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Important Things to Know About Divorce and Credit
Joint debts remain joint debts. Both spouses signed a legally binding contract with the creditor, and a divorce decree neither amends this contract nor relieves the creditor's investment in you. Amendment of any contract requires agreement by all parties, including the creditor, and proof of the amendment requires the signature of all parties. During a divorce, the creditors are not part of the divorce courts, and therefore the original agreements/contracts stand. You may order a free credit report copy at www.creditfederal.com/credit-report.html Article by Toni Phelps of CreditFederal.com. More information about credit after divorce: joint mortgage loan, joint auto loan, and joint credit cards
Read and Understand Your Credit Card Statement Have you ever looked at your credit card statement and ended up just scratching your head in frustration? Well join the club! But don't take any comfort in the fact that you have plenty of company, because lack of knowledge can cost you?.right on your credit report, and once there can stay with you a while. How To Protect Yourself Against Credit Card Fraud In the high tech world of today, credit card fraud is an ever increasing problem. Good vs. Bad Credit Debt Do you know the difference between good and bad credit debt? Most everyone seems to think that all debt is bad, but that is not always the case. In fact, there are some instances where good debt can actually help your financial situation. Why Is It important! Your credit is the most important thing you have other than your breathe. There are three types of people in this world. There are those who have excellent credit. Those who have OK credit and those who have bad or no credit. Yes each of the above individuals has there own trials to deal with. Let us start by defining what each of the above can and can not do. Five Credit Card Billing Problems and How to Fix Them It goes without saying that your first and best defense against paying fraudulent or unfair charges on your credit card is knowing what your bill says! When you receive your credit card statement each month, sit down with it and check each item to make sure that you actually DID purchase it. If you do run into inaccuracies or problems, there are procedures to follow to report and deal with the charges. If you don't follow the procedure and the card company decides to notify a credit reporting agency, it could affect far more than just your balance on that one credit card. 7 Ways To Squash Identity Theft It is the scourge of our age: identity theft. Thieves learn an important part about your personal information, such as your credit card number, and they open accounts in your name and spend, spend, spend! Unfortunately, by the time you discover that you are a victim the damage is already done. Here are seven steps you can take to prevent identity theft. Trying to Land a Job? Poor Credit Scores May Hurt Your Chances Many employers are now looking at an applicant's credit report for hiring purposes. During an interview process a potential employer may request your written consent to access your credit report. A credit report is essentially your credit history created by CRAs (also known as credit bureaus). Debtors that grant (or deny) you credit make regular reports about your account status to CRAs. This information is then aggregated on a credit report and calculated into your "credit score". Repairing Your Credit Score and Clearing Derogatory Marks on Your Credit Report Raising your credit score can be a fairly simple and straightforward process unless you have derogatory marks that need to be disputed (which will be explained below). Getting Your Credit Report and Understanding Whats On It If you intend to apply for a loan, you need to obtain your credit score. Understanding what this score means will allow you to make the loan process easier and quicker. Let's face it; most people want the loan process to be as painless as possible. Obtaining and understanding your credit score will help you see potential problems and perhaps eliminate them before you begin the loan process. Bounced Checks - Straight Talk On Dealing With Bad Checks (NSF) A check can be considered bad if it is bogus or the NSF checks (non sufficient funds check), also referred as bounced check. Credit Card Balance Transfers Can Help You Stop Putting Money Down The Drain As you probably know, interest rates are at all time lowright now and if you aren't getting the bestdeal from your credit card company then they owe it to youto either lower your rate, or you owe it to yourself to find a better deal. You see, credit cardcompanies need your business in order to succeedand if you refuse to pay a penny more than you have tothen you'll be doing yourself and others a bigfavour indeed. By doing this, you'll avoid paying morethan you should and the companies will stoptreating its clients inappropriately. Credit Cards and How To Choose Them: It may seem like a simple question but its important to take into account a few factors when choosing your credit card. If you are in the enviable position of being able to pay off your card every month then you are amongst the few. If like most you don't then we can offer you some guidance. The Right Way To Credit Repair If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find thatyour ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs isgreatly diminished. Bad Credit Loans For Those Who Seek Alternatives for New or Old Car You can still save money on a Bad Credit Loan by comparing rates, checking out multiple policies, and negotiating with lenders. Credit Report ? How to Improve Your Credit Score One of the great mysteries of life is how the three major credit bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and Trans Union) score credit. They all have secret statistical formulas for determining your credit score, but they are unwilling to divulge exactly what, exactly, constitutes your score. This can make it difficult for people with problem credit to try to improve their score in hopes of obtaining a home or car loan later. Fight Credit Card Fraud with Common Sense By now, you have undoubtedly heard of credit card fraud, an alarming and damaging trend that is sweeping the country. Here's the bad news: It is disturbingly easy for thieves to obtain your credit card number--usually from discarded receipts or even directly from you. For instance, many solicitors masquerade as legitimate businesspeople--like those who offer vacation packages, for instance--when, in fact, they're looking for you to innocently hand over your credit card number so they can rack up illegal charges. Opting For A Credit Card? Check Out Certain Terms You've just received a "pre-approved" credit card offer in your mail. Without wasting a minute you're ready to accept it, especially if it's the "before-the-offer-expires" one. Wait! Don't be in a hurry. Shop around a little and then make your decision about that credit card. How Healthy Is Your Credit There's only one way to discover the "health"of your credit. You need to examine your credit report. Your credit report is your "consumer identity" that potential lenders will use to judge yourcredit worthiness. Inflexible Friends and Plastic Assets, Why Money isn?t Buying Love Anymore Consumers reject financial advice in favour of financial frivolity Good Credit -- Essential for the Prospective Home Buyer Credit is a funny thing. It can be a useful tool in the hands of an informed individual, or a weight of burden to the unsuspecting. One thing is for certain, you must have a decent credit score to attain a quality mortgage loan. |
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