Often some of the best authors are turned away at the door because they are not "recognized" enough. Sometimes the best talent is rejected because big publishing houses just do not have time to look over all of the manuscripts. Well the times have changed. Now authors can self publish their material for next to nothing in the form of an ebook. While many traditionalist stubbornly claim that "customers won't buy ebooks", nothing could be further from the truth. Some ebook authors make exorbitant amounts of money. What's better is they get to keep most of their profits. If you are thinking about writing a book, consider publishing it in ebook format. Here are some of the benefits of ebooks? Are You Using The Four Letter Word? The most powerful word in the marketing dictionary is made up of just four letters: F-R-E-E. Selling Books and E-Books Online For many authors the thought of getting professionally published is little more than a dream. That was until the advent of the internet started threatening the very existence of publishers. As the internet started gaining momentum, real world publishers started finding strategic ways to ensure a peaceful co-existence with online publishers and self published authors. However to this day, traditional publishers are seeing only a small growth rate of 5%, while ebook sales soar at about a 30% growth rate. The exciting news for many authors is that you now don't need to subject yourself to the rejection notices and snobbery of the publishing community. How to Harness the Power of Ebooks for the Benefit of Your Website! Ebooks can be a powerful tool when it comes to promoting and profiting from your website. To be able to benefit from ebooks, it is important to know how to use them to their full potential. 10 Ways To Make Money With eBooks Ask any internet marketing "guru" and they will tell you the same thing: The REAL Info Products Secret and How to Get Out of the Cycle Most "info-products" revolve around Internet marketing, and get rich quick schemes. Everyone is looking for that instant "secret" that will guarantee them overnight success without spending the start up capital of a real brick and mortar business. 5 Sizzling Tips to Creating a Money Making E-book 5 Sizzling Tips to Create a Winning E-book E-book Security Anxiety You are not alone. Tons of people are nervous that their e-book will be stolen and put on the black market (hmm, or the cyber black market, I guess you'd call it). Now, stealing is never right or fair, but in this case theft means one good thing, at least they have heard of you! Cyber thieves or not, they know your name and think your knowledge is coveted enough to steal (again, I do not condone this, but there is always a bright side, right?) How To Get Your Article or Ebook Started Fast... Time Saving Tips To Get Your Writing Moving.. As we have all heard time and again (and it's very, very true), writing articles for ezines/newsletters and ebooks is a greatway to increase your exposure, brand your name, establishyourself as a Subject Matter Expert (SME), increase your subscriber/optin base and ultimately, increase that so-longedfor amount of cash in your bank account. 7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 5 Secret #5: How to build steady sales for years tocome with eBook Directories! Choose the Right Format for Your Ebooks Choosing the right file format for your ebook is an essential step on the road to electronic self-publishing. This article looks at the factors affecting your choice and offers tips to help you make the most of your ebook, whatever format you choose. ![]() |
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