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Our World Of Credit Cards! Which One Is Right For You
There are not many of us who do not have a credit card these days. But, not all of us are as wise in the area of understanding how they work and how they make money. There are many types available to the young and old. Student credit cards even begin to get teenagers into the world of credit cards. Secured credit cards, cards that usually can't be written off, are even misleading in their name. So, what does that discover credit card in your wallet actually do for you? Even young adults are being lured into the world of credit cards. Student credit cards are widely available. Some link the parent to the card, others are geared towards college students who most of the time don't even have jobs to pay for them. They seem like a great way to pay for college expenses, but the fees can be outrageous. A big trap is secured credit cards. While there are always options out there that are legit, there are many others that are not. Often times, people with little or no credit or even bad credit can get a secured credit card. These are credit cards that are linked to savings accounts which require a minimum balance to be kept. While this seems easy enough, if you default on it, they can claim their money through that savings account. Another aspect of these types of credit cards are the fees associated with them. They often require set up fees, sometimes in the hundreds of dollars. They may have monthly and yearly fees as well. They may seem like a great way to establish or reestablish credit, but you will need to read the fine print for the secured credit card. The goal of any credit card company is to make money. They do this by charging you an interest rate. The rate varies greatly from one company to the next depending on your credit status and credit history. But, your goal is to find the low interest credit cards. Many times, if you are in good standing with a credit card company, you can call them and request that they consider you for an interest rate cut. Next to paying off your entire credit card bill each month, finding the lowest rates is often very important in order to save money. With the Internet as a tool, you can search for different types of credit cards and learn which companies offer the lowest rates. Many companies are equipped to take and accept credit card applications online within minutes. But, be wise and read the fine print to avoid falling into traps and outrageous fees. About The Author Mike Yeager, Publisher
Bankruptcy Myths Busted The average American knows very little about bankruptcy. Most people probably are aware of bankruptcy's ability to dissolve debt and give the debtor a fresh start. Some of the information you might have heard is correct, but some is not. The purpose of this article is to dispel some of the most common bankruptcy myths. Everything You Always Wanted To Know About Your Credit Report Your credit report is a very powerful report that essential controls what you can and cannot do in your life. Unfortunately many people aren't aware of what a credit report actually is and what information is contained on the report. This article breaks down what is contained on your credit report and tells you everything you always wanted to know about your credit report but were afraid to ask. How To Use Your Credit Card For Ultimate Financial Advantage Using a credit card wisely is an important step in building a great credit rating. If you're trying to re-build your credit or if you're young and just starting out, pay close attention the next time you receive a new card offer in the mail or online. When you're trying to build a positive credit history for yourself, using the right credit card makes sense. Making small purchases and then making your payments on time each month is a simple, reliable way to build an outstanding credit report. 10 Signs You May Need Credit Counseling Debt management programs can be of real help for people that discover they cannot face their debts. At first, they will attempt to solve the situation all by themselves by cutting down on spending and keeping a close eye on accounts. If this doesn't work then it is time to ask for help from a financial expert. The sooner you admit you need help from an expert, the better will be for your future. The best time to seek the advice of an expert is before the appearance of most of the important 10 signs you may need credit counseling. You should already be worried when one or two signs appear. Of course that there are not only 10 signs you may need credit counseling but, these 10, are the most important. When you see more than a few of 10 signs at the same time, know that the situation is bad and getting into a debt management program could be the right solution for you. 10 Tips To Prevent Credit Card Fraud Imagine opening your credit card statement one morning and discovering to your horror that you suddenly owe thousands of dollars - on purchases that you never made. Make Sure Your Credit Report Is Correct to Improve Your Interest Rates And Lower Insurance Premiums Did you know that you could make sure to get the best rates on your auto and homeowners insurance simply by having a good credit score. Fixing A Credit Report Fixing a credit report starts with seeing what's on it. You may get access for free online. Try a search for "free credit report." Alternately, when you are denied credit based on a report issued by a local credit reporting agency, you can request a free credit report from that agency within 30 days. Credit Score: The Brightest Feather In Your Financial Cap Credit scores are the most important aspect that determines your financial future. Carrying a good credit score is an asset and can pave your future towards greener pastures. On the other hand a negative marking on your credit report can be ruinous for your future dreams. However, "There Isn't Much anyone can do for those who will not Do Something for themselves." The same is applicable for credit scores. Your prime aim is to maintain a good credit score and lead a planned life. Borrowing on a Credit Card One of the easiest ways to borrow money of a financial institute is to use a Credit Card, available from all banks, building societies, and other financial organisations. The choices available are enormous, with a wide variety of interest charges, annual charges, loyalty schemes, and bonus points available. However there are two broad areas that you should look at: The Exact Action To Take When You Find Errors In Your Credit Report There are times when you may be turned down for credit and you do not understand why. Collection Agencies: What Do They Do? Collection agencies are businesses that collect past-due bills and accounts receivable for other persons or businesses in exchange for a fee. Collection agencies charge for their services one of three ways: Addressing Bad Credit Card Debt Spending Habits Which Credit Bureau Should I Use To Check My Credit Report? There are three main credit bureaus in the United States; Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. Each bureau collects your personal and financial information which is then sold to lenders such as banks, credit unions, credit card companies, mortgage and auto loan lenders. Your credit report is the product of this collected information. Lending and credit companies use your credit information to determine if they will approve you or not and at what interest rate you will pay. Figuring Out the Ever Nebulous Numbers Called Credit Scores Credit Score Factors Teaching Students To Keep Out Of Credit Card Debt - The Parents Role Parents have the full responsibility for their children and their education. It is up to parents to teach their children what's right and what's wrong, how to conduct themselves as good citizens, how to cross the road safely and generally protect themselves from harm. In fact, up until the time that child is an adult, the parents have responsibilities in every part of that child's life, right up until the time they are a college student. Student Credit Cards 101 If you're a college student, you probably already have a credit card. If not, you may have plans to get one or more soon. So why should you read on? Big Brother Knows Whats in Your Credit Report - How About You? Whether you are aware of it or not, credit bureaus have been keeping tabs on you and how you use credit. When it's time for you to apply for a mortgage, credit card, or personal loan, your credit report is what lenders look at to decide to approve you or not. Negotiating Rates with Your Credit Card Company Ok, let's face it, everybody hates high credit card rates, and they drain hard earned money out of your wallet. As a valued consumer, it is apparent that you learn how to negotiate to get the absolute best rate that you possibly can. The good news however is that it doesn't have to be a difficult or time-consuming process. In fact, it can be very easy indeed if you know what you're doing. In this article we will discuss the ins and outs of credit card negotiating to ensure that you get the best possible rate with the least amount of effort. To Repair Credit Is No longer Satisfactory - Learn How To Earn A Millionaires Credit In 30 Days... To repair your bad credit does not necessarily mean that you now have a good credit, absolutely not. Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 2 In my previous article "Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 1" I discussed the need for a good credit history and what lenders were looking for prior to loaning an individual money or additional funds based on their credit history. This article will go into the necessary steps someone needs to take in order to initially establish their credit history. |
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