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Cash Advance ? How Does It Work?
If you want a cash advance or a payday/paycheck loan, you usually get a personal check. Some companies use your bank account or credit card in addition to or instead of a check. This means that you have to write a check that is to be cashed or you have to agree to have an amount withdrawn from your bank account at a certain date in future (usually 14 days). After filling-in the agreement or contract you get a sum of money that is less than what you have agreed to pay. The sum is smaller because the difference is the "fee" for the loan service. Why would the company loan you money like this? Because loaning out money in this way and getting these "fees" really brings them a huge profit at your expense. If we assume that you borrow $200 and the "fee" is of $15 for each $100, within 14 days you will have to give back $230 for the $200 that you borrowed. If by borrowing the $200 you avoid paying a $100 late fee or penalty on something, then it is worth the effort. But if you just need the money for yourself, the price is too high. Simple math shows you that you are paying 15% interest for a 14-day loan. That means 3785 dollars compounded interest per year. So now you can understand why lenders are so very happy to give you the money. If they loan you $100 and you pay them back $15 more in only two weeks and they loan out the $100 again along with the $15 they got from you, by doing this for one year, they will turn their $100 into $3785. This is the proof you needed that it's better to lend them your money than to borrow from them. Dominic is the author of this article. This article may be reproduced on websites subject to credit being given to the author, and a link to this website. If you would like more information go to http://www.cash-advanced.com
Update Your Computer System With Bad Credit Computer Financing The moment I placed myself in front of the computer screen a whole new world beckoned me to join it. And years of strolling have proved incompetent to get me acquainted with the full panorama of computers. You have always wanted one in your home. But something is stopping you. Bad credit? Do I hear bad credit? You think bad credit can stop you from getting your computer financed. Which world are you living in? You certainly need a computer. Computer financing for bad credit can enable you to get your very own home computer, lab tops, desk top or any other computer requirement. Learn How to Improve Your Credit Score Having a damaging credit record can hurt you in many ways. It may prohibit you from making an important purchase such as a home, car, computer or vacation. Without a healthy credit report you are severely limiting yourself from possible lenders. If you do find a lender you will undoubtedly be charge exorbitant interest rates far exceeding what recipients would receive if their credit history is in good standing. So how can you fix your credit score if you've been less than diligent with repayments to creditors? Well contrary to what many advertising scams will tell you, you can't fix your credit overnight. In most instances it takes 7 years for a payment infraction to be deleted from your credit report. If you were to file bankruptcy it would take 10 years. Obviously fixing the problem before taking such drastic measures is desired. Bankruptcy must be used only as a last case scenario and the implications must be fully understood before proceeding with such severe measure. Besides bankruptcy staying on your credit history for 10 years and posing large problems if you decide to seek out a financial lender, it can also impact other areas of your life. For instance you may be rejected from certain jobs, prohibited from taking on certain responsibilities and positions within your own company if you are a business owner and you will still be in the bad books of the people who you may require to lend you money. Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 2 In my previous article "Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 1" I discussed the need for a good credit history and what lenders were looking for prior to loaning an individual money or additional funds based on their credit history. This article will go into the necessary steps someone needs to take in order to initially establish their credit history. Credit Cards for Home Business It is wise for you to have a company credit card like a VISA card. How can you find the least expensive bank card for your business? You may decide to use a VISA card from your local bank. Check the interest rate on unpaid balances. It is excessively high? Is it in line with other cards? If you are not sure, write to: Good Credit Is Not A Good Reason To Borrow More Money After Youve Achieved Financial Freedom The most important thing for you to remember is that the only way you'll ever be able to achieve financial freedom is if you are able to avoid getting back into debt once you've paid off everything that you owe. It seems like a lot of the different websites that give advice regarding bad credit are not looking at this the right way. Sometimes it almost sounds like the only reason you want to pay off your debts and improve your credit is so that you can borrow more money! Do You Want to Get a New Credit Card at a Great Rate? 1) Do your homework. Applying for and getting approved for a credit card is nothing more than legwork. Credit card contracts can sometimes contain onerous terms that might make you sorry that you signed up for the new card that you did. Read the fine print carefully. If a deal looks to good to be true, it just might be. Credit cards can be a great way to finance your purchases, but make sure it's not at such an expense that you end up paying for a long time afterward. Is Your Credit Score Being Held Against You? Credit Scores That Hurt Learning the Disturbing Facts about Credit Card Debt When I received my first credit card in the mail at age 18 I was ecstatic, I said to myself, wow now I'm getting somewhere in life. This credit card company thinks I'm worthy of 500 dollars in credit. So I made my monthly payments like a good consumer and watched my credit limit grow. I thought boy this company must think alot of me to take such a risk. I however had no idea how the money came into existence. All I cared about was that as long as when I slapped the plastic down I was approved. Like most young people I had no idea what an interest rate even was much less how it effected my monthly payments. I was like a lot of kids in America today, my parents were not a big part of my early adult life and so I really didn't have much guidance when it came to making financial decisions. The lessons I learned were hard and I continue to learn as each day passes. 4 Steps You Can Take If Your Online Credit Card Application Has Been Refused Help! I've Been Turned Down Identity Theft ? Guard Your Childrens Social Security Numbers Identity theft is a growing concern among Americans, and rates among the top five complaints received by states' Attorney General's offices. A stolen identity can lead to tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt in the victim's name and it can take years to completely undo the damage done to the victim's credit report. Identity thieves can successfully commit crime with as little as a driver's license number or credit card number, but the ideal target of such criminals is the Social Security number. With that number in hand, the identity thief can pass themselves off as the victim and open credit card accounts, bank accounts, and even obtain home equity loans. As more Americans become aware of the problems posed by identity theft, consumers are doing more to protect themselves. This has inspired thieves to look to a new source of identities to steal, and they have found one. They are now stealing the identities of children. The Top 5 Secrets to Managing Your Credit Cards?So They Won?t Manage You You've probably never heard of Frank X. McNamara, but he revolutionized the way you shop on a daily basis. Rewards Cards: Are They Worth It? Virtually all consumers will have a credit card at some point in their lives. Is this an understatement? Probably, as most consumers carry multiple credit cards. Selecting a credit card should not be something taken lightly; card companies are constantly looking for new consumers, but only after wisely comparing offers should you select a provider. Pick a company that will give to you a reasonable rate and one that incentivizes their program with some type of reward for using their card. Bad Credit Loans For Those Who Seek Alternatives for New or Old Car You can still save money on a Bad Credit Loan by comparing rates, checking out multiple policies, and negotiating with lenders. Understanding the Process of Credit Counseling Many of us have seen the advertisements on television. "Get out of debt fast!" "We can solve all your credit problems with only one call!" These sound really great but you know that, realistically, one call is not going to solve your credit problems. How You Can Help Prevent Identity Theft How can I prevent Identity theft from happening to me? Never leave your receipt or slip in the ATM or gas pump. Pay attention to your habits, lock up or organize and file your bills, and bank statements. Shred them using a cross shredder before throwing them away. Ways to Look Good without Selling Your Soul to the Credit Card Sharks 1. Buy clothes at thrift stores. BEFORE you buy them, however, hold the clothing to the light to make sure there are no tears, check the seams under the arms, make sure the buttons are all there, and don't buy anything that you can't try on. How To Read Your Credit Report The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, signed into law on Dec. 4, 2003, gives every American the right to a free credit report every year from each of the three major credit bureaus -- Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Credit Card Companies Are Out for Your Money You're probably thinking "Tell me something I don't know" but in this time of low interest rates you might be thinking that you've got a great deal since credit card interest rates are low. Wrong. Credit card companies have a cutoff as to how low their interest rates will go. Myths and Truth about Credit Scoring Credit score is the key factor determining approval of almost any type of credit. It is based on the information contained in your credit report files. The widely used FICO score was developed by Fair Isaac Corporation, and it is a formula which assesses your potential credit risk. Searching For A Low Interest Credit Card? These days, people need to very carefully consider whattype of credit card they will carry in their wallets. Thereare so many options out there, and each individual hasdifferent needs. Some of us tend to carry a balance, so weneed a low interest credit card. Others pay off their cardeach month and so don't pay any interest. They are moreconcerned with having a credit card that has no annual fee. |
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