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Saving Money: Quick Cash, High Cost
I didn't think it was possible. But it is. Folks, there is something worse out there than putting everyday expenses on a credit card, then carrying the balance. The guys I'm going to tell you about make the credit card people look downright benevolent. Meet your smiling neighborhood cash advance parlor. These legal loan sharks go by names like EZ Money, Cash 'N Go, Red E Cash, Cash in a Flash, the Money Tree, and others. Here's how it works. You want cash now. Payday isn't for another two weeks. So you head on down to the loan shop. Just show them your driver's license, bank statement and pay stub. Write a check dated two weeks from now for, say, $200. A minute later, you're back on the street, $170 making a comforting bulge in your wallet. Two weeks later, the loan shop deposits your check. Pretty cool, huh? What's that? You say your check was for $200, not $170? Do you recall when they mentioned a "small convenience fee"? That's the missing $30. What would you say if I told you that "small convenience fee" amounted to an annual interest rate of 416%? How do these lenders get away with rates this high when the credit card companies are limited to 24% or less (cry me a river)? Because, technically, you don't pay any interest. Just that flat fee. So what are the alternatives? Just try going into a bank and asking to borrow a couple hundred for a few days. I can still hear the loan officer giggling. Not a pretty sound. One great alternative goes by many names. My bank calls it "Ready Reserve." It's a revolving line of credit tied to my checking account. If I write a check for more than my account balance, good ol' Ready Reserve transfers in money to cover the check. Next payday, I cover the reserve by telling the bank to apply part of my deposit to the reserve account. There's a small annual fee (around $10), plus credit card rates are applied to any standing balances. If your need for cash is truly occasional, for unforeseen emergencies (are there foreseen emergencies?), try being your own quickie lender. Hold a garage sale, auction off some stuff, or take on part-time or temporary work in order to put a few hundred dollars in a war chest. Take the cash and buy traveler's checks. Put them away; just don't forget where. When you need the money, write out a check, put it in your stash, and take out the traveler's checks. Next payday, buy more traveler's checks and "redeem" your check. If you don't do it this way, most of you won't pay back the stash. (Note: Some traveler's checks expire. Make sure you redeem them for new checks before the expiration date.) If you find yourself short of money month after month, you need to make more money. Taking a $200 cash advance 10 times a year will cost you $300 a year or more. John McCabe's Web Guides show you how to find more and better success in all facets of your life. For more articles on living an abundant, vibrant, joyous life, come to http://Web-Guides.com
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Your Consumer Rights If you have ever fallen behind on your debts you already know that dealing with your creditors can be a hassle. Sometimes it can be downright humiliating. It doesn't have to be that way. Repairing Your Credit Score and Clearing Derogatory Marks on Your Credit Report Raising your credit score can be a fairly simple and straightforward process unless you have derogatory marks that need to be disputed (which will be explained below). Some Truth About Credit Credit is currently and has been historically an integral component of our economy. Credit contribute a person's net worth, and financial power. No matter who you are or what type of business you are considering, credit is a vital component to be considered when developing your business idea and business plan. Choosing a Credit Counseling Company If you have considered credit counseling as an option to your financial problems, then you are probably wondering how to choose from one of the many credit counseling companies that are popping up left and right these days. There really is not an easy answer to this dilemma but there are some things that you can look for in a credit counseling company that might make the decision a little easier. ChexSystems: Who They Are and How it Affects You ChexSystems is a company that maintains a subscriber membership service used in the banking industry. The members consist mainly of Banks, and Credit Unions, but can include other types of Financial Institutions. How To Start A Second SEPERATE Credit File! Your personal credit file is separated from those with the same or similar names by several factors, including a driver's license number, birth date, or spouse's name. Although these are three important identifying marks, the number one identifying mark on your credit report is your social security number. Since there is no one else in the United States with your number, your file is easily identified. The chances are very small that the social security office in your area will issue a second number just because somewhere down the road you messed up your credit. However, it is impossible that a second personal file would be created. Commercial Collections: Business Finance Booster Shot Commercial collections: fixture of the new B2B culture Free Credit Report - Really 2005 marks the year that consumers will be able to get a free credit report each year. The roll out of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act signed into law by President Bush actually began last December 1. If you didn't know about it, don't worry. You haven't missed the boat. Not everyone is eligible to get their credit report. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is allowing the credit bureau's to implement the program piecemeal so as not to overload the new credit report system. Millions of consumers are expected to take advantage of the free reports. New Credit Advice: Dont Pay off Those Credit Cards! Credit needed for real estate mortgage financing differs from credit needed for consumer loans. If you need help getting a home mortgage, these credit tips will help you. How You Can Avoid Becoming A Victim Of Identity Theft To reduce or minimize the risk of becoming a victim of identity theft or fraud, there are some basic steps you can take. Identity Theft - Dont Think You Are Immune As identity theft becomes more prevalent, the need to regularly check your credit report is veryeasy to see and understand. Two big headlines in the news recently point to how closely tied yourcredit report and identity theft are. How To Survive In A Plastic World, Qualifying For Credit Card Let's face it, having credit is no longer a choice. "Don't leave home without it" is more like "can't buy a home without it." Your credit now determines the neighborhood you live in, the kind of car you drive and, sometimes, even whether or not you get a particular job. Five Credit Card Billing Problems and How to Fix Them It goes without saying that your first and best defense against paying fraudulent or unfair charges on your credit card is knowing what your bill says! When you receive your credit card statement each month, sit down with it and check each item to make sure that you actually DID purchase it. If you do run into inaccuracies or problems, there are procedures to follow to report and deal with the charges. If you don't follow the procedure and the card company decides to notify a credit reporting agency, it could affect far more than just your balance on that one credit card. How To Use Your Credit Cards Wisely Are you one of the thousands pulling your hair out trying to figure out how you're going to pay your credit card bills? Using your credit cards wisely and sensibly will help you avoid financial problems and establish a strong credit rating, so here's some information to help you get your credit card problems under control. Save Money and Lower your Payments by Improving or Repairing Your Credit Having a better credit score not only represents easier access to money from lending institutions, but more importantly represents instant money in your pocket. Reward Credit Cards: Get the Best Rewards Card Incentive Program A good credit reward card can contribute to your retirement account, offer gas rebates, score theme-park or vacation tickets or take thousands off theprice of your next auto purchase. Rewards at hotels, airlines, and retailers bring more to the possibilities but, adds to the confusion. Here are some tips to find the best reward programs for you to increase your buying power. Collection Agencies: What Do They Do? Collection agencies are businesses that collect past-due bills and accounts receivable for other persons or businesses in exchange for a fee. Collection agencies charge for their services one of three ways: How To Eliminate Credit Card Debt There is almost nothing more troublesome than having too much debt to pay each month. Consumers incur debt for many different reasons. Sometimes illness, accidents, or just bad luck can make it seem impossible to get finances under control. Other times it is simply because we spend more money than we earn. The first step toward taking control of your financial situation is to learn how to eliminate your credit card debt. Teaching Students To Keep Out Of Credit Card Debt - The Parents Role Parents have the full responsibility for their children and their education. It is up to parents to teach their children what's right and what's wrong, how to conduct themselves as good citizens, how to cross the road safely and generally protect themselves from harm. In fact, up until the time that child is an adult, the parents have responsibilities in every part of that child's life, right up until the time they are a college student. How to Repair a Bad Credit Rating If you have a bad credit rating, then you might find that your ability to get financing, loans, and even some jobs is greatly diminished. ![]() |
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