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Surefire Way To Find Hot Selling eBook Topics
To become an entrepreneur, you need product ideas. Even more important, YOU NEED PRODUCT IDEAS THAT SELL. To locate products that sell online, you need to understandwhat people already want to buy. The single biggest cause of failure when writing non-fictionbooks, booklets, ebooks or any other information-based productis a poor choice of idea or product. It's no doubt this is the main issue for anyone wanting to becomean entrepreneur, there are all kinds of twists along the road that may lead you to THINK you have a high-demand idea. For example, you are NOT part of a given niche market, yetyou see evidence that there are a great many people searchingfor information on a particular topic. BUT - it turns out they would not be willing to PAY for this information, it's either not important enough to them OR it's too easy to findthe information elsewhere. So, what do you do? How do you really get to the bottom of demand? It's easier than you think - find out what people DO want topurchase information on. Here's how. Fire up your web browser and head one over to: http://inventory.overture.com Now, instead of searching for a particular topic, plug in these search terms and have fun looking at the results: "How To" "Learn To" "Tutorial" "Advice" "More Information About" "Tips" "How Do I" See what I'm getting at? These are the terms people use online when they are specificallysearching for information on a topic - as opposed to some otheraspect about it. For example, when you perform a search on "How To", you will find among the top results: "How To Knit" "How To Tie and Tie" "How To Draw" "How To Cook A Turkey" "How To Play Poker" Bet you wouldn't have thought THESE are the topics people are already hungry for information now would you? Want to test your idea? Record the numbers you get from either Overture or Wordtrackeron top 10 results from searches recommended above. Then, search for "How To [Insert Your Topic" and note the comparable number of searches. Are you anywhere close to thetop 10, top 50, etc...? You can get a pretty good idea of not just how MANY people wantyour information product, but also how your idea relates to many others that may sell better. Believe me, it's easier to work on topics that people alreadywant - don't waste your time and effort on low demand topics. To take your project to the next level, find 39 more techniquesfor finding high-demand topics, use the Profit Funnel to testthe profitability of your products and discover the offline techniques - right under your nose - for finding RED HOT productopportunities for nothing. Head over to: http://www.infoproductcreator.com to fast-track your infoproductbusiness. Jeff Smith is dedicated to helping you turn your knowledgeinto highly desirable, hot selling information-based products (eBooks, booklets, seminars, courses, etc...) Through his highly acclaimed site: http://www.infoproductcreator.com you will find exactlywhat it takes to create and market high-profit infoproducts.
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Internet Advertising Solution: 18 Reasons Why Giving Away A free Ebook Can Help Heat Up Your Sales Sometimes, you may have to give something away in order to get something from others! Why Write an EBook? It's not true that everything that has been said hasalready been written. Since that unfortunate axiomcame into use, the whole universe has changed.Technology has changed, ideas have changed, and themindsets of entire nations have changed. Selling Books and E-Books Online For many authors the thought of getting professionally published is little more than a dream. That was until the advent of the internet started threatening the very existence of publishers. As the internet started gaining momentum, real world publishers started finding strategic ways to ensure a peaceful co-existence with online publishers and self published authors. However to this day, traditional publishers are seeing only a small growth rate of 5%, while ebook sales soar at about a 30% growth rate. The exciting news for many authors is that you now don't need to subject yourself to the rejection notices and snobbery of the publishing community. 20 Ways To Increase Website Traffic and eBook Sales Here's a fast, easy list for you. Use it as checklist to see what you need to do to increase traffic. Or use it as a review list if you have already been working on improving your website traffic. It will help you find ways that you might have known or forgotten. Information at What Price? Exploring Fee-based e-Content In pursuit of a paid model for content, many businesses offer newsletters for a fee or ebooks. These models offer pros and cons. Some organizations send out two newsletters: fee and free. The free version has the basic, watered-down contents found in the fee version to entice readers into wanting more and paying for it. But is it worth the time and energy to do this? Top Ten Tips To Get Started Writing Your Book - Part 2 You are far more likely to successfully write and publish your book if you follow these tips before you [start writing] write a single chapter. Part one of this article is available at www.bookcoaching.com/freearticles/article-55.shtml Your Guaranteed Path to Becoming an Information Product Money Machine How To Turn Your Talks or Articles into Books, eBooks, CDs and More Why eBooks Are The Most Overlooked Path To Online Prosperity The ebook revolution is here! The Internet now makes it possible to come up with an idea, turn it into an ebook, distribute it over the Internet, and start making money - allin 30 days or less. In the offline world, 30 days wouldn't typically even be long enough to start getting rejection lettersback from publishers. We say this with confidence because we have both gone from book idea to book sales in a matter ofweeks - not once, but many times. Between us, we have 10 ebooks currently selling on the Net. Several of our books have brought us five figures in income. Jim holds the record between us with one release that made an astounding $43,000 in 30 days. Ebooks Are The BEST Form Of Advertising! Ebooks are part of the new frontier of cyberspace. They are an entirely new medium for sharing marketing information, ideas, techniques, and expert knowledge. Surefire Way To Find Hot Selling eBook Topics To become an entrepreneur, you need product ideas. 20 Questions To Ask Before Creating An eBook 1. What will be the title of your ebook and will ithave a subtitle? eBook Publishers Dilemma: Should I Use PDF or Exe Format? If you write and publish eBooks, sooner or later you will probably be faced with a dilemma - should you create your eBooks as .exe files or .pdf files? E-book Sales ? Will Your Cover Close the Sale? Well designed professional looking e-book covers do much, much more than show the title of the book. An e-book cover can be a powerful attention grabbing sales tool. If you are currently promoting an e-book on your web site and don't have an e-book cover to promote it, you're losing money. Website Promotion: 10 Uncommon And Unusual Free Product Bonuses Giving away free bonuses is one well tested website promotion strategy that can help you make more sales. 7 Secrets to Explode your eBook Sales! Part 3 Secret #3: Creating an avalanche of sales with Freeware/Shareware sites: How To Get Your Article or Ebook Started Fast... Time Saving Tips To Get Your Writing Moving.. As we have all heard time and again (and it's very, very true), writing articles for ezines/newsletters and ebooks is a greatway to increase your exposure, brand your name, establishyourself as a Subject Matter Expert (SME), increase your subscriber/optin base and ultimately, increase that so-longedfor amount of cash in your bank account. Sell 100,000 eBooks By Letting It Be Read For Free? Did you know that if just one person goes into a library and asks for your eBook and if it is listed in the librarians' catalogs, then the library will buy a copy of your eBook in order to lend out. 3 Steps To Turning OK eBook Sales Into Unbelieveable Results! Have you noticed that 90% of "How To" information about creatingand marketing your own information-based products online is basic beginner stuff? Shorten Your Journey to Book Success with Teleclasses - Part 2 Are you an author who wants your book to be a success? Have you read books, but still need some handholding on how best to promote your book? Are local seminars on book marketing and promotion just not available to you? Cash in on Your Expertise Even though I've never met you, I know one thing about you. You are an expert. ![]() |
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